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This rule book is a non-profit Fan-Based RPG Role-Playing Game Not intended for commercial release Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT and Dragonball Super are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama. Please support the official release. Any and all copyrighted material used in this publication belongs to the respective individual or group that has declared legal ownership and in no way does the creator or others involved in the creation of this publication own said copyrighted material. This is not a supplement for, nor is this publication based on, “Dragon Ball Z: The Anime Adventure Game” created by R. Talsorian Games.
Special Thanks! The Dragon Ball Z Pen & Paper Role-Playing Game was written by James Porter and created with the assistance of his closest and dearest friends. Special thanks to those friends and the other online resources which help create this publication. AlmightyK Sir Avestain Booggieman2u Vareg Newbie Rabid-Duck-King
Sarcin SeventhDiatribe Sinaaq Sir Quinton Steelbraxus
Dragon Ball Z Role-Playing Game Mission Statement Our mission is to create the best and most trusted fan created role-playing game engine for Dragon Ball z on
the internet. Our aim is to establish an emotional connection and community with our players around the world through our inspiring periodical. To support the growth of our publication through a thriving and numerous base of fans from all generations and ages.
TABLE of Contexts
Introduction∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Page 6
Equipment∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Page 70
Character Creation∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Page 15
Combat∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Page 75
The Basics Expanded Universe Playability Experience Points Attributes Races & Species
Character Features∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Page 34 Skills Merits Z-Soul
Signature Techniques∙ ∙ ∙ ∙Page 51 Energy Attack Types Advantages Disadvantages
Transformation∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Page 60 Great Namekain Ozaru Legendary Super Saiyan Metamorphosis
Consumables Capsules Weapons
Combat Sequence Taking your turn Attacking & Defending Expanded actions in combat Attack modifiers
Storyteller∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Page 95 Tools Training System Enemies Campaign Types Examples
Credits & Thanks∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Page 112 Character Sheets Recognitions Acknowledgments
Index∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ Page 116
Chapter One The Prologue to Battle! Welcome to the Dragon World “Long, long ago, in a deep, dark forest far from civilization, beyond a towering range of… well, you get the idea. It’s the place a story like this has to begin…”
Welcome to the World of Dragon Ball Z
The Game
Dragon Ball Z is a mystical action adventure Over the past ten years we have been steadily game of riveting stories, driven by extraordiworking on bring the magical and mythical nary characters that embody the essence of world of Dragon Ball to pen and paper. Rework good and evil. It is a game filled with magical after rework and failure after failure, myself moments of wonder that reveal the charm, huand my gaming group have drove closer and mor, strengths, weaknesses and follies of the closer to a balance and working system that characters adventures, wise sages and diaboliimplements all the best moments, fun and fan cal villains that make up its casts of players. loved entertainment as the show did. My goal, The most unique aspect of the DragonBall Z our goal is to be the number one go to fan base universe is the DragonBalls. It is said that he Dragon Ball RPG on the internet with fans from who holds the seven crystal DragonBalls will be near and far creating their own legendary Drag- granted one wish by the Eternal Dragon which on Ball adventures right in their own living is summoned by gathering together all seven of rooms. So, sit down and grab your; orange the balls. The wish may be for power, untold juice or apple juice or beer, yay beer, and let’s wealth or even immortality - - the possibilities smash some faces. are endless. However, he who seeks to have his wish granted is wise to choose his desire What you’ll need to play carefully, for once the wish is granted, the Here’s what you’ll need to start playing the DragonBalls are once again scattered to the Dragon Ball Z roleplaying game: four corners of the planet, where they await the next determined wish seeker. This publication, of course, which contains all the rules and guides needed in order to create Storyteller System a character and play the game. The storyteller or Game Master is responsible for the narrative flow, creating the scenario and A copy of the character sheet (found at the setting in which the game takes place, mainback of this book) taining the pace and providing dynamic feedback. In the storyteller role, the GM is responsi A pencil or pen and some scratch paper ble for describing the events of the game session and making rulings about game situations Lots of ten sided dice (enough to blow up the and effects based on the decisions made by the moon should do it) players. Introduction
Getting Started
General Over Specific
The First Rule
The Law
So before we jump into this crazy, kick ass epic that is the Dragon Ball Z engine lets cover some basics. Over the next few pages the core system of the game will be explain and lay the framework and foundation for the rest of the Rulebook. “Strap in cupcake!”
The first rule for every player to know and probably the most important rule is never forget to have fun. RPG’s are all about bringing friends together, having fun and sharing in laugher and joy. Alright, now assuming that your group has a Storyteller and a storyline or plot, there are several rules and regulations that players should be aware of. So first off the DragonBall Z Core Rulebook is setup like an instruction book and each chapter will help complete the last and build onto the next. First we will cover the core mechanics of the game and setup the system so that players and Storytellers will know how the DragonBall Z engine works inside and out. Then we’ll drive straight into creating the prefect Z-warrior for you, followed by some pretty cool tech and goodies and finishing off with the combat sandwich; the heart of the DragonBall z engine.
Specific rules hold rank over general rules, meaning if a general rule, such as standard success rate is eight and a specific rule, such as improved success rate says lower a characters success rate by one, would supersede the general rule.
Game Master has the final say, if they decide to change a rule or make a judgment called, or simply wish to change how something works out in the game world or Rulebook they reserve that right. Players should adhere to the change and honor it, if there is any disagree it is encourage discussing the change outside of the game or after the game is over.
The Dragon Ball Z engine uses a dice pool system that uses ten sided dice to resolve actions during gameplay. References to dice and pools refer to the ten sided dice (d10s) you’re rolling. Roll 3d10, for instance, refers to rolling three ten sided dice.
A Success is when a player rolls a D10 and scores an eight or better. Eight is the standard Continuity Success Rate for everyone from players to Many times throughout this Rulebook we will Storyteller. A Success determines rather or not make reference to the ability for players and a character effectively stuck an enemy or Storytellers to make changes as they see fit. If passed a check to escape a narrow passage as a rule or a guideline isn’t working for the group it closed. DBZ uses this style of system for all free feel to make a change, however, as an ed- aspects of its engine. A character’s Success itorial note the rules and guides were design Rate cannot, even though trickery, be lower and built around the system as a whole and than six. groups are encouraged to keep the continuity of the Rulebook by adhering to as many guides Dice Modifiers and rule as they can. Modifiers in the Dragon Ball Z engine typically refer to either Bonus Dice or Penalty Dice. A Defender Wins Bonus Die is a die that you add to your In the case of a tie in any instance or other pool. A Penalty Die is a die that is removed questionably situations with two or more parfrom your pool. Gobble Dice or Nullification ties are involved the defender will always win. Dice refer to the same thing - the removal of If in any moment or circumstances this rule successes after you’ve already made your roll. seems inappropriate the party with the highest We’ll expand upon this here in a minute. bonus, skill or attribute wins. Introduction
Critical Success
As covered, players then roll their constructed A critical success is scored when a die roll redice pools and count their successes, critical sult is a ten this number is called the Critical successes and Gobble Dice. Rate. A critical success grants a Bonus When under a Passive Obstruction compare Dice to the players current pool. Typically the number of successes to a number called a critical success is when a ten is rolled, howDifficulty Class (DC). ever, there are a few ways in which characters When under a Active Obstruction compare the can lower this number. A character’s Critical number of successes to the number of successRate cannot, even though trickery, be low - es achieved by the storyteller or obstacle. er than eight. Success Chart
Counts as a critical success scoring one success and granting a bonus die to the dice pool.
Results as a standard success
Counts as a failed attempt these results are discarded.
Counts as a critical failure, nullifying one success. Start with the highest dice rolled and work down. If a ten is nullified then the bonus dice is also nullified.
The Core Mechanics
So you’re a few pages in now and probably wondering where in the hell are all the crazy numbers, multipliers and charts. It’s okay, when we got here we wondered the same thing too. For starters the Dragonball z engine uses a single, standard mechanic to in nearly every aspect of the game. Whenever a character attempts to perform an action that has some chance of failure or roll involved the following should happen.
Passive Obstruction
This means that the obstacle the player is attempting to overcome is static. These can be anything from forces of nature (flying against strong winds or looking through fog) or otherwise unchanging obstacles (making a long jump or tossing a frog in the way of an oncoming Ki attack)
Active Obstruction
This means the obstacle is a threat that is actively rolling against a player. This can be anything from an enemy combatant to training sparring with allies or otherwise a obstacle which isn’t static and constantly changing.
Difficulty Class
The Difficulty Class is a number associated with an action that represents how hard that action is to do. When the game engine checks to see if an action succeeds, it will roll a given amount of d10s and add any relevant modifiers to that number. If the resulting number meets or exceeds the difficulty class of the action, the ac The player adds the values of the relevant ap- tion succeeds. A very common example is titude (Attribute, skill) to a dice pool. when a character must perform a saving throw, Add any relevant modifiers (Bonus dice and so that is what we will use as our example. Penalty dice).
Enter the Dragonball Z Universe
the cosmos; notably, North Kai’s planet is at the end of Snake Way which starts at the Check-In Station. There are roads leading to each of the Kai’s planets also. The Grand Kai’s planet is above Heaven. Then there is planet Kaioshins, the top-tier deities of the universe who watch over both the Other World and the Living Universe live here, it is located outside the ball that makes up the entirely of the universe. The Kaioshins are Gods of Creation who provide the catalyst for life and planets to be born. In order to provide a balance to the constantly increasing number of planets, the God of Destruction regularly destroys life and planets. There are ten Gods of Destruction, one for each universe. Lord Beerus is the God of Destruction of the Seventh Universe.
Now that we have covered the basics and the major core mechanics of the Dragon Ball Z engine lets take some time to dive into the DBZ universe and learn about the realm and those who inhabit it. We’ll cover the physical description of the DBZ universe, the magical DragonBalls and each of Dragon Balls the characters rac- Dragon Balls are the namesake artifact of the es that are availa- North quadrant and the DragonBall Z engine. ble for play. They are orange, crystalline sphere with the ability to call forth the Eternal Dragon Shenron who has the ability to grant wishes to anyone The Dragon Ball Z Realm who gathers all seven of them in one place. The universe is the totality of existence, inThe Dragon Balls were and are created by the cluding plants, star, and galaxies, the contacts peaceful farming warrior race called of intergalactic space, and all mater and ener- Namekians. Namekians live on planet Namek gy. There are twelve Universes in the Dragon which located in the North quadrant of the Ball Z realm and in the Seventh Universe is Living Universe, 4339 years and 3 months where the plant Earth is located. The Dragon away from Earth with normal modern day Ball Z Cosmos is imagined as big ball. This ball technology. The only other known planet to is divided up in two halves: the lower half is have Dragon Balls, besides planet Namek, is the realm of the living or the Living Universe planet Earth. However, the Dragon Balls from and the upper half is Other World or The Cos- planet Namek are much stronger than those mos with Hell located between the two halves. of Earth. The Namek dragon Porunga can The Demon realm is located at the bottom of grant up to three wishes at a time with the the Living Universe and the Sacred World of ability to bring someone back from the dead the Kais exists on the outside of the entirely of more than once, where Earth’s balls can only the universe. The realm of the living is divided grant a single wish and can only bring someinto four quadrants based on the cardinal dione back from the dead once. Wish seekers rections. There is a single Check-In Station for beware the Dragon Balls are deactivated for a the four quadrants of the realm of the living, year after every wish, disguising themselves which allows its inhabitants to go to the Other as stones and scattering to the four corners of World. Quadrants ruled by a Kai chosen from the world. the Shin-jins which are from the Planet Kaishin. The Kai live in the Other World, on planets positioned at the four cardinal points of Introduction
ral powers compared to some other species Earthling characters are able to keep up with the best of them. Coupled with the desire to never fail and unparalleled heroism earthling characters are without a doubt the superman of the DragonBall z universe. Notably, characters play as a either a true-blue human or as a anthropomorphic animal it is up to the players imagination.
Saiyan Species of the Living Universe
Over the next few pages we are going to cover the playable races in the Dragon Ball Z engine. We have narrowed down our selection of races to six of the most iconic and memorable. We only cover Dragon Ball Z up to and including the Prefect Cell Saga for a large verity of reasons to which not even Frieza could beat out of Us. So for now let’s get started…
Earthling, often referred to as just humans, are the main inhabitants of the planet Earth. They share the planet with other intelligent life forms, including anthropomorphic animals. They are even led by an anthropomorphic dog named King Furry. In fact, 1% of Earthlings are half-breeds with some other race, 7% are monster-type, 17% are animal-type, and that 75% are the regular true blue human-type. With the exception of uncommon hair colors and occasionally odd features (ranging from longer lifespans to werewolfism), Earthlings are identical to real-life man. Humans in the Dragon Ball Z world also seem to be able to utilize or be affected by certain elements of magic.
Earthling Playability
Saiyans are a naturally aggressive warrior race who nearly all obliterated by a powerful Arcosian named Frieza. The saiyans are a fighting race who, since ancient times, has lived a violent and inhumane lifestyle, where they attack numerous planets to build up wealth and goods. Saiyans are from the planet Vegeta originally named planet Plant. The Saiyan used to share the planet with another raced the Tuffles, after many years of war the Saiyans destroyed nearly all the Truffles on planet Vegeta. Saiyan are able to breathe in lower to almost no atmosphere and typically can survive in no atmosphere minutes longer than any other race. Before the destruction of planet Vegeta the Saiyan race as a whole we employed by Frieza as hired mercenaries in a galactic planet trading scheme. Saiyans are known not only physical physique, but the appearance of tails from their lower back.
Earthling characters are the ever heroic and vigilant defenders of the planet Earth willing to protect her at all cost. Filled with moments of heroism earthling players will never experience a dull moment. Even with, obvious, less natuIntroduction
mations, Ozaru and the Legendary Super Saiyan which are listed and described in the Transformation Chapter. Saiyans bring pure, raw, unadulterated power to the battlefield.
A termed used to describe a Saiyan not from the Planet Vegeta and not of pure blood. All known half-breed Saiyans are part earthling and part Saiyan. This mixture seems to create a powerful fusion between the two races granting the offspring abilities of both species. It is known that a Half-Saiyan can transform into a Legendary Super Saiyan as well. They are born with a tail and the ability to transform into Ozaru during the full moon. There are mixed feelings in the remaining Saiyan socially about half-breeds, yet many times they aren’t view any different than pure bloods. With no home planet and generally being raised “earthling” many Half-Saiyans are much more, personality wise, different than pure bloods. Having been raised on Earth seems to have a great effect on them, and even when full blood Saiyans have extended stays on Earth they too are affected, causing them to be much calmer and nicer.
Known by many names; Arcosians, Frost Demons and Glaeris. Not much is known of their origins, or their home planet. Seemly very rare and manly solitary from others of their race, the Arcosians are believed to live on a naturally cold planet with gravity hundreds of times stronger than Earth’s. One of the strongest races in the North Galaxy, it seems most of the known Arcosians are part of the Planet Trade Organization, if not the leaders themselves. Arcosians seem to view mercy only as a way to get oneself killed and are willing to destroy anyone who they view as a threat. This leads to the assumption that as a civilization, or just an inherent untrusting nature, Arcosian social is generally deceitful. So little is known about the Arcosians there is very little history to speak of. It is known that they are able to survive outside of atmosphere. More importantly as they gain power, they create Saiyan & Half-Saiyan Playabil- for themselves new forms to disguise their power levels from opponents and allies alike. ity Without a doubt one of the most powerful (It is important to note in the Dragon Ball Z combatants in the North Quadrant and more engine to achieve this type of effect Arcosian than likely known universe, Saiyan are known abilities are slightly altered. You will read more for their natural combat skill and ability to im- about that in the transformation section later.) prove after each battle. Searching for a good, yet always fair, fight Saiyan characters will also be up for a bout. Saiyans also have two special and almost equal power transforIntroduction
Arcosian Playability
physical properties it is no surprise to learn the Cunning and menacing Arcosians as a species Namekians are able to extend their limbs beare rather cold creatures. Willing to step on the yond their normal lengths and grow many small guy for a shot at power, however, there times their normal size. Namekians also have are some Arcosians who are capable of showing amazing hearing and it is rumored that some compassion to the weak and, to a certain excan hear across the universe, although this tent, mercy and patience. Arcosians are defimight not be completely actuated. In addition nitely one of the most powerful damage dealers Namekians have a rather great resistance to of the DragonBall Z engine, not to say they colder climates. All this coupled with rare, if at can’t be out classed. Arcosians also have the all, eating habits and typically only drinking waability to transform or Metamorphosis which is ter Namekains are strong, powerful and peacelisted and described in the Transformation ful warriors. Namek is also home to the Dragon Chapter. Balls, it is unsure if all Namekians can create them or just a selected few from special blood Namekians lines. What is known is that is takes great paNamekians are tients, time and a pure heart. from the planet Namek; they are Namekain Playability humanoid, born Peaceful warriors and powerful healers coupled from eggs, with with unmatched sense Namekians are strong slug-like charac- and reliable fighters. They host a number of teristics, includ- natural abilities from Fission, Super Hearing, ing green skin, Telepathy and even the ability to create some pink patches and objects out of thin air. Universal in combat, antennae. They Namekians cover all the bases from; physical seem to be instrength, powerful energy, jack-of-all-trades, to stantly recogimpenetrable nizable by many defender. space-faring rac- Namekians es, at one point have a host in the not-tooof tools at distant past the their disposal Namekians used most notable to trade with oth- are healing er off-world civili- and Fission zations as well as which are travel through covered in space. However, there was a great cataclysm later chapon Namek which destroyed nearly all the natu- ters. ral resources on the planet and ever since then the Namekians have become secluded. It is believe that just over one hundred Namekians remain on their home planet, but this number is not confirmed. Namekians are natural healers and even beyond that are strong warriors. Able to recover from physical damage quickly and even regrow lost limbs. With such powerful Introduction
Artificial humans are robotic/cyborg humans, most of them created by the evil scientist Dr. Gero. Android are said to have unlimited energy and eternal life. Due to their inorganic nature, they also have no aura or Ki to sense. There are three types of androids, those with unlimited power supply and nearly without drawbacks, those that need constant intake of energy, usually stolen from victims, to keep their power reservoir from draining, which would cause the android to malfunction and the third kind are bio-androids which seem to have the abilities of both the latter. With nearly limitless possibilities and boundless power Androids are powerful warriors.
Android Playability
Powerful constructs built and created for battle, never slowing down, never giving up. Able to take extreme damage and dishing it out. Androids are deadly and commanding characters on the battlefield. Android characters are said to have unlimited energy coupled with this Characters cannot sense Android’s Ki, nor can they be tracked by any sort of Ki tracking device. The prefect warrior.
cluded only these species for a verity of reasons. Additional races include; Ogres, Tuffles, Makaioshin, Demons, and many, many other unnamed Alien races. Due to the sheer vast amount of species we just couldn’t cover them all. However, players and their storytellers are encouraged to create and discuss other races in the DragonBall z realm for storytelling or for play,
Other Races
There are many, other seemly countless, races in the Dragon Ball Z universe. Here we cover the main and notable spices in the DragonBall z realm up and including the Perfect Cell Saga and featured movies up to that point. We inIntroduction
Chapter Two The birth of the mightiest warrior! “I am the strongest warrior in the universe! No one can compare to me!”
CHARACTER creation
Character Creation
In this section we will cover the basics for character creation, attributes and the specific bonuses and traits each playable race has. Creation of a character is the Dragon Ball Z engine follows a series of relatively simple steps. First we are going to cover experience points the vital spark of the character development and advancement. Experience points allow a character to increase everything from attributes to signature techniques to skills and traits. Then we will dive into each of the following steps in detail and you can start creating your very own Z-Warrior. “Grab a beer, the fun begins right now!”
1. Character Concept
3. Basic Attributes
Determine what your character’s basic attributes are. They’re the framework for your character’s actual abilities in-game, so be careful when you pick them!
4. Race Selection
Your race will inform the traits and aptitudes of your character, your aptitudes in turn help determine how your character will develop by making some attributes and skills easier to purchase.
5. Skills
Specialize your character by picking up some skills to fortify your attributes with.
Before you get knee deep in lists and numbers you’re going to want to consider what kind of character you want to create. What are your character’s basic abilities? What are their awesome powers? Peruse a few of the next chapters. Anything jump out at you? Use that concept and run from there. Maybe you want to base a character off of your favorite character from another television show, comic book, anime or manga. Just jot down some notes and refer to them along the process.
6. Merits
2. Check with your Storyteller
Determine your Life Points, Ki Points, Power Level and all other essential blank lines.
After coming up with the character concept make sure to run it by your Game Master to see if it’s appropriate for the game. Maybe you want to play as an alien but the campaign will be a pulp kung-fu affair. Maybe you’re using powers that don’t exist in the setting the GM has created.
Character Creation
Special specific feats to flesh out your characters utilities.
7. Z-Soul
Time for some abstract shenanigans. Pick a Z-Soul for your character, breathing some life in to them! Want play a noble warrior who recuses cats or a evil villain who puts cats in really tall trees.
8. Finishing Touches
9. Signature Techniques
Woah! Remember that one time one of the Zwarriors screamed their attack names out loud? Well guess what now you can scream random attack names at your friends!
Experience Points
spend experience points on. So we design an An Experience point is a unit of measurement additional system called Game Path to the used in many role-playing games (RPGs) to Dragon Ball z engine. At any point, during quantify a player character’s progression character creation or several session into a through the game. Experience points are gen- game the storyteller can chose to increase the erally awarded for the completion of quests, game’s path. What does that mean you ask? overcoming obstacles and opponents, and for Every game in the DBZ engine starts out as a successful role-playing. Experience points can Heroic Game w hich is the standard by the be spent to help improve characters ability in book rule set that you are reading and learning combat and in role-play. it is important to keep now. Storytellers can give players access to track of a character running total experience two more Game Paths; Paragon and Legendbecause it might come into play later in the ary. These game types change nothing your game. In the spirit of keeping numbers, about the rules or game play or how the engine math and systems consistent we kept the works. They simply increase the mechanical spending and gaining of Experience points low, hard caps or dot limits of the player’s character but ultimately it is up to your storyteller. sheet. A Paragon Path lets players increase all Attributes: Twelve experience points plus their aptitudes to ten dots instead of the norcurrent dots in the respective attribute. mal five and a Legendary Path lets players in Skills: Six points plus current of the respec- crease their aptitudes to fifteen dots. tive skill. Heroic: Standard Game play Signature Techniques: Ten experience Paragon: Increase the hard cap of all Attribpoints. utes, Skills and Power Level by five dots. Merits: Varies between Five and Twelve ex- Legendary: Increase the hard cap of all Atperience points. tributes, Skills and Power Level by ten dots . Power Level: Fifteen experience points. If a storyteller wishes to start a game on the Game Difficultly Heroic Path then later change is to Paragon and Want characters to run for their lives? What the then again to Legendary they can do so. Howbad guys to scream in terror, pick a game diffi- ever, note that if players go from Paragon to a culty. Characters gain an amount of bonus ex- Legendary game their aptitudes are only inperience points to spend on their character de- creased to fifteen. pending on the difficultly of the game. A game’s storyteller will decided the difficulty during character creation. This experience value gives the a game more difficulty or less difficulty. Standard: Characters get 10 experience Points. Easy: Characters get 20 experience Points. Moderate: Characters get 15 experience Points. Hard: No additional experience Points.
Game Path
So role-playing games last a single session some last months and others years. At some point character’s eventually run out of things to Character Creation
Physical Stature
group simply Before we jump into attributes and racial traits multiply a charlets cover a few small rules for every character, acters’ Speed There are many different body types in the by thirty. While DragonBall z realm we cover only five sizes; flying or in the they naturally range from one to five. Size one air characters’ would be the height of kid goku or Chiaotzu. Speed is found Characters that are size two, roughly Krillin or by adding toteen gohan’s height. When characters chose to gether their be size three they range from vegeta to Tien Flight skill and Shinhan’s height, this size grants no additional Reflex attribbenefits though. Being size four would be the ute plus size height of Android 16 to Recoome. Size five modifier and roughly the size of King Cold or super evolution multiplying the form Cooler. Each category grants players bototal by thirty nuses and some penalties for their Physical yards while in Stature. At this point you might starting combat and outseeing some terms or rules mentioned you are side of combat sure what they do. Keep calm we will explain by one hundred yards. For every five speed a them to you in the up coming chapters. character has the gain one Defense. Size one: +1 Defense, +2 Initiative, +2 Speed, -1 Physical Attack and –1 Physical Dots Damage Value. You probably hear the word Dots mentioned a Size Two: +2 Initiative, +2 Speed, -1 Physi- few times over the past section. Dots are the cal Attack. means by which nearly all characteristic rating Size Three: This size grants no additional are represented in our game system. Rather benefits than using numbers like most RPGs we wanted Size Four: +1 Physical Attack, +1 Physical to use a rate system. Everything is rated from Damage Value, and -1 Initiative, -1 Speed, one to five, though some may rise as high as Size Five: +2 Physical Attack and +2 Physiten or more depending on the Game Path, in cal Damage Value, -1 Defense, -1 Initiative, either case, the characteristic is represent on -1 Speed. the character sheet by a number of circles called Dots, which are filled in from left to right. Speed Example: A characteristic with a maximum A character’s size also helps determine their of 5 dots whose current rating was three Speed; a character’s Speed determines how would be represented on a character sheet far they can travel on the ground and in the air. like this: Speed is a combination of a character’s Example: A characteristic with a maximum Dexterity and Reflex attributes and size of 10 dots whose current rating was six modifier. Size modifier is listed above with the would be represented on a character sheet Physical Stature of the character. M ultiply like this: a character’s Speed by five yards, so a character with a Speed of three can travel up to fifDots are easy to understand (as they reteen yards on the ground in a turn in combat. semble the star rating systems used for movie Outside of combat characters Speed is typically reviews or hotel ratings) and practical to use determined by the storyteller for role-play pur- (they remove the need to erase old information poses, but if that doesn’t work for your gaming when improving a player's characteristic) . Character Creation
Attributes are the lifeblood of a character and they are divided into four respective Trees; Physical, Energy, Mental and Protection. At character creation a player will pick one tree to be their Primary, one to be their Secondary, then Tertiary and Auxiliary. This will help player determine the staying type of character they want to be. A character’s Primary Tree gets four dots to be placed in any of the three attributes. Character’s Secondary Tree gets three dots to be placed, their Tertiary gets two dots and their Auxiliary gets one. These free points must be spent at character creation and players cannot increase any attribute over three with these points. Remember that some races also gain special bonuses to specific stats so spend wisely, additionally all attributes start with one dot automatically. To increase an attribute dot characters can spend Experience points . New attribute dots cost Twelve Experience points plus current dots in the respective attribute. Information: Attribute increases cost twelve experience points plus current dots in the respective attribute being increased. Primary Tree: Four dots Secondary Tree: Three dots Tertiary Tree: Two Dots Auxiliary Tree: One Dots Example: Rohan increases his strength attribute by one, its current value is three. Rohan pays fifteen experience points increasing his strength to four.
Attribute Trees
Physical: Strength, Dexterity, Stamina Energy: Power, Precision, Manipulation Mental: Perception, Wits, Intelligence Protection: Constitution, Reflex, Endurance
Character Creation
Physical Attributes Strength
-Strength (STR) – Is the raw, brute power of a character. It governs how much weight a character can lift, how much he can physically push and how hard he can hit another character or object. For each dot in STR characters increase Physical Damage Pool by one. • Poor: yamcha is stronger than you! •• Average: Mr. Satan is jealous. ••• Good: Arm wrestle the Ox-King, not bad. •••• Exceptional: You broke the punch machine, again. ••••• Outstanding: Cut this rock in half, with your fist. Guidelines: The character can automatically lift objects that weigh up to 1 level below their strength rating. To successfully lift at their maximum strength level, or higher, a strength roll is required.
-Dexterity (DEX) – The dexterity attributes measures a character’s general physical prowess. It encompasses the character’s speed, agility and overall quickness, as well as indicating the character’s ability to manipulate objects with control and precision. For each dot in DEX characters increase Physical Attack Pool by one. • Poor: You are clumsy and awkward. Put the gun down before you hurt yourself. •• Average: You’re no clod, but you’re no ballerina, either. ••• Good: You possess some degree of athletic potential. •••• Exceptional: You could be an acrobat if you wished. ••••• Outstanding: Your movements are liquid and hypnotic – almost superhuman.
-Stamina (STAM) – The stamina trait reflects a character’s physical shape and ability to perform physical task. It indicates how long a character can exert themselves and how much they can take before becoming exhausted. For each dot in STAM a character gains eight Life Points. Additionally No skill in the physical tree may exceed a number of dots equal to a character’s STAM score. • Poor: Short on breathe. •• Average: Power Walker! ••• Good: Running is fun! •••• Exceptional: A 10k that is nothing. ••••• Outstanding: I run marathons, around the earth.
Energy Attributes Power
-Power (POW) – Power is the unyielding force over Ki a character has. It determines a characters energy strength, how hard an attack is and how much damage it causes. For each dot in POW characters increase their Energy Damage Pool by one. • Poor: You can break a flower pot. •• Average: You are moderately dangerous, to yourself. ••• Good: You can destroy boulders. •••• Exceptional: Exploding a man is no small laughing matter. ••••• Outstanding: Moon? What moon, boom!
- Precision (PEC) – Is the raw energy characters wield and use to for energy based actions. Every living thing has Ki rather small or large amounts. Ki is the essence of life and life cannot exist without it and Ki cannot exist without life. For each dot in PEC characters increase Energy Attack Pool by one. • Poor: You can breathe. •• Average: Have visible energy. ••• Good: “I mediate a foot of the ground.” •••• Exceptional: Flying is no big deal, assumed everyone could do it. Character Creation
••••• Outstanding: I eat truck for breakfast, a boat for lunch and a plane for dinner.
-Manipulation (MAN) – Manipulation measures a character’s ability to control their Ki and its enormous power. No skill in the energy tree may exceed a number of dots equal to a character’s MAN score. In addition MAN is use when shooting into combat. • Poor: “I think I can, I think I can.” ••Average: Close your eyes and squeeze. ••• Good: “Hey wanna see what I can do?” •••• Exceptional: Playing with fire, you don’t get burned. ••••• Outstanding: “I have the power!”
Mental Attributes Perception
- Perception (PER) – Perception measures a character’s ability to observe his environment This may involve a conscious effect, but it is more often intuitive, as the character’s keen senses notice something out of the ordinary. Used for skill checks that deal with the senses, PER is also used to determine the number of Actions a player can make each round during or encounter. • Poor: Perhaps you are absurdly selfabsorbed, perhaps merely an airhead; in any event, even the most obvious details elude you. •• Average: You are oblivious to the very subtle, but aware of the bigger picture. ••• Good: You perceive moods, textures and minuscule changes in your environment. •••• Exceptional: Almost nothing evades your notice. ••••• Outstanding: You instantly observe things almost imperceptible to the human sense.
- Wits (WITS) – The wits trait measures a character’s ability to think on their feet and react quickly to a certain situation. It also reflects a character’s general cleverness. Characters with low wits scores have think and mentally lethargic, or maybe gullible and unsophisticated. By contrast, characters with high wits traits almost always have a plan immediately and adapt to their surroundings with striking expedience. Characters with high wits also manage to keep their cool in stressful situation. Used for skills checks that deal with mental alertness and when a character is determining their initiative score. • Poor: Pull my finger. •• Average: You know when to bet or fold in poker. ••• Good: You are seldom surprised or left speechless. •••• Exceptional: You’re one of the people who make others think, “Ooh, I should have said….” The next day. ••••• Outstanding: You think and respond almost more quickly than you can act.
cludes critical thinking and flexibility of thought. Used for skill checks that deal with the knowledge or critical thinking. In addition no skill in the mental tree may exceed a number of dots equal to a character’s INT score. Intelligence is also used when shooting energy attacks into combat. • Poor: Not the sharpest knife in the drawer (IQ 80) •• Average: Smart enough to realize you’re normal (IQ 100) ••• Good: More enlightened than the masses (IQ 120) •••• Exceptional: You’re not just bright, you’re downright brilliant (IQ 140) ••••• Outstanding: Certified genius (IQ 160+)
- Intelligence (INT) – The intelligence attribute refers to a character’s grasp of facts and knowledge. More importantly, however, it governs a character’s ability to reason, solve problems and evaluate situations. Intelligence is almost a misnomer, as the attribute also in-
Character Creation
Protection Attributes
•• Average: You get sick, you get over it. ••• Good: Apple a day keeps the doctor away. Constitution •••• Exceptional: I should need a license for - Constitution (CON) – The constitution trait re- these guns. Boom, Boom firepower. flects a character’s resilience and toughness. It ••••• Outstanding: Arnold is jealous. indicates how long a character can take punishment they can withstand before suffering phys- Choosing a Race ical trauma. For each dot in CON a character One of the largest factors that decides how increases their saving throw pool and steadfast your character interacts with the world around checks by one. it is the race that you choose to give them. • Poor: You bruise in a stiff wind. Each player begins with their the choice be•• Average: You are moderately healthy and tween two aptitudes and bonus skills They also can take a punch or two. have specific racial traits which only they have ••• Good: You are in good shape and rarely fall access to that can affect how they play. Your ill. choice of character race provides you with a •••• Exceptional: You can run – and perhaps basic set of advantages and special abilities. If win – any marathon you choose. you’re a physically powerful character, you ••••• Outstanding: Your constitution is truly might be stubborn Saiyan, a graceful Arcosian, Herculean. or a fierce Namekain. If you’re an energy slinger, are make a brave human or nearly in destructible Android. Your character race not only Reflex - Reflex (REF) – A Reflex save represents affects your ability scores and powers but also physical (and sometimes mental) agility, incor- provides the first cues for building your characporating quickness, nimbleness, hand-eye coter’s story. ordination, overall coordination, speed, and reaction time. Reflex saves involve a character’s Races & Species ability to move out of the way of an incoming In this book players can pick from some of the object or attacks. For each dot in REF characmost iconic ones; Humans, Saiyans, ters increase defense value by one. Namekains, Arcosians, Half-Saiyans and • Poor: “Where did that come from?” Androids. Each one has their ow n unique •• Average: Watch the ball. Racial Traits and abilities which make them ••• Good: Now watch closely or you will miss stand out among the crowd. Racial traits are it. exclusive to the respective species and cannot •••• Exceptional: Hell, thunder I am lighting! in any way be taken by a different race. It is ••••• Outstanding: I knew you were going to important to read each ability carefully for do it, before you know you were going to do it. some of their complexity might cause them to be misused. It is suggested that players and Endurance storyteller both read through the race section - Endurance (EUD) - Endurance save repreto fully understand the abilities. Some races sents physical toughness, incorporating stami- are inherently more powerful and simply better na, ruggedness, physique, bulk, metabolism, than others. To help encourage the usage of resistance, immunity, and other similar physi- “lesser races” and create a role-playing group cal qualities. No skill in the protection tree may with diversity, we have gave each starting race exceed a number of dots equal to a character’s a bonus experience value to purchase additionEUD score, EUD also grants a character eight al aptitudes. These values shouldn’t be altered Life Point for each dot. and stack or are combinable with the Game • Poor: You are two sticks and some flesh. Difficulty bonus being used the storyteller. Character Creation
Extend Universe
It is important to remember not all information about each race in the DragonBall Z universe is listed in this section. This section only covers the game mechanics for each race. They are other benefits; some not so combat driven and other much more role-playing driven. Check out the Extend Universe section in the Introduction Chapter.
Active Abilities
Active abilities are special Racial Traits, Skills and abilities that can be activated by a player for a cost or at will. The cost can be almost anything; such as sacrificing a action, paying Ki points or paying life points. These abilities typically aren’t labeled as such, but are easy to recognize. Example: The Namekain racial perk Cellular Proliferation allows them to spend Ki points to increase their restore value.
Racial Traits
Racial Traits are abilities unique to each race. They can enhance your character’s skills, abilities, or other statistics and even grant players interesting capabilities. Character’s start with all the Traits listed in the next section for the respective race. Important to note that some Traits are listed, but not described in sort of mechanical value, that is because they are listed and detailed in other chapter of the Rulebook and will be labeled at such. Players are encouraged to read the Expanded Universe, Racial Traits, Race and Transformation areas to gain the full scope of a specific race.
Passive Abilities
These types of abilities are always active and characters always have the benefits. Racial Traits and most all abilities in this rulebook typically aren’t labeled as such, but are easy to recognize. If there are any questions it is encouraged storyteller and players talk discuss the abilities qualities. Example: The human racial trait called perseverance allows human characters to always reroll all dice results of one.
Sustain value
A Sustain Value is the cost or up-keep a player must pay each round to keep an ability active. This is to help keep the balance and insure stability of combat is even and smooth. Storytellers might find this rule unsatisfying; another suggestion is to allow these abilities to only be used every so many rounds such as three or five rounds; to “recharge” the ability. Storytellers might also forgo these rules all together, however, if they do so it is important to note the rules were made with character’s Racial Traits and other abilities having limits. Character Creation
Earthling (人間, Ningen) Racial Qualities Average Height: 4’5” – 6’5” Average Weight: 160 – 220 lb. Average Size: Medium (1-3) Vision: Normal Hearing: Normal Racial Attribute: Select one attribute and increase its value by +1 Racial Skills: Select any two skills and increase their values by +1 Starting Experience: Eighteen (18 Xp) Racial Traits: Perseverance, Heroic Fury, Quick to Master, Mythical Resistance
Heroic Fury
Earthling players are able to re-roll any die roll that results in a one; this includes all dice rolls, even when confirming criticals. No single die may be rolled more than twice, meaning characters cannot re-roll a ready re -rolled dice. Don’t keep re-rolling the same die if it keeps rolling a one. You can not reroll a re-reroll. Additionally, players reduce the DC for Steadfast by one to a minimum of one.
When players elect to combine an action with a Dragon Rush bonus they increase that bonus by an additional one. If players are using the effects of Dragon Rush to increase their defense temporary that bonus is also affected by Heroic Fury. Also, when using Dragon Rush for it’s offense bonuses Earthling can use Perseverance to re-roll die results of one and two.
Quick to Master
Humanity as a race has shown that they are incredibly talented. They have managed to become one of the most powerful races in the universe through their mastery of skills. When purchasing skills, Earthling may purchase Attributes, skills, Signature Techniques, Traits and Power Level for two less experience points than normally required.
Mythical Resistance
When rolling a Steadfast check Earthlings gain a bonus Dragon Rush on rolls of eight or better. Character Creation
Blood of the Warrior
At the end of every combat encounter Saiyan characters gain an additional amount of experience points equal to the amount of Combat Fatigue they scored during the encounter. Each point of Combat Fatigue grants the character two experience points . Additionally, whenever a Saiyan character reaches their Wounded threshold they automatically gain a bonus three experience points.
Saiyan characters do not suffer from the effects of Combat Fatigue after scoring eight points. Instead they suffer a negative one to all dice rolls made during combat, to a minimum of one, for each Combat Fatigue point they suffer after ten points. Also, when Saiyan characters chose to Refresh they gain one additional Life Point back then normal.
Natural Combatant
While at any Life Point Threshold Saiyan characters are able to still able to gain Attack Modifiers. Saiyan characters can still score criticals while under the effects of any Life Point Thresholds and are not subjected to negative effects from any additional rules or affects which increase their steadfast target DC.
Saiyan Heritage
Saiyan characters have the arcane ability to transform in a giant ape known as the Ozaru, Saiyan character can only utilize this form if they have their tail and a full moon. Additionally, Saiyan characters have the radical transformation called Super Saiyan. Both of these transformation are explained in the Transformation Chapter.
Saiyan (サイヤ人, Saiya-jin) Racial Qualities Average Height: 4’5” – 6’5” Average Weight: 160 – 220 lb. Average Size: Medium (2-4) Vision: Normal Hearing: Normal Racial Attribute: +1 to either Strength or Endurance Racial Skills: +1 to Threat and Athletics Starting Experience: Eight (8 Xp) Racial Traits: Blood of the Warrior, Unyielding, Natural Combatants, Saiyan Heritage
Character Creation
Half-Saiyan (サイヤ人, Saiya-jin) Racial Qualities Average Height: 4’5” – 6’5” Average Weight: 120 – 220 lb. Average Size: Medium (2-4) Vision: Normal Hearing: Normal Racial Attribute: +1 to either Precision or Intelligence Racial Skills: Select any two skills and increase their values by +1 Starting Experience: Eight (8 Xp) Racial Traits: Bloody Perseverance, Warrior of Worlds, Raging Hero, Saiyan Heritage
Bloody Perseverance
At character creation a Half-Saiyan character can pick one of the following; either the Earthling Racial Perk Perseverance or Heroic Fury or; either the Saiyan Racial Perk Blood of the Warrior or Natural Combatant.
Warrior of the Worlds
When Half-Saiyan characters reach eight Combat Fatigue points they are receive bonus Dragon Rush. Additionally, if a Half-Saiyan character has eight Combat Fatigue points or more they gain a bonus two when electing to combine an action with a Dragon Rush. If players are using the effects of Dragon Rush to increase their defense temporary that bonus is also affected by Warrior of the Worlds.
Raging Hero
During a round, until the end of their next turn, when a Half-Saiyan character reaches the Life Point Threshold Wounded the character gains the Power Shot and Deadly Blow Attack Modifiers against all enemies in a combat encounter. Also, if a Half0Saiyan characters chose to Surge or Power Up they gain plus two bonus to those effects.
Saiyan Heritage
Half-Saiyan characters have the arcane ability to transform in a giant ape known as the Ozaru, Half-Saiyan character can only utilize this form if they have their tail and a full moon. Additionally, Half-Saiyan characters have the radical transformation called Super Saiyan. Both of these transformation are explained in the Transformation Chapter.
Character Creation
Superior Survivor
Arcosians have evolved in order to deal with a myriad of harmful environments. As such, they cannot suffocate or freeze for days in the vacuum of space, even while deathly wounded. Additionally, they cannot be poisoned. Moreover, their Devastated Threshold is increased by ten points.
Brutal Assault
When attacking the same enemy target, during a combat encounter, two or more consecutive Actions in a row Arcosian gains plus one to all attack pools, damage pools and damage values. These bonuses last until an Arcosian preforms an action that does not result in striking the target or they perform an action which is not an attack.
Cruel Intensions
During any round a target suffers damage from an Arcosian character they automatically fail their first Steadfast check. Notably, the affect target does not even gain the chance to roll a Steadfast check when a combat situation calls to do so, they simply automatically fail the roll and suffer the effects. This means the target cannot score s additional bonus Dragon Rush.
Arcosian characters are able to transform into small less powerful forms of themselves. They use this ability to hide their true power from their enemies; this ability also serves as a way to cause less stress to their bodies. Arcosian players start out in their base form or Suppressed Form and must learn how adapt to their more powerful forms. Metamorphosis is explained in the Transformation Chapter.
Arcosians (フリーザ一族, Furza Ichizoku) Racial Qualities Average Height: 4’5” – 8’0” Average Weight: 180 – 300 lb. Average Size: Medium (2-5) Vision: Normal Hearing: Normal Racial Attribute: +1 to Dexterity or Constitution Racial Skills: +1 to Defy and Accumulation Starting Experience: Ten (10 Xp) Racial Traits: Superior Survivor, Brutal Assault, Cruel Intensions, Metamorphosis
Character Creation
Namekain (ナメック星人, Namekkuseijin) Racial Qualities Average Height: 4’5” – 7’0” Average Weight: 130 – 220 lb. Average Size: Medium (2-5) Vision: Normal Hearing: Exceptional Racial Attribute: +1 to Perception or Stamina Racial Skills: +2 to Listen & +1 to Survival Starting Experience: Twelve (12 Xp) Racial Traits: Natural Resistance, Cellular Proliferation, Nobiru Ude, Fission
Natural Resistance
When rolling a Steadfast check Namekain character reduce the required DC by one, to a minimum of one. Additionally, reduce their Success Rate by one while attempting a Steadfast check.
Cellular Proliferation
Also known as Sai Sei, Namekain character can recover from extremely grievous wounds, even those which cause them to be amputated. Namekain can spend three Ki Points to restore lost limbs and Life Points, even during combat. Cellular Proliferation requires a Standard Action to preform, players spend three Ki Points and gain back a lost limb, 2 Life Points, or remove the effects of a Devastating or Crippling blow. Cellular Proliferation can provoke a Counter Action is melee combat range.
Nobiru Ude
Namekian characters with considerable effort, they can grow many times in size; this is called the Great Namekian form or Nobiru Ude. This ability takes considerable energy to preform, but grants the character increase physical strength and power. Nobiru Ude is explained in the Transformation Chapter. Namekains can also elongate their arms and legs, at will, this allows them to make physical attacks at range up to ten yards away; this type of attack can provoke a counter Action.
Namekain Unite
A Namekian can absorb the energy, strength, memories, and intelligence of another Namekain. Both participants must willingly consent to fuse in this manner. Once fused together characters will transfer all their known aptitudes over to the new character sheet, if the aptitudes is shared by both character simply pick the character with the high score and transfer their dots. The new character increases their Power Level to the highest between the fused characters plus an additional two. Character Creation
Androids Types
Androids (or cyborgs or bio-androids) are a form of artificial fighter pioneered by the Red Ribbon Army’s Dr. Gero. The programs have since been picked up and expanded upon by many black market organizations and defense contractors. They come in a wide variety of models, we cover the three main version portrayed in Dragon Ball Z; Artificial Construct, Cybernetic Organism and Bio-Engineered. Players can pick one of the three when choosing to create a Android character. Notably, Artificial Construct, Cybernetic Organism version do not require actual sleep or the consumption of food and water. They are also immune to all environmental affects.
Artificial Construct
These types of androids are made completely from artificial parts, their purely mechanical in Nature. If player choose this Android character they have gain the Racial Traits; Power Absorption, Concealed Ki and War Machine.
Cybernetic Organism
Cybernetic Organisms are androids created by mechanically modifying another specie. Their semi -mechanical with nearly endless power. Players that pick this type of Android character gain the Racial Traits; Unlimited Energy, Concealed Ki and Built for Battle.
Bio-Engineered or Bio-Androids are synthetic Androids composed using the cells of organic materials. Requiring them to eat sleep and general function like other races in the universe. Choosing this type of Android grants players any one Racial Trait from another race and the following; Organic Consumption and Synthetic Soul.
Androids (人造 間, Jinz ningen; lit. “Artificial Humans”) Racial Qualities Average Height: 4’5” – 8’0” Average Weight: 180 – 300 lb. Average Size: Medium (1-5) Vision: Normal Hearing: Exceptional Racial Attribute: +1 Reflex or Manipulation Racial Skills: +1 Accumulation & +1 Empower Starting Experience: Eight (8 Xp) Racial Traits: Artificial Construct, Built for Battle, Bio-Engineered
Character Creation
Concealed Power
Androids are able to completely hide their Power Level from outside sources. Concealed power is always active, whenever a character or outside force attempts to use any kind of ability to scan or search for potential Power Levels or Ki they would be unable to find or “sense” an Android character, this includes mechanical devices such as Scouters. This grants Android characters that ability to surprise their enemies ever easier than normal characters. During any Surprise Round that an Android character is able to make Actions they gain an additional plus one bonus dice to Attack Modifier Surprised.
Power Absorption
Enables characters steal the energy of other living creatures. During a successful Grapple characters can chose to steal the targets essence. Each Action spent stealing the target’s essence inflicts one Life Point damage to the target and gives one Life Point to the Android player. Additionally, each Action spent steals three Ki Points per dot in Empower from the target and grants them to the Android. Stealing a target’s essence also gives the target one Combat Fatigue Point for each round they are unable to break free from the Android character. Targets can attempt to resist the affects of Power Adsorption by rolling their Defy Skill, DC three, for each Action spent by the Android to steal from them. Moreover when attacked with an energy attack, if the attacker scores no successes Android characters can adsorb the intended damage. Carry out the attackers attack normally, during the damage step instead of suffering damage restore an amount of Ki Points equal to the would be damage inflicted by the attacker’s attack.
War Machine
Android characters can spend an addition four Ki Points per round, per Power Level. However, being of pure mechanical nature they cannot use the ability Power Up to increase their Flux or Surge to restore Ki Points. Characters are also unaffected by Battle Fatigue. Character Creation
Unlimited Energy
At the start of each round Androids automatically return two Ki points, per dot in Empower. In addition when Androids use a Surge they can roll one dice, per dot in Empower, and each success returns more two Ki Points. Moreover, when an Android character uses Refresh increase its Ki return effect by two.
Built for Battle
Designed and altered for combat Androids were built for battle, at character creation increase an Android’s Power Level by one and their Flux by two.
Organic Consumption
Bio Androids can consume organic tissues and must do so to maintain fighting fit. Bio Androids are unable to remove Combat Fatigue Points, by any means, unless they consume organic tissues. During a successful Grapple characters can chose to consume organic tissue from their target. Each Action spent consuming the target’s tissues inflicts one Life Point damage to the target. Targets can attempt to resist the affects of Organic Consumption by rolling their Defy Skill, DC three, for each Action spent by the Android consuming from them. For every five Life Points of damage inflicted to the target the Bio Android character scores a Vitae, yeah we play VTR too, characters can spend one Vitae to remove one Combat Fatigue Point. Bio Androids can store a number of Vitae equal to their Power Level and can spend them at their leisure.
Synthetic Soul
Bio Androids gain Soul Points as normal, but they can only purchase Milestones for six Soul Points instead of the normal values. Additionally, Bio Androids have one less Soul Point than normal at Character Creation. Moreover, when characters do purchase a Milestone they can select from either tier.
Character Features
Now that we have covered Character Races lets touch on Skills, Merits and Z-Souls. W here Character Races are the muscle these three aspects are the charismatic architecture of your character. In the next chapter you will learn about all three and how they shape your character and function during game play. “You might want to grab another beer.”
We aren’t going to completely cover Merits just yet, they are in the same chapter as Skills and explained in detail there. View Merits as feats from D&D or disciplines from VTR. They a special specific talents that grant characters bonuses. Seems simple enough right? Don’t worry we’ll cover it more in the next chapter.
All characters have strengths and weaknesses, noble aspects and dark sides to their personalities. While most people try to cultivate virtues and eschew vices, both are intrinsic elements of identity and both equally reinforce a sense of self, whether we like to admit it or not. Enter ZSouls. At character creation players will work with their group and Storyteller to create the prefect, form-fitting, persona for their character. A Z-Soul may clearly reflect your character's background and concept, or they can be used to contrast his outward nature to create sources of conflict that make for excellent roleplaying. We will cover this more later in the next chapter.
Skills are a measurement of more specific abilities than those represented by attributes. Increasing a skill is a representation of training or practice in order to further your character’s abilities in relation to that skill. Each Skill is paired with the attribute that that skill is tested with. We will cover more about Skills in the next chapter for now lets talk about Merits. Character Creation
Chapter Three 10% luck, 20% skill 15% concentrated power of will…. “My skills far surpass yours, you are no where near my level.”
Character Features
Character Skills
Characters in the DragonBall Z universe have a wide variety of Skills and abilities they can use for almost any situation from social circumstance to combat. These are various capacities, Skills and know ledge a character processes. They make up the bulk of what a character do. Every character as the ability and access to all the Skills in the DragonBall Z engine, the following pages will explain each in detail.
Skill Trees
During character creation players are gifted “free dots” to spend on their Skills. Each skill tree get an amount of dots depending on their stature; Primary Tree gains seven, Secondary Tree gains six, Tertiary Tree gains five and Auxiliary Tree gains four. Like the dots given for attributes these dots must be spend at character creation and cannot be saved for any reason; Skills cannot exceed three or their related attribute whichever is lower during character creation. Skill tree stature isn’t tied to attribute stature. Meaning characters can have there Energy Skills as their Primary Skill Tree and Protection Tree as their Primary Attribute Tree. Characters can purchases additional dots by spending experience points. Information: Skills can be increased for a cost six experience points plus current dots in the respective skill being increased. Example: Garrett wishes to increase his knowledge skill; its current value is two. He would need to spend eight experience points to increase his knowledge skill three. Primary Tree: Seven dots Secondary Tree: Six dots Tertiary Tree: Five Dots Auxiliary Tree: Four Dots
Character Features
Physical: Acrobatics, Athletics, Finesse, Stealth, Survival Energy: Accumulation, Concealment, Flight, Empower, Accuracy Mental: Knowledge, Listen, Search, Sense, Spot Protection: Defy, Barrier, Resilience, Threat, Willpower
Success and Failure
Typically all skills have a success and failure results list in the respective entry, some skill simply refer the reader to another section of the Rulebook. Additionally, some skills also have what is call an Exceptional Success this means that if a character not only meets the Difficult Class or required results, but they score five or more successes while doing so they have exceptionally succeed. On the same note some skills have what is called an Exceptional Failure this is when characters not only fail to meet the requirements, but do is without rolling a single successful result. This type of result can spell disaster for characters so make sure as a player you have the appropriate and confident amount of dice to meet the requirements for a respective skill. Some other skills have even more dramatic results such as complete failure or failure only by one.
Obstruction Guides
Sometimes players and Storytellers will come to a point where characters need to roll for a noncombat related obstruction, maybe a drive check or dance check. Something you wouldn’t normally find in this section. We focused skills on their usability in relation to DBZ. If you come across such a situation use your best judgement to create the DC and check pool. If the skills aren’t available at all you can always make them up. 34
Physical Skills
The Finesse skill represents how well you fight Acrobatics in tooth-and-nail situations. This skill represents You can perform an acrobatic stunt, keep your skill in unarmed combat, whether from formal balance while walking on narrow or unstable martial-arts training or simply from plenty of surfaces, slip free of a grab or restraints, or experience- either type can make you a dangertake less damage from a fall. Make an acrobat- ous adversary. Effective Brawlers are coordinatics check to jump from a cliff edge to another, ed, resistant to pain and quick. For each dot slide down a slippery surfaces, or attempt any characters gain a plus one to their physical atother stunt that you can imagine and your sto- tack pool. ryteller aggress to let you try. The storyteller Success: Your character scores a hit against sets the DC based on the complexity of the their opponent. See Chapter X for details on stunt and the danger of the situation. If the combat and inflicting damage. Stunt fails, you fall prone in the area you began Exceptional Success: Your character lands a the stunt (the GM might change where you particularly powerful blow or hits an oppoland, depending on the specific stunt and situanent’s vital area. When you score more suction.) Your GM always has the right to say that cesses than the target’s total defense you a stunt won’t work in a particular situation or to gain Power Shot. set a high DC. Failure: Your character’s attack misses it tar Acrobatic Stunt: Stand Action or Move acget. tion, depending on the stunt Base DC: Two Stealth Success: You perform an acrobatic stunt The Stealth Skill represents a character’s expe Failure: You fail to pull off the stunt and rience or training in avoiding notice, whether by might fall or suffer some consequence. moving silently. When attempting to sneak si Possible Penalties: Slippery conditions (-1), lently through an area or to use the local terrain bad weather (-1 to -3), extremely confined as concealment, roll Dexterity + Stealth. When space (-2), intervening obstacles (-1 to -3). trying to remain unseen in a crowd, Wits + Stealth is appropriate. The storyteller may make Stealth rolls secretly on your behalf, since Athletics You can perform an Athletics feat to attempt your character usually has no way of knowing physical activates that rely on muscular he’s been noticed until it’s too late. If your charstrength, including climbing, escaping from a acter attempts to avoid notice by a group of grab, jumping and swimming. You can move alert observers, a contested roll versus the obagainst gravity up various surfaces and objects, servers’ Wits + Perception + equipment is resuch as ropes, ladders, and walls. Without any quired. special alterations, Failure: Your character fails to move or act in Athletic Feat: Stand Action or Move action, a stealthy fashion. If potential observers get depending on the object at least one success on a Wits + Perception Base DC: Two roll, your character is busted. Success: You perform the athletic feat Success: Your character avoids notice if his Failure: You fail to perform the athletic feat successes exceed his opponents’. and might fall or suffer some consequence. Exceptional Success: Scoring double or more Possible Penalties: Slippery conditions (-1), your character, through a combination of bad weather (-1 to -3), extremely confined luck or talent, finds just the right circumspace (-2), inter-vening obstacles (-1 to -3). stances to act virtually without being noticed for the turn. Character Features
Energy Skills Accumulation
The Accumulation skill represents how well you can control the forming and accumulation of Ki energy. This skill symbolizes those moments of powerful attacks built up over time. Accumulation allows you to focus your energy prowess and charge energy attack for a action. Characters can charge for amount of turns equal to Survival the number of dots in Accumulation. If characSurvival represents your character’s experience ters roll an Energy Concentration use the followor training in “living off the land.” He knows ing results. where to find food and shelter, and how to en Dramatic Failure: Not only does your characdure harsh environmental conditions. The more ter fail to hold their charged energy. Your capable your character is, the fewer resources character loses one additional charge. he needs in order to prevail. A master survival- Failure: Your character loose a single ist can walk into a forest, desert or mountainous charged action. region with little more than a pocketknife and Success: Your character manages to mainthe clothes on his back and survive for weeks if tain their charge energy and successful past necessary. the energy concentrate check. Dramatic Failure: Your character has made a false set of assumptions about his environAccuracy ment that puts him in danger. The berries he This skill represents skill in energy combat, picks are actually poisonous, the water is full whether from formal training or simply from of bacteria or the shelter he pitches is in a plenty of experience- either type can make you dry streambed. a dangerous adversary. Effective Energy Sling Failure: Your character fails to find the prop- ers are coordinated, powerful and quick. For er resources to fulfill his needs. All the avail- each dot characters gain a plus one to their enable firewood is wet and the trout line he ergy attack pool. strings doesn’t catch anything. Success: Your character scores a hit against Success: Your character finds enough retheir opponent. See Chapter X for details on sources to fulfill his needs for the day. combat and inflicting damage. Exceptional Success: Your character manag- Exceptional Success: Your character lands a es to find enough resources to fulfill his particularly powerful blow or hits an opponeeds so long as he wishes to stay in the arnent’s vital area. When you score more sucea. Perhaps he finds a stream of clear water cesses than the target’s total defense you stocked with trout or happens one hunter’s gain Power Shot. cabin with a supply of canned goods. Failure: Your character’s attack misses it target. Possible Penalties: Slippery conditions (-1), bad weather (-1 to -3), extremely confined space (-2), inter-vening obstacles (-1 to -3).
Character Features
characters can roll a number of dice equal to The skill to hides one true power from other, their dots in Empower. Each success gives a hiding Ki is the ability to obscure your life force characters three Ki Points. from others. The skill doesn’t inherently allow Success: Each success restore a bonus three you to know that someone is looking for you. It Ki Points is simply a reactionary trigger meaning when an Exceptional Success: Your character scores enemy attempts to sense you Ki level you may more than five successes they gain an addiattempt an opposed roll to prevent them from tional Surge. doing so. When an opponent attempts to sense Failure: Your character doesn’t receive an adyour power level or life force you will make an ditional bonus Ki points.. opposed roll called Hide Power, (MAN + Concealment) vs. PER + Sense. Mental Skills Dramatic Failure: Your Power Level (Influx & Power Level) and Life Force (Current Total Knowledge spent experience & Life Points) are revealed Knowledge involves the application of the mind, to the opponent. not the body; consequently, Knowledge abilities Failure: Your Life Force (Current Total spend are most often paired with Mental Traits. The experience & Life Points) are revealed to the following descriptions speak of Knowledge levels opponent. in collegiate terms, although formal schooling is Success: You manage to hide your Life Force just one way to improve Knowledge. If you don’t and Power Level from your opponent. have any dots in Knowledge, you cannot even attempt a roll involving it unless the Storyteller gives explicit permission (such as where comFlight Characters with dot in this ability can cease or mon trivia is concerned). If you don’t know resume flight as a Move Action during combat. Spanish, you can’t try holding a conversation in Character’s are required to have this skill to fly Espanola on your wits alone. The Knowledge outside of combat normally, although this skill skill is blanket skill covering all different types of does increase a characters’ travel rate outside information and can be very versatile. of combat. Characters’ can move through the air Success: Your character has a general during combat at a indicated speed of twenty knowledge of the topic and some standard yards per dot. They can carry loads up to an information about it. amount that their Strength score allows. If char- Exceptional Success: Specific information is acters fall from the air they will safely fall a disknown by the character and the character tance equal to the number of dots they have in has had personal direct or indirect experience Flight, any great distance and the character will with the topic. suffer a five damage points for every ten yards Failure: You character knows nothing about they fall unsafely. Typically this skill will be the topic and little to no information about it. called upon outside of combat and used against a passive obstruction. Possible Penalties: Windy conditions (-1), bad weather (-1 to -3), Poor vision (-2), intervening obstacles (-1 to -3).
As the name states Empower infuses the character with Ki. When character’s Power Up their Influx value is increased by the number of dots in Empower. Additionally, while using Surge Character Features
normally might miss. The Spot skill is used priThe GM may call for a Listen Check by a charmarily to detect characters that are hiding. Typacter that is in a position to hear something. A ically, your Spot Check is opposed by character can also make a Listen Check volun- the Stealth Check of the character trying not to tarily if he or she wants to try to hear somebe seen. Sometimes a character or object isn’t thing in the character’s vicinity. GM’s may keep intentionally hiding but is still difficult to see, so some results secret so that the character a successful Spot Check is necessary to notice doesn’t know whether not hearing anything it. A character can also make a Spot Check volmeans that nothing is there or that the charac- untarily if he or she wants to try to see someter failed the check. thing in the character’s vicinity. Base DC: Two Base DC: Two Success: Your character passes their Listen Success: Passing a character is able to noCheck and hears whatever the might be in tice the object or Character that is hidden or the vicinity of them. difficult to see. Exceptional Success: Your character passes Failure: Your character is blind; you squint their Listen Check and no only hears whatat front size 36. ever might be in the vicinity, but the direction from which the sound or sounds are Sense coming from. Ki sensing is the ability Failure: You hear nothing; you’re too busy to sense the location, look at this awesome stick. life force and power level of anyone; the Search stronger and close the You have a good feel for where things should enemy, the more powerbe, whether they’re deliberately hidden or ful the sensation. Sense simply out of sight. When you concentrate on can be used in attempts finding something, you’re capable of pulling out to track or follow a tarall the tricks and making sure you cover all the get. Characters can atbases. When characters are asked to perform tempt to hide from Search Check players can reference the results sense see concealment below. GMs might be some information secret skill for details. Addior character might not even know what they tionally, character might see is what they are looking for. A character be asked by the storycan also make a Search Check voluntarily if he teller to make a simple or she wants to try to find something in the sense check to see an character’s vicinity. unknown approaching Base DC: Three enemy. Success: Your character passes their Search Failure: You sense nothing around, or apCheck and find whatever the might be lookproaching, your location. ing for within the vicinity of them. Success: You reveal the target’s (Current Failure: You heard nothing; you’re staring Total spend Expend experience & Life into the sky, that cloud looks like a duck. Points). Exceptional Success: You reveal the target’s Power level (Influx & Power Level) and Life Spot Characters sometimes don’t always see everyForce (Current Total spent Expend experithing going on around them; characters can use ence & Life Points). the spot skill to attempt to see something they Possible Penalties: distance (-1 to -4) Character Features
Protection Skills
and for each successful result they reduce the damage successes from an incoming physical Defy attack by one. A character ability to repel attacks even after Success: Incoming damage successes are they have become fatigued from combat. When reduced. characters are entitled to a Struggle Roll they Failures: Damage successes are not reduced can add their Defy Skill. Moreover, anytime a and inflicted as normal by the incoming character is asked to make any kind of saving physical Attack. throw they can add their defy skill to it, one dice for each dot. Threat Dramatic Failure: Not only does your charac- Threat is a measure of an enemy’s aggression ter score no bonus defense. They attempt to towards a player’s character. An enemy affectdeflect in such a way their attacker is grant- ed by threat will attack the “threating” characed Power Shot. ter if possible. Characters build an Menace Failure: You character fails to score any boCheck pool adding together Threat + WITS. nus defense. Targets use Willpower + INT to resist; opposed Success: Characters gain a bonus defense rolls. In addition each dot in Threat represents equal to the amount of successes they score the amount of times during an encounter a when rolling a Struggle Roll. character can attempt to threaten a target. Exceptional Success: Not only do characters Success: Characters cause the threaten targain a bonus defense equal to the amount of get to attack them and only them with their successes they score when rolling a Struggle next attack action. Targets can still use area Roll. The attacker’s damage value is reduced of effect attacks. by one point. Exceptional Success: Characters cause the target to attack only them specifically for the Barrier whole round. Targets cannot use area of efUsed to generate an energy shield around the fect attacks. user to protect them from energy attacks. This Failure: The target is able to attack any eneis a result of using very advanced energy mamy combatant. nipulation to compress energy to the point of being hermetically sealed; sometimes barriers Willpower are visible to the eye. For each dot in Barrier Self-discipline, training and control of oneself characters can roll a dice and for each success- and one’s conduct, usually for personal imful result they reduce the damage successes provement. To power over the mind and body. from an incoming energy attack by one. Each dot in Willpower increases a character Success: Incoming damage successes are ability to resist effects of the mind. Additionally, reduced. willpower is used for the resistance of magically Failures: Damage successes are not reduced effects. and inflicted as normal by the incoming En- Base DC: Three ergy Attack. Success: Characters past the DC requirements to resist mind and magical effects. Resilience Exceptional Success: Not only do characters Stronger, tougher and sturdier characters with past the required DC, they cannot be affectResilience have the ability to soak incoming ed by the same effect for the remainder of physical damage. Their ability to take a punch the encounter. is uncanny as is their ability to recover. For Failure: Characters fall under the effects of each dot in Resilience characters can roll a dice mind or magical ability. Character Features
Saving Throw
It has been mentioned a few times so lets get into for a second before we continue on with Merits. Use to represent a character’s ability to avoid or resist the effects of a poison or mental effect. Normally characters will be asked to make these saves at a specific time during a specific cases. However, characters can spend an action and attempt a Saving Throw to stop an ongoing effect. A successful Saving Throw typically either negates or reduces the effectiveness or duration of the negative effect. Most of the time storytellers or a rule will determine the stats and skill needed by the character for a saving throw. Requirements: Action Information: Negates or reduces the effectiveness or duration of the negative effect.
At this point you will have a good concept of your character. Merits are a special feature that that either gives your character a new capability or improves one that they already have. Merits are different from skills in that characters can vary in competency with skills, while Merits typically provide set bonuses or new ways to use existing abilities. Character can purchase Merits during character creation only and by purchasing a Milestone. A player’s first Merit doesn’t count towards the maximum number of allowed Merits. Character can have a total number of Merits equal to their Intelligence attribute. Meaning characters can have total number of six Merits.
Character Features
Information: Merits typically provide set bonuses or new ways to use existing abilities. Character start with one free Merit at character creation. Requirements: Varies between Five and Twelve experience points. Limitation: Characters can not have more than an amount of Merits equal to their intelligence plus the single free merits they gain at character creation. For a total number of six Merits.
Some Merits have prerequisites. Your character must have the indicated ability score, additional Merits, or other quality designated in order to select or use that Merit. A character cannot use a Merit that they have lost the prerequisite for, this is a rare class and typically involves story and the storyteller.
Increase one selected skill’s maximum dot limitation by two. In a Heroic game characters can skill increases to seven, Paragon twelve and Legendary seventeen. Players must still purchase the additional dots. This Merit can be take multiple times, but only once for a specific skill. Benefit: Increase one selected skill’s maximum dot limitation by two Limitation: Selected skill must have at least one dot already and you cannot take adept more than once per specific skill. Adept can be taken multiple times. Cost: Seven Experience Points
Advantage Fighter
Characters gain an additional plus one Attack dice and plus one damage dice while granted the Attack Modifier Combat Advantage. Benefit: Characters gain an additional plus one Attack dice and plus one damage dice. Limitation: Purchasable once Cost: Six Experience Points
Cunning Evasion
You are adept at dodging blows and turning powerful shots into mere glances. Benefit: Increase your Devastated Threshold by ten life points Prerequisite: Wits 3+ Limitation: Purchasable twice Cost: Five Experience Points
Players are proficient with weapons in both hands, reduce the negative from wielding two weapons to your attack pool by one. Benefit: reduce the negative from wielding to weapons. Limitation: Purchasable once Cost: Five Experience Points
Armor Proficiency
You are proficient with combat armor and reduce its negative effects to speed and initiative by two, to a minimum of one. Benefit: Reduce the negative affects of armor by two. Limitation: Purchasable once Cost: Five Experience Points
Combat Expertise
You are trained at using your combat skills for defense as well as offense. You can reduce your attack pools by a number of dice each round and increase your defense by the said amount until the end of the round. Benefit: Trade attack pool for defense. Prerequisite: Characters must have an attack pool large than four. Limitation: Purchasable once Cost: Ten Experience Points
Combat Reflexes
You can respond quickly and repeatedly to opponents who lets their defenses down. Benefit: Two bonus counter actions per round of combat. Prerequisite: Perception 3+ Limitation: Purchasable once Cost: Ten Experience Points Character Features
Danger Sense
Always wary and ever watchful you know when something is about to happen, almost like you knew it was going to happen. Benefit: Reduce the attack modifier surprised by one while under its effects during a surprise round. Prerequisite: Perception 2+ Limitation: Purchasable once Cost: Three Experience Points
You are a battle harden veteran able to take any kind of blow. You just won’t go down. Benefit: Increase your demise success rate by two, to a minimum of six. Prerequisite: Constitution 2+ Limitation: Purchasable twice Cost: Five Experience Points
You bound throw combat with easy moving from target to target without opponents having time to strike. Enemies suffer a –2 to their attack pools when using an counter action against you. Benefit: Enemies suffer a –2 to their attack pools when using an counter action against you. Prerequisite: Reflex 3+ Cost: Eight Experience Points
You are capable of amazing feats of stamina and grit. You’ll take the blows and keep on fighting. Characters increase their Life Point thresholds by ten more additional Life Points then normal. If a character has a Wounded Threshold of 20 it would become 30. If that same characters Wound Threshold increases to naturally then Fortitude would make it 40 and so on. Benefit: Characters increase their Life Point thresholds by ten more additional Life Points then normal. Prerequisite: Constitution 3+ Cost: Six Experience Points
Greater Attribute
Your superhuman, but ever more super than that. Pretty much you are a badass. Increase one selected Attribute’s maximum dot limitation by two. In a Heroic game characters can skill increases to seven, Paragon twelve and Legendary seventeen. Players must still purchase the additional dots. This Merit can be take multiple times, but only once for a specific skill. Benefit: Increase one selected Attribute’s maximum dot limitation by two Limitation: Selected skill must have at least one dot already and you cannot take adept more than once per specific Attribute. Great Attribute can be taken multiple times. Cost: Twelve Experience Points
Flexible Flanker
Improved Initiative
You can react more quickly than normal comWhen you and an ally team up against a foe, batants. Your reaction time it pretty stellar. you know to maximize the threat your ally pos- Benefit: Increase your initiative rolls by two. es to ruin your target’s defenses. When more Prerequisite: Reflex 2+ than one ally is/has targeting(ed) the same tar- Cost: Five Experience Points get as you during the combat round you gain a plus one bonus attack pool die for each ally. Iron will Benefit: +1 bonus attack pools die for each You have a stronger will to survive than normal. ally targeting the same target as you are/ Benefit: While roll struggle reduce your suchave during the combat round. Maximum of cess rate by one. three bonus die. Limitation: Iron will can not cause your suc Prerequisite: Dexterity 3+ cess rate to be lower than six. Cost: Seven Experience Points Cost: Eight Experience Points
Character Features
+2 to specific skill
Advantage fighter
Intelligence 3+
Increase combat advantage
Dexterity 2+
Reduced two-weapon penalty
Armor Proficiency
Reduced armor penalty
Combat Expertise
Physical attack pool 4+
Trade attack for defense
Combat Reflexes
Perception 3+
Additional counter actions
Cometary Collision
Reduced the effects of blitz
Cunning Evasion
Wits 3+
increase Devastated Threshold
Danger Sense
Perception 2+
Reduced surprised effects
Constitution 2+
Reduced demise rate
Reflex 3+
Do not provoke counter while moving
Flexible Flanker
Dexterity 3+
Increase effects of flanking
Stamina 3+
Reduce Life Point thresholds
Greater Attribute
+2 to specific Attribute
Improved initiative
Reflex 3+
Increase initiative
Iron Will
Reduced struggle success rate
Bonus die rolls
Magical Materialization
Intelligence 2+
Create simple items and tools
Martial Prowess
Strength 3+
Improved physical attack
Manipulation 3+
Reduce energy thresholds
Intelligence 4+
Bonuses against defenseless target
Special Mental Powers & Telepath
Two-Weapon fighting
Ambidextrous, Dexterity 3+
Reduced two-weapon penalty
Rapid Blitz
Increase the effects of blitz
Steadfast determination
Reduced steadfast success rate
Increase Ki points
Increase life points
Power 3+
Improve Energy attack
Character Features
You are a prime example of either seer stupidity or blind luck either way you are good at just doing stuff you can’t do. Once during any encounter you may re-roll any failed or successful die. Benefit: When rolling an dice or die you can attempt to reroll a single failed die roll. Limitation: This can only be used once per combat encounter and outside combat is up to your storyteller Cost: Five Experience Points
Example: A drained threshold of forty would turn into thirty. Prerequisite: Manipulation 3+ Cost: six experience points
You excel at approaching an opponent from an unexpected direction to deliver deadly attacks. As you approach your foe you duck and weave to confuse their defenses. When attacking a character who is defenseless, meaning their defense has been reduced to zero for the remainMagical Materialization der of the round. You gain an Power Shot and The creation of small and simple items from Deadly Blow Attack Modifiers. If the target “thin air”. Characters can use this Merit to mate- scores any successes on their struggle Roll rerial simple tools, clothes, weapons and other duce their results by one, to a minimum of one. small items. The limit is up to the player’s imag- Benefit: A defenseless character grants Powination and the storytellers regulation. er Shot and Deadly blow. Benefit: Create simple tools, clothes and Prerequisite: Intelligence 4+ small items. Cost: Ten experience points Limitation: Player’s imagination and the storytellers regulation Telekinesis Cost: Seven Experience Points Characters are also able to mentally lift objects, some even with great weight much in the same Martial Prowess way as they would using their actual strength. Trained in the art of a Martial fighting style char- The character can automatically lift objects that acters have mastered the ability to physically weigh up to 1 level below their Intelligence ratattack their opponents. Characters pay one less ing. To successfully lift at their maximum IntelliKi Point to make a physical attack than normal. gence level, or higher, a Intelligence roll is reHowever, energy attacks cost two additional Ki quired. This ability also lets them use Telepathy point than normal. which allows characters to speak using their Benefit: Characters pay one less Ki Point to minds with others despite their location. make a physical attack than normal. Benefit: Telepathy and mentally lift objects. Prerequisite: Strength 3+ Limitation: Storyteller might regulate the Cost: Twelve Experience Points mass of objects lifted and the distant telepath can be used or “heard”. Moxie Prerequisite: Intelligence 3+ Your energy endurance is nearly boundless. Cost: Eight experience points Characters increase their Ki Point thresholds by ten more additional Ki Points then normal. If a character has a Exhausted Threshold of 20 it would become 30. If that same characters Exhausted Threshold increases to naturally then Moxie would make it 40 and so on. Benefit: Reduce the threshold value for all Ki point thresholds; weaken, drained and exhausted, by ten Ki points. Character Features
Your natural power is stronger than normal. Character increase the amount of Ki Points they gain per dot of CON + MAN by two. Benefit: Increase the amount of Ki points gain from dots in your attributes by an additional two more than normal. Limitation: Vigor can be take up to a maximum of three times. Cost: Ten Experience Points
Two-weapon fighting
You can fight with a weapon in each hand with easy. Reduce the negative from wielding two weapons to your attack pool by one and increase the damage value gained by wielding your weapon by one. Benefit: Reduce the negative from wielding to weapons by one and increase weapon damage value by one. Prerequisite: Ambidextrous & Dexterity 3+ Cost: Six Experience Points
Rapid Blitz
You know how to push and knock down opponents. Benefit: Increase the effects of Power Shot by two and Deadly Blow by one while using blitz. Cost: Ten Experience Points
You are tougher than normal. Character increase the amount of Ki Points they gain per dot of STAM + END by two. Benefit: Increase the amount of life points gain from dots in your attributes by an additional two more than normal. Limitation: Vitality can be take up to a maximum of three times. Cost: Ten Experience Points
Trained in the art of a energy combat characters have mastered the ability to use energy attacks on their opponents. Characters pay one less Ki Point to make an energy attack than normal. However, physical attacks cost two additional Ki point than normal. Benefit: Characters pay one less Ki Point to make a energy attack than normal. Prerequisite: Power 3+ Cost: Twelve Experience Points.
Steadfast Determination
You never give up and never give in, pushing your boundaries every fight. Benefit: While roll steadfast reduce your success rate by one. Limitation: Steadfast Determination can not cause your success rate to be lower than six. Cost: Six Experience Points
Character Features
That is the end of Merits lets get into Z-Souls. Sure, characters in Dragon Ball Z are able to fly around, shoot lasers and punch really hard, but what’s their personally like? What makes a Dragon Ball Z character a Dragon Ball Z character? The answer is their path – their Z-Soul. Imagine Z-Soul like alignments in D& D. A ZSoul defines a character’s natural, mannerisms, behavior and disposition: how that character interacts with the world. Some Z-Souls might deal with how the character was raised or their up beings; there can be different types of Z-Souls. A good example might be a character is prideful. Players select a Z-Soul at character creation by working with their Storyteller. It might be a honor code, humble up bring, or simply lawful good nature. It is encouraged if players can’t find the right Z-Soul they should work with the group and their storyteller to create a one, one that fits their character perfectly. You’re probably wondering what a Z-Soul can actually do mechanically. They have three primary functions that they fulfill – first of all, they establish some abstract character traits that define your character in some way. It’s important to have that framework to work from to ensure that your character is something that isn’t just a piece of full of bubbled circles. Second, they give players an incentive to properly role-play their character by giving them bonuses and to role-playing and combat encounters and third Milestones.
ongoing story. As such, these characters should be unusually durable and hard to eradicate; if there were theme music, it would play for the characters with or spending Soul Points. Soul Points can be spent (as an instant free action) to modify in-game circumstances in the player character’s favor, think fate points. For example, let’s say that a gigantic methane explosion has just incinerated your character – you spend a Soul Point and somehow the pressure wave and heat managed to just miss your character’s position. Let’s say your character’s opponent just beheaded them – you spend a Soul Point and, instead, your character managed to parry the blow. Soul Points are powerful: only the say so of the Storyteller has the right to trump a Soul Point: Soul Points beat-out every other consideration. However it is important to note that characters can lose points also if they perform or act in a way that conflict with their Z-Soul. I f at any point a character reaches zero Soul Points they will become Demonic.
Soul Meter
As character store and are award soul points they will be able to purchase Milestones. These are special small bonuses players can spend Soul Points to purchase. There are tw o tiers of Milestones, tier one Milestones cost four Soul Points and tier two cost eight points. Soul Points Tier One Every player starts with one defining Z-Soul, it Milestones: may reflect your character’s background or conCost four Soul cept. Players will start with two Soul Points in Points their Soul Meter and can earned more by ac Tier Two complishing particularly heroic or astonishing in Milestones: -game deeds or through role-playing that would Cost eight earn fantasy-academy-award nominations by Soul Points adhering to their chosen Z-Soul. Each time a character fulfills their Z-Soul requirements they will gain a free points or dot. Soul Points are precious: they represent the fact that the player characters are the main characters in an Character Features
Soul Master reduce the experience cost of Special bonuses you can purchase with Soul all aptitudes increase cost by two to a minimum Points to gift expedite characters’ advancement. of three. This includes; Attributes, Skills, Merits There are two tiers of Milestones, players can and Power Level. spend either four to tier on or eight points for tier two. Milestones can be purchased multiple Demonic times, but no single benefit can be take more When a character loses or spends all their Soul than once or a selected category. Meaning if a Points they lose their Soul or spirit and become player selects to reduce the experience cost of Demonic. I f a player becomes Demonic is his physical skills with a Milestone then that has two effects. Firstly, is role-playing the charcharacter can not use another Milestone to reacter begins to preform evil acts and deeds outduce their physical skill cost again. side their normal nature. They grow hungry for Milestone Tier One: an unknown substance and start to view every (1) Reduce the experience cost of one as a combatant and/or prey. They start one selected Skill Tree by one, to a seeking out weaker characters to devour for minimum of three. power. Every day or when the storyteller tells (2) Reduce the experience cost of the player it is appropriate a Demonic character one selected Attribute by two, to a will need to roll Demonic Possession. (Willpower minimum of three. + CON versus Demonic Aura). The player’s sto (3) Characters may purchase an ryteller will roll the Active Obstruction for Deadditional Merit. monic Aura. Demonic Aura (Five dice, plus Milestone Tier Two: another bonuses the storyteller sees fit) is the (1) Reduce the success rate of one evil energy which surrounds and envelops the selected Attribute or Skill by one, to character.. If a character fails the Demonic a minimum of six. Possession roll they are throw into a rage and (2) Reduce the critical rate of one must seek out or attack the closest weak and/ selected Attribute or Skill by one, to or helpless target to devour. If they pass the a minimum of eight. roll they are able to remain in control, but lose (3) Characters may purchase an five Life Points & Ki Points which cannot restore additional Merit for three less expeuntil they are no longer Demonic. Characters rience points than normal. can be restored to normal by magical or roleplaying effects that the storyteller sees fit. Acts Moreover, each time a character gains a soul of great kindness or sacrifice are typically appoint for any reason and from any source they propriate. Once a character is restore to normal restore one health & Ki threshold. Notably, if they may began gaining Soul Points as normal. the character is engaged in combat they will only regain half of the health and Ki thresholds. Example: If a character is Wounded they would restore an amount of Life Points to increase their health to their Injured value. Example: A character that is Drained would restore enough Ki Points for them to become Weakened.
Soul Mastery
Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power. While a character has ten Soul Points they gain the Soul Master. Players with Character Features
Life Meter
Finishing Touches
This is the measurement of character ability to stand up to punishment, turn deadly strikes into glancing blows and stay on their feet throughout a battle. Life Points represent more than the physical endurance of a character, if represents a character’s skill, luck and resolve – all the factors that combine to help a character stay alive in a combat situation. Once all battle calculation for an attack has been complete and a Damage Value is determined a character then records the damage on their character sheet. A Life meter is the visible depiction of a character health. Every character has an amount of Life Points equal to their STM plus END Attributes added together. For each dot they gain eight Life Points. W hen a character reaches zero life points they count as defeated and must take a Demise Check, w e’ll explain that later. “You probably should avoid that last part cowboy.”
So now that we have covered Skills, Merits and Z-Soul, along with basic character creation. There are still a few things left to fill in so that you are ready to play in a DBZ game. Important: The next pages we will cover the finalizing of your character sheet if you have- Life Thresholds n’t setup your Skills and selected your Merits When characters suffer damage they will reach do that now before moving on to the next thresholds, these thresholds are degrees for pages. overall damage inflicted to the character. Each of these thresholds can cause the character to Dice Pools lose their willingness or focus during a fight. Lets fill in those blanks! A dice pool is a mixture Each threshold stacks with the last. of dice built from taking several stats and add- Bloodied: When a character’s life points ing them together to create a pool. Each of stat reaches three-fourths or fewer they become trees has a dice pool associated with it. A charbloodied. When characters are bloodied they acters Physical Dice Pool, a pool of dice used suffer a loss of focus and subtract one dice solely for taking physical actions, is based on from all dice pools. several modifiers typically including the Attrib Injured: Once a character has reached half ute Dexterity. Characters Energy Dice Pool, a of their life points or fewer they become inpool of dice used solely for taking energy acjured. This increasing the effects of bloodied tions, is created by several modifiers typically by one. Characters can no longer score critiincluding the Power Attribute. Characteristically cals and half the bonuses from Attack Modifimodifiers for one pool will not be compatible for ers. another, however there are exceptions. When Wounded: Reaching one-fourth or fewer Life referencing a bonus or modification generally Points characters are wounded increasing the the rule or guideline will specify which pool the effects of bloodied to three. Characters can bonus belongs too. There are a few spots you no longer score criticals or bonuses from Atmight see blank on your character sheet that tack Modifiers. Players’ success rate is inrefer these pools. Be sure you fill them in with creased by one to a maximum of nine. the required information stated so you can have a quick reference. Character Features
Ki Meter
Used during combat to perform attacks characters will spend Ki Points from this meter to perform actions, Simple actions such as defending cost nothing where actions such as a Physical Attack and an Energy Attack cost points. We will cover those cost and other attack rules in the combat section. A character’s Ki Points are based on their CON + MAN attributes added together. For each dot characters gain six Ki Points. Additionally it is important to note that characters can only spend a specific amount of Ki Points per round this is called their Influx, and it governed by their Power Level.
Energy Thresholds
There are three energy thresholds just like for life when a character reaches these thresholds; Weakened, drained and exhausted thy suffer negative affects. “Pretty snazzy right? Okay, on ward!” Weakened: When characters reach threefourths of their total Ki points they become Weakened and all Damage Values, Speed and Initiative (We know terms everywhere we will cover it promise, keep reading.) are lowered by one. Drained: At half Ki points characters are Drained and Damage Values Speed and Initiative are lowered by two. Exhausted: At one-fourth Ki points characPower Level A character’s Power level regulates the number ters are Exhausted and Damage Values of Ki Points they can spend per round. CharacSpeed and Initiative are lowered by three. ters’ Power Level starts at one during charAdditionally if characters are exhausted they acter creation and can be increased later by role grant combat advantage to all enemies. -playing or experience points. To determine the number of max Ki Points a character can spend If during combat a player’s Initiative is lowered per round reference the chart below. Each level by the affects of an Energy Threshold their spot characters’ can spend four more additional Ki or place in the Initiative Order is simply lowered Points per round, don’t worry you can change by the appropriate amount, there is no need to your Influx by powering up; we’ll cover that lat- re-roll Initiative. er in the Extended Actions section.
Power Level
Character Features
Few odds & Ends
We got a lot down and a still a lot more to go, but first from a balance and author input we wanted to explain a few items you probably have started to noticed. Manly numbers, number and more numbers. We have some pretty low numbers, we felt this would help keep math and calculations easy. This causes somethings to feel a little less dragonball’y, but rest assure we have an answer for those you want to deal with numbers in the millions. The answer is as simple, and probably ironic, as the rest of our badass system; add four zeroes to the end of all number calculations. Meaning if your character’s damage value is five make it fiftythousand and if the character’s life points are one-hundred and five make it one million, five hundred-thousand. See numbers start getting really high and cumbersome. Yeah, reason we lowed that crap! To Skills! “Grab another beer!” 50
Chapter fOUR A final, desperate Attack! “Dodge this next attack if you can, but even if you do this whole planet is going up in smoke!”
Signature Techniques
Signature Techniques
Many characters and foes wield powerful techniques, such as Goku’s Kamehameha or Vegeta’s Final Flash Attack. This section will allow and help character create their very own unique and special ability or attack. It is very important to remember that such techniques can become very powerful and vey complex it is suggested players discuss the creation of a special technique with the group and the storyteller. Character can have as many Signature Techniques as they have dots Intelligence, character purchase Signature Techniques for Ten Experience Points. When building a Signature Technique characters can purchase Advantages and Disadvantage to bestow on their technique. Where Advantages are positive effects, Disadvantages are negative effects. Advantages cost experience points and Disadvantages reward experience points towards the respective technique. If players have any reservations about this section it is encouraged to be discussed as a group. Information: Character can have as many Signature Techniques as they have dots Intelligence Cost: Ten Experience Points
Technique Types
There are two types of techniques, Offensive and Defensive. When creating a new technique characters must pick what category their move will belong too. Rather they are building a powerful beam attack or an impenetrable shield barrier characters must chose an ability type. Additional when purchase Advantage or Disadvantage each w ill be labeled either offensive or defensive ability, respectively.
Offensive & Defensive Techniques
If characters chose to make an Offensive ability they must pick what type of attack their ability will be. Will it be a Physical Attack like a super punch, or will it be an Energy Attack like Special Beam Cannon. Sometimes characters are more warding than endless destruction. Characters that take a Defensive archetype will be limited to the effects and powers they can take as stated above. If a character chooses to create a Defensive technique they must purchase the Aura Advantage, they can activate their Defensive techniques on their turn; activation requires an action.
Physical and Energy Techniques
Signature Techniques can be either physiCreating A technique cal or energy each Advantage and disadvantage Lets get into it shall we. Players can create a is labeled respectively if the ability it “equitable” Signature Technique by spending experience to each type of attack. Both Physical and Enerpoints, firstly ten XP to pick up a new signature. gy attacks follow all the normal rules for comThen they can spend additional experience bat. However, Physical Signature Techniques points to improve and buff their signature cost three Ki Point to perform and have an inmove. At character creation players get a free crease Damage Value of two. Energy Signature Signature Technique and ten bonus experi- Techniques are a bit more complex and are ence points which they can only spend on said explained on the next page. technique. The free and all other technique follow the same rules for creation, so check out the technique types.
Character Features
Energy Attack Types
••• Energy Explosion: Experience P oint (8): As we’ll explain in the combat chapter there are Energy Explosions can be either a ball of Ki or a expanded types of energy attack that differ simply detonation of energy. Energy Explosions from a character’s Basic Energy Attack. These require characters to spend six additional Ki types can only be used with a Signature and Points than normal. Energy Explosions energy have extended rules and regulations in addition attack can damage multipliable targets allto the standard guidelines listed in the combat round the initial target, 360 degrees at a range chapter. Players cannot use specific type of en- equal to five yards multiplied the number of ergy attacks if the type exceeds the number of dice in the energy attack pool. The attack is dots in the character’s MAN score, this is repre- carried out normally against the intended tarsented by a dot next to the type’s name. Each get, if any other enemies are within the blast type listed below has a experience point cost range they are stuck with the attack if the numlisted with it, this cost is the amount a player ber of successes rolled is greater than their demust pay to create this type of Signature Tech- fense. nique this is in conjunction w ith the technique purchase amount discussed on the last •••• Energy Beam: Experience P oint (10): page. If the type of energy attack a character A direct attack, an Energy Beam is a focus and wishes to create a is not listed below they are controller blast attack in the form of a sphere encouraged to discuss its creation with their with a tail, like a comet ending when coming in gaming group and storyteller. connect with its target. A beam requires a char Energy Attack Types acter to spend five additional Ki Points than nor Sphere mal. Energy Beam can only target a single ene Blast my and have Advantage Penetration. Some Explosion time, multipliable enemies might be nearby the Beam impact of an Energy Beam if this happens those enemies close enough will also suffer damage • Energy Sphere: Experience P oint (5): An from the attack, this is a splash damage effect. Energy Sphere is small or large balls of Ki that All target within two yards of impact will suffer are thrown like a ball at a target. An Energy one half of the total damage inflicted to the inSphere requires characters to spend three addi- tend target. The attack is carried out normally tional Ki Points than normal. Energy Sphere at- against the intended target, if any other enetacks can only target a single enemy and cause mies are within the blast range they are stuck normal value damage plus two. In addition if with the attack if the number of successes character has Combat Advantage over the tar- rolled is greater than their defense. get an Energy Sphere attack gains Power Shot. •• Ki Blast: Experience P oint (6): A Ki Blast in the shape of a cone which extends from the hand of the attacker. Ki Blast calls for a character to spend four additional Ki Points than normal. Ki Blast energy attacks can damage multipliable targets in a 90 degree arch in front of the attacker. If a Ki Blast is granted Power Shot against its target is also gains combat advantage.
Character Features
Advantages and Disadvantages w ith this archetype can be taken more than one time up to a listed maximum. The maximum is listed next to the archetype in brackets. Each rank increases that Advantage or Disadvantage affect. When purchasing or selecting to take additional ranks the cost or reward might increase and/or lower. Each entry will explain any increases or decreases in bonus or rewards with multiple ranks.
ite character’s? Talking with your group and storyteller find something fun, unique and super awesome.
2. Check with your Storyteller
After coming up with a technique concept make sure to run it by your Storyteller to see if it’s appropriate for the game. Damage Over Time (DOT) Any Advantage or Disadvantage with this archetype will cause damage directly to the target’s Life Points over a period of time. Characters can attempt a Saving Throw to end the effect, standard DC is one. The DC for a DOT’s affect can be increased by one at the cost of four Experience Points up to a maximum DC equal to the Game Path Dot limitation or ten whichever it lower. A DOT’s effect cannot last longer and five rounds and will automatically end at the start of a sixth round. Additional, strikes against a target affect with a DOT does not increase the number of rounds it last or the amount of damage the DOT inflicts each round. Targets can be affected with any number of DOT’s from different sources or attacks. Information: The DC for a DOT’s effect can be increased by one at the cost of four Experience Points up to a maximum DC equal to the Game Path Dot limitation or ten whichever it lower. Limitation: A DOT’s effect cannot last longer and five rounds. Cost: Four Experience Points
Getting Started
Lets go through the step by step to create your very own special Signature Technique to scream at your friends and wake up the neighbors with
1. Technique Concept
Consider what kind of technique you want to create. Do want a power beam attack? Or something like Yamcha’s wolf-fang fist? What advantages does your technique have? Maybe you want to base a technique off of your favorCharacter Features
3. Purchase a Technique
Everything has a price and the payment is experience points. New techniques cost a flat down payment of ten experience points per technique.
4. Picking your Type
Are you going to build an Offense technique? Or maybe a Defensive one? Select the type of technique you want to make. Remember if you are making a defensive technique you must also purchase the Aura Advantage, also you can step to step 6.
5. Physical or Energy
You can make a physical technique like wolffang fist or you can make a energy technique like Final Flash. Your choice.
6. Advantages
Special specific abilities you can purchase to make your technique fix you perfectly.
7. Disadvantages
Give you technique some drawbacks and score some sweet bonus experience to purchase more advantages.
9. Finishing Touches
Determine your techniques total Ki Point cost, damage, experience cost and other bonuses. Remember, players should always discuss the creation of a Signature Technique with their Game Group and Storyteller.
Special abilities you can purchase using experience points to improve or give your technique to increase it’s power and capabilities. Advantages range from a cost of four experience to twelve experience. Additionally, Advantage archetype will be labeled as such. No Advantage can be take multiple times unless it has the Rank archetype. Limitation: No Advantage can be take multiple times unless it has the Rank archetype Cost: Four to Twelve Experience Points.
Accurate – Experience Point (5):
This advantage increases the techniques ability to strike a target. Signature Techniques with Accurate gain one additional dice to their respective attack pool. This ability can be taken three times, a second purchase cost two more then normal price and a third cost four more, but increase the bonus by one for the second and two third purchase. Advantage Offensive Energy & Physical Rank (3)
case enemies physically touching or attacking him might suffer damage. Rohan’s Aura would cost him twenty-one experience points and have a Sustain Value of four Ki Points Advantage Defensive Energy
Advantages and Disadvantages will be labeled with the Aura archetype if they are “equitable” to a Aura technique. Additionally, any affect a target would suffer while striking a target can overcome with a Saving Throw as normal, with the standard DC one.
Bleeding – Experience Point (5):
Flaming, acidic, corrosive, bleeding or any other similar effect that delivers continuing indirect damage to a character is considered a bleeding affect. Any ability with this special effect will cause three Life Point Damage point to an enemy it affects. For this affect to take place the ability it is “attached” to must have struck, came in contact with or caused damage to the target. Any affected target may spend an Action smoothing the effects per normal Saving Throw rules. This ability can be taken three times, A Aura – Experience Point (4): second purchase cost two more then normal Characters can take this ability and combine it price and a third cost four more than normal, with others to create a protective aura or even a but increase the effects by two damage point for damaging one. Characters can combine Aura each additional purchase for a total of seven with a specific few abilities, such as bleeding. damage at Rank 3. When creating an Aura characters will build a Advantage defensive technique with this advantage, they Offensive & Defensive will add other advantages to design their prefect Damage over time (DOT) defensive Aura. Aura is a complex ability and Physical & Energy any use of it should be discussed with your Rank (3) group and storyteller. Aura techniques its self Aura require the character to two Ki Point per round to Sustain. Other advantages added to Aura increases its Sustain cost by two, taking an advantage multiple times increases it by one for each rank. Example: Rohan has a signature technique (ten experience) and makes it an aura (four experience) he decides to add damaging to it for (six experience) now as long as his aura is active the affects will be sustained. In this Character Features
nal say. Other than those few things use your imagination and create a Ki blast in the shape of a flying cow. Notably, Dynamic Advantage has no experience point cost. The cost is created between you and the storyteller. Moreover, if your advantage is to have multiple ranks you will need to discuss that experience cost too. Really though, players, we are leaving this one up to you one hundred percent. Advantage Offensive & Defensive Energy & Physical Rank (x) Aura
Homing - Experience Point (12):
One of the more unique abilities, homing cannot be combined with any area-of-effect attacks. Damaging – Experience Point (6): When attacking with a Homing technique and a Damaging increases the Damage Value of a character misses the target for whatever reason technique by two for the first purchase and by the character may attempt to attack the target one for each additional purchase. It can be tak- again. With the same attack and the same dice en up to eight times, additional purchases cost pool, however the respective dice pool is reone more experience point than the last purduced by half and scores no bonus dice. chase and each additional purchase cost one Advantage more than normal. Meaning if a character pur Offensive chase damaging a second time it will cost seven Energy & Physical experience points and the third time will cost eight experience points, so fourth and so on. Penetration - Experience Point (7): Advantage Need to get through that pesky armor or a de Offensive fensive character’s, well defense. Penetration Energy & Physical reduced the effectiveness of Resilience, Barrier, Rank (8) and Armor. Each Rank of Penetration allows one Aura stopped success to inflicted half damage to the target. This ability can be taken up to three Dynamic Advantage times, each time allows one more dice to inflict This Advantage is pretty awesome. It allows you half damage if rolled by a Resilience, Barrier or to do pretty much anything you want. Want a Armor roll. wield a energy sword create complete by Ki? Example: If a target’s Resilience Roll would Dynamic Advantage. What to spit out ghost verremove one success from the your Damage sion of yourself that can blow up? Dynamic AdPool that removed success still cause half vantage. You can do anything you want with damage. this Advantage. There are a few rules though. Advantage Firstly, you must work closely with your story Offensive teller on concept of the Advantage. Secondly, Energy & Physical you cannot create an Advantage that is already Rank (3) listed in this section. Third, storytellers have fiCharacter Features
Stat Boosting
- Experience Point (9): This advantage allows characters to increase specific attributes temporarily. Characters can select a single stat for each purchase of stat boosting. Characters can attempt to increase that selected stat by any amount up to a maximum the dot allowed in any attribute; determined by the Game Path you are playing. Players will state their target number than make a Fortitude check (CON + Willpower), If the score more successes than their declared target their attribute is increased, if they fail they suffer damage directly to their Life Points equal to the number of unsuccessful die rolled with a Damage Value of Eight. Characters must make a Fortitude Check each round they are attempting to or sustaining a boost. Cannot boosting mental attributes. Advantage Offensive & Defensive Energy & Physical Rank (3) Aura
Points can only be spent on the Technique which the Disadvantage was giving to. Information: Each disadvantage grants to character “free” or bonus experience points at a cost of inflicting a defect on their signature technique, This free experience must be spent on the affect technique. Refund: Three to Ten Experience Point.
Backblast – Experience Point (4):
The attack produces some sort of Backblast or other side effect that affects anyone or anything standing directly behind the attack (within 1-2 yards) including the attacker. Backblast inflicts two Damage directly to the wield for each successful dice rolled during the damage step. This ability can be taken up to five times; each time is it taken the damage is increased by one. Disadvantage Energy Offensive Rank (5) Aura
Dynamic Disadvantage
This Disadvantage is pretty awesome. It allows you to do pretty much anything you want. Just like it’s counterpart you can pretty much do anything you can imagine. You can do anything you want with this disadvantage. There are a few rules though. Firstly, you must work closely with your storyteller on concept of the Disadvantage. Secondly, you cannot create a Disadvantage that is already listed in this section. Disadvantages Third, storytellers have final say. Other than Technique Disadvantages are negating effects those few things use your imagination. Notably, that Signature Techniques inflicted upon their Dynamic Disadvantage has no experience point welder. A lot of Technique Disadvantages are Refund. The Refund is created between you and scary enough alone, but the combination of the storyteller. Moreover, if your Disadvantage them can spell defeat for almost any characters. is to have multiple ranks you will need to disIt is important to discuss the purchase and use cuss that experience Refund too. Really though, of Technique Disadvantages with your gaming players, we are leaving this one up to you one group and Storyteller. Some groups or Storyhundred percent. teller may disallow any combination that seems Disadvantage inappropriate. Each disability gives a character Offensive & Defensive back ‘X’ amount of Experience Points, but in Energy & Physical flicting a possible bad disadvantage to their Sig- Rank (x) nature Techniques. The return Experience Aura Character Features
– Experience Point (3): Signature Technique with Inaccurate are extremely hard to control or wield. Inaccurate decreases the effectiveness of a Signature Technique. Techniques with this disadvantage are unable to use Combat Advantage and reduce the attackers respective attack pool by one for each purchase of Inaccurate a Signature Technique has. This ability can be taken up to three times. Disadvantage Energy & Physical Offensive Rank (3)
Demise Check. Rather the attack accurately strikes the target or damage is causes. Typically, in DBZ we never see anyone live through this type of attack, but then why ever build the thing in a Pen & Paper game right? So we give you a little bit of room to attempt to survive, but only a little bit. Disadvantage Energy & Physical Offensive
Short Range
– Experience Point (3): Characters are able to make the attack only at short ranges and must be within three yards or Melee Range to perform the Signature TechLimited Shot – Experience Point (4): niques. Using an energy attack in melee range The best type of Signature Technique is the Sig- has is own effects as stated in the Combat nature Technique you only have to fire once. Chapter, Additionally, when using a Signature Limited Shot limits the use of a Signature Tech- Techniques with Short Range increase any Comnique to three times per encounter. Character bat Modifier granted to the enemies by one. can purchase Limited Shot a second time and Disadvantage the limit is reduced to two times per encounter. Energy A Third purchase limits it to once per encounter. Offensive Disadvantage Offensive & Defensive Stat Drain - Experience Point (6): Energy & Physical This disadvantage allows characters to decrease Rank (3) specific attributes temporarily. Characters can select a single stat for each purchase of stat Low Penetration - Experience Point (3): drain. Characters can decrease the selected stat The attack has an inferior ability to penetrate three to a minimum one. At the start of each Resilience, Barrier, and Armor relative to its round after the Signature Technique is used or damage. Decreases the Damage Value of a is being sustained players must take a Fortitude technique by two for the first purchase and by Check. (CON + Willpower) with a standard DC one for each additional purchase. It can be tak- one each time they wish to limit an attribute. en up to four times. Increase the DC by one for each dot that was Disadvantage reduced up to maximum DC equal to the Game Offensive Path Dot limitation or ten whichever it lower. If Energy & Physical a character fails the DC, even temporarily, they Rank (4) suffer eight direct damage to their Life Points. Characters must make a Fortitude Check each Self-Destruct – Experience Point (10): round they are attempting to or sustaining the This one is kind of hard to design and give a fair technique. Players cannot drain mental attribrefund for, but we think you’ll like it. Any Signa- utes. ture Technique with this ability will slay the at- Disadvantage tacker. After all associated rolls have been Offensive & Defensive made the wielder is reduced to zero Life Points Energy & Physical and counts as being defeated, they must take a Rank (3) Character Features
Vitality Drain
– Experience Point (5): The Signature Technique draws upon the user’s personal energy or health and drains them of it. With disadvantage character suffer either the lost of additional Ki Points or Life Points while using the technique. Taken once characters will select to loss either six more Ki Points than normal, not counted against their Influx limit or four direct damage to their Life Points when using the technique. Vitality Drain can be taken multiple times either to increase the negative effect of the already selected drain or to take the opposite drain affect. Meaning a technique can have both Ki and Life drain or a more powerful version on one. If a single effect is chosen to be increase the effect is increased by three with a second purchase. Disadvantage Offensive & Defensive Energy & Physical Rank (2)
Finishing Touches
new Technique cost. Let’s start with a physical Technique. A Base Physical Attacks cost three Ki Points to use, this is the baseline. Physical Techniques cost two more Ki Points than normal, so that is a total of five Ki Points to use a Signature Technique. Now lets not forget those sweet Advantages you gave it, each one increase the cost by another one Ki Point; additional Ranks count too. So on average you are looking at paying between seven to up wards of twenty Ki Points to perform your physical technique. Over to Energy Techniques; a Base Energy Attack cost six Ki Points to use. Energy Techniques cost a range from three to six additional Ki Points. Of course those sweet, sweet Advantages and Ranks increase it more. Players might pay upwards to twenty-five to thirty Ki Points for a fully built energy Technique, so much sure your Influx is high enough when building your own Final Flash.
Charging Up!
You will learn later in the Combat Chapter about Make the ultimate technique? Make Kamehame- the rules and regulations to charging up energy ha look like a joke? We sure hope so. We atattacks. Energy Techniques can be charged up tempted to add as much juicy goodness as we following the same rules, but we careful they’ll could for you. Now let’s figure out just how cost you even more Ki Points. For now lets much this technique is going to set you back. move on to the Chapter you have been waiting on, TRANSFORMATIONS!
Experience Cost
Pretty straight forward, nothing is free. You have you base Technique cost of ten XP, if you made an Aura you have four more XP or if you made an energy attack you have between four to seven more XP. You get the idea, we know you can add and do simple math; at least we hope so. Just be sure you kept track of what you spent and what you got Refunded. Might even have another player or the Storyteller go over it with you just in case, we all want to play fair.
Calculation Ki Cost
Everything cost Ki Points in the DBZ engine. Actually calculating the cost of an attack is rather easy, assuming that you add; no need for a calculator or decimals! So how much does your Character Features
Chapter five Beyond the Limits! “There is more than one way to become a Super Saiyan. push-ups, sit-ups and plenty of juice.”
In the DragonBall Z universe there are many powerful beings. Perhaps the single most iconic image in all of DBZ is the legendary transformation, the pinnacle of strength for the entire Saiyan race - the Super Saiyan. Alternate forms or state of being that allows and grants increased power, speed, and much more. The Super Saiyan is but one of many transformations that were featured throughout this chapter. There were many transformations and advancements that we’ll cover. Over the next chapter we will discuss the powers within Transformations, their rules and their regulations.
Obtaining Transformations
Stress Test
Each round a character is in any Alternate Form they must roll a Stress Check. A Stress Check is a characters MAN + CON, if failed characters cannot sustain their altered state and fall out or de-transform. Stress Check DC is listed with each transformation. When falling out of a Alternate Form characters suffer a loss of Ki Points equal to the Alternate Form’s Transformation Cost. Additionally, falling out inflicts two Combat Fatigue Points to the character.
Transformation Cost
Nearly all transformation have a Ki Point or a Sustain Cost. M oreover, all transformation require a Full Turn Action to complete, you’ll learn more about Actions in the Combat Chapter. Falling out of an Alternate Form requires no real time in game mechanics and happens during the round’s Effect Phase, again covered in Combat Chapter.
Aside from Arcosians and Namekians, no race starts with transformations at the start of a campaign or game. Transformations should always be either the climax of a story arc or the main reward that that arc gives the players. Be creative! However, sometimes storytellers do mind a noob tube or two. So we went ahead and added a little flavor and some optional experiAlternate Form Stages ence cost just in case. “Don’t worry we got your Some transformations have multiple stages; back bro, you’ll be a Super Saiyan someday!” such as Super Saiyan or Arcosians Metamorphosis. Each stage will have it’s own entry with laAlternate Forms beled bonuses, cost and effects. Alternate Form All transformation are and count as Alternate stages do not stack together in any fashion and Forms. W e w ill see this term a bit through you cannot gain bonuses from more than on this chapter. No character can have active or re- stage at a time. Notably, if stage one of a transceive the bonuses from more than one Alternate formation has a cost and another stage does as Form at a time. So yeah no double Super well both cost must be paid to transformation Arcosian Namekain form for you, sorry. Each from one stage to the next. The only exception Transform state will be labeled as a Alternate to this is if a character is going from their base form if this rule applies to it. Aside from that form into a higher stage than one. there are few other specific rules. “Beer, cheese Example: A player’s Base form to Super Saiand pretzels baby!” yan stage two only requires SSJ2 specifically labeled transformation cost. Transformations
Secret Powers
An ability possessed by all races in the DBZ universe, but lets be honest we included this for the other races, you know Humans, that have trouble keeping up with those pesky power house Saiyans. Unlike other transformation Hidden Power and Unlocked Potential do not count as a Alternate Form and can be used with other transformations, like wise they both can be purchase by anyone simply by spending experience points. However, we still suggest you discuss the purchase with your Storyteller. They might want you to only access these forms through role-play or some other ritual. Players must have purchased Hidden Power to have the option to purchase Unlocked Potential. The two forms and their bonuses to stack together unlike normal. Information: Hidden Power and Unlocked Potential do not count as Alternate Forms.
gain, for whatever reason. Additionally, character’s become faster and more agile gaining plus two to their speed and plus three to their Initiative. Player’s also have the option to gain plus two to either their Physical or Energy Damage Value. Finally, characters gain the ability Mythical Hero. Bonuses: Increase their Influx by four for their current level and each additional level they gain, for whatever reason. +2 Speed and +3 Initiative. +2 Physical or Energy Damage Value. Ability: Mythical Hero Experience Cost: Twenty-Eight (28)
Mythical Hero
Characters can activate Mythical Hero for a number of Ki Points equal to three plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Mythical Hero has a Sustain cost of four Ki Points per round. While under the effects of Mythical Hero characters increase all Combat Dice rolls by two, all Damage Pools by one.
Unlocked Potential
Releasing the true potential of a character this transformation awakens the fighters combat prowess granting them even more power and skill. Another increase in physical power and Ki energy. More minor, yet, noticeable appearance changes. Characters with Unlocked Potential increase their Influx again by two for their current level and each additional level they gain, for whatever reason. Their Speed and Initiative increase also by an additional plus two. Both Physical and Energy Damage Values are increased by one. Moreover, the affects of MythiHidden Power This transformation draws out all of the user’s cal Hero are increased by two. latent power. The awakening of the potential Bonuses: Increase their Influx by two for strength and skill within the fighter. Increase their current level and each additional level physical power and Ki energy along with slightthey gain, for whatever reason. +2 Speed ly, yet, noticeable changes in appearance. and Initiative. +1 Physical and Energy DamRanging from minor height increases to more age Value. power and radical Ki auras. Characters with Ability: Mythical Hero affects increased by Hidden Power increase their Influx by four for two. their current level and each additional level they Experience Cost: Twenty-Two (22) Transformations
Great Namekain
Also known as Giant Form, a form used by some Namekians. The transformation causes the user to grow to enormous proportions, reaching a size of nearly ten times their original size and increasing their power by an unspecified multiple. Namekians are able to perform this transformation by spending experience points, think of it as a natural ability they must practice and learn to perform. Characters can activate Giant Form for a number of Ki Points equal to three plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Giant Form has a Sustain cost of five Ki Points per round. While under the effects of Giant Form characters increase Physical Damage Pool rolls by three, Physical Damage Value by three and increase their Influx by three. Characters also gain the ability Brutal Strike and plus one Resilience and Barrier. However, with the increased physical mass and strength Giant form reduces characters’ speed and initiative by five and their Refresh affects are reduced by one, to a minimum of one. At any point a character becomes Unconscious, Exhausted or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Giant Form bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form. Bonuses: +3 Physical Damage Pool, +3 Physical Damage Value, +3 Influx, ability Brutal Strike, +1 Resilience and Barrier. Brutal Strike: All physical attacks have the Advantage Penetration rank 1. Limitations: At any point a character becomes Unconscious, Exhausted or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Great Namekain bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form Transformation Cost: A number of Ki Points equal to three plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Sustain Cost: Five Ki Points per round. Stress Test: DC Five (5) Transformation Stage: Stage One (1) Form Type: Alternate Form Experience Cost: Thirty-Five (35) Transformations
Super Namekain
A select group of extremely adept Namekains discovered the secret to unlock a higher level of consciousness within themselves, becoming “Super Nameks.” Namekains who managed to unlock this form have seemingly insurmountable powers. Super Nameks are not fundamentally a different type of Namekain, simply very powerful ones. In DBZ we only see one Super Namek, Kami, who spits with Piccolo. When they reunite their power increases astronautically. Obviously, requiring a transformation to need a backstory and another NPC would be difficult for the Storyteller. So we included the form and it’s bonuses. We leave its implication up to the group and Storyteller, we added an experience cost too. Super Namek requires no activation and no Sustain Cost, it is always on. Characters that have unlocked Super Namekain increase all Combat Dice rolls by two and Damage Values by two. Increase their Influx by three for their current level and each additional level they gain, for whatever reason. Players increase their Speed and Initiative by three. Moreover, characters’ Refresh affects are increased by one. Bonuses: +2 Combat Dice, +2 Damage Value, Increase their Influx by three for their current level and each additional level they gain, for whatever reason, +3 Speed and Initiative, Increase Refresh affects by +1. Experience Cost: Fifty-Five (55)
Saiyan Tails
All Saiyan characters have a monkey-lie tail that allows them to transform in a Great Ape, also know as Ozaru, when they look a the full moon of any planet. Saiyans who lived on their home world, Planet Vegeta; like Bardock, Nappa and Raditz wore their tails wrapped around their waist in a belt like fashion. When a Saiyan’s tail is squeezed, it causes them agonizing pain. An enemy may attempt to grab a Saiyan’s tail by using the grapple rules in the Combat chapter. If grabbed the character is immobilized and counts as being Helpless. They can attempt a Stress Check to over come the effects of being grabbed or simply manage to be let go. If a Saiyan’s tail is cut off the lose access to the Great Ape transformation completely. Unlike in the DBZ show Saiyans’ tails can not regrow if they were only pulled or popped off. Stress Test: DC five (5) Bonus: Great Ape Form Limitations: If grabbed the character is immobilized and counts as being Helpless. Modification: Saiyan characters can reduce the Stress Test DC by one for seven experience points. If reduced to zero the negative affects of being grabbed no longer apply.
Great Ape Form
Ozaru bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form. Characters can also lose control of this form also, meaning they will randomly attack anyone, even allies; each round characters must roll an Enrage Check with a DC of five. An Enrage Check is a characters INT + PER. If the pass they can act as normal. If they fail, they must randomly attack a combatant involved in the encounter. Character can only use this form during the full moon, which would be at the storyteller’s discretion. Bonuses: +4 Physical Damage Pool, +2 Physical Damage Value, +4 Influx, ability Brutal Strike, +1 Resilience and Barrier. Brutal Strike: All physical attacks have the Advantage Penetration rank 1. Limitations: At any point a character becomes Unconscious, or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Ozaru bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form Transformation Cost: A number of Ki Points equal to three plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Sustain Cost: Five Ki Points per round. Enrage Test: DC Five (5) Transformation Stage: Stage One (1) Form Type: Alternate Form
Ozaru changes the Saiyan into a giant ape with unmatched strength during the full moon. Transforming into Ozaru characters spend a number of Ki Points equal to three plus current Power Level and requires a character to spend a Full Turn Action to activate. Ozaru has a Sustain cost of five Ki Points per round. While under the effects of Ozaru characters increase Physical Damage Pool rolls by four, Physical Damage Value by two and increase their Influx by four. Characters also gain the ability Brutal Strike and plus one Resilience and Barrier. However, with the increased physical mass and strength Ozaru reduces characters’ speed and initiative by three and their Refresh affects are reduced by one, to a minimum of one. At any point a character becomes Unconscious, or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Transformations
Legendary Super saiyan
During times of immeasurable stress or great woe Saiyans and half-Saiyans alike have the arcana ability to transform into Super Saiyans, There are also two power forms of Super Saiyan; each form must be mastered before moving onto the next. Saiyans players will start with trying to achieve Super Saiyan one this ability can’t be learned unless a player has achieved a transformation through some type of immeasurable force or stress. Typically a player’s storyteller will grant this ability to them. However, characters are also able to purchase Super Saiyan forms by spending Thirty Experience Points. Super Saiyan endows characters with extreme power as well as some changes to their physical features such; as golden or yellowing spiked hair, green or blue eyes. Characters can gain Super Saiyan transformation through role-play only unless otherwise stated by their Storyteller, then and only then can they purchase the abilities with experience points. Characters can activate Super Saiyan for a number of Ki Points equal to five plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Super Saiyan has a Sustain cost of six Ki Points per round. While under the effects of Super Saiyan characters increase all Combat Dice rolls by three, Damage Values by two and increase their Influx by five. Players increase their Speed and Initiative by five. Moreover, characters’ Refresh affects are increased by two. Players also gain plus one Resilience and Barrier. At any point a character becomes Unconscious, Exhausted or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Super Saiyan bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form. Bonuses: Increase all Combat Dice rolls by three, Damage Values by two. +5 Influx,+5 Speed and Initiative, Increase Refresh affects by +2 and +1 Resilience and Barrier. Limitations: At any point a character becomes Unconscious, Exhausted or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Super Saiyan bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form. Transformations
Transformation Cost: A number of Ki Points equal to five plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Sustain Cost: Six Ki Points per round. Stress Test: DC Five (5) Transformation Stage: Stage One (1) Form Type: Alternate Form Experience Cost: Forty-Five (45)
Notably, Each Transformation Stage of Super Saiyan does not stack with that last, all bonuses are specific to that stage. Also sometimes we might refer Super Saiyan as SSJ, or SSJ2 which means Super Saiyan Stage One and Super Saiyan Stage Two respectively. ASSJ stands for Ascend Super Saiyan.
Ascend Super Saiyan
This is a step-up form, between Super Saiyan stage one and Super Saiyan stage two. This is a purchasable ability a character can buy after achieving Super Saiyan stage one. Ascend Super Saiyan endows characters with extreme corporal powers as well as thrilling increase to their physical form, such as height and extreme muscle size increases. Character also have the typical physical changes of Super Saiyan. Characters activate Ascended Super Saiyan for a number of Ki Points equal to seven plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Super Saiyan has a Sustain cost of ten Ki Points per round. While under the effects of Ascend Super Saiyan characters increase Physical Damage Pool rolls by five, Physical Damage Value by three and Energy Damage Value by two. Increase their Influx by four. Characters also gain the ability Brutal Strike listed in the Giant form section and plus one Resilience and Barrier. However, with the increased physical mass and strength Ascend Super Saiyan reduces characters’ speed and initiative by four and their Refresh affects are reduced by one, to a minimum of one. At any point a character becomes Unconscious, Exhausted or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Ascend Super Saiyan bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form. Bonuses: +5 Physical Damage Pool, +3 Physical Damage Value and +2 Energy Damage Value, +4 Influx, Brutal Strike, +1 Resilience and Barrier. Drawbacks: -5 Speed and Initiative, Refresh affects are reduced by one, to a minimum of one. Limitations: At any point a character becomes Unconscious, Exhausted or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Super Saiyan bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form Transformation Cost: A number of Ki Points equal to seven plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Sustain Cost: Ten Ki Points per round. Transformations
Stress Test: DC Seven (7) Transformation Stage: Stage One/half (1.5) Form Type: Alternate Form Experience Cost: Thirty-Five (35)
Super Saiyan Two
Remember that time Gohan punch Cell so hard he throw up Android 18? Yeah, we do too; pretty gross right? The ultimate transformation of the Super Saiyan line up, the pinnacle of Saiyan perfection. Characters activate Super Saiyan Two for a number of Ki Points equal to eight plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Super Saiyan has a Sustain cost of eight Ki Points per round. While under the effects of Super Saiyan Two characters increase all Combat Dice rolls by five, Damage Values by three and increase their Influx by ten. Players increase their Speed and Initiative by ten. Moreover, characters’ Refresh affects are increased by three. Players also gain plus two Resilience and Barrier. Moreover, characters gain the Brutal Strike ability listed in the Giant form section. At any point a character becomes Unconscious, Exhausted or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Super Saiyan bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form. Bonuses: Increase all Combat Dice rolls by +5, +3 Damage Values, +10 Influx,+10 Speed and Initiative. Increase Refresh affects by +3 and +2 Resilience and Barrier. Limitations: At any point a character becomes Unconscious, Exhausted or reaches ten Life Points or less they will lose all Super Saiyan bonuses and revert back or falling out of into their normal form. Transformation Cost: A number of Ki Points equal to eight plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Sustain Cost: Eight Ki Points per round. Stress Test: DC Eight (8) Transformation Stage: Stage Two (2) Form Type: Alternate Form Experience Cost: Fifty-Five (55)
Arcosian do not start a game in their true forms, they are transformed into small less powerful forms of themselves. At character creation Arcosians players start in their transformed state called base form or Suppressed Form. Characters must discover and learn how to control their the radical natural power of their true form to harness it. They use Suppressed Form to hide their true power from their enemies; this ability also serves as a way to cause less stress to their bodies. Think of it this way Arcosian are so powerful they can not control their own power so they de-transform into less powerful form instead of the other way around. There is no need for them to be force into a transform state like a Super Saiyan would; Arcosians simply gain the benefit of Metamorphosis at Character Creation. Arcosians do not lose Metamorphosis when they become Unconscious, Exhausted or reaches ten Life Points or less, they can simply remain in a transformed state. Each form of Metamorphosis can drastically change the character appearance. From large spikes, horns to increase height, size and girth. Characters must activate and transform into each stage before advancing to the next. Information: Arcosian do not start a game in their true forms, they are transformed into small less powerful forms of themselves called Suppressed Form. Limitations: Characters must activate and transform into each stage before advancing to the next.
by two and Energy Damage Value by one. Increase their Influx by two. Characters also gain the ability Brutal Strike listed in the Giant form section and plus one Resilience and Barrier. However, with the increased physical mass and strength of Brute Form reduces characters’ speed and initiative by two and their Refresh affects are reduced by one, to a minimum of one. Bonuses: +3 Physical Damage Pool, +3 Physical Damage Value and +1 Energy Damage Value, +2 Influx, Brutal Strike, +1 Resilience and Barrier. Drawbacks: -2 Speed and Initiative, Refresh affects are reduced by one, to a minimum of one. Transformation Cost: A number of Ki Points equal to three plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Sustain Cost: Three Ki Points per round. Stress Test: DC Eight (8) Transformation Stage: Stage One (1) Form Type: Alternate Form
Brute Form
A powerful unlock of their true powers Arcosians gain a huge power increase from this state as they edge closer to their true form. Typically this form comes with increase girth and height as well as size and raw strength. Characters activate Brute Form for a number of Ki Points equal to three plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Brute Form has a Sustain cost of three Ki Points per round. While under the effects of Brute Form characters increase Physical Damage Pool rolls by three, Physical Damage Value Transformations
Power Form
One step away from their True form Arcosians gain another large increase to power from this form. This form is typically noticeable by the amount of spikes, horns and additional growth. Characters activate Power Form for a number of Ki Points equal to five plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Power Form has a Sustain cost of five Ki Points per round. While under the effects of Power Form characters increase all Damage Pool rolls by two, All Damage Value by two. Increase their Influx by four. Plus one Resilience and Barrier. Increase Speed and Initiative by three and their Refresh affects are increased by two. Bonuses: +3 Damage Pool, +2 Damage Values. +4 Influx,+3 Speed and Initiative. Increase Refresh affects by +2 and +1 Resilience and Barrier. Transformation Cost: A number of Ki Points equal to five plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Sustain Cost: Five Ki Points per round. Stress Test: DC Nine (9) Transformation Stage: Stage two (2) Form Type: Alternate Form
Speed and Initiative. Increase Refresh affects by +2 and +1 Resilience and Barrier. Transformation Cost: A number of Ki Points equal to six plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. Sustain Cost: Six Ki Points per round. Stress Test: DC Ten (10) Transformation Stage: Stage Three (3) Form Type: Alternate Form
True Form
Perfection! The ultimate form of the Arcosians. This is the True Form of any Arcosian character. The pinnacle of their power and strength. Characters can activate True Form for a number of Ki Points equal to four plus current Power Level and requires a character spends a Full Turn Action to activate. True Form has a Sustain cost of six Ki Points per round. While under the effects of True Form characters increase all Combat Dice rolls by three, Damage Values by two and increase their Influx by four. Players increase their Speed and Initiative by four. Moreover, characters’ Refresh affects are increased by two. Players also gain plus one Resilience and Barrier. Bonuses: Increase all Combat Dice rolls by three, Damage Values +2, +4 Influx,+4 Transformations
As you might have noticed there are no experience cost for any Arcosian Metamorphosis stage. As touched on before players start with the ability and are able to transformation into any stage. Notably, you can see that the Stress Test for each stage is high and nearly impossible for any new character to achieve, this is by design. As players progress and earn experience points and new powers players can lower the Stress Test of each form making it easier for them to control. Staying in line with the natural progression of other races and players in a DBZ campaign. 68
Stress Relaxation (9): Reduce the target DC for the forms Stress Test by one, to a minimum of one. Brutal Improvement (11): Give any form Brutal Strike, if the form already has it increase the Pentation rank by one, to a maximum of five. Speedy Transformation (13): Decrease the transformation time to six Actions, a second purchase reduces it to five actions and a third purchase reduces it to four action. So forth and so on, until a transformation reaches only one action. No Transformations can go lower than one action. Fatigue Block (15): When falling out of a transformation or de-transforming unwilling characters no longer suffer a Combat Fatigue Point.
Transformation Fatigue
Characters’ Fatigue Rate is increased to ten while transformed. Additionally, characters can not transform more than once a round. This inImproving Transformations Mastering a transformation takes practice, skill, cludes changing into or out of a form. patience and above all else experience points. Players can improve a transformation by reducing its active cost, sustain cost and other properties. When purchasing a improvement it is important to remember that it only affects one transformation and only one stage of that form. So, if we purchased to improve the sustain cost of SSJ2, only that form’s sustain cost would be affected. Start saving that experience and lets make Super Saiyan a kids play thing.
Characters can purchase the following improvements for a single stage of a transformation. Each improvement has a experience cost in brackets labeled with it. Improvements can be purchased more than once. Transform Reduction (7): Reduce the number of Ki points it cost to activate a form by one, to a minimum of one. Sustain De-cost (9) The Sustain cost of a transformation is reduced by one, to a minimum of one. Transformations
Concluding Character Creation
That concludes the main entries for character creation. The only thing left is the next chapter, Equipment chapter giving players the option of purchasing items and gear. After, that is the Combat Chapter and Storyteller Chapter. 69
Chapter six World Renown, Capsule Corp! “If it isn’t Capsule, it ain’t worth the hassle.”
Capsule Corporation
In DragonBall Z there is only one organization known worldwide as the most inventive company, The Capsule Corporation. The world’s leading business in all industries, owned by Dr. Briefs. The following are descriptions of items that characters can buy from The Capsule Corporation. . Not only can you purchase items we created, but Players and Storytellers are able to make any items they can imagine this section will to help give guidelines or jumping off points.
Also known as DynoCaps or Hoi-Poi Capsules, were created by Dr. Brief of the Capsule Corporation, for the purpose of making objects compact and easy to transport. Throughout Dragon Ball, numerous objects, from airship and hover cars, and to entire homes have been seen contained in capsules. Players can purchase Capsules to store items and gear inside of. It easy to use just set the item you want inside in an open area, click the top and throw it at the item. Poof, it all packed up and ready to go. Most items will have their own built in capsule which we labeled for you. Note, no living thing can go inside a capsule and no capsule can be closed inside of another; bad things come from trying to do so.
Items & Gear
You can find nearly anything in the DBZ world you can find in our own world today, and more of course. We attempted to build a list of items Zeni Zeni not only represents money or curren- that are most important to any travelling Zcy, but also social or politic wealth; character Fighter and based a lot of them off DragonBall might spend 800z for a piece of equipment only and other RPGs we have played in the past. spending 350z actual Zeni on the equipment Never the less, if you can’t find it make it and and the rest knowing people to get the item to work with your storyteller to develop it. them safely. Prices are listed with the item or equipment. Each Character starts out with 300 Zeni. Equipment
There is a nearly endless amount of clothing in the DBZ universe. Characters can appear however they wish, we only cover the important types of clothing such as weighted, environmental and survival.
Dressing Up
Characters can only wear on type of clothing say for sample characters cannot wear weight clothing and armor at the same time, but can wear weight clothing and winter clothing together. Any type of clothing can be wore with environmental or survival clothing, but not with other types. Additionally, whenever changing, removing or putting on clothing the task takes two action during encounters; outside encounters is up to the Storyteller.
Weighted Clothing
Want a sick weighted cape? Or a rad blue under shirt? Weighted clothing is the way to go. Characters can pick up some weighted clothing to train in or simply where around to earn some sweet extra experience points. Weighted clothing has a value called Weight Size or WZ; see a theme here? This value it the amount of bonus experience points a character earn at the end of any combat encounter in which they wore there weighted clothing throughout. Pretty rad right? Notably, weighted clothing also has a PZ or Penalty Size. This the negative modifier the clothing bestows on the player’s Speed, Initiative, Defense or Attack.
Battle Armor
Want to look like that one guy Vegeta went to Earth with, what was his name… Then Battle Armor is for you. Characters can wear Battle Armor to increase their ability to take hits and with stand damage. All Battle Armor has a AZ or Armor Size. This value is the amount or bonus dice the player gets when rolling Resilience or Barrier. No need to roll these bonus dice separate. Now, I bet you are wondering how do I get a badass sword like Trunks? Whelp we about to tell you. “Hold onto your hat brother!” Equipment
Do to the unlimited imagination of players there is an ever-going lists of weapons, so in DragonBall Z engine a weapon is simply a melee weapon which counts as a Physical Attack for all intend purposes. That fact in mind when characters chose to buy a weapon they may pick whatever weapon they wish to imagine their character wielding. When attacking with a weapon characters increases their damage value by a number equal to their weapon’s WZ or Weapon Size. How ever characters success rate when attacking with any weapon is increased by one. The rest is up to the player and their storyteller to imagine. Dual Wielding: Simply wielding a weapon in each hand does not grant a character multiple attack pool, actions or increased damage value. Dual wielding two weapons gives character bonus to their physical damage pool made with the weapons. When rolling a damage pool with two weapons players simply gain an extra two dice to the attack’s Damage Pool. This is regardless of what the weapon’s actual WZ might be.
Break Value
All items in DBZ have a Break Value this is the numeric representation of their hardness or durability. Simple times such as capsules and handled items have a extremely some value. Other things such as weighted clothing and armor have high values. In the gear table you will see a column for BV this is the item’s Break Value. All items suffer one Break Damage when struck with any type or kind of attack.
Special Conditions
There are few special conditions to remember and look out for. Firstly, not only does armor suffer one Break Damage when its wear is struck it also suffers one damage each time it is used by the wearer. Meaning whenever you are wearing any type of armor and your are required to roll either Resilience or Barrier due to an attack your armor suffers one Break Damage. Secondly, w eapons only take Break
Damage w hen being used. M eaning each time you successfully strike a target the weapon suffers on damage.
Characters can use consumables to gain effects. Consumables include food, water and even the magical Senzu Bean. Much like weapons the list of consumables is nearly endless so we are leaving the effects mainly up to the players and their storyteller. However is it important to note the characters playing Artificial Construct Androids cannot use any type of consumable item.
Senzu Bean
Senzu Beans are mystical beans with immense rejuvenation properties and are widely known to completely restore a person’s health and energy. When consuming a Senzu Bean characters fully restore their Life Points and Ki Points up to the maximum.
Item Name
Empty Capsule
Empty Capsule, you can store anything in it.
Explorer’s Outfit
Basic traveling Outfit for those far off dangerous places.
Survival Kit
Everything you need to survive for three days in the wild.
Food Rations
Daily Food Rations for when you can’t find a giant fish to catch.
Basic Weapon
Basic or simple constructed weapon.
Artisan Weapon
Master crafted weapon for slice up bad guys.
Weighted Gui
-1 Speed, Initiative
Weighted training outfit for basic drills and practice.
Weight Combat Gui
-1 Speed, Initiative, Defense
Standard combat Gui for those stroll through the park days.
Heavy Weight Gui
1 Speed, IniFor when you want to wear tiative, De- something as heavy as full plate fense, Attack armor into combat.
Gear table continued on next page… Equipment
Item Name
DD Battle Armor
-1 Speed
Basic battle armor, with thigh pads.
C Type Combat Armor
-1 Initiative
Upgraded battle armor, without thigh pads.
A Type Defense Armor
Latest battle armor design with reduce physical impact.
Power Capsule S
Heals four Life Points when used, one use only
Power Capsule M
Restores five Ki Points when used, one use only.
All-Power Capsule X
Heals and Restores three Life and Ki Points when used, one use only.
Senzu Bean
Completely restores and recovers Life, Ki and Combat Fatigue Points. Removes any crippling blow effects.
Senzu Essence Capsule
Restores and recovers half of a character’s Life, Ki and Combat Fatigue Points.
Capsule Vehicles
So we wanted to touch on capsule vehicle some. Characters willing typically be flying through the air and breaking the sound barrier while at it. However, sometimes when Zfighters want to take a Sunday drive. Vehicles have a SP which is their speed this is how many miles they can travel a hour. Pretty simple and straight forward. We didn’t spend a whole lot of time with these since well you can fly. “Who drives when they can fly?”
Capsule Homes
Training can get rough in those far reaches of the planet why not have a nice and cozy place to relax in afterwards. Capsule homes! Like Capsule vehicles we didn’t touch too much on these, but even Z-fighters enjoy bubble baths! Note: Both capsule vehicles and homes have their own self integrated storage capsule and can be packed away by simple activing it.
Item Name
Hover Bike
Comes in a variety of stylist colors.
Capsule Car
It floats, it hovers, it is a flying car!
Capsule Home
Full load and stock house that can support five people for a weeks time.
Chapter Seven Prepare for battle! “For that, I'm going to give you a little break. I know. I'll fight without using my hands, well how does that grab you?”
Now let’s jump into the Combat sandwich. Whether it is a skirmish against a handful of thugs or an all-out battle with soldiers and their ruthless sovereign, combat is the staple of the DragonBall Z adventure. This selection will cover all the mechanic, rules and guidelines of all the types of combat there are in DBZ. We like to point out there are simply guidelines and rules used to create a balanced and fair gaming system. At any point if the Storyteller or players feel the system is broken or not working as intended we encourage players to find a working solution.
Combat Sequence
A typical combat encounter is a dash between two sides, a flurry of punches, feints, deflections, energy blast and melee combat. The DragonBall Z engine organizes the chaos of combat into a cycle of rounds and turns. To make combat manageable, combatants take turns, like taking turns in a board game. If your turn comes up before an enemy’s, your actions take place before the enemy’s actions do. The order of turns is determined at the beginning of a combat encounter, when combatants roll initiative. Rounds: In a round, every combatant takes a turn. A round is the combination of every combatant in the Initiative Order. In direction from greatest initiative to the lowest initiative. Turns: Each combatant gets a single turn during a round. Combatants can perform different actions during their turns. See “Action types” for what actions can be executed and when they can be accomplished.
Six steps of setup
Okay, so firstly there are six steps to setup combat which players should always follow for each encounter.
1. Establishing Positions
The Storyteller and players decide and determine where the combatants involved in the encounter are positioned at the start of battle.
2. Determine Surprise
The Storyteller determines whether any combatants are surprised. If any characters notice an enemy combatant without being noticed in return.
3. Rolling Initiative
All combatants involved in a combat encounter must roll initiative, determining the order of turns for each combatant. Players roll initiative at the beginning of combat encounters.
4. Surprise Round Actions
If any combatant gain a surprise round, they act in initiative order each one taking a single action. (Surprised combatants take no actions during the surprise round.) The surprise round then ends and the first regular round of combat begins.
5. Taking Turns
In initiative order, all combatants take their respective turns, which include various actions.
6. Ending a Round
Once all combatants have taken their turn the round ends and the second round begins. This continues until one side is defeated.
Rolling Initiative
Before the first round of combat all players must roll initiative by rolling a single D10 plus the character’s initiative value. Which is calculated by adding a character’s Dexterity or Reflex whichever is higher and Wits scores. The Storyteller will determine initiative for enemies. Throughout a battle, combatants act in order from highest initiative to lowest. The order in which combatant take their turn is called the Initiative Order. I n case of ties combatants will compare DEX scores if these attributes are still a tie compare REF scores or simply roll off using a single D10 highest wins.
Surprise Round
Some battles begin with a surprise round, this takes place after initiative, but before the first round. A surprise round occurs if any combatants are unaware of the enemy combatants’ presence or hostile intentions. For example, if a character fails their Perception check to notice a concealed enemy, the character will be surprised. Alternatively, if the “supposed” allies spring an attack and a character fails their Insight check to notice the attack; you are surprised. If any combatants achieve a surprise they act during the surprise round following the normal rules to turns.
Before to start getting into what happens during your character’s turn, lets discuss Actions. Everybody loves them. A combat turn is made up of actions. Firing a Ki ball, using a piece of equipment, running across a room, opening a door – each of these activities, along with many others, is considered an action. You use different action types to do different things. For example, attacks use standard actions, and moving from one spot on the battlefield to another is normally a move action. A typical combat round or turn allows the use of the five different action types: Standard, Full, Move, Counter, Triggered and Free.
Number of actions
Each round player’s characters have a number of actions they can perform. Characters can perform a number of actions equal to the perception plus Wits or Intelligence, whichever is lower.
Taking Actions
We are almost there, to that prefect moment when we can show how a standard turn of the Dragonball z engine’s combat works just a few more simple, yet important, things to cover. In the order of things most of a character’s actions will take place on their turn, but some acSurprised tions can be taken at any point such as free acIf a character is surprised they cannot take any tions or actions activated by a trigger, Check actions (Not even free actions) and any attack- the awesome swag text box below this one, for er is granted the Combat Advantage Surprised more information. Trust Us it is pretty epic. until the end of the surprised round. Following actions are the three actions players can take on their turn. Standard Move Free Following are the only actions players can take on other combatant’s turns. Trigger Counter Free
Standard Action
Taking a turn
Move Action
A standard action is the core of a characters turn. This type of action is used for many different things, including; attacking an enemy, using a piece of equipment or a device; anything that takes a character’s focus to perform is a standard action.
Move actions involved the movement of a character from one place to another. A movement action is required only if you character is moving more than one yards. Sometimes in the throw of battle a character might move without declaration, willingness, or with the flow of combat. It is up to the player and the storyteller to decide if a character has to use their move action
Counter Action
Once players and their storyteller have determined positioning and Initiative has been calculated it is time to take the first turn. Over the next few pages we will describe a standard turn and how it works as well as the rules for attacking and defending.
When a character’s turn arrives in the Initiative Order, it is their turn to perform actions in the round. A characters turn has three step processes; Effects, Action and End. Effect Phase happens before anything else and takes nearly no time, the Action Phase is where all the juicy stuff happens, we’ll cover that soon, and then the End Phase which happens you guessed it at the end of a character’s turn. “Damn you are a clever girl. “
Counter actions are a response to an enemy en- Effects Phase tering melee range, or a character leaving me- Before a character takes any actions, there are lee range, attempting to make a ranged attack a few things they must do; track certain effects within melee range or other special situations. that occur at the start of the character’s turn, and check any other effects that might be ocTriggered Action curring during your turn that doesn’t actually An action that is effected by something about to specifically effect your character, but the whole happen or will happen during a combat encoun- encounter. These things take almost no time in ter. Characters can choose to hold any one of the game world and are simply the mechanical the other action types, other than counter aceffects. tions, until an event, or effect has happened. Ongoing Damage: If a character is suffering As soon as the trigger is fulfilled the action from ongoing damage characters will suffer takes place instantly before continuing on. those effects at this time. Mechanical Effects: Deal with any other efFree Action fects that will occur during a characters turn. Free actions take almost no effect or time to Ending Effects: Some effects and mechanics perform. Characters can take as many free acmight automatically end at the start of a tions in combat as they wish, they do not count character’s turn. towards the total number of actions you can No Actions: A Character cannot take any actake per round. However, storytellers might tions during the start of a turn until all of the limit free actions on a case to case bases or alabove statements have been fulfilled. together. Free actions are simple things such as speaking a few sentences, dropping a held item, or letting go of a grabbed enemy.
Rolling Dice
To insure players will not roll simply roll one dice from a dice pool at a time, slowing down and clogging up combat, it is said rolling a single dice or not rolling all dice declared in a dice pool at the same as cheating and should not be attempted by anyone including the storyteller.
Basic Physical Attack
A Basic Physical attack can either use a mundane weapon or the combatant’s own fist and usually targets a single enemy within a character’s melee range, which is one yard. Physical Attack Pool is the characters Dexterity attribute along with any other bonuses. Characters will then subtract the target’s defense value from the pool. Roll the remaining amount of Action Phase dice, if any successes are scored then the tarHere it is, what you been waiting for. The Acget is stuck. All successful rolls are then called tion Phases is a lot more than just attack- Carryover and added to the Damage Pool ing, shocked I know, characters can use Stand- step which we’ll explain soon. Basic Physical Atard Actions to a number of complex actacks cost a character two Ki Point and one tions ranging from solving a puzzle, transform- Standard Action. ing into complete badasses or, of course, rock- Example: Ronan declares a basic physical ating the socks off the bad guys. A storyteller will tack on Garrett, let’s say a punch. Ronan has determine how Standard Actions used for puza physical attack pool of four. Garrett has a zle solving or other non-attack situations, them defense of two. Ronan subtracts two from skills, should be handled; but punching somehis attack pool and rolls the remaining. He one in the face that gets crazy complicated. So scores no successes, his attack misses Garlet’s jump right into it! rett. He subtracts two Ki points from his meter and two from this Influx for the round.
Attacking & Defending
Battle in the DragonBall z game is won through cleverly chosen attacks, able defenses and luck. On a typical turn characters will use their Standard Action to mount an attack, whether on foot or flying through the air. Moreover, a character’s defense will be frequently tested by foes’ attacks. Notably and probably the most used tool in the Dragonball Z engine is the Ki Meter and it’s Influx. Players will use them to attack other combatants and blast the badies into oblivion. We covered setting up your meter back in the Character Features chapter. “Hang onto your hat cupcake it is going to be wild ride!”
There aren’t any differences in basic physical attacks, meaning a kick, a punch, head-butt, a knee to the nethers it all counts as the same. With a weapon in hand players will use the same rules as a basic physical attack, there are some other weapon base rules to know which are in the equipment section in the last chapter.
Energy Attack Types
tack with no extra or added benefits. Players An Energy attack is the standard term used who have a signature with a special energy type when attacking at range with a Basic Energy At- still use the same rules for a Basic Energy attack. How ever players need not fear if this tack, but simply gain more and exciting benetype doesn’t fancy them they will be able to fits. This includes if a player choose to give create their own unique attack in the Signature there attack an Attack Modifier bonus, which we Technique chapter. There are four other will explain next. types of energy attacks which we will covered in that section. Each type has a “dot” associated with it, these dots correlate with a players Manipulation. Players cannot use specific an energy attack if the type exceeds the number of dots in the character’s Manipulation score, but for right now let’s cover the basics.
Basic Energy Attack
An Basic Energy attack is a strike against a target at any range, even melee, during combat it is assumed characters are close enough to always attempt an any type of energy attack. An Basic Energy Attack usually targets a single enemy; however, some energy attacks have an area of effect ability. When performing an energy attack character must spend four Ki Points, these points don’t add to a character’s attack pool they are simply a cost. Energy Attack Pool is the characters P recision attribute along with any other bonuses. Characters will then subtract the target’s defense value from the pool. Roll the remaining amount of dice, if any successes are scored then the target is stuck. All successful rolls are then called Carryover and added to the Damage Pool step which we’ll explain soon. Basic Energy Attack cost a character four Ki Point and one Standard Action. Example: Garrett has an energy attack pool of six. Ronan has a defense of two. Garrett subtracts two from his attack pool and rolls the remaining. He scores two successes and strike Ronan. Garrett then subtracts four Ki Points from his meter and two from this Influx for the round.
Attack Modifier Bonuses
Sometimes you might just need a little more bang for your buck. Characters are able to spend additional Ki Points to give their attacks a slight boost. Attack Modifier Bonuses can be used with any physical and energy attack, basic or otherwise. They are listed in the Attack Modifier section near the end of this chapter. So ahead check them out.
Shooting Ki into combat
When shooting into combat, that allies are in melee range of a target, characters must roll their Manipulation and compare the number of success to the number of fails. If the number of successes are greater than the number of fails the selected target is struck continue on normally with the combat process. Otherwise their allies must roll a reflex check with a standard DC of one; which increases by one for every three attack dice in the incoming attack’s pool. If the past the target is stuck continue normally. If fail the ally is struck, randomize if there Much like the basic physical attack, the basic are multiple allies or other opponents within energy attack can be anything from a simple Ki said range. “You could always try yelling dodge ball to a Ki blast. It is simply a stand energy at- first.” Combat
Provoke Counter
When character attempt to any type of energy attack while within melee range of an enemy characters grant the enemy a counter action against them. If there are multiple enemies in melee range they all may take a counter action. Characters also provoke a counter when moving out of melee range. Player may attempt a Faint maneuver to avoid provoking a counter. To do so players roll Acrobatics with a standard DC of two. If they pass they may move out of melee range of an enemy without provoking a counter. Characters can only attempt a faint after committing to the maneuver.
DODGE! Just kidding we focused on simplicity and felt a passive approach to defense was the best choice. A Characters ability to avoid injury and other ill effects is measured by their defense. Character’s defense is equal to a character’s Reflex Attribute. Some other skills or bonuses might apply to a character’s defense so remember to always check your character sheet and possible situational bonuses. A character’s defense is subtracted from an attacker’s attack pools each time they attack. Any Attack Pool cannot be reduced lower than a minimum of one, additionally bonus dice cannot be reduced by a target’s defense. During a round if a character is attacked multiple times their defense is lowered by one each time they are attacked. This is called Diminishing Defense.
Struggle allows a defenseless character an attempt to dodge an incoming attack if their defense has been reduced to zero. Characters are always able to struggle and only get struggle if their defense is reduced to zero. When characters struggle they roll a bonus defensive dice pool equal to their Defy Skill plus one up to a maximum equal to their Game Path limitation; each success the character scores with struggle is subtracted from the current attacker’s attack pool. Example: Garrett defense is zero after being attack three times already this round. He is attacked a fourth time by Rohan. Garrett rolls two dice for struggle and scores one success, reducing Rohan attack pool by one.
Damage Pool
If a character scores even a single success with a respective attack pool they have struck the target with their attack. Once a successful hit has been determined characters will build a damage pool. A character’s damage pool consists of the respective attribute and Carryover, along with any other bonuses. Carryover is the amount of successes the attacker scored with their attack pool. Players will then roll their damage pool any for each success scored inflicts damage to the target’s Life Points Damage Attributes: Physical attacks use Strength and Energy attacks use Power. Damage Value: Physical attack’s value is three and Energy attack’s value is five. Example: Rohan scores four on his attack Diminishing Defense Okay, so if a character with a defense of three pool, also four successes count as carryover is attacked and successfully struck with an atand are added to his damage pool. tack their defense is lowered by one. If they are Example: Rohan’s physical damage pool attacked again in the same round their total deagainst Garrett is four and he scores two fense is one less than normal for the second atsuccesses when rolling. Garrett suffers six tack. Each time during a round a character is points of damage. successfully struck with an attack their defense Example: Garrett attacks back and has an is lowered by one, until they reach zero. At the energy damage pool of six and he scores two start of each round a player’s defense restores successes when rolling. Rohan suffers ten back to it full value. If a character’s defense is points of damage. reduced to zero they can only defend by Struggling. Combat
Damage Value
Direct Damage
This the base value of damage a players attack inflicts to a target. The base value for a physical attack is three and the base value for an energy attack is five. Energy causes more damage, but cost more Ki Points, where physical attacks cost less Ki Point; but also inflict less damage. Each success scored when rolling a damage pool inflicts the attack damage value. Meaning if you scored three successes with a physical attack you will inflict nine damage to the target. Example: Rohan strikes Garrett with an energy attack and scores three successful damage dice. Garrett inflicts fifteen damage to Rohan.
Any type of damage that states it automatically or is directly inflicted to a player’s Life Points. This damage cannot be stopped by soak and can only be stopped typically by a saving throw of some sort.
Before a character suffers any damage players roll soak. After an attacker has rolled their damage pool the target player rolls their soak. Resilience is rolled against a physical attack and Barrier is rolled against an Energy attack. Each success scored reduces the attackers damage pool by one, to a minimum of one. Example: Garrett scored three successes for his damage pool. Rohan rolls his soak for physical attacks and scores one success. Garrett’s damage pool is reduced to two before inflicting damage.
Damage Types
So in DBZ there isn’t just one type of damage, but many. Not all injuries are created equal. A bullet hurts you in different ways than banging your shin on a nightstand does, and getting burned is a different type of injury than both. In an attempt to work some sort of realism into the bizarre abstract that is Life Points, we come up with different categories of damage. In general, you have four types: Standard, Direct, Fatigue and Environmental.
Standard Damage
This is the basic type of damage that all sources inflict. It follows the normal rules for damage we just covered and unless otherwise stated will always do so. Combat
Fatigue Damage
Each round of combat all characters suffer one battle fatigue damage. Once a character has suffered eight battle fatigue damage, sometimes referred to as points, they start to suffer a negative one die to all dice rolls. The affects increase by one for each additional fatigue point over eight they receive.
Environmental Damage
There are numerous terrain types in the DBZ universe, but each one hurts pretty bad when you are slammed into it. We split terrain up into categories by their Hardness. Each level of hardness directly inflicts damage to a character when they are struck with, thrown into or knocked into a piece of terrain. Hardness 0: Water, swamp or other muddy or semi-liquid type of terrain. Inflicts two points direct damage for every three yards entered. Hardness 1: Ground, dirt or other sand or soften type of terrain. Inflicts four points direct damage for every three yards entered. Hardness 2: Gravely, stone or other extremely hard or rocky type of terrain. Inflicts six points direct damage for every three yards entered.
Enervation Damage
Characters can convert small amounts Standard Damage into Enervation Damage. Players can convert two damage from a attackers successful damage die into Enervation Damage. Enervation Damage is taken as normal, however it reduces a character’s Ki Points instead of their Life Points. Any remaining damage value is taken from the character’s Life Points. Players can convert a single die’s damage for each dot they have in the Survival Skill.
Damage Thresholds
Devastating Blow Chart 1 or 10
Crippling strike – Target is stuck with such force you causes external or internal trauma. See Crippling chart.
2 or 9
Powerful strike – The target is struck in the torso or head Characters roll a d10, eight or lower is torso and 9&10 are head. A torso blow the target suffer two damage points directly to their life points each round until healed or treated. Their steadfast DC is also increased by two for a total of four. A head blow causes the targets suffer four damage points directly to their life points each round until healed or treated. Target is now dazed see Attack Modifiers.
3, 4, 7 or 8
Serious hit – You strike the target in a vulnerable area and they suffer grievance injuries to either their arms or legs. Characters roll a d10 six or lower is legs and anything greater is arms. Leg blow, characters reduced their initiative and Speed by a d10. Additionally characters lose two actions per round to a minimum of one. Arm hit, characters reduce their physical damage value by one and their damage pool by two both to a minimum of one. Additionally their energy attack pool is reduced by two to a minimum of one.
5 or 6
Glancing – The target managed to turn the blow into a glancing hit and suffers no additional ill effects.
We explained these back in the Character Features chapter each quarter or a player’s Life Points and Ki Points is a threshold which inflicts negative battle effects to the player.
Whenever characters reach a damage threshold of any kind, or at the beginning of their turn are already at or past a threshold, they must make a steadfast check. To roll a steadfast check players use their Constitution Attribute plus Willpower skill and must score at least two successes. If they score two successes the character resists the effects of the threshold’s affects until the beginning of their next turn, at which point they will need to roll another steadfast check to resists the effects once more. Additionally if character rolls a ten during their steadfast check they gain an additional Dragon Rush, we’ll explain those later; for the encounter. Characters can only gain one additional Dragon Rush per steadfast check. If a character has reached multiple thresholds they only roll steadfast once to resist all effects.
result by referencing the devastating Damage chart. It is important to note that the damage to cause a devastating blow must be from a single attack action not a single turn’s or round’s worth of attacks actions. Example: Rohan strikes Garrett with a single physical attack and inflicts a staggering thirty damage to Garrett. This excess his devastating threshold and causes a devastated blow to Garrett.
Crippling Strike
Woah! We got a badass on our hands folks. If you score a crippling strike on the devastating Devastating Blow chart roll a single dice and view the result on Sometimes enemies strike a character with a fa- the Crippling Strike Chart. It is on the next tal blow. All players have a Devastated Thresh- page, I know a pain in the ass right? Characters old which is equal to their Wounded value. If at cannot recover from the result without the propany point an enemy with a single attack inflicts er medical treatment or assistance. Additionally enough damage to a character and exceeds any characters under the effects of a crippling their devastated threshold they scored a devas- strike can no longer gain Attack Modifiers and tating blow. When scoring a devastating blow grant Combat Advantage to enemies. the attacker will roll a single dice and use the Combat
Crippling Strike Chart 1, 2, or 3
Broken Arm – A powerful blow to the targets arm causing a reduction of two actions per round, their damage & speed values are halved. Their steadfast DC is also increased by two for a total of four.
4, 5, 6 or 7
Shattered Legs – The strike inflicted serious damage to the targets leg, characters can no longer walk and reduce their speed and initiative to one. Additionally characters lose two actions per round to a minimum of one. Their steadfast DC is also increased by two for a total of four.
8 or 9
Internal trauma – Characters are extremely hurt internally and the blow could possibly spell death. Characters lose three actions per round to a minimum of one. All damage values are reduced by three and their speed and initiative are halved. Their steadfast DC is also increased by three for a total of five.
Head crack – This type of crippling strike could out right kill a target. The targets demise rate is increased to nine. Targets reduce their actions per round to one. They automatically fail all steadfast checks and are now under the effects of prone until the end their next turn.
Demise Check
We been talking about it, and you been waiting, well here it is sunshine. When a character suffers internal trauma or Head crack they must roll a Demise check. Characters roll a single d10 and if they score an seven, Demise Rate, or higher they pass the check. if they fail they are defeated out right and reduced to zero life points. Wow, you got to be kidding me, we aren’t. The demise check was designed with thugs and goblin type enemies in mind. When was the last time a dragon breathed fire on a goblin and it didn’t die? So, the birth of the Demise check was brought forth.
Defeated & Death
In DragonBall Z death might only be permanent, once a character reaches zero Life Points they are considered defeated, possibly dead, simply unconscious or just otherwise incapacitated and can no longer perform any action inside combat and only minor actions outside of combat, such as speaking or slowly walking. Typically, for enemies zero Life Points spells death, however, your storyteller might resolve otherwise. Death looms over everyone is the DragonBall Z world and it isn’t something to scoff at even with unearthly ability of the Dragonballs to bring someone back from the dead, for even their power is limited. We don’t deal with those pesky negative numbers in our engine so once a character reaches zero they don’t go any lower. It is up to the Storyteller is a NPC or player is actually dead or simply defeated. Combat
Over the course of battle character take damage from attacks and lose Life Points healing these points back take time and even require some medical attention. Healing can take only place outside of combat, unless the skill or rule specifically states so otherwise. Healing a target can take place in two forms, from magical special ability to modern medicine. Characters can even be healed after they have reached zero Life Points if they are considered to still be alive. When healing damage naturally characters heal ten points of damage every eight hours or roughly a fourth of the day. Sometimes character will be dealt a crippling strike which they cannot recover naturally and must seek medical, magically or therapeutic assistance. Depending on your Storyteller and the setting of the game medical attention might not be available, if so a Crippling Strike takes a full day to heal.
Other Actions during a Turn
Now that we have covered the bread and butter let’s expand a bit on the different things you can do with standard actions other than attacking. During a characters turn they can choose from a wide variety of things to do with a standard action. This section describes those other actions are. This list is not exclusive and is simply a common list of “activities” that are available to a character. Characters can come up with other activities that might not be described here, it is suggested these are discussed with the group and storyteller. Characters can imagine any sort of Activity to do in the game. The following the list can be used as a guideline to help perform those Activities.
Dragon Rush
Desperate times call for desperate measures. At the beginning an each game session characters gain a single Dragon Rush. Characters can spend a dragon rush as a free action at any time during a combat round. When spending a dragon rush that characters gains one of the following to their next action; plus three dice to any pool or plus two to the damage value. Characters could also use their dragon rush for plus three to their defense against the next incoming attack. Characters cannot use more than one dragon rush at a single time, no doubling down the bonuses. This ability can only be used during combat and cannot be used to aid another character. Notable players can earn more Dragon Rush through accomplishments. Requirements: Free action Information: Plus three dice to any pool or plus two damage value or plus three defense.
Characters can seize a target and keep them from moving or attempting too. Characters must have an Attack Modifier of any type granted to them in order to grab a target. The grappler and the target both roll opposed dice pools by adding together their; Strength or Stamina and Resolve or Endurance attributes, whichever is higher respectively. If the grappler scores more successes then the target they win the grapple and can move the target up to halve their Aid Another Characters can spend a action to help a teamspeed, hold the target, or make a single unmodmate, aiding a teammate is used when perform- ified physical attack, they can also simply reing a skill check or during a physical grapple or lease the target. If character choose to make when the storyteller says it is appropriate. Any the attack the grappled target is released aftercharacter who aids another grants two addition- wards; the target’s defense is reduced to one al dice to the helped ally or an amount of dice against attacks against them while grappled. If equal to the appropriate skill whichever is high- the target wins they may make a normal physier. No more than two characters can assist ancal attack at the grappler with Power Shot and other character at a time. For obvious reason Deadly blow. Any character trapped in a players cannot aid another’s attack. grapple must use their standard action to try an Requirement: One Standard Action escape, escaping a grapple works the same as Information: Target gains bonus die to atinitializing it. tempted Passive Obstruction or Active Ob Requirements: Standard Action struction action. Information: Active Obstruction roll Strength/ Stamina and Resolve/Endurance. Combat
Power Up
Power Up increases your character’s overall badassery by letting you spend more of them. Characters can Power Up a number of times per combat encounter equal to their Accumulation skill. Power Up requires a standard action. Powering up increases a character’s Influx limit by temporary increasing their Power level. Each time a character Powers Up they increase their Power level by one. All affects of Power Up last a until the end of the player’s next turn. Power Up prompts a counter action for opponents within melee range. Requirements: Standard Action Information: Temporary increases a character’s Power Level Example: Rohan powers up twice in one turn and temporary increases his power level to five up from three until the end of his next turn.
Last, but not last stances. Players can use stances to give them access to special abilities they otherwise would have. They cost no experience points and all characters start the game knowing them, however, some storytellers might change that so we included an experience Refresh cost just in case. All stances require a move acWant to stand facing the enemy exchanging tion and characters can only change stances monologues for three episodes? Refresh reonce per turn. Counter and Trigger actions canquires a full turn action, meaning it takes all the not be used to change stances either. There are actions a character has during a round to prefour types of stances; Battle, Full Defensive, form. When Refreshing characters remove one All-Out Offensive and Energy Charge. Combat Fatigue Point and restore two Life Requirements: Move Action Points and three Ki Points for each round they Information: There are four types of stancspend refreshing. es; Battle, Full Defensive, All-Out Offensive Requirements: Full Turn Action and Energy Charge. Information: Restore 2 Life Points and 3 Ki Points. Remove one Combat Fatigue Point. Battle Stance This is the typically and default stance that all Surge characters and players are in unless otherwise Surge can only be used once per encounter. stated. It does grant any extra bonuses and ofThis backup power is the energy or potential fers no special qualities. characters are holding back, a second wind of sorts. Surge requires a standard action. When Full Defensive — 30 xp used this ability allows the players to recover an Characters enter a guarded stance protecting amount of Ki Points equal to their Manipulation themselves from nearly all areas of attack. Attribute plus Empower Skill value back to their Characters who are in this stance are not subKi Meter. Each dot restores five Ki points back ject to the rules of Diminishing Defense, their to the character’s Ki meter. defense is not lowered by being attacked multi Requirements: Standard Action ple times during a round. However, all other Information: Restores Ki Points equal to Ma- combat dice pools are reduced to two. Characnipulation plus Empower. ters also gain the ability Deflection. Combat
Energy Charge
— 40 xp When characters are attacked by an enemy us- Want to charge up an energy attack? Blow up ing a energy attack they can attempt to deflect the moon or maybe you just want to glance a the attack. Instead of the removing attack pool planet and make a new grand cannon. Using dice as normal, characters roll their defense this stance allows characters to charge up any value and compare the results against the atenergy attack and battle other enemies in enertackers. If the attacker wins carry on as normal gy clashes. Unlike other stances characters can and subtract the defenders successes from the enter this stance and still use charging during carryover. If the defender wins they deflect the the same turn. attack completely and counts as if they attack missed. If the attacker loses and scores no suc- Charging cesses the defender deflects the attack back at Remember that time when Goku charged kameit’s owner. Continue on to the damage step with hameha for like nine episodes? Characters can no carryover and finish the attack against it’s charge an energy attack to create a Overowner. whelming blast. Charging requires a Full Turn Requirements: Counter Action Action and characters can spend a number of Information: Deflect incoming attacks and actions charging equal to their Accumulation. attempt to hit its owner with them. Each turn spent charging increases the attacks combat pools and damage value by two. When All-Out Offensive — 20 xp characters charge an energy attack they must Scream, yell and dash head long at your enepay halve its total Ki point cost a number of mies. In this stance characters trade protection times equal to the number of actions they spent for force. While in this stance characters gain charging. Once a character has charge the deability Blitz and all attacks count has having sired amount of turns they can pay the full Ki rank Penetration one, this stacks with other Point cost of the attack and spend a final standsources of Penetration. ard action to release it at their enemy. While charging an energy attack character grant all Blitz enemies Combat Advantage and their defense Characters throw themselves into a fight, dash- is lowered by three to a minimum of one. Iming forward or flying at a target launching an all portant to note at any point you are attacked or out attack. Blitz is a special physical attack that take damage while charging you must roll an requires a standard action and can be perEnergy Concentration. formed at any distance from two yards up to Requirement: Full Turn Action fifteen yards away from the target, of course Information: Grants bonuses to a single you got to be able to see the target too. Blitz is charged energy attack. a physical attack with Power Shot and Deadly Example: Ronan is charging an attack for Blow. Blitz cost an additional three Ki three actions. Each action he must pay three points then normal and otherwise follows all Ki Points for a total of nine and then six normal rules for a physical attack. Notably, any when firing off his attack. combatants that rushes at target while within Example: Rohan’s energy attack pool is two melee range of enemy will provoke a counter he adds a number of turns he charged. This action. makes his charged energy attack pool and Requirements: Standard Action damage pool five and damage value is in Information: Physical attack with Power Shot creased to eleven. and Deadly Blow
Energy Concentration
Each time a character is attacked while charging roll Broken Concentration which is a characters Manipulation attribute plus their Accumulation Skill. Standard DC is two plus one for every two die in the attacker’s attack pool, rounded down. See the Accumulation Skill in the Character Skills chapter for result details.
Transfer Essence
Need some more power or an extra boost to take down that badie? Maybe your teammates can transfer you some juice. Characters can transfer some of their own power to another character restoring some of their Ki Points and a small amount of Life Points. Players can transfer two Ki Points and one Life Point for five Ki Points and one Standard Action. Players can transfer energy a number of times during an encounter Energy Clash Energy clashes are when two players fire energy equal to their Manipulation score. attacks at one other and struggling for domi Requirements: nance. When two characters enter this situation Standard Action due to the extreme power other combatant can- Information: Gift 2 not aid them or enter the affray. An Energy Ki Points & 1 Life clash begins when a player who is the target of Point for 5 Ki a charged energy attack forgoes their defense Points. and use a counter action with an energy attack or charged energy attack back at the attacker. Tripping Both player must be in the Energy Charge Want to knock someStance to be able to counter this way. Combat one down, introduce is paused and the duel is carried out immediate- them to the ground ly. A neutral member of the group or the story- and make the relateller rolls a single dice which is called the Neu- tionship intimate, tral Target; both players involved in the here is how. Tripping duel then roll a single dice we call Duel Rate. requires a standard Characters then compare number of turns they attack. While within have charged, if any, the player with the highmelee range, one est amount of turns or has been charging longer yard, characters can is granted a bonus of three, if needed, to the attempt to knock an face value result of their Duel Rate. Characters opponent prone. To can use this bonus to add or subtract from their do so characters result. Notably characters only gain this bonus make a normal physion the first Duel Rate roll. Whichever player cal attack roll, the scores a Duel Rate result closest to the Neutral defending target Target score w ins, repeat this process five makes a Active Obtimes or until one combatant has won three struction roll (Reflex times, reroll ties. The winning player builds their + Dexterity). If the Energy Attack per normal rules, charged or oth- target wins they gain erwise; additionally they are granted Combat combat advantage Advantage, Power Shot and Deadly Blow. The until the end of their next turn. If the attacker defending player’s defense is reduced to three. wins the target is knocked prone until they can Requirements: Counter Action / Energy Atspend a move action to stand back up. tack / Energy Charge Stance Requirements: Standard Action Information: Opponents enter energy clash, Information: Active Obstruction / Target is winner gains bonuses; Combat Advantage, knocked prone or gains combat advantage. Power Shot. And Deadly Blow. Physical attack verses Ref + Dex Combat
End Phase
This phase is nearly the same as the Effects Phase, but simply takes place at the end of a character’s turn. Track certain effects that occur at the end of the character’s turn, and check any other effects that might be occurring during the end of your turn that doesn’t actually specifically effect your character, but the whole encounter. These things take almost no time in the game world and are simply the mechanical effects. Ongoing Damage: If a character is suffering from ongoing damage characters might suffer those effects at this time. Mechanical Effects: Deal with any other effects that will occur during the end of a characters turn. Ending Effects: Some effects and mechanics might automatically stop at the end of a character’s turn. No Actions: Characters cannot take any actions during the End Phase of any turn.
Ending of the Round
Once all players and NPC or other characters involved in a combat encounter have taken their turn during the initiative order they round is over. Repeat the process starting with the highest initiative until the encounter is overcome.
Attack Modifier Bonus
There are a few Attack Modifiers that players are able to gain by spending Ki Points instead of gaining them through situations. This are labeled in two ways. With a Ki Point cost and by a tag categorized as bonus. Circumstance
Blow Through
Combat Advantage
Deadly Blow
Mega Damage
Power Shot
Attack Modifier
Combat rarely consist of foes standing toe to toe and bashing each other. Movement and position are key, if one character fires from a hiding place at an enemy in the open the hidden character gains an Attack Modifier. Temporary advantages and disadvantages in combat are reflected in a set of common Attack bonuses. An Attack Modifier applies to a character’s dice roll or damage value. If a character gains the effects of an Attack Modifier, advantage or disadvantage, more than once simply increase the effects by one for each additional duplicate modifier.
Characters that have become blinded grant attackers Combat Advantage and blinded combatants lose three dice from all nonmental dice pools to a minimum of one. Bonus: Blind characters grant attackers Combat Advantage to attack rolls made against them. Detriment: Characters affected suffer the loss of three dice during any dice rolling. Visionless: Blinded characters cannot see nor give flanking bonuses or gain any attack advantage modifiers. Disadvantage
Blow Through
Sometimes you need just a little extra push to get through those tougher villains. Characters can grant Blow Through to any type of attack, giving the attack Penetration rank one. Bonus: Attack has Penetration rank one. Ki Point Cost: 5 Ki Points Attack Bonus: Yes Advantage
Combat advantage
One of the most common attack modifiers is combat advantage; it represents a situation in which the defender cannot give full attention to an attacker. Multiple enemies’ pressing a defender at the same time; stunned, distracted or otherwise caught off guard can grant attackers combat advantage. Characters who are granted combat advantage gain a plus two dice bonus during attacks rolls made at the target. Bonus: Characters gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made against a target that grants, or when they have, combat advantage. Combat
Line of Sight: Character must have a clear view of a target to be granted combat advantage. Advantage
If characters are considered to have cover while being attack they gain an Attack Modifier to their defense. Cover grants the character plus two defense. If a character has superior cover they gain an addition plus four to their defense. This gain is temporary and when a character leaves their cover they lose this bonus. Bonus: Defending character gain a +2 bonus to defense for cover and a bonus +4 with superior cover. Line of Sight: Characters that have cover exposed only half their bodies and a character with superior cover exposed only a forth of their bodies. Advantage
A dazed character grants Combat Advantage to attackers and dazed combatants suffers a negative two dice to all combat pools to a minimum of one. Bonus: Dazed characters grant attackers Combat Advantage to attack rolls made against the dazed character. Detriment: Characters affected suffer the loss of two dice from all combat rolls, to a minimum of one. Incoherent: Dazed characters cannot give flanking bonuses or gain any attack advantage modifiers. Disadvantage
Deadly Blow
Another common attack modifier is Deadly blow. It represents a character delivering an opponent a serious strike. Deadly blow increases the character’s damage value by two. Bonus: Characters gain a +2 bonus to their damage value made against a target that grants, or when they have, deadly blow. Assault: Character must have successfully stuck a target with an attack to be granted deadly blow. Advantage
Duration: The effects of a demoralizing attack can last no longer than three rounds and no shorter than one round. Targets can roll a Saving Throw – Resolve plus Wits to stop the effects. The DC is equal to half the damage successes, and not more than ten, caused by the attack which inflicted the effect. Ki Point Cost: 5 Ki Points Attack Bonus: yes Advantage
A Character that becomes deafened grants enemies Combat Advantage and suffers a negative one dice to all combat pools to a minimum of one. Bonus: Deafened characters grant attackers Combat Advantage to attack rolls made against the dazed character. Detriment: Characters affected suffer the loss of one dice from all combat rolls, to a minimum of one. Incoherent: Deafened characters cannot give flanking bonuses or gain any attack advantage modifiers. Disadvantage
Characters sometimes cause such a physiology impact on a target than can demoralize them. Targets that are demoralized grant Combat Advantage to all enemies. Bonus: Attackers gain Combat Advantage. Combat
When two or more combatants are attacking a single target they grant flanking. When flanking increase a character’s attack pool by one for each additional ally focusing attacks on the same target. Bonus: Characters gain a plus one attack bonus when attacking a flanked target. Adjacent: Flanking is only granted when two or more allies or combatants are adjacent to the target. Limit: Characters cannot receive more than plus three bonuses from flanking. Advantage
When a character is considered helpless they become susceptible to attack, attackers gain a Combat Advantage. Helpless increases that bonus by an additional two for a total bonus of four. Helpless combatants cannot gain attack modifiers. Bonus: Attacking characters gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls made against a target that is helpless. Falling: If a character is knocked Helpless while flying they will safely descend to the ground a distance equal to the number dots in flight multiplied by ten yards. Helpless: Characters are unable to perform any actions and cannot gain any attack advantage modifiers. Disadvantage
multiplied by ten yards. Helpless: Characters are unable to perform actions and cannot gain any attack advantage modifiers. Disadvantage
Characters can strike or blast a target so hard they cause them to be thrown back or down. Adding knockback to an attack allows players to push back or down their target three yards for every success scored during the damage step. Notably, when applying knockback to an attack that attack’s damage value is reduced by two, that force is used to knock the target back. Bonus: Knockback or down a target with any type of attack. Detriment: -2 Damage Value to the attack. Limit: 3 yards per success scored during the damage step. Ki Point Cost: 5 Ki Points Attack Bonus: yes Advantage
Mega Damage
Mega damage is a damage pool multiplier used when a character is attacking an object that isn’t considered a combatant or living. Mega damage changes the all damage to Catastrophic Damage. When characters are under the effects of Catastrophic Damage they increase their damage value by ten and then multiply their damage value by a factor of ten. Bonus: Character gain Catastrophic Damage. Object: The target must be considered a non -combatant or living object such as; a rock, building or mountain. Advantage
Power Shot
Often characters will gain an advantage over their target, not with speed; but brutal force. When characters are grant Power Shot add two additional dice to all damage pools. Bonus: Characters gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls made against a target that grants Power Shot. Limits: Character cannot gain the effects of Power Shot more than three times. Advantage
As explained earlier in the chapter during a surprise around any combatant that is allowed to act gains Combat Advantage over surprised combatants not able to perform an action. Bonus: Surprised target grant Combat Advantage to attackers. Hidden: Combatants must be attacking from a hidden place, stealth, or during a surprise round for enemies to get surprised. Disadvantage
Any combatant that becomes unconscious cause all attacks to automatically count as a Coup Da Grace, meaning all attackers damage counts as Prone When a character becomes prone they grant direct damage. Additional characters defense is Combat Advantage and Deadly Blow to all ene- reduced to one while unconscious. mies. Prone increases that bonus by an addi Bonus: Attacking characters attacks count as tional three. Prone combatants cannot gain any Coup Da Grace. attack modifiers. Unless otherwise stated prone Falling: If a character is knocked unconcharacters can spend a move action, stand up, scious while flying they will safely descend to to remove the effects of prone. the ground a distance equal to the number Bonus: Attacking characters gain a +5 bonus dots in flight multiplied by ten yards. to attack rolls made against a target that is Unconscious: characters are unable to perProne. form any actions and cannot any attack ad Falling: If a character is knocked prone while vantage modifiers. flying they will safely descend to the ground Disadvantage a distance equal to the number dots in flight Combat
Once a player or a group of players reach Power Some attack types can grant enemies Counter Level five or higher they must pay an additional Actions against you, such as a energy attack in cost for Attack Modifier Bonuses. On top of the melee range or using the ability Blitz. Characters listed cost players must pay an additional may spend an additional three Ki point to give amount of Ki Points equal to their Power Level to their attacks Haste which makes their attack not gain Modifier bonuses. provoke a counter action. However, a hasten at- Information: Starting a Power Level 5 charactacks cannot score criticals hits. ters pay an additional amount of Ki Point Bonus: Hasten attacks do not cause Counter equal to their Power Level for Attack Modifier Actions against the user. Bonuses. Detriment: Cannot score critical hits. Ki Point Cost: 3 Ki Points Non-Bonus Modifiers Attack Bonus: yes You might notice some Attack Modifiers don’t Advantage have a Ki Point cost. These are modifiers that are granted though other situational means or Scale of the game handled out by the Storyteller if they say it is Attack Modifier Bonuses are great right? We appropriate. think so, but they become pretty arbitrary as a game scales up into higher Power Level and stronger attacks. So we add this rule for those game that began to reach more epic proportions.
Wrap Up
That is pretty much it for the combat chapter, it is pretty glorious right? We tried to cover everything we could and bring the feel of DBZ to the tabletop. We didn’t want to simply bring Goku and Vegeta to your living room, we want to capture the true essence of DBZ and make table combat feel as close and as badass as it is in the show and Manga. One final note if there is even a problem or dispute over rules simply roll a dice, for evens or odds, and make a ruling that way. No reason to lose gaming time, friends or party members over it. Have fun! That is the point. “One final chapter, hope you are ready, you sexy beast!” Combat
Chapter Eight The Man behind the mask! “You either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.”
hand it out, make sure you award your players The storyteller is the games narrator or Game for all the hard work they do, heck even for just Master , the one who directs the story and the showing up on time. We typically suggest playplayers through the imagined world. We choose ers should be awarded between ten to thirty exto use the storyteller system for is ability to al- perience a session depending on the Game Type low the GM to describe combat and other enchosen. counter situations in a more elegant fashions. Hard: 10 to 12 experience points. We could have spent days writing rules for Moderate: 12 to 18 experience points. kicks, head-butts, punches, double fist punches, Standard: 18 to 24 experience points. etc. Why would take the imagination away from Easy: 24 to 30 experience points. our players? That is just silly, so we chose the Storyteller system giving more control to the Soul Points GM of the game. Much like experience points Soul Points not only give characters the ability to correct poor deciTools of the Storyteller sions, but help keep players from running ramA GM has many tools at their disposal, but we rod all over the imagined world doing as the are going to give a quick cover of the most im- please. Soul Point rewards help keep player portant ones. Namely those that help the GM playing their character to a moral alinement. Do keep control and the forward momentum of the forget to award, not just for beating a bad guy, game. A lot of these a season role-player will be but for role-playing too. and should be familiar with, but we wanted to touch on them anyways. Attack Modifiers Have a special situation during combat? Let’s Story Arcs and Hooks say it is pretty sunny out or a fierce storm use It is important as a Storyteller you have a hook those modifiers to give combat a epic feel, for each player’s character. Meaning you have make throwing dice at each other a little more something that not only would draw a character exciting. Do see a modifier you like, make one into the main story arc of your game, but that up. Don’t get to tell a story even during combat. player too. There are a endless list of hooks out Blow up a planet, but take twelve sessions tellthere in imagination land so be creative and be ing your players how close it is to blowing. Keep unique. Players keep playing you they stay inis exciting. terested mix it up. There are loads more, but we wanted to touch of those few that are pretty important and Experience Points The lifeblood of character development, with it make sure our Storytellers had a good grasp on there is no mechanical progression which could them. We have one more pretty exciting thing cause a game to drag and become boring. So to cover the Training System. Storyteller
tude up to a maximum of three. As an example if a player selects two Conditions both of them are at Intensity Magnitude two. Once complete the player will gain a total of four Fitness Points, one for each Condition times the Intensity Magnitude. Example: Garrett trains tw o Conditions at Intensity Magnitude one and two. He rolls two training pools and successfully pass both. He earns three fitness points.
Training Drill
To complete a Training Drill character will need to build a Training Pool by add together STAM Training System or EUD which is higher and INT or RES whichevOne of the most important and probably one of er is higher plus the character’s athletics Skill. the coolest aspects of the Dragon Ball Z engine Players will roll their Training Pool for each conis the built in Training System. Characters will dition. The standard DC for each roll is the always wish to improve themselves and while a number of Conditions plus their Intensity Maggame’s storyteller will provide lots of chances to nitude. earn experience and learn new abilities some Example: Rohan selected 3 Conditions times characters might end up having down with a variety of Intensity Magnitudes of 2, 3 time which they can use to train and get extra and 1 for a total DC of nine. experience. The Training System was developed for the time at which storyteller give players’ Fitness Points time to role-play or act without guide. Training Awarded for completing a Training Drill, Fitsessions normally take eight to twelve game ness Points can be used at any time. P layer hours. Players must rest between training ses- exchange Fitness Points for Experience Points or sions at least eight game hours. If characters Soul Points. One Fitness Point is w orth five score no successes during any training roll they Experience Points and one Soul Point. cannot train again for a game single day for Fitness Point Value: 5 experience each unsuccessful dice roll. Points / 1 Soul Point.
The Training System is simple enough to learn and yet hard to master. Players select an amount of Conditions, up to a maximum of five. Conditions are elemental or climate environments the help characters train themselves. The formula is, for each Condition a character selects they gain one Fitness Point times intensity of the Condition.
Intensity Magnitude
This intensity is the Condition magnitude which represents how harsh or rigorous the condition is, characters can increase a Intensity MagniStoryteller
Every game needs a bad guy trying to blow something up, or taking over a planet, searching for the dragon balls or even claiming reign over the whole galaxy. They might even simply be stealing candy from a baby, those monsters! We here is how you make them. Now, there are a couple of options here; you can make a bad guy using the standard character creation rules simple as that or you can make a Goon Squad, or Villain.
Treated and functions like a normal character in creation and play. With the added benefit of additional Life Points, Ki Points and Influx. Villains gain fifteen Life Points per dot Standard Character Creation To make a simply bad guy create a character instead of the using the rules we laid out already. However, normal eight they gain twelve Life Points per dot instead of and they gain the normal eight and they gain ten Ki Points twelve Ki per dot instead of the normal six. Moreover, Points per dot they can select as many Merits as they wish instead of the without limit other than standard XP cost. normal six. Moreover, they Goon Squad can select as Thugs, underlies, sidekicks or Mooks (Yeah we many Merits as played Munchkin too.) A Good Squad is a group they wish withof baddies that aren’t strong on their own, but out limit other combine can be a challenge. Unlike normal than standard characters Goon Squad's have a single stat XP cost. Vilcalled Menace Rating. Storytellers can make lains have an increase Influx of eight each Powthis number completely up between the range er Level, so a Power Level one Villain’s Influx of three to fifteen. At the start of each round of would be sixteen. Finally, Villains have access combat involving a Goon Squad the Storyteller to Death Attacks. You know death beam, death builds a Menace Pool made up of the Squad’s kick, death punch, or death head-butt. We’ll rating. The storyteller than can spend those explain Death Attacks on the next page. dice as they please throughout the round. They might be attacked and remove three dice from the pool giving the Squad three defense against the attack. They might attack two players using four dice and two dice respectively. It is up to the storyteller how the dice are spent. Importantly a Goon Squad has Life Point limit of ten to one hundred. So go wild, let your players fight an army and wreck some stuff! Information: M enace Rating betw een 3 to 15 / Life Points between 10 to 100. Awards: Experience P oints betw een 5 to 15 per Squad.
Death Attack
and that is where the battle takes place. Really This is a special Attack Modifier Bonus that only easy so far, not you pick or randomly decide Villains have access to. Death attack can be use from the list we are about to give you the with any type of attack. Death Attacks are not weather affects and terrain features. Yeah, that subject to the dice nullification rule. If a Villain’s is right you can per-build or do it on the fly you Power Level is double plus one of the target’s very own battle field, bat-$h*t crazy right? We and the Villain successfully inflicts any amount know. of damage the target’s Life Points are reduced to zero automatically. If the Villain’s Power Level is The Gird above the target’s, three or more, and the VilYou can player the DBZ engine with or without a lain successfully inflicts any amount of damage grid. Without a grid we used yards to describe the target must roll on the Devastated blow distant, with a grid you would use squares or chart; even if their Devastated Threshold wasn’t one space. One space or square is equal to reached. If a difference between the Attacker three yards. and the Target’s Power Level does not fall into the top two options then Death Attack gains Battle Terrain Penetration rank one. Not a all inclusive list, but a good start. We in Bonus: N o N ullification Rule / P enetracluded the most basic and simple thing. Battle tion rank 1 / Devastated Blow Terrain works great with a grid. You can choose Limit: Dependent on Attacker and Tarfrom the list or simply randomly roll. get’s Power Level differences. (1-2) Water Feature - Hardness 0 - A Ki Point Cost: 12 Ki P oints large or small water type feature, either a Attack Bonus: Y es lake, ocean, steam or swamp. Advantage (3-4) Rocky Features- Hardness 2 - Tall rock formations. For each pick of this terrain Death Attack is still subjected to the Scale of the add three Rocky Feature to the battle area. Game rule just like any other Attack Modifier (5-6) Forest Features - Hardness 1 Bonus. Now, some might think that Death AtTrees or thick brush. For each pick of this tertack gives a Storyteller a bit too much power. rain add three to five Forest Features to the Death Attack was design to keep players from battle area. focusing too much experience on one area of (7-8) City Features - Hardness 2 - Buildtheir character sheet, we want players to have ings, houses or other city type features. For freedom; but don’t want someone to only spend each pick of this terrain add two to five City experience to create One Punch Man. AdditionalFeatures to the battle area. ly, we created it for those moment a Storyteller (9-10) Course Feature - Hardness 1 - Any might want to blow a players best friend into type of course feature such as gravel or sand. bits. Simply, Death Attack is a tool not a use it This pick will cover the entire battle area. every single attack type deal and we suggest you don’t do that. Like we said this is a simply and not at all inclusive list, but enough to get the battle ground filled up with some playful terrain features to Battle Grounds Okay, we have the Heroes and we have the Vil- throw those baddies into and maybe rip a few lain, but where do they fight? On a grid paper shirts. We encourage players and Storytellers to with some dice? Heck, no. We created Battle use these features and come up with there own Grounds to help players and Storytellers get a to help make a battle even more dynamic. Now real feel of immersion. Battle Grounds are simp- on ward to battle weather! ly enough we pick any where you can imagine Storyteller
Terrain Features
While using a grid and adding terrain is great and really brings a new dynamic to you typically hack and smash something there just isn’t enough room on the table. We didn’t want to terrain a standard size. We thought leave it up to the storyteller, however, if you are using terrain for a different Campaign type a standard size might come into play. So give created a few guidelines to help. We listed the number of squares the feature might take up, they aren’t handled to any single shape either. You might have a feature with ten squares and those squares can be arranged in any fashion. Water Features: 6 to 12 squares Rocky Features: 4 to 8 squares Forest Features: 1 to 4 squares City Features: 6 to 12 squares
Battle Weather
We have created the Battle Ground now we need to know, is it sunny or is it pouring down destruction and kittens. Battle Weather affects can be combined in any fashion. Want it to be raining, while a thick fog rolls into your sunny day why not. Weather affects might also give negatives to specific skills so it is best to check them. If a skill has the same negatives are a weather affect use the highest negative of the two.
Terrain Test
Rain (5-6)
There are three types of rain you can have during a battle each with it owns penalties. Drizzle, Down Pour and Storm. Drizzle (DC 1): Light rain that causes the affects of Refresh to be reduced by one. Down Pour (DC 2): Heavy rain that affects battle and movement. All attack pools are reduced by one. Speed and Initiative are reduced by two. Storm (DC 3): Thunder and light w ith heavy rains. All attack pools are reduced by two. Speed and Initiative by three. Additionally every two rounds of combat the Storyteller rolls a single D10 if the result is a one or two randomly strike an combatant with lighting. Lighting has an attack pool of five and damage value of five. It also causes direct damage to the target.
Fog (1-2)
Imagine a battle in thick fog where all you can see are flashing of color and explosion of Ki. There are two types of fog light and thick. Both affect a players ability to use energy attacks. Light Fog (DC 1): W hen shooting into combat allies reflex save DC is increased by two. Thick Fog (DC 2): n shooting into combat allies reflex save DC is increased by four. Additionally, players have a negative two to all energy attack pools.
Characters can resist the effects of any weather type by wearing an Explorer Outfit or taking a Terrain Test. Using Survival + Constitution with a standard DC of one plus the DC listed with each affect.
Sunny Day
This is the normal and default battle Weather affect that every encounter will have unless stated otherwise. It does give any benefits other than increasing all Combatant Refresh affects by one. Positive: +1 Refresh affects
Winds (3-4)
Typically there is always wind, but we are covering the more aggressive winds. Those typically from with storms or hurricanes. Forceful Gale (DC 2): Strong w inds which reduce a player's Defense by one and Speed and Initiative by two. Typhoon (DC 3): Blasting w inds, that cause buildings and other reinforced structures to buckle and break. Reduce a player's Defense by two and Speed and Initiative by four. Hurricane Winds (DC 4): P ow erful and rapidly shifting winds reaching triple digits, which Reduce a player's Defense by three and Speed and Initiative by five.
Cold (7-8)
Cold weather varieties in it is forms. You might have actual cold weather or snow, maybe even ice. Sometimes all three! Freezing Temperatures (DC 3): Character Refresh affects are reduced to one. Additionally, all Attack Pools suffers negative two dice and all Damage Pools suffers a negative one. Snow Fall (DC 2): Fast, large and w ild snow fall covering everything in sight with inches of snow. Player’s speed and initiative are reduced by one and all Attack Pools suffer a negative one. Ice (DC 4): Freezing large areas of land and cooling the air down to extreme temperatures. Ice reduces player’s speed and initiative by five. Additionally, when characters move while on the ground they must take a terrain test. If failed they fall prone.
Steadfast pool is reduced by three and every time they spend any amount of Ki Points increase the value spent by two.
Unlike all other weather affects Cataclysm is just that a maelstrom of crazy weather. Typically, followed by the earth shattering explosion of the planet. When using a cataclysm weather every round pick three different weather affects randomly and apply them to the encounter. Doubles don’t count so roll until you have three different effects. Enjoy the end of the world!
Campaign types
So we covered some pretty useful tools for the Storyteller, we checked out how to create the prefect villain and we saw what random and built battlegrounds can do to immerse your players into combat. Well, while all that is good what happens if you can’t find a Storyteller? Or what if you down a few players for that weeks session? Don’t worry we thought of that too and got you covered with different Campaign types.
Homebrew Campaign
This is the standard campaign setting where a group of friends get together and roll fun shape dice together travelling along inside of a imagined story. With the help of a storyteller the players will progress through a story arch. Pretty standard stuff.
Battle Royale
Don’t have a storyteller? Can’t rope someone into being one? No problem, we invented a different type of gameplay for you. A Battle Royale, all the players create characters as normal for a Legendary Game Path. There are no rules Desert (9-10) This weather affect doesn’t actually mean a de- barring those already in place for character cresert, but strong heat and dry or humid air. ation, on top of that each player gets an extra High Temperatures (DC 3): Remember two hundred experience points to spend. Once fire mountain? Yeah, the one that was on everyone has created a character roll initiative fire. Players Steadfast pool is reduced by two and start the battle the last man standing wins. and every time they spend any amount of Ki It’s a Deathmatch, free-for-all win takes all. For Points increase the value spent by one. glory or nerd points this type of campaign gets Volcanic (DC 3): A DBZ battle on top of a everyone involved. active volcano? That would be epic! Players Storyteller
Marital Arts Tournament
Battle Royale a bit much for you? Enjoy something more traditional and controlled how about a Marital Arts Tournament. One verses one combat to see who is the best and most powerful fighter in the World, of best player at minimaxing. Again, a prefect alternative for groups without a willing Storyteller or simply a great side mission or break in a main story arch of any campaign. There are few specific rules for a Martial Arts Tournament every will need to know.
crowned winners of the Quarterfinals will move on to the Semifinals where the number of combatants should be no more than four. The two winning combatants then fight in the finals for reigning champion.
Tier of Power
Players will build a character using the Game Path Heroic per the standard rule set we have covered with an extra fifty experience points. Each quarter of the tournament characters will increase to the next Game Path and be granted another bonus fifty experience points to improve their character between quarters.
*Simple example bracket to give a visual description of a Single-Elimination Tournament Quarters style bracket system. We have included at the A tournament is a single elimination, one verses end of this chapter a full size bracket for up to one match. There are typically four quarters; sixteen players. First Round, Quarterfinals, Semifinals and finals. During the First Round all combatants fight Combatants against one another defeat means elimination. No one likes to seat and watch so we suggest if Groups without an even amount of players or a you are running a Marital Arts Tournament only large amount of players might have more than campaign let player have more than one characone First round. The winning combatants contin- ter, maybe two or three; or even have a Losers ue on to the Quarterfinals where they will reBracket. Regardless, never let someone seat out peat the process against until there are only two everyone came to smash faces and have a beer! winning combatants. After players have been Storyteller
We have covered a lot over the last hundred some pages, we have given you as players and storytellers so much information to know we wanted to give everyone some good examples. First we are going to cover a few Signature Techniques and then some characters.
Nail Gun
Description: Blue and pink spiral-cork screw beam attack. Style: Offensive Attack Type: Energy Energy Type: Beam Ki Cost: 15 = 5(Beam) + 4(Energy Attack) +2 (Accurate rank 2) + 1(Damaging rank 1) + 3 (Penetration rank 3) Advantages: Accurate (2), Damaging (1), Penetration (3) Disadvantages: Limited Shot (3) Experience Point cost: 47 = 10(Signature Technique) + 10(Beam Attack) + 39 (Advantages; Accurate rank 2 = 12, Damaging rank 1 = 6, Penetration rank 3 = 21) - 12 (Limited Shot rank 3).
Donkey Hammer Punch
Description: Single fist flaming lunging punch Style: Offensive Attack Type: Physical Energy Type: N/A Ki Cost: 16 = 3(Physical technique) + 2 (Physical Attack) +1(Accurate rank 1) + 3 (Damaging rank 3) + 1(Bleeding rank 1) + 6 (Vtiality Drain rank 1) Advantages: Accurate (1), Damaging (3), Bleeding (1) - DC = 2 Disadvantages: Vitality Drain (1) Experience Point cost: 40 = 10(Signature Technique) + 31(Advantages; Accurate rank 1 = 5, Damaging rank 3 = 21, Bleeding rank 1 = 5) + 4 (DOT increase by DC 1) - 5(Vitality Drain rank 1).
Flaming Flamingo
Description: Purple and black flaming Aura Style: Defensive Attack Type: N/a Energy Type: Aura Ki Cost: 5 = 2(Aura) + 3(Stat Boosting rank 3) Sustain Cost: 6 = 2(Aura) + 4(Stat Boosting rank 3) Advantages: Stat Boosting (3) - Strength, Dexterity, Reflex Disadvantages: Low Penetration (1) Experience Point cost: 32 = 10(Signature Technique) + 4(Aura) + 21(Stat Boosting rank 3) - 3(Low Penetration 3).
Rockin Christmas
Description: Red and green pulsing aura Style: Defensive Attack Type: N/a Energy Type: Aura Ki Cost: 6 = 2(Aura) + 1(Accurate rank 1) + 3 (Bleeding rank 3) Sustain Cost: 8 = 2(Aura) + 2(Accurate rank 1) + 4(Bleeding rank 3) Bleed Damage: 7 Direct Damage Advantages: Damaging (3), Accurate (1), Bleeding (1) - DC = 1 Disadvantages: N/a Experience Point cost: 40 = 10(Signature Technique) + 4(Aura) + 21(Bleeding rank 3) + 5(Accurate rank 1).
Character Name: Rohan
Race: Human
Experience Points: 13
Player Name: Test
Stature: 3
Fitness Points: 2
Campaign: Quest for the Monkey King
Speed: 5
Strength Dexterity
Acrobatics Athletics Finesse Stealth Survival
Power Precision
Accumulation Concealment Flight Empower Accuracy
Perception Wits
Knowledge Listen Search Sense Spot
Physical Attack: 4
Constitution ØØOOO Reflex ØØØOO Defy Barrier Resilience
Threat Willpower
Life Meter
Ki Meter
Dexterity + Finesse + bonuses
Physical Damage Pool: 3 Strength + bonuses
Physical Damage Value: 3
Three + bonuses
Energy Attack: 5 Precision + Accuracy + bonuses
Energy Damage Pool: 2
Combat Fatigue Points: 0
Power Level
Power + bonuses
Energy Damage Value: 5
Soul Points
Initiative: +3
Dexterity or Reflex + Wits – Size
Signature Technique:
Defense: 3 / 3
Actions: 4
Reflex + bonuses
Actions per turn
Power Up: 1 / 16
Armor; N/a
Times Per Encounter
Power Surge: 1
Life Points: 32 / 8
Max Life Points
Dragon Rush: 1
Devastated Threshold
Ki Cost/Sustain Cost: Advantages Disadvantages
Signature Technique: Ki Cost/Sustain Cost:
Ki Points: 24 Max Ki Points Merits: Improved Initiative, Flexible Flanker
Game Path: Heroic Game Difficultly: Standard
Notes: Campaign Type: Homebrewed
• Attributes 5/4/3/2 • Skills 7/6/5/4 • Life Points = Stamina + Endurance x Eight • Ki Points = Stamina or Endurance + Manipulation x Six • Soul Points 2 • Actions = Perception + Wits or Intelligence • Power Level 1 •
Character Name: Garrett
Race: Saiyan
Experience Points: 8
Player Name: Test
Stature: 4
Fitness Points: 4
Campaign: Quest for the Monkey King
Speed: 5
Strength Dexterity
Acrobatics Athletics Finesse Stealth Survival
Power Precision
Accumulation Concealment Flight Empower Accuracy
Perception Wits
Knowledge Listen Search Sense Spot
Physical Attack: 5
Constitution ØØOOO Reflex ØØØOO Defy Barrier Resilience
Threat Willpower
Life Meter
Ki Meter
Dexterity + Finesse + bonuses
Physical Damage Pool: 3 Strength + bonuses
Physical Damage Value: 3
Three + bonuses
Energy Attack: 4 Precision + Accuracy + bonuses
Energy Damage Pool: 2
Combat Fatigue Points: 0
Power Level
Power + bonuses
Energy Damage Value: 5
Soul Points
Initiative: +4
Dexterity or Reflex + Wits – Size
Signature Technique:
Defense: 3 / 3
Actions: 4
Reflex + bonuses
Actions per turn
Power Up: 3 / 20
Armor; N/a
Times Per Encounter
Power Surge: 1
Life Points: 48 / 22
Max Life Points
Dragon Rush: 1
Devastated Threshold
Ki Cost/Sustain Cost: Advantages Disadvantages
Signature Technique: Ki Cost/Sustain Cost:
Ki Points: 30 Max Ki Points Merits: Fortitude
Game Path: Heroic Game Difficultly: Standard
Notes: Campaign Type: Homebrewed
• Attributes 5/4/3/2 • Skills 7/6/5/4 • Life Points = Stamina + Endurance x Eight • Ki Points = Stamina or Endurance + Manipulation x Six • Soul Points 2 • Actions = Perception + Wits or Intelligence • Power Level 1 •
What will happen next, what will change, will we add something new or improve a mechanThat concludes the Storyteller chapter and the Dragon Ball Z Engine fan created publica- ic? Find out next time…. tion RuleBook. We hope that we have captured the essence of DBZ and brought all the enjoyment, humor and general awesomeness to your tabletop.
Character Name: Player Name: Campaign:
Strength Dexterity
Acrobatics Athletics Finesse Stealth Survival
Experience Points:
Race: Stature: Speed:
Fitness Points:
Power Precision
Accumulation Concealment Flight Empower Accuracy
Perception Wits
Knowledge Listen Search Sense Spot
Physical Attack:
Constitution OOOOO Reflex OOOOO Defy Barrier Resilience
Threat Willpower
Life Meter
Ki Meter
Dexterity + Finesse + bonuses
Physical Damage Pool: Strength + bonuses
Physical Damage Value:
Three + bonuses
Energy Attack: Precision + Accuracy + bonuses
Energy Damage Pool:
Combat Fatigue Points:
Power Level
Power + bonuses
Energy Damage Value:
Soul Points
Dexterity or Reflex + Wits – Size
Signature Technique:
Reflex + bonuses
Actions per turn
Power Up:
Times Per Encounter
Power Surge:
Life Points:
Max Life Points
Dragon Rush:
Devastated Threshold
Ki Cost/Sustain Cost: Advantages Disadvantages
Signature Technique: Ki Cost/Sustain Cost:
Ki Points: Max Ki Points Merits:
Game Path: Game Difficultly:
Notes: Campaign Type:
• Attributes 5/4/3/2 • Skills 7/6/5/4 • Life Points = Stamina + Endurance x Eight • Ki Points = Stamina or Endurance + Manipulation x Six • Soul Points 2 • Actions = Perception + Wits or Intelligence • Power Level 1 •
Power Level
Attributes & Skills
Strength Dexterity
Acrobatics Athletics Finesse Stealth Survival
Power Precision
Accumulation Concealment Flight Empower Accuracy
Perception Wits
Knowledge Listen Search Sense Spot
Protection Constitution OOOOO Reflex OOOOO Defy Barrier Resilience
Threat Willpower
Power Level
Attributes & Skills
Strength Dexterity
Acrobatics Athletics Finesse Stealth Survival
Signature Technique: Ki Cost/Sustain Cost: Advantages Disadvantages
Signature Technique: Ki Cost/Sustain Cost: Advantages Disadvantages
Power Precision
Accumulation Concealment Flight Empower Accuracy
Perception Wits
Knowledge Listen Search Sense Spot
Protection Constitution OOOOO Reflex OOOOO Defy Barrier Resilience
Threat Willpower
Ki Cost:
Ki Cost:
Sustain Cost:
Sustain Cost:
Ki Cost:
Ki Cost:
Sustain Cost:
Sustain Cost:
Signature Technique: Ki Cost/Sustain Cost: Advantages Disadvantages
Signature Technique: Ki Cost/Sustain Cost: Advantages Disadvantages
Signature Technique: Ki Cost/Sustain Cost: Advantages Disadvantages
Signature Technique: Ki Cost/Sustain Cost: Advantages Disadvantages
Additional notes:
Special Thanks
The Dragon Ball Z Pen & Paper Role-Playing Game was written by Owen Porter and created with the assistance of his closest and dearest friends. Special thanks to those friends and the other online resources which help create this publication.
AlmightyK Sir Avestain Booggieman2u Vareg Newbie Rabid-Duck-King
Sarcin SeventhDiatribe Sinaaq Sir Quinton Steelbraxus
This rule book is a non-profit Fan-Based RPG Role-Playing Game And Not intended for commercial release Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT and Dragonball Super are all owned by FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV and Akira Toriyama.
Please support the official release. Any and all copyrighted material used in this publication belongs to the respective individual or group that has declared legal ownership and in no way does the creator or others involved in the creation of this publication own said copyrighted material. This is not a supplement for, nor is this publication based on, “Dragon Ball Z: The Anime Adventure Game” created by R. Talsorian Games.
Index Actions pg. 77
Grappling pg. 86
Active Abilities pg. 24
Healing pg. 85
Active Obstruction pg. 9
Influx pg. 50
Advantages pg. 55-57
Initiative pg. 77
Aid Another pg. 86
Ki Points pg. 50
Antagonist pg. 98
Life Points pg. 49
Attack Modifier Bonuses pg. 90-94
Merits pg. 32, 40-45
Attributes pg. 19
Passive Abilities pg. 24
Battle Grounds pg. 99-101
Passive Obstruction pg. 9
Basic Energy Attack pg. 90
Phases pg. 78
Basic Physical Attack pg. 79
Physical Stature pg. 18
Campaign Types pg. 101, 102
Power Level pg. 50
Character Creation pg. 16
Power Up pg. 87
Combat pg. 76
Racial Traits pg. 24
Crippling Strike pg. 84
Refresh pg. 87
Critical Success pg. 9
Rounds pg. 76
Damage Pool pg. 81
Scale of the Game pg. 94
Damage Over Time pg. 54
Signature Technique pg. 52
Damage Thresholds pg. 49-50, 84
Skills pg. 32, 34-39
Damage Type pg. 82
Speed pg. 18
Damage Value pg. 82
Shoot Ki into Combat pg. 80
Demise Check pg. 85
Stances pg. 87-89
Defense pg. 81
Steadfast pg. 84
Devastating Blow pg. 84
Storyteller Tools pg. 96
Dice Modifiers pg. 8
Struggle pg. 81
Difficulty Class pg. 9
Successes pg. 8
Disadvantages pg. 57-59
Surge pg. 87
Dots pg. 18
Surprise Round pg. 77
Dragon Rush pg. 86
Tripping pg. 89
Energy Attack Types pg.53
Training System pg. 97
Equipment pg. 73-74
Transformations pg. 61
Examples pg. 103-105
Transfer Essence pg. 89
Experience Points pg. 17
Turns pg. 76
Fitness Points pg. 97
Z-Soul pg. 32, 47-48
Game Difficulty pg.17 Game Path pg. 17 Getting Started pg.8