Flames of Rebellion: Royal - BlazingMoon375 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Beginning Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 2: The Teal Magician and The Yellow Chariot Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: The Volleyball Rally Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: The Pink Lovers and The Silver Strength Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: The Black Moon Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: Weapons and Music Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: The Castle of Lust Comes Down Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: Persona Stats 1: Castle of Lust Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Moment of Calm Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: The Royal Blue Priestess Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: The Icy Emperor Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Museum of Vanity gets Vandalized Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: Persona Stats 2: Museum of Vanity Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 14: The Good Boy and the Detective Prince Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Never Alone Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: The Green Hermit and the Pyramid of Wrath Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Persona Stats 3: Pyramid of Wrath Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Oracle's Initiation and a Detective's Resolve Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: The Indigo Star Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: The Storms of Truth and the Jazz Club Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: The Bank of Gluttony Goes Bankrupt Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: Persona Stats 4: Bank of Gluttony Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Fallout Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Fireworks and False Identities Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: The Magenta Faith Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: Beach Day Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: The Shadow Operatives and A Night in Hawaii Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: The Purple Empress Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: The Spaceport of Greed Causes Conflict Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The Beginning



I realize I haven't been very clear about how soulmates work in this story, so I'm going to explain in case there are any new readers.

First: Members of a soulbond share the same mark somewhere on their body and in the same place. And they can practically look like anything that you may think of. For the Phantom Thieves specifically, it is a flame spreading out on their shoulders, upper arms, and right above the pec area. Marks are different in terms of color for all people based on their personality.

For every bond, there is a leader, or I guess an Alpha by technical standards, who will already have their mark active once it appears. For the other soulmates, it will be black and lifeless and will feel cold to the touch. In order to activate, the leader has to touch them skin to skin. It does not have to be on their marks specifically, it just has to be skin to skin.

In this universe, it is a severe and deadly crime to cheat on your soulmate/mates with another person outside of it. In this AU there is discussion of it which drives people's actions away from it. The punishment is often times life imprisonment or even the death penalty as the courts will sometimes say that scum that would cheat on their fated partners should not get to have them at all. And any crime like sex trafficing or rape of a soulmate is held in higher regard on the unmarked because of the circ*mstances surrounding them. Society views such people as the lowest of the low next to the obvious crimes.

The bond allows them to feel each other's emotions and speak to each other telepathy. Before the mark is active, they feel every emotion, but they cannot feel affection. They also feel each other's pain if they are hurt.

And no one is born with a mark. On the night before the leaders ninth birthday, the mark will appear on them and their soulmates skin before the leader officially turns nine the next day. That is when the others lose their feeling of affection.

Lastly, and very obvious, when you are in a bond, there is no limit on the number of partners you can have, anyone can hug or kiss or go further than that as long as they are part of you. But everyone is expected to have clear communication with each other to display what they are comfortable with, and to make sure that everyone is onboard. They are your heart and soul, so doing anything without consent is strictly frowned upon.

If you have any other questions, let me know and I will answer.


Chapter Text

Saturday April 9th 20xx

Ren gasped as he awoke on the train.

Having been awakened from his nap so abruptly by the train stopping reminded him of the fact that he was far from home. He closed his eyes as he got up from the train car, since everybody was filtering out of the train thanks to their stop at Shibuya.

As he searched for his next train to his new living residence, a voice rang out in his head.

‘Damn Brat! I’ll sue!’ An angry drunk voice raged in his mind.

Ren closed his eyes again as he thought back to the very reason he was now in Tokyo. Taking a moment to catch his breath, he walked until he reached the crossing, catching a quick glimpse down to his phone to make sure he was going the right way. But when he went to use his phone, an app proceeded to make itself known. A red eye was now active as Ren narrowed his eyes in confusion over the app's appearance.

“Say how is the…” A voice started before it abruptly stopped. When Ren looked up at the offending individual, he gasped as he noticed that everyone was frozen around him. As he began to lose focus over this development, his eyes caught the sight of a blue fire across the way, burning high as Ren tried to keep his cool over what was happening.

A yellow eyed replica of himself grinned evilly as he looked at himself from within the fire.

With a single white flash, reality resumed, and the people continued to move like nothing happened to them. With his eyes wide in a panic for a split second, he turned his attention back to his phone and grabbed the red eye app before dumping it in the trash. Letting out a scoff as he continued across the Shibuya Crossing to get to his train.


“Yongen Jaya. This is Yongen Jaya. Thank you for traveling with us today.” a voice chimed on the intercom as Ren got off the train. Letting off another sigh as he got on the escalator to get out of the subway. Rubbing his eyes slightly as he tried to keep himself awake from all of the napping he had been doing on the way here. But once he reached the top, he made a fast walk straight for the doors and found himself in the backstreets of Yongen Jaya. Not a lot of business all things considered.

“When you get there. Sakura-San will most likely still be at his shop.” His mothers gentle voice rang through his head. “He runs a coffee shop called Leblanc. He will help you.”

Ren closed his eyes again as he tried to stay afloat from what he lost thanks to the drunk politician. As he took a moment to catch his breath again, he walked and turned right as he was met with the cafe in question. Gathering his courage, he opened the door to the restaurant, noticing the retro look of the place as an elderly couple sat in one of the four booths. An older gentleman in an apron sat at the bar, looking over a crossword puzzle.

“Let’s see…” The elder gentleman tapped the pencil on his chin. “What could fit in…” He trailed off as he noticed Ren at the door. With a cough, he stood up from his chair and put the paper down. “Oh. Right. They told me you were coming.” He said as the elderly couple stood up.

“Thank you for your hospitality, Sakura-San.” The elderly woman said as the two walked out the door.

“Geez. All that just for one cup of coffee.” Sakura-San grumbled before he focused on Ren. “I take it you’re Ren Amagi then?”

“That’s correct.”

“Huh.” The older man started before he explained. “I’m Sojiro Sakura. You’ll be in my custody for the duration of your probation. Come with me, I’ll show you your room.” He gestured for Ren to follow him as they walked to the stairs. Climbing the stairs, Sojiro led Ren to the attic which was cluttered with many items throughout.

“Here we are. This is your room.”

“...It’s cluttered.” Ren commented as he observed the books and cobwebs.

“You’re in charge of keeping the place clean.” Sojiro instructed. “Now… I got the gist of your situation from your father. A man was harassing a woman when you were coming back from work. You intervened and got charged with assault because the man managed to manipulate the story in his favor. As a result, your school kicked you out, and all of your friends abandoned you. The courts ordered you to be transferred out here because of the man’s other suggestion of keeping you away from your parents.” Sojiro summarized before he scowled. “That’s what you get for sticking your nose in other people’s business.” He fired as Ren’s right eye slightly twitched.

“Wow. Thanks.” Ren scoffed.

“Either way, you’ll be on probation for the next year. Cause any problems and you’ll be sent straight to Juvie.” Sojiro brought a hand to his chin. “Tomorrow, we’ll be heading to Shujin Academy. Now I got to get back to work, so be careful with what you touch up here.” he finished as he walked back down the stairs into the cafe.

Ren sighed as he grabbed his box that had shipped ahead of him and placed it on the shelf. Cracking his knuckles, he got to work.

Ren wiped his brow as he inspected his work. He had managed to wash the floors clean and clear up all the dust around the room. However, the pile of books and the other items such as the ladder remained on the floor. He was sitting on his bed when Sojiro climbed the steps again.

“Huh… I was wondering what you were doing up here.” He commented as he looked around the room before giving a satisfied smirk. “Not bad. Anyways, I’m heading home. Don’t do anything stupid.” He waved Ren off as he went back down the stairs and locked up. Ren sighed again as he got up and grabbed his sleep clothes from his box. He descended the stairs again into the bathroom as he shut the door with a soft click.

He removed the school uniform with ease as he got a good look at his bare chest. The red soul mark in the shape of a wild flame burned on his upper arms, shoulders and pecs like a living breathing fire. Softly trailing his fingers over it, he gave a soft smile before he continued with his task. Once he put on his green sleep pants and his black sleep shirt, he brushed his teeth and went back upstairs to relax on the bed. With his hands behind his head, he stared up at the ceiling as he went back over everything.

‘A whole year…” Ren thought silently as he closed his eyes trying to stay afloat. A short vibration from his phone brought his attention to it as he lifted it and saw the red eyeball app back on his phone.

“I thought I deleted you…” Ren questioned aloud as he grabbed the app and threw it back in the trash. With the feeling of sleep crashing over him so after, he laid back on the pillow and fell unconscious.


When Ren awoke again, he questioned if he was still sane.

He was no longer in the attic of Leblanc and was now in a blue room with chains dangling from the ceiling. When he shot up, he noticed the handcuffs around his wrists and the black and white prison outfit on his frame. His soul mark was giving a faint glow from underneath the white as he put a hand to his head wondering what the hell was happening.

A short giggle drew his attention as he turned to the right, noticing the presence of a woman around his height smiling into the cell with warmth in her yellow eyes. Dressed in a blue dress that stopped at her knees as a black headband sat on her head with a butterfly pin. Her platinum blond hair went down her back as she held a book in her hands.

As he stood up, his head snapped down to the chain wrapped around his left ankle, tying him to a metal ball in the corner. As he walked to the cell doors, he adjusted his eyes to the light before he gasped.

Around him were a bunch of empty cells that looked the same as his in that same blue color. However, in the middle sitting at a wooden desk was an elderly man with a long nose and dressed in a black suit. His left fingers were tapping together constantly on his right knuckles as he began to smile wickedly. Raising his eyes to his inhabitant, he opened them and gestured his hand to him.

“Trickster…” He began in a high-pitched voice. “Welcome… to the Velvet Room.”




“What…” Ren breathed as he pinched himself thinking he was dreaming. “What the hell did I eat earlier?” he said to himself.

The woman giggled as she looked at him. “Fear not Trickster. The ‘you’ in reality is currently asleep. You will be returned shortly. But first, my master wishes to speak with you. So please pay attention. ”

“As I just stated. Welcome to the Velvet Room.” The man started again. “My name is Igor, and I am the master of this place.”

“Velvet… Room…?” Ren processed with great confusion as Igor looked around the room with slight surprise in his eyes.

“Still, this is quite the surprise compared to my last few guests.” Igor commented. “The state of the Velvet Room reflects the state of one’s heart. And it would appear you don’t view yourself as free." He then pulled out two cards and laid them on the table, messing with them slightly as he kept his attention on his inmate. “But even with your circ*mstances, there is a fire that burns within you… a spirit of rebellion that screams for justice in this unjust game of fate…” he flipped one card over as he observed it. “But the question is… do you possess the power to ignite the flames of hope and bring a brighter future…” He flipped another on the opposite side. “Or will you allow the world to fall into a cold ruin?” He looked at Ren, who remained lost by all of this.

Suddenly Igor snapped his fingers as if remembering something.

“Ah yes, where are my manners? To your right is Lavenza. She will be assisting you in your service here."

“A pleasure, Trickster.” Lavenza bowed as Ren blinked completely lost by what was happening.




“What the fu–” He was cut off as a loud bell went off, causing him to grow dizzy as if he tried to stay on his feet.

“Until our next meeting. Trickster.” Igor’s voice rang out as Ren fell unconscious again.


When He awoke, he was back in the attic. Sunlight now shining through the window as Sojiro approached him.

"Alright. Get up. It's time for us to go get you registered." Now get changed so we can get going." Was all he said before he went back down the stairs.

Ren watched him go before he gave a sigh and went to put on his school uniform. Already off to a rough start thanks to some stupidly weird dream. He just hoped that his stay here in Tokyo wouldn't be plagued by that dream often.

"Hey, Sakura-san." He called out. "Can you do something for me when we get there?"

"Gods, this traffic..." Sojiro grumbled from the driver's side. "You're taking the train starting tomorrow." He addressed Ren, who stayed silent since they left Shujin Academy.

But since there was nothing to do...

"Can I ask you something kid?"

"What is it?" Ren answered.

"Why did you have me change your name to Amamiya?"

Ren looked at him neutrally before he let out a sigh as he went back to staring out the window. "Keeps my record out of their mouths. Also won't give my family any sh*t."

Sojiro pressed his lips together before he decided to leave it alone. "Well. Not a bad strategy all things considered."

Ren only hummed in acknowledgement as he felt a vibration go off in his pocket. When he looked at his phone, he saw a text from Yukiko.

Yukiko: Miss you, Ren. Call me whenever you need me.

Ren: I thought you weren't supposed to text me.

Yukiko: As if I'm gonna start listening to the police now. >:)

Ren: Alright. Fair.

Yukiko: I mean it. You're my brother. If you need something. I will come running. I've got to get back to work. Love you!

Ren sent a 'love you too' message back before he pocketed his phone. Sojiro seemed to have noticed but didn't comment on his behavior. Really hoping that this kid wouldn't go looking for trouble while he was on probation.




If only he knew...

Chapter 2: The Teal Magician and The Yellow Chariot


My idiotic brain forgetting Haru in the tags. (Facepalms). Anyway, here is another chapter in my dive into Persona 5. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter Text

Monday April 11th 20xx

For once, Ren didn’t know how he got himself in these situations.

What was supposed to be a year spent in Tokyo on probation for an assault he didn’t commit, had rapidly spiraled out of control. Not even one day in and he was trapped in a weird dream with a long-nosed man named Igor and a weird yellow eyed teenager named Lavenza in what was called the Velvet Room. Now two days later, what was supposed to be a school turned into a medieval castle where the supposed gym teacher was dressed in a disgusting attire of a pink speedo and a pink coat. The teacher was currently assaulting his accomplice, who had been dragged in with him, like he was some sort of peasant.

“Hm, Pathetic worm. You’re not even worth the effort to beat you.”

Ren stared in shock as the perverted being now known as Kamoshida beat the vulgar boy in front of him. The boy cried out in pain as the perverted king of this castle continued to lay continuous slams to his body before the blonde collapsed to the floor in defeat. The king only stared down in smug satisfaction from his power upon the peasant before chuckling darkly.

“A peasant like you isn’t worth beating. I’ll have you killed right now.” He chuckled as the boy's eyes went wide.

“Have you lost your mind?” was the only thing that left Ren's mouth as he looked at the display in front of him. At his voice, the king co*cked his head back at him before stalking his way over to the bushy haired teenager with a crazed gaze in his eyes.

“What? Don’t you dare tell me you don’t know who I am?” Kamoshida rang as he stared at the raven-haired student with a smirk. His yellow eyes stared into his angry onyx orbs before his lips curled in hatred. “That look in your eyes irritates me!” he roared as he kicked the boy into the wall behind him. Ren crashed to the floor as the breath got knocked out of him.

“Hold him there,” He commanded his guards as they held him to the wall before turning back to his other prisoner. “After the peasant, it's his turn to die,” He finished with a blood thirsty grin.

“No! No I don’t want to die…” the vulgar boy screamed into fear as the king laughed at his soon to be victim. Ren only gritted his teeth as his eyes held fear at the situation around him. Looking for a way out from the impossible odds in front of him.

“What's wrong?” Ren froze as a voice similar to his own rang out in a deeper tone.

“Are you simply going to watch?

Here in his final moments, you would forsake him?

Death awaits him if you do nothing.” The voice snarked as Ren continued to look around for the source of the voice.

“Was your previous decision a mistake then?” as visions of the night of his arrest flashed through his mind.

“Did you make the wrong choice by helping her?” it questioned the second year as his eyes remained closed in pain. When he opened his eyes again, they held a fire within as an angry expression burned on his face.

“No. I didn’t." was all he said without hesitation.

“Very well,” the voice replied, pleased with his answer. “I have taken heed of your resolve… VOW TO ME!!!” The voice roared.

Just as fast, Ren clutched his head in pain as the mother of all headaches assaulted him. His mind, being split open as Ren continued to try and sustain the pain. His cries reached the ears of the other two as they both held a baffled expression to Ren.

“Hold him down you morons!” Kamoshida roared as the guards tightened their grips on the boy's shoulders, keeping him pinned to the wall. Ren's head now upwards as he struggled to contain his pain. When he lowered his head again, there was a visible domino mask attached to his face which was now being the main source of his pain. As if on instinct, the boy clutched the mask in his face and pulled to get it off, only to find it attached to his skin. Still, he pushed through as he began to produce louder wails as he continued to pull it off.

With one final forceful pull, Ren removed it with a howl in his voice producing blood as the mask dropped to the floor before exploding into a ball of blue flames that consumed his lower half and launched Kamoshida and all of his guards around him to the floor. Ryuji fell to the floor with a grunt as he stared up at the transfer student with shock. The flames burned the top of his uniform off as he held his head down. Revealing his skin to those around him as the pain began to lessen.

What Ryuji saw only made his eyes go wide as he caught a firm look of the mark along his shoulders and partially down to his pecs and arms that looked alot like flames attached to his skin in a dark red color. The crimson flames danced along his body as the blue flames traveled up his body, covering him in some sort of magician thief attire while Ren breathed from his pain. Just as quickly though, the mark was covered up by the rest of his attire, consisting of a gray undershirt and a black trench coat.

“I am thou, thou art I.

Thou who would accept the last of thee for the sake of thine own justice!

Call upon my name and release thy rage!

Reveal the strength of thy will to seek the truth on thine own!

Though thou be chained down by hell itself!”

Asmall grin began to form on Ren's face from the power building inside. Yellow eyes glowing as he accepted his inner shadow.

“Per…so...na,” Ren gasped out as the flames left his body and traveled into the air behind him as something began to form.

“Come Arsene!” Ren commanded throwing out his hands covered in red gloves out as flames exploded and the being now identified as Arsene appeared. With a single tip of his hat, the demon raised his claws as its face only held an evil smile, as Ryuji looked at it with wide eyes.

“I am the pillager of twilight, Arsene!” The demon proudly announced as Ren held his head down with his eyes closed over the feeling of his new power.

“What the hell…” Ryuji breathed in amazement. Arsene turned to his other self before he spoke again.

“I am the rebel's soul that resides within you… if you so desire, I shall grant you the power to break through this crisis!” The gentleman thief wiggled his right fingers as Ren lifted his head to his Persona, his onyx eyes now a dark crimson color as he smirked darkly.

His face seemed to be enough of an answer as Arsene lightly chuckled. “Very well.”

“Who the hell are you!?” Kamoshida backed up in horror. “Guards!” He pointed at Ren. “Start by killing that one! You’ll learn the true strength of my men!” He grinned evilly before he took off as the guards began to transform into different creatures.

A lone Jack O'Lantern came his way as Ren finally noticed the knife in his hand.

“Swing your blade!” Arsene commanded. As the fire magician came close to smack him with his lantern, Ren swung his blade, killing the creature in one shot. A smile came across his face as he realized he took it out.

It was short lived as an Incubus rammed its pointed piece right into Arsene, drawing a hiss from Ren as he hung his head low, while the horny demon pushed further with a wicked smile on his face.

That face disappeared as Arsene brought one of his hands up and squeezed his throat, making the demon’s eyes go wide as Ren lifted his head at the offending demon.

“GET OFF ME!” Ren roared as Arense squeezed and snapped the Incubus’s neck before tossing his corpse into the other Incubus, killing it instantly as the last two shadows in the form of Angel looked to be charging something in their hands.

“Now's the time. Unleash my power! Kill them however you want! Run wild to your heart's content!” Arsene instructed as Ren took notice of several things in his mind.

‘Single Shot… Eiha…’ Ren processed with his eyes closed before he opened them with a fire within as he pointed a hand to the right one.

“Arsene! Single Shot!”

Arsene responded by pointing his right hand at the offending shadow and letting off a shot of raw kinetic energy, which crashed into the angel and killed in one hit. The remaining Angel sneered as it let off a shot of blinding yellow energy straight at Ren, who dodged to the right before he pointed again.

“Arsene! Eiha!” He shouted as Arsene this time, slammed a hand into the floor, causing a dark circle to form under the angel before a swirl of red and black energy came up and crashed into the creature. The Angel let out a cry in pain before Ren leapt at it and finished it off with his knife, killing the last of the enemies that the king tried to sick on him. With them all gone, he turned back to Ryuji, who was now standing with an amazed look on his face.

“Hey,” Ryuji said. Leaning on a chair on the school roof as he saw Ren approach him with Morgana in his bag, as a neutral look stood his face. The two had made it school late thanks to the unexpected detour into the freaky ass castle and Ryuji was still having a hard time grasping what he saw.

But his mind did have a grasp on one thing.

“You okay?” Ren asked as he leaned against a desk next to him. Morgana leapt from the bag as he made his way onto another in between them.

Ah yes, the cat.

After escaping the cell and questioning Ren's sudden attire change, the two made their way out of the cell blocks where they ran into the strange metaverse creature who promised to help them out if they could get him out of the cell.

But not without catching a glimpse at the flame design on the creature's shoulder blades which Ren noticed and in a fit of desperation, instantly unlocked and threw the door open before scooping up the cat and pressing his head against his. The creature produced a hiss before his shoulders lit up in a teal flame design along his shoulder blades. Morgana had then broken into happiness as he purred and nuzzled the raven-haired teenager while Ryuji watched awkwardly before reminding them of their situation.

With Morgana by their side, the two escaped into the real world where they became baffled by the cat talking to them in the alleyway right in front of the school. After short introductions and Morgana stowing away in Ren’s bag, the two made their way to Shujin academy to be confronted by the real version of Kamoshida that Ryuji was used to seeing. The two didn’t even give him so much as a good morning as they went into the building. Morgana asked for them to meet on the roof after school as Ren and Morgana went to the faculty office.

“Yeah,” Ryuji breathed with a sigh as his mind tried to recollect everything he just went through. “I almost convinced myself it wasn’t real, but Morgana reminded me of that.”

“Well I don’t blame you,” Morgana said as he looked at him. “I think anyone would be in disbelief in that world.”

“For real,” Ryuji agreed as he shook his head. “I mean this when I say thanks for that. You guys saved my ass there. Those Persona things were effing sick,” he said as he stared at Ren with a smile.

“Well your welcome,” Ren returned with a smile. “Not sure how I got it, but I’m glad it was useful. Though maybe he could stop making conversation with me in class.”

“That’s your fault for being distracted, my Fool.” Arsene chuckled in his head.

“You’ll get used to it,” Morgana replied as he stared at the fuzzy haired delinquent. “I’m surprised however that it was stable after your awakening. I’ve never seen someone work so well with their persona like you and Arsene did.”

“Oh please. You and Zorro were tight as well last I recall.” Ren replied as he stared down at the feline.

“Heh, thanks.” Morgana said in pride. Zorro puffed his chest out in pride from within his other self.

“Back to discussion,” Ryuji began. “What was that place?” He said as he and Ren looked at Morgana.

“It was Shujin Academy,” Morgana replied as their confusion grew. “But only in his image. Essentially, Kamoshida sees himself as the king of the school and as such, in that world, he governs the castle. That is called a Palace.” he explained to the two high schoolers.

“So… was that actually Kamoshida?” Ren questioned.

“Kinda. It was his shadow which represents him. But in a way, it’s similar to him.”

“God damn it. This is so confusing,” Ryuji complained as he threw his hands to his face.

“Take your time,” Morgana replied. “It's not easy understanding the Metaverse.”

“Metaverse?” Ren questioned again.

“The place where Palaces take form,” Morgana replied back to him.

“Okay, so in essence, that place represents how Kamoshida really feels and sees the world around him?” Ryuji questioned as Morgana turned back to him with a smirk.

“Precisely. You caught on quickly there.” he said to the blond who put his hands behind his head with a sigh.

“Damn it all to hell.” Ryuji grumbled.

“What’s wrong?” Ren questioned as he and Morgana looked at him. The blond had his eyes closed as he thought about his next words.

“I might as well tell you guys this since it might come up sooner rather than later,” he breathed out before looking back at them. “I used to be part of the Shujin track team before Kamoshida came along. After practice one day, he started provoking me on stuff related to my mom and we got into a fight. He broke my leg as a result and got the school to disband the track team because of my actions. That's why people around here call me the track traitor.” he explained as the two widened their eyes in shock over the story.

“Are you f*cking serious!?” Ren growled in concealed rage.

“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Morgana said. “With how he was acting back there, he most likely destroys anything that he doesn’t like.”

“You got the right-thinking man,” Ryuji started before he looked back at the raven-haired student. “By the way Ren, everyone knows about your criminal record. I heard people gossiping about it throughout the day.”

“Wait, you have a criminal record?” Morgana asked as he looked up at Ren. The male in question tapped his foot against the roof before he responded.

“Yeah. And I was told that wouldn’t be made public to the school yesterday.”

“Well I can tell you exactly who would’ve leaked it.” Ryuji said as he stared at him in a bitter smile.

“Kamoshida.” Ren seethed as he clenched his fist.

“A teacher did that?” Morgana questioned.

“No one else besides a teacher could have leaked it so fast. It doesn’t matter if it's a club or a student. That asshole just wrecks whatever he doesn’t agree with. Just like he did to the track team and what he’s doing with you….” Ryuji said in frustration. “Wouldn’t surprise me if he’s already working to get you expelled.”

At that, Ren let out an inhuman growl as he thought of the gym teacher getting punched in his stupid smug face before being thrown down the stairs. Arsene laughed at Ren’s mental image before it went to soothe him from his destructive thoughts.

“Well if you guys want…” Morgana started. “We could go back to the castle and try to dig something up on him?” he asked as the two stared back at him.

“Can we do that?” Ren asked.

“As long as you have the nav on your phone, we sure can.” was his reply.

“I’m down,” Ryuji replied. “If we can take that bastard down, let’s effing do it!”

“Maybe not today…” Ren replied. It was only then that the two took in his tired eyes and his attempt to conceal his yawn.

“Right. First awakenings tend to drain your psyche. Let's do it tomorrow after you recover.” Morgana instructed as he looked up at him.

“Right.” he replied as he went to turn around.

“Hold on!” Ryuji said as he stood up. The two now turned to him in concern before Ryuji took a breath to calm down as he looked at Ren again. “You have a soul mark?” he questioned the raven haired male. Ren's eyes widened at Ryuji's question.

“Oh... Yeah... I do,” He confirmed with hesitation as he did a quick eversion of his gaze to the floor. “I’m supposedly the main link of the pack which is why it isn’t black like most marks should be. I didn’t even think once I saw the dead flames on Morgana. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable and…” he cut himself off as Ryuji lifted his shirt as he revealed the dead black flames on his shoulder blades, pecs and upper arms. Ren and Morgana had their eyes wide as they stared at the black mark.

“Oh… that’s why you asked.” Ren said softly as Ryuji let his shirt fall back down his body.

“Yeah dude… I think,” Ryuji began nervously as he looked at them. “I’m part of the pack.”

“Well Ren,” Morgana looked up at him. “You're the leader. Are you going to mark him?”

“Only if he wants me too,” Ren replied calmly to the cat as he turned back to Ryuji with a soft look in his eyes.

“For real man? Get over here and mark me already,” Ryuji replied with a smile as Ren returned it with a chuckle and brought himself close to the blond.

With his permission clear, Ren pressed his lips to Ryuji’s and pressed his index finger to Ryuji's marked shoulders. Ryuji hissed from the burning pain now coursing his mark, bringing it to life as yellow began to fill in the black and cause it to start moving along his skin.

Once Ren parted from his lips, Ryuji took the time to remember what it was like to feel affection again as he rubbed his shoulders and upper arms with a low hum while Ren went and picked up Morgana from the desk who watched with a smile as he began to feel the blond's emotions as well.

“Okay,” Ren breathed as he held Morgana in his arms. “Not where I thought today was going. But I love it.”

“Well nice to know that the first people I find are my soulmates,” Morgana replied with a content sigh as he waved his tail around in Ren’s embrace. The two froze and looked down at him in worry remembering the fact that Morgana was not exactly human.

“Um... well... yeah dude... but…” Ryuji began before Morgana cut him off.

“Don’t worry guys. Unlike you humans, I don’t need sexual gestures to live my life,” Morgana addressed the two with a smirk before leaning back into Ren's chest with a purr. “But embraces like this are quite nice. I am content to be a cuddler as long as it's you two.” he finished as the boys smiled again at his declaration.

“Alright then,” Ren said as he looked at both of them. “Guess we’re teammates even in this.”

“Damn straight man!” Ryuji grinned before his phone went off and he diverted his attention to it.

“Oh sh*t, moms wondering where I am! I gotta go! Here let's trade numbers fast!” he said as he grabbed his bag and Ren pulled out his phone to trade numbers. Sharing a short peck with Ren and rubbing Morgana's head as Ren took a quick picture of him before he walked to the door off the rooftop. “See you guys tomorrow!” he said as he raced out of sight.

“Welp there he goes,” Morgana muttered with slight disappointment.

“Don’t worry, we’ll see him tomorrow," Ren said as he returned him to his school bag before picking it up and taking the steps to leave. His heart swelling in joy as Morgana rested in his bag.

“Hey! I got a call from the school,” Sojiro said in frustration. “I heard you ditched half a day on your first day…” He finished with a scowl as Ren stood there in fear of the cafe owner.

“I’m sorry.” was all Ren said before Sojiro let out a huff.

“Didn’t I tell you not to cause problems today!?” He said as he stared at him in anger before turning his body sideways to the sink with a grumble. “Just get upstairs. This better not repeat tomorrow.”

Ren only let out a short hum in acknowledgment before walking to the stairs and getting to his bed to let Morgana out of his bag. The metaverse creature exited with a stretch before taking in the dusty attic around him with shock.

“What the…!?” Morgana began in bafflement as Ren removed his shirt to give him a clear view of his own flames. He sat down on his bed as Morgana continued. “What is this place? Is this some kind of abandoned house?” Ren went to reply before he was cut off by footsteps.

“Hey are you…!?” Sojiro began to question at the top of the steps before locking his gaze on the cat at Ren's side and taking angry steps towards him. “I was wondering why I heard meowing! What did you bring it here for!?” Morgana whimpered in response and went to hide behind Ren while Ren felt the fear coursing through him thanks to their bond.

“He found me.” was Ren's only answer as he picked up Morgana and brought him to his chest while he nuzzled his face, to the cat's purr in comfort.

“Found you?” Sojiro questioned before he took in the blood red flames on Ren's body and then looked at the teal flames on the cat's shoulders.

“Oh... That's what you mean,” Sojiro said as he deflated with a sigh. He knew his charge had a soul mark both from his parents who confirmed his leader of the pack status, and by accidentally walking in on him the night before wearing everything but his sleepshirt.

But he couldn't shake where he had seen it before...

“I ran into him on the way to school along with another student I was chatting with. He and the guy I was chatting with saw my flames from the corner of my shirt and I claimed them both. We might have spent a while chatting before we realized we were late for school. Also, the explanation for why I’m back late,” Ren explained, hoping Sojiro bought it. Cause there was no way that Sojiro would believe him about the Metaverse.

“Oh? So, you met another one who shares your mark?” Sojiro questioned with a raised brow. He raised a hand to his chin as he looked at them. “And why isn’t he with this other person?”

“He took off before we could discuss the living situation. And I wasn’t about to make him live on the streets,” Ren replied as Morgana continued to calm down from the panic he received earlier.

“I see,” Sojiro said. “Look, this place is a restaurant. Animals are a no go…” He said before looking them over again and giving out a sigh. “Though, I suppose you would behave if he was with you. And he’s part of your soul bond so he'll most likely be well behaved,” he contemplated while scratching his chin. “Alright, fine. Hold on while I get him something to eat,” he said before turning and going back downstairs.

“That's the owner of this place?” Morgana questioned once he was gone. His expression now calm as Ren soothing him in his arms. “He doesn’t seem bad.” he noted as Ren lightly scratched behind his ear. A moment later, Sojiro returned with a plate of salmon which drew his excitement immediately as leapt from his arms and chowed on once the guardian put it down on the bed. Both watched with a chuckle before Sojiro turned to Ren again.

“He got a name?”

“Morgana apparently.”

“Huh, that's a funny name,” Sojiro commented. “Alright, I’m gonna go lock up. You get to bed. Goodnight,” he said as he took the empty plate back and headed for the stairs.

“Goodnight Sakura-San.” Ren replied before the cafe owner disappeared from sight. He went and changed into his sleep clothes before returning to the bed in the dusty attic and climbing under the covers. Morgana curled up above him immediately once he was situated.

“We have got to get this cleaned up. I refuse to allow you to bring Ryuji here with it looking like this.” Morgana stated as he watched Ren relax against the pillow. The boy only responded with a hum, showing that he was in agreement with his soulmate. “Goodnight Ren.”

Goodnight Mona.” Ren replied before he pulled out his phone. Opening his camera app as he took a selfie of him and Morgana, showing both of their marks to the lens as he snapped the button. Smirking to himself, he opened his group chat and sent both that picture and the one he took with Ryuji.

Ren: Screenshotcatcuddling.jpeg, Screenshotblondemate.jpeg

Ren: Well, I can't say my probation is all too bad now.





Yukiko: !?

Yukiko: Oh my god, Ren!

Yukiko: Tell me about them! Now!


“Hey Mom!” Ryuji said as he walked on the front door of the apartment. “I’m back!”


Ryuji stopped short as he caught sight of Aiko Sakamoto, who was looking at her son with a livid expression that made him scared out of his mind.

‘Oh sh*t…’ Ryuji said in his mind.

“What were you thinking young man! Half of the first day!” She said as she stared at her son with a frown. “I know Kamoshida exists dammit… but why did you skip class!”

“I can explain it mom,” He said in an attempt to calm his mom down.

“Oh… and what's your excuse?” She replied with narrowed eyes.

“I ran into my soulmate on the way to school,” Was his short reply as Aiko gasped and brought a hand up to her lips taking in what she heard with wide eyes.

“You… You found them,” Aiko said in a soft tone, wanting to have him confirm it. He only nodded in response with a small smile as he moved the corner of the top of his shirt to show the yellow mark along his shoulder. The black-haired adult locked on the color immediately before tears began to leave her mouth and she rushed and embraced her son in a tight hug.

“You found them! Oh my god sweetie!” Aiko said as tried to hold back her tears. She only removed herself from his embrace as she wiped her eyes and looked at her son. “So… who is it?”

“Ren Amamiya and a cat named Morgana,” Ryuji said as he ruffled his hair in embarrassment. “Ren is a transfer student who came to Tokyo for the year after being kicked out of his town for a false assault charge, he’s also the pack leader. We ran into Morgana on the way to school and, when I saw the cat nuzzle him and his mark activate into flames, I showed him mine and he marked me. We spent a long while talking to each other which is how I found out about the assault charge.” he finished with a look of regret as he looked at his mother. “I’m sorry for not attending.”

“Oh sweetie! Don’t be sorry. You just met your partner, of course you want to spend time with him,” she said softly to her son as she went back to the kitchen. “Just don’t make it a habit to skip class because of it. Now go wash up, dinner's almost ready.”

“Got it mom.” Ryuji replied with a hug to his mother before he went to his room to shower and change. Already awaiting what tomorrow would bring.

Chapter 3: The Volleyball Rally


Skull awakens, and Ren delivers retribution upon Kamoshida for attempting to make him look like a fool. Either way, Kamoshida is about to become tarnished.


Chapter 3 everybody! No one getting marked this chapter, but I do need some filler chapters to go into the story.

This one is mostly because I saw this moment in the Persona 5 Anime a while ago, and I couldn't help but write my own take on it.

Also: Warning Kamoshida exists.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Tuesday April 12th 20xx

The expedition the next day wasn’t that much better.

After going to class on time, the three met up on the roof at lunch and made plans to go back in together after school. Once back in the alley way in front of Shujin, Ren pulled out his phone as Morgana instructed him on how to use it. The three returned to the castle as Ren and Morgana took up the fighting with Arsene and Zorro annihilating everything in their path while Ryuji stayed out of sight from combat. They made it down to the hall of love where they witnessed the truth about Kamoshida abusing the volleyball team for his success. Depriving athletes of water and having them beat with whips.

Ryuji almost busted his way into the cage before Morgana reminded them that the students here weren’t real. The three spend a short time analyzing the faces before making their way back out… right into an open ambush by Kamoshida near the main area. Immediately a guard exploded and turned into Eligor before it started making quick work of both Ren and Morgana sending them to their backs as Kamoshida pinned Ren down laughing all the while the guards held Mona's arms down. The red knight turned his horse as he gazed at the last intruder who was watching in fear.

“I bet you came here on a whim, didn’t you? You hoped you could make something for yourself after ruining the track team for everyone, is that it? The shadow of Kamoshida replied as he pointed a finger at the blond in despair. A smug look on his face.

“No!” Ryuji said in denial. Clenching his fists as he thought of a way out of this.

“If only you weren’t such a pathetic athlete. If you had just shut up and practiced like a man, none of this would have been necessary.”

“It was no practice, it was physical abuse!" he said as he clenched his fist in fear.

“Yes… and had your coach not opposed me with a sound argument, I would have settled it by only breaking his star's leg.” Kamoshida said as he began to smirk evilly at the boy. The boy's eyes went wide when he heard that.


“Aww, do you want me to break your other leg too? The school will just claim self-defense anyway so it's not like you can do anything to fight back!” the Shadow finished with a chuckle as Ryuji hung his head in despair.

“Damn it… What can I do?” Ryuji began as he tried his best to think of something, anything to get them out of this. He couldn't lose them now. Not like this...

“Ryuji!” Morgana shouted.

“Stand up for yourself!” Ren commanded as Ryuji froze upon hearing his voice.

“You're right,” Ryuji accepted. “I can’t get it back. But I can protect what I have here. I won’t let you steal this from me too.” he said with growing courage and rage.

“Just sit back and watch. Watch on as they die for worthless scum like you!” Kamoshida commanded as if Ryuji was a pet.

Sadly, for him, Ryuji's chains were broken.

“NO! That's what you are!” As he lifted his head again and stood tall. “All you think about is using people. You’re the real scumbag Kamoshida!” he said as he made a small step towards the man who destroyed him.

“What are you doing? Silence him!” Kamoshida ordered before he felt a fist go straight into his jaw. The shadow sent stumbling into his guards as they released Morgana on impact. Ryuji now formed a protective wall in front of Ren and Morgana as he pointed an index finger harshly at the fallen king.

“Stop looking down on me, with that stupid smile on your face!” he shouted as Kamoshida stared at him in rage.

“You made me wait quite a while, punk.”

Suddenly a voice went off in Ryuji's head as the mother of all headaches entered his brain. Ren and Morgana instantly seething in pain from the bond as they looked up with wide eyes realizing what was happening. Ryuji fell to the floor on his knees as he screamed from the pain around him in his yellow eyes.

“You seek power, correct? Then let us form a pact.

Since your name was disgraced already, why not hoist the flag and run on a rampage.

The other you, desires it thus.

I am thou, thou art I.

There is no turning back.

The skull of rebellion is your flag henceforth! The voice finished as a mask in the design of a metallic skull burned into existence on his face.

“Kill him you imbecile!” Kamoshida commanded as Eligor pounced at the kneeling boy.

However, the shadow was too slow as Ryuji reached up and with a howl ripped the mask from his face as the pirate suit formed on his body. The flames gave way to the persona behind him in the form of a pirate who was standing on a ship and staring at the shadows in front of him with a cruel smirk. Lightning crackled from its arm cannon as Ryuji raised his head in defiance to his enemies with a bloodthirsty grin.

“No, Dammit! Him too!” Kamoshida seethed in rage.

“Right on! What's up Persona! This effin rocks!” Ryuji shouted as Ren and Morgana joined their soulmate on the battlefield with grins. “Now that I got this power, It’s time for payback! Bring it you son of a bitch!”

“Grrrr, don’t mock me you brat!” the Eligor roared as it charged the three thieves. Ryuji however wasn’t threatened as he gripped his pipe and pointed at the knight.

“Blast him away, Captain Kidd!” He commanded with a bloodthirsty grin as the thieves charged back at the shadow.

The pirate grinned as he aimed his arm cannon at the approaching horseman before a bolt of electricity went off, shooting straight at Eligor and striking it hard, causing the general to scream as he and his horse fell to the floor from it's weakness being struck.

"Alright! That means it's weak to electricity!" Morgana commented as he casted a Dia on Ren. "Keep up the pressure on him!"

Ren smirked as he pulled his mask from his face. "Arsene! Sukunda!"

The gentleman thief chuckled as he pointed his hand at the downed foe, this time an orb of green energy slowly crept towards the enemy, slowly fading into the foe as it let out a grunt from the impact.

The Eligor snarled as he returned to his upright position before he went to stab Ryuji for his attack, however the blond easily dodged as the horseman had been slowed down thanks to Arsene's debuff.

"Hah!" Ryuji laughed as he dodged before he pointed again. "Zio!"

The result became Eligor and his two reinforcements in Bicorn being struck one by one due to every last one having a weakness to Electric attacks.

"Now! All-Out-Attack!" Morgana shouted as the three thieves attacked the henchman. The two Bicorn faded as a result as Eligor struggled to stand.

"I am... a loyal subject... of the glorious King Kamoshida..." The Eligor shook in disbelief. "So why... have I lost?"

The skull mask finally returned to Ryuji's face as he gave a sharp tooth eating grin. "Just goes to show that Kamoshida ain't anything special!" He tapped the pipe against his shoulder.

Ren smirked as he trained his pistol on the horseman before he pulled the trigger and fired, shooting the Eligor off his horse as Arsene laughed at the head shot.

"You little..." The king snarled from the stairway as the three thieves turned their attention to him.

"Aw..." Joker pouted. "Did I kill your favorite guard? Too bad I don't give a f*ck about you." He grinned darkly as Kamoshida's eye twitched.

"Your days are numbered Kamoshida!" Ryuji shouted as the king let out a laugh.

"I told you this is my castle," Kamoshida shook his head at the blond's refusal to listen. "I'm allowed to do whatever I want."

He snapped his fingers as more guards appeared. Quickly outnumbering the thieves as Morgana pressed his lips together.

"There's too many here." Morgana shook his head before he turned to the boys. "We need to leave!"

"Got it." Ren nodded.

"What!?" Ryuji shouted in disbelief. "We can take them!"

"We can't die here!" Ren fired back, which made Ryuji wince before he nodded. The three took off in a mad sprint as Kamoshida ordered his guards to pursue them.

“Damn…” Ryuji panted as he leaned against the wall. “...That sucked.”

“I agree,” Ren said as he leaned on the opposite wall. “I could use a nap after that.”

“But thanks to that, we got solid proof that he's doing something similar in the real world,” Morgana pointed out as he looked at the two from the ground. “Plus, Ryuji has a persona of his own now.” he finished as the boys recovered and looked down at him.

“Hell, yeah man! This thing is awesome!” Ryuji started with a grin as he pondered their next move, Captain Kidd giving a proud cackle in his mind all the while. “But are we going to be able to do anything to him here?” He questioned as he stared at both of the people in the soul bond.

“That’s a good question. From what we heard there might not even be a point in doing so. Especially if the principal is covering him up.” said Ren as he put a hand to his chin to ponder their next course of action.

“There is one thing we can do,” Morgana stated as the two looked down at him. “We can take the treasure from his Palace. Every Palace has a treasure that represents their distorted desires. If we steal that from the castle, it will cause it to collapse and disappear from the Metaverse.”

“Meaning his desires would go too. And he won’t be able to handle the weight of his crimes.” Ren stated as he pondered this.

“Which means he’ll confess them from his own mouth,” Ryuji finished with a grin.

“Precisely,” Morgana answered to the two.

“But won’t we run the risk of killing him?” Ren commented.

“No. As long as we don’t kill the shadow, we won’t have to worry about a mental shutdown occurring.” he responded as the two boys relaxed from that knowledge.

“Alright then. We don’t have a deadline so why don’t we come back another day when we have made preparations?” Ren said as he looked at the two of them.

“I was about to say that.” Morgana commented. “If we’re going to infiltrate that castle, we need medicine and weapons better than what we have.”

“But won’t the Personas be able to turn the tide?” Ryuji questioned.

“Ryuji! Please don’t underestimate that place! If we screw up, we may die, and I don’t like the idea of that! Especially after the last couple of days!” The blond held his head at the reminder before lifting his head with a smile.

“Okay. If we need weapons, I know we can visit to help us with that.”

“Good. And in the meantime, we should start looking for a place to get medical supplies easily," Morgana stated as the three nodded and collected themselves.

“On that note… You guys want to get some ramen? I’m kind of starving,” Ryuji asked, wanting to spend a little more time with them today now that he told his mom about Ren yesterday.

“Sure man.” Ren replied with a smile.

“Let’s do it,” Morgana replied happily.

With that made clear, the three soulmates disbanded for the day and went to dinner, ready to enact their first operation as Phantom Thieves.

Wednesday April 13th 20xx

Ryuji sighed as he walked down the street to get to the school. After the dinner he had with Ren and Morgana yesterday, he had done a lot of thinking over Ren's situation.

And overall, it pissed him off that Ren had gone through that.

It made him want to go find the man responsible and beat the sh*t out of him, even yell at the woman who let him go down like that. But he was stopped as he remembered that whoever did this to Ren was someone extremely powerful.

"Hey dude." Ryuji turned his head with a smile as Ren caught up to him, walking in pace with him as they reached the front of the school.

"Hey man," He high fived the raven-haired student. "You ready for this?"

"You mean Kamoshida trying to stoke his ego in the gym while we are forced to watch? No." Ren shook his head before he smirked. "Perhaps we could sneak out and go have some fun together..." He licked his lips as he looked at Ryuji, who swallowed in fear and delight as he went to address him.

"As much as I would want to do that, bro," Ryuji sighed in regret. "It would be horrible for you if you don't follow the rules because of your record. No shot the principal wouldn't use that to expel you."

"Yeah, well f*ck Mr. Humpty Dumpty." Ren fired back with a grin, which made Ryuji snort and Morgana give a short laugh from within the bag.

"Come on Ren," Morgana chided. "You know you can't skip this."

Ren sighed as he walked into the building with Ryuji, not looking forward to this at all.

The volleyball rally was exactly what they expected.

A one-way show for Kamoshida to stroke his ego.

They watched from their place on the floor as Kamoshida and his team continued to whop the students with ease, and they knew Kamoshida purposely aimed several volleyballs at their faces on purpose.

"It's the same old sh*t," Ryuji grumbled next to Ren in his gym attire. He let out a yawn from boredom as he cut in: "Pretty boring."

"No sh*t. And to think we could be playing games at the arcade after we finished our work early." Ren added with a frown. His eyes turned to the blonde he met on Monday as he grew a curious look at the female.

"Who's that?" He asked as Ryuji lifted his head to see who Ren was pointing at.

"Oh. That's Takamaki," He stated as he went back to being bored. Ren lifted an eyebrow at his response.

"You sound like you know her,"

"Nah, we just went to the same middle school," He explained just as Kamoshida smacked a volleyball into a student's face. The crowd gasped as male hit the floor, blood trickling out of his nose as the nurse came in and pulled him off to the side.

"Piece of sh*t," Ryuji grumbled as Kamoshida seemed to be scanning the crowd for his next punching bag. His eyes locked on the two boys as he pointed at them.

"Amamiya. Get in the ring." He stated as the students all froze over the delinquent being brought to attention.

Ren let out a breath in annoyance before he took off his glasses and handed them to Ryuji, not wanting to risk his glasses even though he didn't need them at all. He walked until he stood in the top left position next to Mishima, who stood there in fear over what was to come.

The game began like normal, Ren keeping his neutral face the entire time as he watched the volleyball bounce around. So far, Kamoshida hadn't tried anything on him as he went for everyone else, Mishima over everyone else for some reason. But overall, he was pretty much just an empty player on the field as no one seemed to want to pass the ball to the delinquent criminal.

And it looked like Kamoshida chose his time to strike.

As a teacher tossed the ball up, Kamoshida let out a dark savage grin before he leapt up and slammed the ball straight at Ren, who widened his eyes in shock before-


The volleyball collided with Ren's face as he fell to the floor hard, the crowd gasped as Kamoshida kept that smile on his face for how he dealt with his newest toy.





As Ren lifted his face again, the teacher realized he might have made a mistake. A nasty black shiner was on the teen's left eye from the impact of the ball.

Ren Amamiya glared at Kamoshida with his eyes now a blood red color as his lips curled into a dark smile that sent a chill down Kamoshida's spine in fear from the boy's expression. A look that screamed the devil incarnate was plastered on Ren's face as he stared at the teacher with absolute malice while Arsene attempted to keep him stable and prevent him from attacking the teacher and making his circ*mstances worse.

Though around the gym, other people had different reactions to the boy.

Takamaki and Suzui blinked with shock and surprise over the boy's insistence to stand up.

Niijima gasped as she looked between both Amamiya and Kamoshida with fear over what was about to go down.

Okumura brought a hand to her mouth with a blush as she shivered from the expression on Amamiya's face.

Yoshizawa blinked from the change in Ren's attitude. A far cry from what he was acting like yesterday.

Ryuji shivered as he looked back and forth, worried for his soulmate as he stood on the field.

And lastly, Mishima gulped as he looked at the terrifying expression on Amamiya's face.

"Hey dude... Mishima started while he trembled. "Are you good?"

"Set it up."




"W-What?" Mishima blinked with wide eyes in horror. Ren turned his gaze to him, but quelled his expression significantly as he addressed the blue haired boy.

"Set. It. Up." Ren repeated slowly as he returned his gaze to Kamoshida, the expression returning full force as Kamoshida tried his best to stay calm and not show fear to this peasant.

The game then went on like normal, the ball being passed back and forth, but Ren kept his gaze trained on both it and the perverted king of lust. A grin slowly forming as he looked at the ball.

Before Mishima could go to toss the ball, Ren rushed and jumped up, before spiking the ball hard at Kamoshida's direction, the teacher's eyes went wide as he went to block it.

Only for it to sail past him onto the wooden floor with a thud as all eyes watched it bounce inside the line before it began to roll on the floor.

The referee blinked before he whistled and held a hand to the student side. "Point!"

All of the students looked at Ren in shock as he adjusted his arm sleeves before letting off a smirk.

'You want a show, Kamoshida?' He said through his soul bond. "Alright. Game on."

Arsene chuckled as he observed the game.

"Holy sh*t dude!" Ryuji cheered as they sat in the nurse's office. "No effin way you just did that!"

"Looking cool, Joker." Morgana praised as he had been watching the match from high above in the rafters thanks to his expert ability to transverse the school.

Ren smiled as he placed the icepack on his eye again. After the short brief moment of disbelief from everyone, the student had proceeded to mop the floor with the teachers a resulting 21-14 in their favor. Not a single point had been given to Kamoshida as Ren had always been the one to spike it or fake it out and make the teachers look like fools as it dropped to the floor.

"God damn bro!" Ryuji said again, still unable to believe that Ren just handed that out to Kamoshida on a silver platter. "Still, we should probably get out of here. We don't want Kamoshida coming to blow his top on you."

Ren hummed in agreement as he got up and put the pack down. It was the end of the day anyway, so it wasn't like they couldn't just leave the school.

"Alright. You down for more food. I don't exactly want to do anything right now after how hard I just carried that match."

Ryuji and Morgana laughed as the cat reentered Ren's bag to get out of the school. As they left the nurse's office, they stumbled right into Mishima.

"Oh! Um..." Mishima looked to the side as he looked unsure of what he wanted to say. "Um, thanks for helping out there, Amamiya-Kun."

"Don't worry about it man," Ren responded. He and Ryuji took off after that, but Mishima swallowed as he accepted Ren's words before he went his own direction.

However, from afar, Kamoshida sneered as he watched Amamiya and Sakamoto leave Shujin in happy spirits. So, the delinquent thought he could mess with him in his school, huh? Well. Guess he would have to show Amamiya who the superior being was. but for now, he would have to put the volleyball team back in line.

He smirked as he walked back to his office. 'Maybe it's time I force Takamaki to listen.' he thought darkly as he climbed the steps to his office.


Ren being an absolute menace is such a treat in my eyes.

Next chapter is a two for one combo for the polycule.

Chapter 4: The Pink Lovers and The Silver Strength


While they wait for a place to get medical supplies, our dear polycule runs into Ann on the phone and decides to try and comfort her.

What happens as a result is the bond and the team growing by two members.


Again: Warning! Kamoshida Exists!

Also, if it wasn't obvious already from what I wrote in chapter 2 and 3, I've changed things about the Persona's themselves. I will have a separate chapter when we get to the throwdown with Kamoshida going over these changes but for now, just bear with me and my imagination.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Thursday, April 14th, 20xx

Ren sighed as he left the train station. He and Ryuji were thinking of hanging out today since they still needed to find a place for medical supplies.

“Man! We got to figure out something!” Ryuji whined as he walked in pace with Ren down the stairs.

“We’ll figure it out man,” Ren reassured him as they turned the corner. “In the meantime, where is this arcade you wanted to show–”

“Will you give it a rest! I’m not up for it today!” Ren and Ryuji snapped their heads to one Ann Takamaki as she looked to be on the phone with someone. The voice on the other end seemed frustrated and started yelling something as Ann went to speak again. Ann gasped in shock as a result.

“No! That isn’t the deal! You can’t take her starting position from her!” Ann cried out before the phone hung up. The blonde collapsed to her knees in desperation. “Shiho…” She cried silently as the two boys approached her in concern. She noticed with a snap of her head as she stood up with a huff. “What are you guys doing!?”

“Uh… wondering what’s going on with you.” Ryuji deadpanned. “Plus, you shouted as we were passing by.”

“Don’t you guys know it’s not okay to eavesdrop!?” Ann shouted as she readjusted her hair. “Did you guys hear anything?”

“Something about a friend,” Ren answered as Ann swallowed from what it was clear they overheard.

“Oh… well it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it,” She tried to lie before she took off into the underground.

“What’s the call Ren?” Morgana questioned as he peeked his head out of the bag.

“Follow her.” Was all that Ren said as he and Ryuji raced after her. Bumping past several people as they found her facing a green pole deeper in. When they got close, she realized they followed her and attempted to flee again, but Ryuji grabbed her arm.

“Stop following me!” Ann shouted as Ryuji refused to let go.

“Calm down,” Ren said firmly.

“Why! Why do you care!?” She cried out as she began to tear up. The three males began to feel bad as Ryuji tugged her away.

“C’mon. Let’s go talk.” the blond said.

“What the heck…” Ann murmured. “I don’t get you.”

“I have nothing to say to you.” Ann denied. “It was just an argument.”

“With Kamoshida.” Ren called out as he and Ryuji looked at her sitting by the window in the Big Bang Burger. When those words left Ren’s mouth, Ann winced as she looked down at her lap.

“You’re heard the rumors, right? About me and Kamoshida.” Ann questioned as Ren and Ryuji gave each other a quick look before they returned their gaze to her. “Everyone says that we’re ‘getting it on’... but that couldn’t be further from the truth! He’s been harassing me to sleep with him and if I don’t, he’ll take Shiho off the volleyball team because of my refusal.” Ann's eyes began to tear up. “I want to refuse… but he keeps breathing down my neck. It's like I'm some stupid slab of meat for him to get off to... What the hell do I do!” She began to cry as the boys gave sympathetic looks to Ann, Morgana looked on sadly at her cries as they waited for her to calm down. After several moments, Ann wiped her eyes.

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be dammit.” Ryuji refused. “That sh*t is messed up.”

“Sorry for butting in…” Ren readjusted his glasses as Ann shook her head.

“No. Actually, I think I needed someone to talk to.” She co*cked her head. “Are you really as bad as they’re saying?”

“What do you mean?” Ren questioned.

“Everyone keeps making up things about you,” Ann turned her head as she looked down. “They say things like you broke into cars, stole money from the elderly, kicked a cat out of the tree…”

“No… The only thing I did was shoot a knight off his horse.” Ren joked as Ryuji choked on his water, as he knew that his raven-haired buddy was referencing to the Eligor that he shot on Tuesday when they escaped Kamoshida’s castle. Morgana shook his head with a smile.

“Haha, is that supposed to be a joke?” Ann laughed as she sat back in the booth, her face returning to a sad, bitter frown. “I just wish there was something that could be done about Kamoshida.”

“What if there is?” Ren raised a brow with a smirk as Ryuji and Morgana looked at him in alarm. Ann narrowed her brows in confusion.


“Ren, what are you doing?” Morgana questioned to which the raven-haired teenager signaled for them to trust him.

“Ann. Do you trust us to show you something? Cause we have a way to take him down.” He asked as he held a handout for the blonde.

Ann sat there for several moments as she tried to come to her decision. With a gentle smile, she reached a hand up to meet his own. “Alright. I’ll hea–”

She got cut off once their hands touched.

Almost immediately Ann clutched her stomach in pain as Ren, Ryuji and Morgana winced from the additional presence in their souls. When the shock wore off, they looked at Ann with wide eyes as she began to feel herself again for the first time in years.

“My… My…” Ann slowly processed before she shot up from her seat and kissed Ren hard. Caring not for the other people in the restaurant as Ryuji and Morgana watched with wide eyes. When she separated from Ren, she let out a soft giggle.

“Okay, maybe I have another reason to trust you now.” She smiled happily as Ryuji finally got up.

“Heh. For real…” He put his hands on his hips as Ann widened her eyes and gasped loudly.

“Oh my god! Shiho!” Ann shouted before she turned to her bag and grabbed her phone, frantically typing something in her phone as Ren and Ryuji looked at her with slight confusion. Morgana co*cked his head as Ann grew frustrated.

“Uh! She’s not texting back, hold on,” Ann pressed the call button and brought the phone to her ear.

“Uh, what’s going on Ann?” Ryuji crossed his arms as Ann looked at Ren.

“Shiho and I have the same soulmark! I’m calling her so that she’ll come here!” She explained as the boy's eyes went wide.

“Wait! Suzui too!?”

“Yeah! Give me a second!”

Shiho sighed as she walked down the hallway to get out of Shujin. Practice, more like the latest abuse, had been a complete drag as usual. And on top of it all, she was sporting several more bruises from Kamoshida because of that f*cking volleyball. She limped down the corridor just as she felt her phone constantly vibrate.

She pulled her phone out of her pocket and grew puzzled by Ann’s ID on the call. Placing the phone to her ear as she accepted her call.

“What is it Ann–?

“Shiho! I found our soulmate!”

Shiho’s eyes went wide as she took in what Ann said to her. She blinked several times as she processed Ann’s words before she began to pick up her pace out of the school.

“Where are you?”

“I’m at the diner in Shibuya! Shiho, come here so he can mark you!” Ann’s frantic and excited voice rang over the phone.

“I’m on my way! See you in a minute!” Shiho hung up as she began to speed walk out the door of the high school, before she could fully make it down the stairs however…

“Suzui? Where are you going?” Mishima called out to her as she turned in surprise and slight annoyance to the obstacle in her path.

“I’m sorry Mishima. An emergency came up. I have to go!” Shiho blabbered as she took off down the stairs and off to the train station. Mishima let out a slight gulp as she disappeared from sight, though he was glad that Shiho got out of Shujin before Kamoshida got her into his office.

He just hoped that Kamoshida wouldn’t reign retribution down for this…

Shiho huffed as she made it up the stairs and into the diner. Without much struggle, she found Ann waving to her further down at the booth near the end. When she reached the table, she recognized the other two boys that Ann was sitting with.

“Sakamoto? Are you…” Shiho trailed off as Ryuji smiled.

“Yeah. And based on what I heard, so are you.”

“Um…” she turned to the raven-haired teenager who was smiling back at her. “Are you… the Leader?”

“Yeah,” Ren confirmed as Shiho sat down in the open space next to Ann. “I am.”

Shiho took a deep breath as she tried to build up her nerves for what was going to come. She turned to Ann with a nervous smile. “Does it hurt?”

“It does,” Ann confirmed. “But once it’s over, it will be worth it.” She hugged her friend as Ren raised his hand out in the direction of Shiho. With another deep breath, Shiho brought her hand to Ren’s and squeezed. She winced as her heart began to beat loudly to her soulmates, who all took a deep breath as they welcomed the athlete into their souls. When her eyes opened, Ann leaned into her best friend's neck and pulled her shirt, looking at the silver coloring on her friends shoulders.

“There you go,” Ann soothed into her ear. “It’s over now.” As Shiho’s breath returned to normal, she turned her head to Ann’s and pressed her lips softly against hers. Though she soon frowned as she felt her pain.

“How badly did he hurt you?” Ann asked.

“Badly,” Shiho winced. “Not anything I haven’t taken. He was extremely rough today and took it out on a lot of us.”

“More abuse,” Ryuji seethed as Ren frowned over their soulmate's injuries. “This is bullsh*t!” He slammed a fist into the table as Morgana watched on, waiting on Ren’s orders.

“It’s okay Ryuji,” Shiho sighed as she closed her eyes while Ann rubbed her shoulders, taking in the feelings of affection that Ann was sending her way. “I don’t think it can get worse than this.”

“Yeah, about that…” Ren began as Shiho looked at him in concern. “I don’t exactly know how to tell you this, but…”

“He only gave you that starting position so he could get into Ann’s pants.” Ryuji blurted out as Shiho gave a disbelieving look at them both.

“...What?” Shiho breathed before she turned a horrified gaze to Ann. “Ann, please don’t tell me you…”

“I haven’t. I keep trying to reject him,” Ann admitted to her. “But he keeps insisting that I come over to his place. When I refused earlier, he said he would be taking it out on you.” She sniffed as she hugged her. “I’m so sorry!” She murmured into her shoulder as Shiho began to grow angry.

“Don’t be Ann,” Shiho reassured her. “Because I quit.”

The others looked at her with wide eyes as Shiho kissed Ann on the cheek. “But Shiho…” Ann tried to protest.

“Ann. I refuse to be on that team anymore if it’s giving Kamoshida a way to try and blackmail you.” Shiho reassured her. “Besides,” She turned her head to the boys. “I’ve got something I want to be around more.”

“If you’re sure, Suzui,” Ryuji replied, which caused Shiho to shake her head.

“Call me Shiho, Ryuji,” She corrected.

“Well Shiho,” Ren chimed in. “If you would like some payback, we know a way you can get it.” Shiho furrowed her brows at his words.

“What do you mean?”

“They have something to show us apparently,” Ann answered. “And apparently we need to go back to Shujin for it.”

“Come on.” Ren instructed as the four teens got up and left the diner.

What the hell!?” Ann exclaimed as she and Shiho stared wide eyed at the castle in front of them. What was once their school was now some medieval castle as Ren and Ryuji were now wearing completely different attires that caused the girls to jump in fright. “What is this!?”

“Pipe down! The shadows will notice us!” a strange cat creature protested as he hopped onto the cement wall.

“AH!” Shiho screamed.

“A monster cat!?” Ann shouted.

“M-Monster!?” Morgana flinched as Ren rubbed his back softly. Ryuji laughed as he crossed his arms.

“Well, you do look like some weird cat creature.”

“Shut up, Ryuji!” Morgana hissed as Ann and Shiho continued to take in what they were seeing.

“You better explain this!” Ann shouted as she pointed at Ren. “Just what exactly is all of this!?”

“It’s how we’re going to take down Kamoshida.” Ren explained. “As our feline partner showed us on Monday and Tuesday.”

“So that’s why you were late!” Ann realized.

“It is. We got dragged in here and we met this handsome fellow,” Ren gestured to Morgana. “Morgana, who was stuck in one of the cells.”

“That’s right!” Morgana puffed his chest in pride. His actions only drew ‘Aww’ noises from the girls as Ann grabbed and helped him close, much to his protests.

“Aw, I’m sorry!” Ann cooed as she continued to nuzzle him. Shiho gave a few pats to his head as Morgana shook out of Ann’s grasp.

“Anyway!” Morgana brought the discussion back in. “Why did you bring them here Ren?”

“Because they are part of our souls,” Ren deadpanned. “I don’t feel comfortable lying to almost half of our bond about our activities.”

“Fair.” Morgana shrugged. “But this place is dangerous. We’re lucky no one has-”


The five soulmates turned as they saw several guards exit the castle and head straight for them. “What are you doing out here!? You need to come inside!” The lead guard pointed a sword at the boys. “Kill those three and bring the princess and the slave inside!”

“Oh, hell no!” Ren defied them as he ripped off his mask. “Arsene! Single Shot!” The persona shot his gun attack at the lead guard as Ann and Shiho ducked for cover.

“Captain Kidd! Zio!"

“Zorro! Garu!”

The two personas annihilated the other guards as they all disappeared from sight. Ryuji closed his eyes as he felt his persona unlock a new potential.

“What was that!?” Ann shouted as she and Shiho went back to them. “What did you guys do!?”

“That’s our hidden ace in the hole. The power of Persona.” Ryuji explained. “But forget that, we need to get you guys out of here!”

“Hold on…” Shiho said as she stepped through the doorway into the castle.

“Shiho!” Ren shouted as he, Ryuji, Morgana and Ann followed her inside to where they were now standing in front of the central staircase. The two girls looked around in disbelief as the boys watched for enemies.

“What the…” Ann uttered.

“So, this… is how he sees the school? His personal playground?” Shiho pieced together aloud as they heard footsteps approaching.

“Hm? Oh… you meddlesome vermin are in my castle again? Do you think this will end any other way?” All eyes turned to the shadow of Kamoshida as Ann and Shiho widened their eyes in horror over his attire.

“My eyes!” Shiho screamed as she brought her hands to her eyes.

“What the hell!” Ann screeched.

“Hm? So, you brought me some slaves as a peace offering, Sakamoto? Good to know that you finally learned how things work,” Kamoshida smirked as Ann and Shiho looked at him in disbelief. “This is my castle, meaning I’m allowed to do whatever the hell I want. Isn't that right ladies?” He looked to the right as the cognitive version of Ann in a cat bikini returned, now accompanied by a cognitive Shiho with a pair of bunny ears and a revealing white bikini.

“Ooooh, yes King Kamoshida,’ The cognitive Ann purred as cognitive Shiho circled a finger on his towel.

Ann and Shiho looked at the two with a silent rage as they realized what was happening in front of them. The three boys watched them cautiously as they clenched their fists tightly.

“This is how he sees us, isn’t it…” Ann seethed as her fist shook by her side.

“What the hell…” Shiho shook in rage.

“Hm? What are you on about, you mediocre peasant?” Kamoshida smirked. “All women are mine to play with however I want. Though Takamaki has been rather annoying lately… maybe I’ll take it out on Suzui tomorrow since Mishima couldn’t find her.”

Shiho froze as she heard this.


“Perhaps a little one-on-one with her in my office will make Takamaki bend into my bed.” The shadow laughed.

“You…you…” Ann trembled as she realized the implications behind his words. She pointed at him in rage as she screamed, “You sick bastard!”

“What the hell makes you think you’re so high and mighty to do that sh*t!?” Ryuji readied his pipe as the shadow scoffed.

“I told you this is my castle,” The shadow preached. “I’m allowed to do whatever I want. The principal won’t do anything about it because of what I bring to this school. So, if I want to have fun with a girl against her will and she tries to testify, the school will promptly shut it down.”

“And there is the proof right there,” Ren muttered with rage over how the fat egg of a principal had been full of sh*t from the beginning.

“Now… how about you two come here like good slaves and bow to me.” Kamoshida beckoned Ann and Shiho. “Maybe then you will finally understand why I’m the king.”

“Yeah. Hard pass,” Ann snarled.

“Like hell are we listening to you, you sexual harassing pervert!” Shiho defied. Kamoshida only chuckled though as he snapped his fingers, shutting the main doors and summoning guards: one Belphegor and a Lilim joined an army of Angels and Pyro Jacks.

“You act like you have a choice in the matter.” He grinned wickedly as he gestured to the five intruders. “Kill those three and bring me those slaves.”

“Praise to The King Kamoshida! Death to the intruders!” The guards and shadows cried as one before they began to come straight at them. Ann and Shiho began to freeze as the three boys jumped in front of them.

“Cat! Get them out of here! We’ll hold them off!” Ryuji shouted.

“Still not a cat! But I get it!” Morgana retorted as he went to Ann and Shiho. “Come on! We’re leaving!”

“No! We’re not leaving them here!” Ann shouted. Shiho appeared to follow Ann’s line of thought.

“Ann! This is not up for discussion!” Ren denied as he shot an Angel out of existence.

“I don’t care! We are not abandoning you!” She cried as Kamoshida smirked from the stairs.

“Oh? Do you finally understand how things work? Finally, you’ll be a good slave and–”

“SHUT UP!” Ann and Shiho screamed in absolute rage before they gasped and brought a hand to their own heads, the three thieves winced as they felt the pain as they realized what was happening.

“My… you took far too long…” A voice whispered in Ann’s head.

“Have you finally opened your eyes?” A voice questioned inside Shiho’s mind.

“What are they doing!? Stop them!” Kamoshida yelled to his soldiers who tried to push through Ren, Ryuji and Morgana to reach them.

“Tell me, who is going to help them if you do nothing?” It asked as Ann screamed on the floor, her eyes now bright yellow as she screamed.

“Forgiving him was never the answer.

Such is the answer that dwells within you.

I am thou, thou art I.

We can finally forge a contract.” a sweet voice identical to her own rang out as she hung her head with a growing grin.

“Your body… Your mind… Your soul… damaged by this filth,” It snarled in Shiho’s mind as she knelt, clutching her head in her hands as she grits her teeth.

“And if it continues, those you love will be damaged as well…

But now is the time to stand and fight back!

I am thou, thou art I.

Show them, that you have what it takes to wield my power!” The voice rang as Shiho began to smile wickedly.

“I hear you… Carmen,” Ann responded.

“I understand, Joan,” Shiho whispered.

Simultaneously a red panther mask burned its way onto Ann’s face as a black steel knight visor mask burned onto Shiho’s that covered her eyes from view, both staring up in defiance to everyone present.

“There you go my dear. If you understand, then I’ll gladly lend you my strength.” The voice soothed as Ann ripped the mask from her face causing blue fire to erupt around her and make everyone shield their eyes.

“Very well. Show them what you're capable of, with a powerful strike to your foes!” The voice roared as Shiho ripped the visor from her face joining Ann in the blue fire.

When everyone present could see again, Ann and Shiho had been completely transformed as they stood tall in their attires. Ann was now clad in a red dominatrix suit with dark red high heels, a tail attached to her rear and pink gloves as she stood with a machine gun in one hand and a whip in another. A pink skinned persona wearing a red dress and a black mask similar to Ann’s on its face. Her brunette hair in spiraling pigtails as she smoked a cigar in her mouth. A black choker decorated its neck as two men with the head and eyes in the shape of a heart were attached to the Persona, one used a stepping stool while the other was held up by the being now known as Carmen.

Shiho, however, was a far contrast from her. She was dressed in what looked to be a medieval knight’s armor, colored pitch black along the chest, back, arms and legs but her hands had a pair of dark silver gauntlets on them combined with a charcoal scarf around her neck. A spear manifested in her left hand as her right had a crossbow attached to it with a contraption that looked like a spinning barrel for the arrows attached for shooting. The Persona that stood behind her had a soft blue skin color as different parts of her body were covered in a black metal indicating the theme of a medieval knight. The top half of her face was hidden in the knight helm as its white hair was slung back in a single ponytail, but everyone could see its battle hungry smile on her face. Two halves of a shield rested on Joan’s upper arms as the knight held a long black spear with a purple blade in her right hand.

“Holy sh*t!” Ryuji shouted.

“Even them… this is impressive!” Morgana stared in amazement.

“Damn it! Them too!?” Kamoshida seethed before he waved his hand. “Change of plans, kill them all!” He commanded before he disappeared down the hall in a sprint. The shadows all howled in obedience as they charged the five.

Ann grinned evilly as she pointed at the Belphegor. “Carmen, Agi!” The Persona smirked as she slammed the suiter to the floor, summoning a ball of fire and hurling it straight at the toilet demon, causing it to scream as it fell to the floor.

“My turn!” Shiho tapped her spear on the floor. “Joan, Kouha!” The Knight chuckled as she brought her arms together, manifesting the shield in front of her as a golden light shot from the center purple jewel right into the Lilim who screamed before it was knocked to the floor.

“All-Out-Attack! Go!” Ren commanded as the five rushed the two and did a significant amount of damage, killing Lilim but Belphegor stood tall in rage.

“How dare you deny King Kamoshida’s love, you selfish lasses! Pay for this insolence with your lives!” It howled as Ann scowled.

“That dirtbag only sees women as sexual outlets! Don’t make me laugh with that love bullsh*t!” Ann shouted as she pointed her gun and fired.

“You want payment? Here’s your payment!” Shiho shouted as she summoned Joan again. “Single Shot!”

The knight snarled as she chucked her spear covered in raw kinetic energy into Belphegor, causing a crit as the demon screamed before it fell.

“Now!” Ren commanded as the five rushed it once more, this time causing the demon to whimper as it struggled to stand.

“To think… there was someone… who could stand up to King Kamoshida…” it muttered weakly.

“Ha! Outside of school that guy’s nothing but a pathetic loser,” Ann laughed as Carmen returned to her mask.

“Too bad you chose such a fool,” Shiho insulted with a smile as Joan returned to her mask. The Belphegor soon disappeared from sight as the energy left both of the girls, leaving them exhausted.

Phantom Thieves Group chat

Ann: I’m bored.

Shiho: Same! : D

Ryuji: I know right!

Ren: C’mon guys. I know this sucks, but we can’t exactly be hanging out at each other's houses yet.

Ren: Oh wait, we are not in character. Everyone, change your name.

Ann changed Ann’s name to Panther.

Shiho changed Shiho’s name to Knight.

Ryuji changed Ryuji’s name to Skull.

Ren changed Ren’s name to Joker.

Panther: Well yeah! But there's nothing to do right now! I’ve already cleaned my room twice and I can’t keep my mind off you guys!

Skull: Yeah. I’ve just been playing video games trying to take my mind off you guys. But I swear you guys are like an addiction.

Knight: If only I wasn’t so hurt and exhausted, I would actually leave my bed.

Joker: Try to take a bath. Maybe that will help get your mind off of it.

Skull: Is that what you're doing bro?

Joker: …Maybe.

Panther: Oooo! That sounds great! A nice relaxing bath while rubbing my mark and feeling warmth for the first time in years. Curse you puberty for taking it away when I was nine! >:(

Joker: Right! f*ck puberty!

Knight: f*ck puberty!

Skull: Hell yeah! f*ck puberty!

Joker: Anyway, Morgana and I have secured a place for medicine right by Leblanc. We should be able to infiltrate on Monday after we go get weapons on Sunday.

Panther: Sounds good!

Skull: Alright then. Night guys!

Knight: Goodnight!

Joker: Goodnight, guys!

Panther: Goodnight!

The chat has closed.

The Amagi Kids

Ren: So, it happened again...

Yukiko: !?

Yukiko: What do you mean it happened again!?

Ren: Morgana is a magnet.

Yukiko: What guy is your mate now?

Ren: More like girls.




Yukiko: What?!

Ren Amagi has sent a screenshot.

Yukiko: Oh my god...

Friday, April 15th 20xx

Ann and Shiho walked in hand to the front gates of Shujin Academy. Both now sported a happy smile on their faces as they went down the road to Shujin.

But of course…

“Hey, Suzui!” Kamoshida called out with an angry look on his face as the two reached the steps of the school. Upon seeing him, Ann showed a startled look on her face, worried about his actions.

Shiho however…

She just gave a look of complete deadpan.

“What do you want?” She asked a bit harshly, which made Ann look at her alarmed. Her words made Kamoshida twitch his lip before he went to speak.

“Where were you yesterday!?” He questioned as Shiho scoffed.

“A family emergency came up. My parents called me home. I wasn’t aware that my family didn’t come before volleyball,” She arched a brow.

“I asked you to my office yesterday,” Kamoshida snarled.

“Yeah, well I don’t really care when it comes to an emergency.”

“Hm.” Kamoshida scoffed before he grinned. “Then you won’t mind your position on the team being removed.” He looked proud of himself, thinking he had Shiho trapped and that she would obey.

Unfortunately for him, that wouldn’t be happening.

“Oh? Sure, keep it. Because I quit.” Shiho scoffed, uncaring about the gym teacher.

Now Kamoshida looked pissed as he looked at the two girls. “What…” he gritted out as he clenched his fist.

“You heard me, Mr. Kamoshida,” she spat out the name as if it was revolting. “I quit.” She walked past him into the school with Ann following close behind with a smile on her face.

Kamoshida shook with rage as he watched the girls disappear. So now Suzui thinks she can stand up to him huh, well he will show her exactly where her place is. And when he’s done, Takamaki will fall in line and Suzui will regret standing up to him. And maybe he’ll get rid of Amamiya and Sakamoto while he’s at it.

His lips curled into a disgusting smile as he thought of how to remove the unwanted pests of his school.


And another one down.

But yeah. This might also be a result of me reading too many stories where Shiho becomes a thief. And it really made me ask myself the question, why the f*ck was she just reduced to suicide victim. And I am now one of those people who can see Shiho as the Strength arcana in P5.

Anyway, here is my version of Shiho in this story. Her persona being Joan of Arc for certain reasons. I will add her information for what she will get in the chapter I make later. Just no for now that she has gun and bless attacks with Hama in her kit and Rakukaja for support.

Next time, we're adding the last of Shujin's thieves before we get on to the main fight. And I actually want to take the time to write out the fight.

Chapter 5: The Black Moon


Kamoshida goes about his plan to expel all four of the thieves along with Mishima. As the four go back into the palace, they unintendedly drag Mishima in with them.

The results are a little bad and really good for them.


And here we go again with another chapter!

I have a question for anyone that can answer in the end notes for how the next three chapters could potentially go down.

Also, because I feel that I need to do this.

Warning: Mention of Rape in the beginning of the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Saturday, April 16th, 20xx

“We can’t waste any more time!” Ryuji said in determination near the courtyard as the Phantom Thieves sat around the table. “We got to go in there today and take his effing treasure!”

“But we still don't have better weapons yet!” Morgana protested before Ryuji slammed his fist into the vending machine.

“He just raped a first year and is getting all of us expelled for his stupid bullsh*t! If we don’t do something, he’ll go unpunished for everything!” Ryuji shouted back as Ren and Morgana winced. Ann and Shiho sat at the bench next to them as Ryuji rapidly tapped his foot, attempting to rain in his emotions.

“I… I agree,” Ann spoke up with a tear in her eye. “We’ll all be expelled if we don’t do something. We need to start making progress today.”

“We have to do this.” Shiho agreed with the blondes. "There aren't any other actions available."

“Are you in agreement, Ren?” Morgana questioned. His only response was a nod as Ren attempted to hide his own rage at the situation.

"Yeah. After what Kamoshida just did, we don't have a choice."

“Alright then. We’ll go in after school.” He replied softly as Ryuji calmed down.

“Hey…” a small timid voice spoke up as the five turned to see Yuuki Mishima stand in front of them with a small frightened look on his face. “Um… I’m sorry about all of this…”

“Stop it.” Ren said firmly as he calmed himself to speak to Mishima. “I don’t hate you for my record. Kamoshida would have done it even if you didn’t do it. You are the tool he used to do it, so don’t give me that."

“It’s not just that.” Mishima swallowed his nerves. “People are already starting to talk about us getting expelled.”

“Why am I not surprised…” Ren snarked back to his soulmates with barely concealed rage.

“That son of a bitch!” Ann trembled in barely concealed rage. Shiho clenched her fist in annoyance.

“That asshole’s at it again.” Ryuji seethed before turning to the blue haired boy. “Did you come here just to tell us that?” He stared at him with a frown.

“You’re going to take down Kamoshida, right? Mishima replied as the four looked at him in shock.

“Mishima, please stay out of this,” Ren tried to protest. “You don’t know what your–,”

“So, you guys are doing something? What are you planning exact–”

“We said, stay out of this!” Ryuji said loudly as Mishima flinched from his tone. Without another word, and a sniffle, the boy turned as he left the courtyard fast.

“That was harsh dude.” Ren commented as he stared at Ryuji with a frown.

"Yeah, Ryuji. You could have said that better." Ann added softly.

“God damn it, I know…” Ryuji said as he held his head in shame. “But we can’t take him there and you know that.”

“As much as I agree that you shouldn’t have been that harsh, I agree. We can’t risk it with him,” Morgana replied as he got out from under the table. “Let's just be cautious from here on out.” The four nodded along with him as they left the courtyard to carry out the operation.

“Alright! Time to bust through this castle!” Ryuji shouted as they walked to the front entrance.

“What the hell?!” Someone yelled as the three turned to see Mishima in the flesh looking up at the castle in disbelief.

After failing to find out what they were doing during lunch, he trailed his four classmates once the bell rang as they left and parked their butts in the alley in front of school. Ryuji was doing something on his phone before the world began to change around him with different shades of red. After regaining his focus, Mishima turned around and saw that Shujin Academy had transformed into a disgusting castle from medieval times as four individuals and a weird cat creature stood near the entrance.

“Mishima?!” Ryuji shouted.

“Yuuki!?” Shiho shouted.

“Sakamoto!? Suzui!?” Mishima shouted back as he took in their different attire. “That means your…” as he stared at Ren dressed in his thief attire who stared back with wide eyes. His eyes were unable to take in the scenery in front of him before Ryuji spoke again.

“You gotta leave right now!” he shouted. However, the blue haired boy only grew nervous at his declaration.

“Why!” Mishima shouted.

“Yuuki, this is not up for negotiation. You need to–,”

“What exactly is going on here, Sakamoto?”

“Hey! What is this slave doing out here!?”

The six turned their gaze to the front entrance as three guards came out and knocked the five thieves on their asses before grabbing Mishima and knocking him out immediately with the four students screaming his name as he was carried into the castle.

Mishima groaned as he awoke from the treatment with fright. He was held tight on a cross that held his arms and legs stretched outwards in cuffs to prevent him from escaping. After several tugs trying to escape he froze as she heard a chuckle.

“Seriously? You thought you could break into my castle, Mishima?”

‘That voice, wait is that?’ He thought with dread as he stared at the shadow of Kamoshida who was dressed in only a towel and a pink speedo.

“Ah! What the f*ck is this!” screamed Mishima as he tried desperately to escape his bonds. The shadow only smirked at him as he observed his captive.

“Although… We can use this to our advantage can’t we my dear?” He said as he stared at the cognitions next to him in the form of Ann and Shiho wearing a skimpy bikini and animal ears.

“Oooh, a new toy for us? Thank you master!” The cognition cooed as she bowed to her king. “And he's already ready for us too!” as she already began to stalk towards him.

That made Mishima freeze as he felt the draft on his chest before looking down and realizing that his shirt was gone, leaving his skin and black soulmark along his shoulders, pecs and upper arms. Upon realizing what this meant, the high schooler began to shake and thrash violently.

“NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!” He screamed with his eyes closed as the cognitions laughed with a lick of their lips.


Yuuki’s eyes shot open again as he took in the five who just crashed into the room. Ryuji was holding his shirt, which had been discarded in the hallway as the five stared at him in worry. His eyes danced across them as he took in their appearances as guards appeared to block their advance.

However, it got messier once he looked at the cat creature's shoulders.

Because once his eyes got a solid look on the teal flames on the cat, he gasped as he realized that they were his soulmates. Upon seeing his marks, the five froze as they took in the fact that Mishima was part of their soulbond.

Unfortunately for them… the king also caught on to these facts.

“Oh? Your soulmates with this vermin?! Ah! Trash like you actually belongs to something, Mishima!? Oh good lord!” Kamoshida roared with laughter at his guards before he turned back to his captive with an evil smile. “And here Suzui stands outside of punishment because of you! If only you had brought her to me like I told you to, then you would’ve been fine. But no… you had to defy me and not bring her to my office.” Ann and Shiho widened their eyes at his statement while the boys seethed with rage.

“Wait… you,” Shiho realized with horror over what was said.

“That’s why I didn't stop you on Thursday.” Mishima admitted with his head held low. Kamoshida scoffed before he spoke again.

“Well enjoy your act of defiance, slave. Cause now you are going to pay the price instead,” Kamoshida snarled with a sh*t eating grin as he gestured for both of his bimbos. “Have fun.”

“No!” Shiho screamed as the guards prevented them from getting to him.

“You bastard!” Ryuji raged at the shadow.

“Is this… My fate…?” Mishima questioned in despair as tears sprang to his eyes. The cognitions now resume their advance on him to break their new toy. “I really can’t do anything right, can I…” He said with tears in his eyes.

“That's a good toy,” the cognition of Ann purred as she twirled her whip. “Be good for us while we break you!”

“You're just going to take this?”

Mishima looked up at the figure representing Ren with confusion.


“Are you just going to sit back? Let them tear you apart like you’re some stupid zero? Or are you going to stand up and fight back!” Ren exclaimed as Mishima blinked before he looked down in thought. Over time, a fire began to burn in his eyes as Kamoshida let out a laugh.

But before he could go to speak.

“You’re right.”

The king and the cognitions snarled at the boy as he lifted his head with a fire burning in his eyes. “What the hell am I doing?” He berated himself. “If I don’t stand up for myself now… when will I ever be able to help someone…”

“Like I said. You wouldn’t be in this position if you had been a good boy and–”

“SHUT UP!” Mishima screamed as he thrashed on his restraints. His voice and tone caused the cognition and Kamoshida to jump and take a step back as the five turned to him after disposing of the guards. “I’ve had it with you! YOU’VE PISSED ME OFF YOU SON OF A BITCH!” He yelled.

“Do you finally understand?” A voice rang in Mishima’s head before he screamed as his eyes turned yellow and the others watched with shock.

“No way…” Ann breathed.

“Is he…” Shiho breathed in shock as Morgana and Ryuji watched in disbelief. Ren however smiled on his act of rebellion.

“Tell me, are you going to be someone who lets terrible things happen to others?

The voices of the damned scream for justice, and yet you sat there like you were built as some loser to be stepped on.”

“But the time for cowardice is over.

Now, show me, and those who mock you that you will bring a brilliant trick to the fools unworthy of their power.” The shackles around his arms snapped as he fell to the floor, his heels now in absolute pain from how he fell.

“I am thou, Thou art I.

“If you seek to bring evil to its knees, we will see it done.” A dark evil smile made its way onto Mishima’s face as he chuckled.

“I understand,” Mishima breathed as a dark blueish black domino mask formed on his face with one half of the mask curving upwards on the right side of his face to the top of his head. “You’re right. No more holding back!” he yelled as the blue flames burned the shackles around his legs.

The voice laughs as he goes to stand. “There you go. Now is the time to display our brilliant trick!” It finished as Mishima ripped off the mask.

“Come, Houdini!” he shouted as blue fire consumed his body and exploded causing everyone to shield their eyes.

When the inhabitants could see again, Mishima was now clad in a black suit with a blue undershirt, a black coat waved widely with the wind as his outfit was completed with black combat boots and navy-blue gloves. Attached to his back was a tactical 3-shot rifle as two metal escrima sticks were attached to his hips.

The persona that floated behind him had dark blue skin and black hair and had a dress style in the form of a magician, complete with a black suit and tie as the persona messed with an orb of magic in his right hand. A knife hung to his left hip though as the persona flashed a sinister smile to his foes.

Mishima smirked as he removed one of his sticks and threw it straight into Cognitive Ann’s neck. The result was a snapping sound as Mishima rushed and jumped up, catching the stick in his hand as he kicked her to the floor, making her disappear from sight as the Cognitive Shiho tried to stab him with her knife. But Mishima saw her coming as he ducked and struck her elbow, forcing the knife out of her hand as he grabbed her and tossed her upwards before he pointed at her.

“Show them your might, Houdini! Bufu!” He shouted as the Persona grinned before he pointed his orb at the cognition and fired a small blast of ice magic at the imposter. The magic crashed into the faker as she screamed and vanished from sight, leaving a frightened Kamoshida and five happy thieves.

“You know what? I’m not some stupid zero you can walk all over, you sick bastard!” Mishima glared at the perverted king.

“You little bastard…” was his weak retaliation.

“You stomped all over us... you used us for your sick gain…” Mishima insulted as the five joined him in pace. “Now it’s your turn, I will end your reign of terror, even if it’s the last thing I do!” He exclaimed as he pointed a stick at him.

“Damn brat. Enough of your insolence!” The main guard howled as it transformed into Lamia, accompanied by two Succubus.

“No! I’ve had enough of your bullsh*t! Nothing's gonna stop me now! Let’s go Houdini!” he screamed as the six jumped into combat.

“Zorro, Garu!” Morgana commanded as wind magic collided with the first Succubus.

“Bicorn, Garu!” Ren commanded as his new demon that he acquired on his way here dusted the second Succubus.

“Houdini, Bufu!” Mishima screamed as the ice magic collided with Lamia. With all three shadows knocked down, Ren led the charge.

“All-Out-Attack!” Ren commanded.

“Wait, what?” Mishima tilted his head in confusion, but Ryuji grabbed his arm.

“Just follow our lead!”

Mishima nodded as he followed the five in a mad dash into the shadows. Trails of Red, Yellow, Teal, Pink, Silver and Black went off as the shadows took massive damage from their surprise attack. And when it ended, the shadows disappeared from sight. Leaving a terrified king who saw the last of his forces be destroyed.

“Oh sh*t…” He trembled before he ran like the coward he was. At that exact moment, that was when the strength left Mishima as he collapsed to the floor, his mask returning to his face as the five closed in on him.

“Yuuki!” Shiho shouted as she knelt down to his level.

“Dude! Are you alright!?” Ryuji knelt down as well.

“Whoa, what the hell happened?” Mishima said to himself as he felt very tired and exhausted.

“That would be the side effect of awakening your Persona,” Morgana clarified as Mishima looked up and jumped backwards.

“What the hell!? What is this thing!?” Mishima screamed, now taking full notice and awareness of the cat creature in front of him.

“We’ll explain later,” Ren said in reassurance. “For now, we need to get you out of here.”

“C’mon, follow me,” Morgana led the charge as Ren and Ryuji helped Mishima stand and supported him out of the palace, Ann and Shiho being on complete standby as they watched for any enemies on their way out.


“Huff, Huff,” Mishima panted as they returned to the real world.

“It would be bad if anyone noticed us,” Morgana took charge again. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Okay, really quick,” Ryuji handed Mishima back his shirt, which the blue haired boy accepted with a grateful look as he slipped it on.

“Thanks, Sakamoto.”

“Hey, don’t mention it, man.”

“C’mon guys,” Ren ordered as they left the streets of Shujin to get away from the school.


“Thank you,” Ren thanked the waiter as she handed over all of their food items to the five humans present.

“God damn, I’m starving,” Ryuji licked his lips as he bit into his burger. Ann and Shiho started going nuts into their own meals while Mishima slowly picked at his food, clearly troubled by something.

Which Ren caught.

“Are you alright, Yuuki?” Ren asked as Mishima looked at him. His question caught everyone as they looked at the blue haired boy.

“Yeah…” he answered, though he seemed unsure with his answer. “Sorry, I’m still trying to process everything that just happened.”

“Take your time,” Ann said gently as Shiho drank her water. “We weren’t much better earlier in the week.”

“Is this why you were late on Monday?” Mishima asked the leader.

“Yeah. We got dragged in thanks to this,” Ren held up his phone. “Mysteriously being downloaded onto my phone.”

“Seriously?” Mishima blinked in surprise before he pulled out his own phone. “But I don’t have a…” He narrowed his eyes in confusion. “Wait, it’s on my phone now.”

“Yeah,” Ryuji joined in. “It’s going to be there. You went into the Metaverse, now it’s on your phone for good.”

“Can’t I just delete it?”

“Nope.” Ren shook his head. “It just comes back.”

“Huh,” Mishima blinked as he pocketed his phone. “So, if what Morgana explained is accurate, you guys plan to change Kamoshida’s heart?”

“Yeah,” Shiho spoke up. “We can’t go to an adult about this, and Shujin will continue to deny Kamoshida’s actions even if we attempt to speak up. We have no other options.”

“We need to find the treasure inside of his castle and then steal it. That will force a change of heart on Kamoshida.” Morgana explained.

“Okay,” Mishima nodded as he messed with his water. Though he looked up at Ren with a fire in his eyes. “Do you mind if I join?”

Everyone's eyes went wide as Mishima looked down at the table with a somber expression. “I can’t sit back and let Kamoshida do this anymore. Everyone and everything at Shujin is a game to him, and I refuse to allow myself to be expelled if we have something that can take that bastard down once and for all.” He swallowed, “But only if you’ll have me.”

“Of course we would, man,” Ryuji smiled. “We’re going to deal with Kamoshida anyway. We could use the extra manpower.”

“Yeah! Your Persona was extremely powerful too!” Ann added.

“Don’t ever think we were going to bench you like that,” Shiho nodded with a smile.

“Only if you're sure,” Ren replied.

“I am.” Mishima nodded. But as he went to shake Ren’s hand, Ren held up his hand.

“On the other note,” Ren cleaned his face with the napkin. “You have our soulmark.”

Mishima blinked before he laughed and sheepishly scratched the back of his head. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

“Just to clarify, Ren is the leader of the bond.” Morgana piped in. “So, any skin contact with him will activate your mark.”

“Well, if you don’t mind, I think I would like my mark to be active.” Mishima retorted as Ren let out a laugh before he held out a hand.

“Only if you want it,” Ren offered.

Not even two seconds went by before Mishima grabbed Ren’s hand and hissed as pain coursed through his upper body. As Mishima closed his eyes and took deep breaths to get rid of it, Ryuji leaned over and pulled at his shirt, noticing the black fire beginning to burn on his skin. Despite being the same color, the specks of white that moved along his skin showed that the mark was alive.

“Well, I’m sorry to cut this short,” Ann piped up as she grabbed her bag. “I need to get home.”

“Are we meeting up tomorrow?” Shiho asked to which Ryuji nodded back.

“Yeah. The place I have to show is here on Central Street. We’ll meet up here and then go over there.”

“Is that okay with you Yuuki?” Morgana asked Mishima who nodded.

“Yeah, I can be here tomorrow.”

“Alright then. Once we have that, we’ll begin our infiltration into Kamoshida’s castle on Monday.”

“Our deadline is May 2nd.” Ren explained. “We have to secure a route by April 30th so that we can send it on the 1st.”

“Yes. Though doing all of this earlier would be more beneficial,” Morgana added.

“Agreed. I would like to deal with that thing as soon as possible.”

“Alright then, See you guys tomorrow!” Ann said as she and Shiho left the restaurant. Ryuji got up as well and after a short wave, left to head back home. Now it was only Ren, Morgana and Mishima.

“Are you good?” Ren asked as Mishima went to get his bag.

“Yeah,” He nodded. “Just a little unreal.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Hey, I know I said this already, but I’m sorry about your record.” Mishima lowered his head.

“Dude, what did I say at lunch?” Ren shook his head with a smile as Mishima let off a small smile.

“Sorry, I just feel I need to make it up to you somehow.”

“You want to make it up to me? Then help us take Kamoshida down.” Ren debated as Mishima nodded.

“Alright. I can do that.”

“Good. Now I have to head back so let’s get going.”

“Right.” With one last hug to each other, Ren and Mishima left the diner, Morgana tucked away in Ren’s bag with a smile on his face.

The Amagi Kids

Ren Amagi sent a screenshot.





Yukiko: No.

Ren: Yes.

Yukiko: No!

Ren: As you can see sis. Yes.

Yukiko: Oh god... how many people are going to join the family...

Ren: I don't know sis. I really don't know.

Ren: But I'm loving it!

Ren sent Specialist music to the chat.

Yukiko: dear god...


And the Moon Social Link has been created much earlier than in canon. I know it's called Confidant in Persona 5 but I like Social Link more.

Now on to the question I wanted to ask, how would you like for me to handle the palaces? Would you like just specific moments from the dungeons? Or a summarized version of them with the combat? Or something different? I am doing the boss fights as everyone will be participating in those, but if you guys want the dungeons as well, I will still keep it to 4 characters at once, with Ren/Joker swapping them in periodically.

Either way, Kamoshida is going to get his just deserves soon.

Chapter 6: Weapons and Music


Ren ends up back in the Velvet Room for the second time. Afterwards He and the Thieves meet up at Untouchable.

There may also be a mention of Crush 40.


Note: I do not own any songs or characters mentioned in this story.

One last chapter before we begin into the Metaverse proper. I have decided to do a summary of the combat as I don't think you guys want to read the whole dungeon again.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

When Ren awoke, he found himself back in the blue cell.

A soft piano began to play as he sat up and looked out of the cell to see Lavenza staring at him again.

He got up and walked to the cell door, where Igor once again sat with that wide grin on his face.

"My, my," Igor began as he tapped his fingers against the desk. "It has been a little bit since you returned to this place."

"Yes, I suppose it has," Ren kept his guard up, not trusting the complete stranger like he did to his soul bond. Igor seemed to catch on to this as he gave another light chuckle.

"Please, don't pretend that you trust us wholly, Trickster," Igor called out. "We are aware that such words would be meaningless to you. Especially with your record."

"How do you know about that?" Ren narrowed his eyes. The response was another chuckle.

“We know a lot of things, Trickster. But now is not the time for information.” Igor gestured a hand out to him. “Today is a joyful occasion for you. For we are ready to present the full potential of your power.”

“And that is?” Ren raised a brow as Lavenza opened her book and began to mess with the pages.

“You may have noticed by now that you have formed multiple bonds with the members of your soul,” Igor began as he looked off to the side. “The bonds you have formed come when you make a companionship with someone. As Lavenza will keep track of in her book, you have already formed a lot more than what I’ve seen from my past guests.”

Lavenza turned the book pages to face Ren as he looked at them with narrowed eyes. Along the two pages he could see, there was a person's name along with a random word that he didn’t understand why it was tied to them.

The first being: Phantom Thieves: Fool. Which had three stars under its name.

The second being Morgana: Magician. Which had one star under the title.

She scrolled through the pages as many more entries remained blank. But he caught four being Ryuji Sakamoto: Chariot, Ann Takamaki: Lovers, Shiho Suzui: Strength, and Yuuki Mishima: Moon.

“What does this mean?” Ren asked.

Igor snapped his fingers as two guillotines appeared behind him on either side, Ren’s eyes went wide as Igor went back to his calm sitting position.

“This may be new to you,” Igor started again. “But the shadows you encounter in the Metaverse will allow you to forge new power within this place. By presenting two different personas you have acquired, you can create new personas by presenting the personas in your possession.” Igor gestured his hand to Ren again. “How about we demonstrate it?”

“If you think I am about to hand over Arsene, you’re mistaken old man.” Ren narrowed his eyes.

At that, both Igor and Lavenza had a chuckle over Ren’s words before Igor shook his head.

“Just like my other guests.” Igor responded. “Even if I wanted you to, Trickster, you cannot hand over Arsene for any services in the Velvet Room. As Arsene is the one persona that you awoke from your own soul, he can never leave you. For the consequences of us doing that to you by force would be… catastrophic” Igor answered as Ren nodded.

Arsene breathed in relief as he realized he couldn’t be put up for this ridiculous ritual.

“However, there are things that even Arsene can’t do. For example, your teammates so far have been using different types of magic compared to what you are using in Curse. They have different buffs and effects that they can apply to themselves and others.” Igor continued. “With the power of the wildcard, you can use the powers of the Velvet Room to gain power that other persona users wouldn’t normally have. While Arsene will forever remain your strongest persona, these other personas can help make your journey a bit less… stressful on your mind.”

“Alright. How about these,” Ren offered both the Pixie and Jack-o-Lantern in his possession, which Igor accepted and took both from Ren’s mental space. He sent both personas at the guillotines as Lavenza came around and shoved a tarp over both of them, trapping the head spaces in the wooden contraption as they struggled.

Ren blinked in disbelief as the blade came down and chopped their heads off, turning back into energy as Igor snapped his fingers again and drew the energy together. Revealing a blue demon in a gold cup of some kind.

“Hello! I’m Agathion! I’m gonna be your new mask now! Use me, use me, use me!” The demon cried before it turned into Ren’s mask and flew back to him, slamming into his face as Ren let out a grunt in response.

“Alright…” Ren finally responded as he took in the abilities of Agathion. Not much right now with only Dia and Baisudi, but he saw other skills available on the demon. “Now what exactly are you…”

He was cut off again as the siren went off again, making his head go dizzy as Igor and Lavenza looked at the sleepy wildcard.

“Return to the Velvet Room when you wish to fuse new Personas,” Igor bid farewell as Ren returned to himself in reality.


Sunday, April 17th, 20xx

When Ren awoke, Morgana was poking his face.

“Hey! Wake up! Ren! Get your legs moving! We got to go!” The cat continued to paw his face as Ren groaned from Morgana’s contact.

“Alright. Alright, I’m up! Stop poking me!” Ren protested as he swung his legs over the side of the bed to stand up.

“Good. Now hurry up! We’re going to be late! And I for one don’t want to be the last one there!” Morgana instructed as Ren went for his clothes.

“How much longer do we need to wait?” Mishima asked as he stood with Ann, Shiho, Ren and Morgana at Station Square. They had all agreed to meet up here before going to the place that Ryuji recommended. Currently, they were under a tree in the shade as Ann and Shiho leaned against each other while Ren messed with his phone.

“He said his mom needed him to do something real fast,” Ren answered. “Just give him a minute.”

“Sorry I’m late guys!” Ryuji said as he came running up to them. “Mom wanted me to grab some things before I left.”

“Don’t worry about it, Ryuji.” Shiho brushed off as she got up from the concrete.

“So where are we going?” Ann asked as all eyes turned to the blond.

“Follow me,” The blond replied as they all began to walk behind him to Central Street. They walked past the massive crowd of people as they came across an alleyway with a neon green sign saying Untouchable above the store.

“This is it?” Shiho tilted her head slightly.

“This is it,” Ryuji confirmed as he pushed open the door, holding it open as the others passed through. When they went through, they saw an assortment of model guns and weapons along the shelves as a lone man sat behind the counter reading a newspaper.

“Wow…” Ann blinked as she looked at the large assortment of equipment.

“Now this is my kind of store,” Ren smirked, which drew the attention of the man behind the counter as he gave a brief look at them before going back down to his paper.

“Nice call, Ryuji.” Morgana praised as the blond scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“You kids need something?” The man finally spoke up, not removing his gaze from the paper as the five locked in on him.

“Ah… yeah,” Mishima answered, unsure if he should be taking the lead on this.

“Oh… that one is pretty…” Shiho praised as she locked in on a purple and black crossbow that would fit on her contraption.

“Oh… so you’re looking to buy?” The man placed his newspaper aside as he looked at the raven-haired female. “That will be 10,000 yen if you want it.”

“Oh… um…” Shiho went for her wallet, noting that it would be most of her allowance if she bought it. Ren smirked as he went for his own wallet and pulled out the necessary cash to everyone’s disbelief.

“It’s on me,” was all he said as the man took the cash and grabbed the crossbow below the shelf.

“Oh, give me, give me, give me!” Shiho wiggled her fingers in excitement as the owner handed the weapon over to her.

“Just don’t go pointing that at random people. I don’t want my shop catching trouble for that,” The man grumbled.

“I got it, sir.” Shiho politely responded as she held the weapon.

“Dude! Where do you have all that money I swear! First my lunch, now this!” Ryuji asked in complete bafflement over how much Ren had. Ren smirked back to his soulmates as he messed with his wallet.

“My dad is a doctor back home. He sent me 1 million yen in advance. Said something about me at least trying to enjoy my time here while I could.” he shrugged as he looked at the blond.

“Does that mean you’ll pay…?” Ann grinned as they looked at Ren expectedly.

“Woah don’t get hasty there,” Ren sweat dropped as the man looked at him.

“Now what about you?” he asked as Ren pressed his lips together in thought.

“Something that looks real,” he commented as the man raised a brow in interest.

“Oh? You guys looking to plan a nice big bank robbery or something?” The man questioned as everyone’s eyes went wide.

“Hell no!” Ryuji denied.

“How would we be able to get away with that?” Ann joined in.

“W-We just like how they look!” Mishima clarified further.

“Please don’t take my toy,” Shiho clutched her crossbow like it was her baby. The man did chuckle at the last one before he smirked.

“Heh, good to see some enthusiasts. I’m always down for helping fresh faces.” The man stood up from his chair. “Name’s Iwai. If you’re looking for model weapons, I’m your guy.” He did frown slightly. “A bit of precaution first, don’t go waving them around outside, they may be model guns, but a random civilian will look at it like it’s real. And I don’t want cops knocking on my doorstep because you were careless.” The teenagers nodded at this, but Ren gave a playful pout as he pointed at the floor.

“Yeah well, f*ck the police!” Ren preached back to him as the four teenagers turned to him in shock again. Morgana shook his head from within the bag, already knowing that Ren was going to say something like this. Iwai did laugh at that before he sat back down.

“How about that… I can't say my opinion is any better.” Iwai commented before he looked at the other teenagers. “Now are any of you looking to buy?”


“Thanks again!” Ann thanked Iwai as they left the store. Now decked out with a new assortment of weapons and armor as they stored their things in their bags. The five began to walk out of the alleyway when Ren heard a cell door go off, he turned behind him to see Lavenza standing there with a smile.

“You…” Ren said as the four turned around with wide eyes.

“Dude? You okay?” Ryuji questioned.

“I won’t keep you long, Trickster.” Lavenza immediately cut to the chase. “Whenever you wish to return to the Velvet Room, you will find these doors around Tokyo and the Metaverse. Simply come up to me and I will allow you to enter the room. Good day to you.” She bowed as she went back through the door.

“Dude? You alright?” Mishima shook his shoulder. Ren shook his head as he looked back at them.

“Yeah,” he replied. “I’ll try to explain it to you later.” He reassured them as they left the alley to go home.

Phantom Thieves Group Chat

Panther: Are we all set to begin the operation tomorrow?

Admin: Mona?

Joker: He says we are all good to go tomorrow. We should still be cautious of certain enemies, but Mona says he’ll clarify more in person.

Skull: So, we’re finally beginning…

Knight: Oh, I can’t wait to put my spear in his f*cking face.

Panther: If you guys don’t mind…

Joker: ?

Skull: ?

Admin: Ann?

Knight: What is it?

Panther: Well…

Panther: I want to get to know you guys better.

Panther: Outside of Shiho obviously.

Knight: Love you too baby.

Panther: But I’ve just realized I know almost nothing about you guys. Especially Ren.

Joker: Alright well…

Joker: My name is Ren Amamiya. I am a second year at Shujin Academy and my personal hobbies are reading and videogames. I may have an assault on my record, but I have a will to fight the knight.

Admin: You did not.

Panther: Oh no…

Knight: no. No. NO!








Knight: I hate both of you.

Admin: Ah! Fellow Sonic gamers I see.

Joker: Hey. I can’t help it if the albums come with a free game.

Skull: Hell yeah brotha, Crush 40 slaps.

Admin: Facts.

Panther: Facts.

Knight: Alright, I’ll give you that.

Joker: And now, Mona demands to know what Crush 40 is, so I'm off to educate him. Goodnight everyone!

Skull: Goodnight man!

Panther: Goodnight! ❤️

Admin: Night man!

Knight: Sleep well!

The Chat has closed.


Monday, April 18th, 20xx

Good morning everyone!” Kamoshida gave a light smile to the students as they entered the academy. And of course, Ren, Ryuji, Ann, Shiho and Mishima rolled up together as Kamoshida locked eyes on all of them.

“Good morning.” He said to them, although there was definitely some smugness in that last one as the blondes, Shiho and Mishima just gave him the stank eye.

“Morning.” Ren said back. Not frightened by Kamoshida at all. As they all walked past to enter the academy, Kamoshida turned his head.

“That admiral behavior won’t do any of you any good once you’re expelled,” Kamoshida smugly replied to them.

“Please. Drag him into the Metaverse and let me tear him to pieces, lad!” Captain Kidd begged from within Ryuji. Wanting to blast a hole in the man’s head. All of the thieves were able to hear the pirate thanks to the bond.

“No, Kidd.” Arsene replied firmly back, his expression completely annoyed with Kamoshida’s presence. “You’ll get your chance to get payback on his shadow. Just be patient.”

Captain Kidd grumbled in sorrow as Carmen and Joan went to comfort him. Zorro and Houdini just kept glaring at Kamoshida with absolute malice.

Kamoshida turned his gaze to Ann with a grin. “Last chance, Takamaki.”

Ann just huffed before she flipped her middle finger at him, joining her soulmates as they walked into the school. Carmen swelled with pride as her other self refused to surrender her heart.

Kamoshida chuckled as he watched her leave. All he had to do was wait for her to cave in. Then she would be all his.


Kamoshida has no idea... (Chuckles darkly).

But yeah. I took a little longer with this chapter than I wanted because of me wanting to plant a clear vision for the story. And part of that was me realizing that some thieves need to be incorporated earlier to make room in this story. But that's for a later date.

Coming up next time, the invasion of the Castle of Lust. Along with... (Shudders in disgust) him...

Chapter 7: The Castle of Lust Comes Down


Snippets of their exploration through Kamoshida's palace before they tackle the main boss himself.


Hello everyone! We're finally getting done with the Castle of Lust! Hope the fight itself is good for you as I do want to cover the palace bosses themselves in my own way.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Monday April 18th 20xx

Reality warped once again as the Phantom Thieves entered the Castle of Lust.

Despite the short surprise from Admin on how his clothes changed immediately, the thieves were now gathered around the outside of Kamoshida’s palace as Mona addressed the group on the plan.

“Does anyone have any other questions?” He asked his teammates as they all shook their heads.

“All right then.” He turned to look up at Joker as he addressed him. “I trust you to command us well.”

Joker only chuckled in response as he adjusted his red glove and walked forward, knife in hand.

“It’s Showtime!”


The six thieves entered a singular room with a crumbled staircase. Slowly they looked around for any way forward.

“Dammit. Did he destroy the stairs so we couldn’t follow?” Knight questioned in frustration over their lack of movement.

“That seems likely given the circ*mstances.” Joker remarked.

“Effing bastard,” Skull kicked a rock on the floor. Admin frowned as he looked around trying to find something to climb up on.

“How are we supposed to get past this?” Panther scratched her head as Mona looked lost in thought over something. Suddenly, he gasped as he went to climb onto Joker.

“Whoa! What are you doing!?” He exclaimed as everyone watched the cat creature hang onto his soulmate with ease.

“Stop moving! I’m trying to solve our problem!” Mona protested. When he reached Joker’s arm, he pulled out a device and began to mess with his wrist, clamping something around it as the others watched with a smile over the cat's excitement. Once he was done messing with Joker’s wrist, he hopped off of him and inspected his work.

“Wala!” Mona smiled proudly as Joker gave him a questioning glance.

“What did you strap onto me?”

“You see that ring up there?” Mona pointed to the gargoyle with a ring in its mouth. “Point up at it.”

Joker raised a brow in bafflement before he threw his hand back and thrust it upward, summoning a grappling hook that hooked onto the ring and shot him up past the railing and onto the staircase above. The others let out gasps of shock and amazement as Mona looked on proudly.

“Yes! It worked!”

“You gave him a grappling hook!?” Knight recovered from her shock as she looked at him.

“Yep. I had a feeling something like this would happen. So I started constructing some at our desk back at Joker’s place.” He turned to his comrades. “I got some for all of you too, so sit still.”

“Aw yeah!” Skull pumped his fist in excitement as Mona came his way.


“Ow…” Skull grumbled as he scratched his head.

“Does it still hurt?” Panther asked in concern.


“Well maybe you should have been watching where you were pointing your hook.”

“Can it cat!”

The others went back to their laughter as Skull grumbled in annoyance. They had all went to use the grappling hook for themselves but Skull had a little technical difficulty as he hit the ceiling above and crashed into it hard thanks to the retraction. While the others had a short laugh over his blunder, they closed their mouths as they went forward through the castle. Currently they were in some sort of library as Joker was filling in the empty slots with different books that they found. Admin was helping him out with the descriptions near them as Knight, Panther, Mona and Skull lounged near the middle.

Until eventually…

“And this one might be for the king book.” Admin theorized as he pointed out all of the books concerning Kamoshida’s characteristics and hobbies. Joker however frowned as he looked at the shelf.

“He really is that co*cky, isn’t he?” Joker shook his head in disgust as he placed the book on the shelf. As soon as he did so, the bookcases near the back moved as the thieves got close to each other, ready for any surprise attacks.

What they found was a blank room with a restraining device and several pictures hanging from the wall behind it.

“Ugh,” Skull reacted in disgust. “There’s a couple pictures of Knight on here.” Though his eyes widened as he looked at the rest of them. “Wait. It’s all pictures of her…” He realized.

Knight swallowed as she tried to her best not to remember what Kamoshida was planning to do on Thursday if Panther didn’t call her. A hand locked around hers drawing her attention to Panther as she looked at her soulmate gently.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah… yeah. I’m good. I’m actually even more motivated to do this.”

“Guys! Over here!” Admin exclaimed as he held up a map sitting on the shelf. Joker took it as Mona sat on his shoulder inspecting it.

“Yes! This is the treasure!” Mona pointed to the throne room design on the map. We just need to climb higher to the main tower!”

“Then let’s move.” Joker commanded.

“Hey guys… not to hurry us up, but we got company!” Skull shouted as several guards entered the library.

“Showtime!” Joker shouted as they charged the knights.


“Uh! Can this place get any worse?” Knight whined as her body continued to scream in protest from the loss of her stamina.

“The last Will Seed is just ahead! Be ready!” Mona called out to his allies as a lone gold armored guard stood in front of the door.

“Hm? Who are you?” The guard began suspiciously as the thieves approached.

“Hand over the will seed now!” Skull demanded as he pointed his shotgun at him.

“Fools! How dare you defy King Kamoshida!” The guard yelled before it began to transform.

“C’mon guys, lets…” Panther began.

She stopped as the shadow took form.

A green penis with a human mouth and green hands was gasping for breath as it sat on a golden chariot with a battering ram on the front of it. As Mara’s form became clear to them, their reactions were clear.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” Panther and Knight screamed in horror as they ran away. Joker, Skull and Admin looked greatly disturbed and disgusted as they looked at it.

“Of course there is a penis demon in Kamoshida’s Palace.” Joker shook his head in disgust.

“I was really hoping we wouldn’t find one of these…” Mona grumbled before he turned to the boys, as the girls retreated to the area by the elevator. “C’mon guys. Let’s take it down…”


Panther and Knight sat in the elevator ashamed as Joker, Skull and Admin held them reassuringly. Mona stood in front with the collected will seed as he put them together into one unit.

“Sorry guys…” Panther whined.

“Don’t say sorry, dammit. Not like we were gonna force you two to fight that thing.” Joker reassured her.

“Yeah. Besides, that thing drained Fire and blocked Gun and Curse, so it wasn’t like you two were going to be able to fight it.” Skull pointed out.

“But we should have been helping.” Knight protested. I could have been applying Rakukaja to you guys."

“I could have been putting it to sleep with Dormina.” Panther added.

“Stop it.” Joker firmly protested. “What's done is done. It’s gone and we have the will seed. Let’s move on.”

“Let’s just be glad for Admin for his Ice abilities.” Mona praised their newest member as Admin scratched the back of his head.

“Heh. Thanks.”

“Alright. We get it.” Panther smiled.

“Good. Now let’s get moving.” Joker commanded as he pulled the lever and sent the elevator back up the tower.


Finally, after a long trek, the six thieves reached the treasure room right behind the throne room. Narrowly dodging Kamoshida as they snuck in.

“Yes! We made it!” Mona shouted as he looked upon the object.

“That shimmery thing?” Panther questioned as she looked at it.

“Yes, Now we’re in the final phase of the plan.”

“Which is…?” Joker asked as the five turned their gazes to their guide.

“In simple terms, we need to go back to the real world and make the treasure materialize so that we can steal it from the palace.” Mona explained as the three nodded.

“Okay… And how do we do that?” Admin questioned before Mona gave a smirk to them.

“We warn them… We tell them that we’re going to steal their heart.”

“Wait! So we’re gonna send Kamoshida a calling card!? Oh hell yeah!” Skull hollered as he grew excited from the plan. Joker, Panther, Knight and Admin having smiles on their faces at their soulmates' actions.

“Precisely Skull.” Mona replied. “Which means we’re done here today. Let’s head back and prepare,” The three nodded before turning to get to the safe room outside of the throne room. Ready to take down the perverted king of lust once and for all.

Friday April 22nd 20xx

“A calling card?”

“Who put this here?”

“I don’t know but it looks badass!”

“He couldn’t have done this could he?”

Ann turned her head as she noticed several red cards pinned to the daily announcements board. Her eyes squinted as she struggled to read the formatted and messy text from her distance.

“Suguru Kamoshida, the perverted sinner of lust. We know about your acts and violations against the students of Shujin Academy which include the abuse of your students and the rape you committed against another. All in an attempt to promote yourself as a false king. As such, we will steal your distorted desires from you and make you confess your crimes from your own mouth. Prepare yourself, false king as your castle comes crashing down.


The Phantom Thieves.”

“Wow,” she said quietly as she went to stand near the others in the corner.

“So, What do you guys think?” Ryuji asked them.

“Amazing Ryuji,” Shiho praised.

“Not bad man,” Ren gave with a smirk. “You knew what you were writing for sure.”

“Yeah dude. Not bad at all,” Mishima looked excited for what was to come.

“Yeah. I know I showed worry about you writing it yesterday, but that was a great execution,” replied Ann with a smile.

“Your logo could use some work…” Morgana critiqued. “But you worded that card nicely. Not bad Ryuji.”

“Aw thanks guys," Ryuji said, hiding a blush. “But yeah, the logo was something I put on last minute, I just felt we needed an image for ourselves you know.”

“Nothing wrong with that man.” Ren remarked in affection.


The Phantom Thieves turned with a small smirk as they watched Kamoshida rage on the students near the board after reading the card.

“DID YOU DO THIS!? OR WAS IT YOU!?” he roared as students scrambled to get out of his sight. After scanning his view for anyone else, his eyes landed on the five thieves before he stalked his way over to them.

“It was one of you wasn’t it!? He seethed as he brought his rage under control.

“So, what if it was?” Ren questioned with a smirk. Not intimidated by Kamoshida at all after everything for the past two weeks.

“What bullsh*t… Hmph, it doesn’t matter. You’ll all be expelled soon enough,” he dismissed before the world distorted and showed his shadow to them. “Come! Steal my treasure if you can!” The shadow challenged before the world reverted back and Kamoshida stalked off to his office.

“It’s finally time,” Ann smirked with fire burning in her blue eyes.

“Yes it is,” Shiho growled in anticipation.

“It’s time to put an end to the king,” Mishima said with an enraged expression.

“Hell yeah! Let’s do this!” Ryuji grinned with a roll of his arm.

“Make me proud guys!” Morgana said with a smirk.

“It’s showtime!” Ren commanded as they walked off.

Arsene, Captain Kidd, Zorro, Carmen, Joan, and Houdini all laughed darkly in their users' minds in anticipation of the impending battle.

“Go go, let's go Ka-mo-shida!” Was all the thieves heard before the crown was knocked out of their hands by a spiked volleyball.

“Damn it!” Skull snarled as the perverted king dived through the air and grabbed his crown. The bimbo of Ann was somehow reconstructed and standing by the king's side.

“I won’t let anyone take this! This proves I am the king of this castle! It is the core of this world!” The shadow snarled at the thieves.

“f*cking rat bastard,” Panther growled. “He really sees me as his personal slu*t doesn’t he?”

Knight snarled as she brandished her spear and slammed the but end into the ground.

“So you were waiting all along huh? If you wanted an ass beating you should have just said so!” Joker boasted as Kamoshida's shadow sneered at him. Arsene laughed within his head at the shadows' rage.

“I just made it easier to smoke you out. I’ll destroy you all by myself, right here, right now!”

“That’s our line, you sexually harassing, jackass!” Skull fired back at him. Admin nodded as Kamoshida let out a scoff.

“What a selfish misunderstanding.”

“How is it a misunderstanding? You were doing things that you kept secret from others!” Panther shouted.

“People around me were the ones who kept it secret. They willingly protect me so they can share in my accomplishments. Why do you think the principal isn’t doing anything about the exposed record? Or your pathetic track team? Because I give him and everyone around me all the profit they need.”

“Profit?!” Skull breathed in disbelief.

“There are too many imbeciles who don’t understand the good I give them. Including you stupid soulbound freaks and that girl who tried to kill herself!” the Shadow snarled as he continued to boast his distorted ideals.

“True…” Panther commented. “She’s a complete idiot for letting you manipulate and degrade her like that. And I’m even more of a dumbass for not realizing that. But no matter how dumb someone might be… No one needs your permission to live their lives!”

“Drop the act you mediocre peasant! There is nothing wrong with how I use my gifts for my gain! I’m a cut above all other humans!”

“Above?!” Joker questioned if he heard right before he began to laugh darkly. “You mean beneath you filthy f*ck! You’re a pathetic devil who stumbled somewhere he doesn’t belong!” His eyes turned blood red behind the mask as he gave a devilish grin to his enemy. “And we’re going to rip all of it from you today!”

“Ahahahahahaha! That’s right! I’m the devil who rules this world!” The shadow yelled before it transformed into Suguru ‘Asmodeus’ Kamoshida. The thieves all stared up in horror except for Joker who looked at it with a surge of excitement to tear him apart. “I’m allowed to do whatever the hell I want!”

“Let’s finish this!” Joker commanded as the thieves all brought their weapons out. The final fight had begun.

“I’ll end this right now!” Admin yelled as he pulled his mask off. “Houdini, Mudo!”

“Joan, Hama!” Knight cried as she followed his example.

The two personas launched a trail of white cards and a straw doll at Kamoshida, which looked like it was going to work… but they bounced off him effortlessly.

“What…” Admin gasped.

“Why didn’t that work!?” Knight exclaimed.

“HAHA! You think an Instakill can work on me? Ha! I’m immune to your stupid Instakill bullsh*t!” The king laughed off.

“I meant to tell you guys this earlier,” Mona joined in. “But Palace Rulers will be immune to Hama and Mudo attacks. Even if they are neutral to Bless and Curse.”

“You couldn’t have said this after I killed the Archangel on Monday!?” Admin yelled.

“I was distracted!”

“Take this!” Kamoshida roared as he pointed at Skull, getting his slaves to fire a volleyball assault at him that hit 3 times.

“Ow! Dammit!” Skull grunted from the impact.

“Skull!” Panther shouted in worry.

“Panther, Look out!” Knight shouted as she shoved Panther out of the way of another volleyball attack now aimed at the blonde.

“You’re gonna pay for that!” Joker growled as he pulled off his mask. “Arsene, Eiha!”

The Curse attack crashed into the king as he took moderate damage from the attack. Panther and Mona followed suit with an Agi and a Garu separately while Skull casted Headbutt, causing the pirate to slam his skeletal head into the kings.

Kamoshida smirked as he raised his fork and stabbed a body inside the trophy before lifting it up and devouring it, healing him of all the damage that the thieves caused.

“What the… did he just heal?” Mona questioned.

“Mmm, that hits the spot. Come at me you miserable sh*ts! I can do this all day!”

“Dammit. That trophy is healing him!” Skull shouted in rage.

“Then we need to destroy that first!” Mona commanded. Admin smirked as he thought of his next move.

“Then it’s a good thing I have this,” Admin removed his mask again. “Houdini, Rakunda!”

The magician sent a ghostly orb of blue energy at the trophy causing it to lose its defense as the others caught on to his line of thought.

“Hit it! Now!” Joker yelled as he summoned Berith and used Power Slash on it.

“Wha? Hey! Stop that! You don’t know how much this is worth! So, stop doing it! Got it? I’m warning you…” The shadow growled which made Mona smirk.

“Like we’re listening to you! Zorro!” He shouted as he and Panther fired their magic at it, while Skull and Knight used their best Physical attacks in Headbutt and Brain Shake, dropping its health to a frail state. Kamoshida, in an effort to save his trophy, went to stab Joker, but the leader smirked as he effortlessly dodged the attack.

“Take it out Houdini!” Admin cried as the magician fired a Bufu straight into the trophy, causing it to finally shatter on contact as Kamoshida looked at it in horror.

“NOOOOOO! This was from when I won the nationals! You goddamn pests!” The king cried.

“Surround him!” Joker commanded as the six thieves trapped him and pointed their ranged weapons at his head.

“You think you can get away with doing this to me? Do you realize who I am!? I am Kamoshida! Don’t you get it?” The shadow yelled in defiance. Joker however smirked at his pathetic nature.

“Ha! So what?”

“Huh…” Kamoshida actually lost his words at Joker’s easy dismissal of his identity. “Like I keep saying! I am Kamoshida! I’m the king of Shujin Academy!”

Skull sneered. “I always thought of you as a condescending hotshot… but right now… you’re just a pathetic loser!”

“Agreed. You’re nothing but a lowlife that stumbled somewhere he doesn’t belong!” Admin joined in.

“It’s disgusting that you actually were able to become a teacher!” Knight insulted. “More pathetic how you think you can just boss around!”

“We came all this way to steal that! Will you just surrender already!?” Panther kept her gun trained on the gym teacher.

“Silence! I won’t let you have this!” The king refused.

“You still have the energy to say that sh*t?” Mona raised his brows in disbelief. “Then we’re going to up our game as well!”

“Now!” Joker roared as the six unleashed an All-Out-Attack on the king. The resulting assault made the king scream as he was thrown back into his own stairs with a loud boom.

“Grrrr, That’s it! I need to serve a killshot! Slaves! Bring me my ball!” The king roared as his minions took off running. A moment later though, a cognition of Mishima came running into the fray.

“Wait! What the…” Admin blinked as he saw a clone of himself.

“Is that his cognitive version of Admin?” Knight questioned.

“That it is,” Mona confirmed.

“H-Here it is, King Kamoshida,” Cognitive Mishima shakily spoke up.

“Good! Pass it up to me, sh*t for brains!” The king roared.

“H-Here it goes,” the cognition tossed the ball up.

“BEHOLD MY GREATNESS!” The king shouted with glee as he spiked the ball at the thieves.

“Guard!” Mona shouted as everyone braced themselves for the attack. The Almighty volleyball crashed into the floor causing a huge explosion as the thieves took moderate damage from the attack. Seeing that they were still alive, Kamoshida sneered.

“I knew I couldn’t pull it off with you backing me up! sh*t for brains, get off my court!”

“I-I’m sorry King Kamoshida!” The cognition yelled as he ran away. Admin watched it leave with a frown.

“Now! Bring me my ball!” He shouted as a new cognition came close to him, this time being a cognitive version of Shiho. Knight’s eye twitched under her mask as she looked at it for the first time in a week.

“King Kamoshida,” She cooed. “I have your ball.”

“Hmhmhm, that’s a good girl Suzui. Yeah, all women should be obeying my orders.”

“This sack of sh*t…” Knight shook with rage.

“What do we do?” Mona asked.

“Focus on the fake.” Joker ordered. “Keep him from getting that ball and he can’t serve up that attack again.”

“You got it Joker!” Admin cried as he used Rakunda on the cognition. The other thieves immediately opened fire on the fake. With Joker, Panther and Mona using their best magic skills while Skull used Headbutt again. With a primal roar, Knight rushed her imposter before she brought her spear up and sliced her head off, killing the cognition as it screamed.

“Hmph. Even Suzui was useless… guess I’ll have to give her some special treatment after I get Takamaki back under my thumb!”

“I’ll f*cking kill you!” Panther screamed as she summoned Carmen again and shot Agi straight at his face, blinding him as he held his eyes.

“We won’t get anywhere at this rate…” Mona observed with a tight frown as he casted Media on his soul bond. “We need to take that crown from him now. Joker, try to send someone up there while the others keep him distracted.”

Joker sat there silently as he thought of who to send, based on his glances, Knight and Panther would be idiotic as he would call them out immediately. Mona could be a good choice, but he was their only real healer. Yes, Admin and Panther had Dia each, but there were too many of them for those two to be playing healer the entire time. Which left him with…

“Skull, Admin, go get the crown!” He commanded as they both nodded.

“You got it, Joker!”

“Keep him distracted, Leader!”

With that, the two took off to the side pillar and took cover. Kamoshida snapped himself out of the blind as Joker and Panther both casted Sukunda and Tarunda. Knight immediately went for a Single Shot as Mona launched a Garu. The king snarled as he stabbed Knight, making her hiss before he aimed a second stab at Mona.

“Too slow!” the cat insulted as he dodged.

“Now listen up! I am the king around here! And you are supposed to obey my command! This school only exists because I am the king!”

“Wow. What a dumbass.” Admin quietly deadpanned.

“Let’s go.” Skull back patted his shoulder, which led to both jumping up and grabbing the ledge near the pillar.

From there, the four thieves on the ground kept up the distraction. Joker and Ann summoned their initial personas and fired Eiha and Agi separately while Knight launched a Brain Shake. Mona chose to play support this turn and casted Media on everyone again, now healing them fully from the almighty attack earlier.

Kamoshida snarled as this time, he chose to aim for Panther, who took moderate damage from the attack before he turned his gaze to Mona again and tried to stab him. Sadly, Mona saw it coming again and dodged for a second time.

“Too easy!”

“GRRRR! You’re misunderstanding it all! I haven’t sexually harassed anyone! They came onto me… because they wanted to get on my good side!” He laughed delusionally.

“He really is just a total moron…” Skull murmured as he and Admin reached the top and hit behind the railing.

“At least we’re close to the treasure. Let’s get it.” Admin said as he and Skull shared a quiet handshake before they crept to the railing near the stairs.

Seeing that their teammates were almost in position, the four chose to go all out this turn as they went for their masks.

“Arsene, Eiha!”

“Zorro, Garu!”

“Carmen, Agi!”

“Joan, Kouha!”

The shadow grunted in pain as he took the hits from the four thieves before he recovered and went to attack again when he finally realized something.

“Is there less of you? I knew it, they’re missing! Where did they go?!”

“Too late moron!” Came the cry of Skull as he and Admin leapt from the top balcony and smacked the crown off the king's head making it roll on the floor. The king cried out in panic as he realized that his crown was gone.

“Nooooooooo! My precious!”

“He’s weakened! Take it away Joker!” Mona cheered as Joker’s smirk returned.

“Arsene, Snap!” The persona answered his call as he helped up his hand and shot raw kinetic energy at the King, causing a Crit as the King screamed.

“Do it! Now!” Joker commanded as the other thieves lunged at the shadow in trails of red, yellow, teal, pink, silver and black, before unleashing one last All-Out-Attack that caused it to collapse in despair and transform back to its human form.

Skull took a deep breath before going to pick up the crown before out of nowhere, the reverted shadow dived and ran with the crown in its arms.

“Hey!” Skull shouted as the thieves chased it to its balcony.

“Gah!” the shadow screamed as it realized it was cornered with nowhere to go. Joker instantly trained his pistol on the shadow before tilting his head upwards.

“What’s wrong? What happened to you destroying us? Aren’t you supposed to be above all other humans?” Joker taunted as the shadow snarled.

“It’s always been like this! All those god damn hyenas… forcing their expectation on me! I’m doing this for all of them! What's wrong with demanding a reward for my hard work!”

“Now you're making excuses?!” Skull said in rage. “We’ll be taking your treasure now!” The shadow whimpered at his words before freezing on the balcony.

“Scared? Right now, you're seeing exactly what that first year did,” Panther started with a low growl. “I’m sure she was scared too… except she felt that she had no choice but to jump off that roof. How about you? Will you jump? Or will you die here?” She said as Carmen appeared behind and held a massive fireball in her hands.

“No please wait! I beg you! Just forgive me!”

“Shut up! I bet everyone told you the same, but you took everything from them without a second thought!” She screamed as Carmen tossed the ball of fire at him making it crash into the pillar next to him which made him scream in terror.

“I… I accept defeat! You want this? Take it!” the shadow said in despair. Tossing the crown, which Joker caught in his free hand. “Go ahead and finish me off. You do that… and my real self will go down too. You have that right… since you won.” The other thieves bristled, Knight shaking furiously after everything she saw and heard in this crazy f*cked up castle, before Panther threw out her hand and Carmen launched the other fireball at the king.

“No! Ann!” Skull shouted as the fireball crashed next to Kamoshida. The others turned to her before the mask returned to her face.

“If he dies… he won’t admit his crimes,” was Panthers concealed response. Knight came close and hugged as the others relaxed.

“Good call, Panther.” Mona commented next to her.

“I’ve… lost. You’re through… when you lose. What am… what am I supposed to do now?” the shadow wallowed in despair.

“You already know.” was Joker's cold response as he placed the gun back in his trench coat.

“Alright. I’ll return to my other self. I’ll make certain that I…” the shadow started as it disappeared from sight and the palace began to shake violently.

“And that’s our queue to leave guys! This place is coming down! Run!” Mona commanded as the thieves all took off in a mad sprint to get out of the castle.


Hope you all enjoyed!

Next time, we have a moment of calm for the thieves as they have a sleepover to get closer to each other.

Chapter 8: Persona Stats 1: Castle of Lust


Not really a chapter. Just me putting Persona stats in the system so that everyone has an idea of their movesets.


There are fan made traits for the new thieves and Arsene itself. At some point, I will include stat numbers as well. See you next chapter.

Edit: Any skills that are unrecognized from the main game are new gun/magic skills that i feel either should have been in the main game, or just added for variety (Why are there only six Gun skills Atlas?"


Single Shot: Light Gun damage to 1 foe.

And regarding the Thieves themselves.

Joker: Arsene is built as a Gun/Curse fighter with Ailments and Sukunda.

Skull: Has Regenerate added to his kid to further his role as the tank.

Mona: Has some updates to his kit in passsives and skills to futher his heal bot role.

Panther: Has Invigorate added to her kid to help with SP output. (Built as the best magic attacker and she doesn't have the highest SP poll? WTF Atlas?)

Fanmade characters:

Knight: Joan is essentially the bless version of Arsene. Focusing on Gun attacks while having single target Kouha skills and Hama Instakills. She also has Rakukaja and will eventually get Taunting Aura down the road.

Admin: The Ice version of Carmen. Has Ice skills and single target healing but gets Rakunda and Mudo skills instead.

Chapter Text

Persona Stats 1: Castle of Lust

Ren Amamiya/Joker

Persona: Arsene Level 11

Affinities: Resists Curse, Weak to Bless

Trait: Tricksters Gaze: Strengthens Physical/Magic skills targeting all foes by 30% for all allies


Single Shot

Dream Needle




Adverse Resolve

Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull

Persona: Captain Kidd Level 11

Affinities: Resists Electric, Weak to Wind

Trait: Raging Temper: Chance to increase allies Physical attack damage by 40%.






Regenerate 1


Persona: Zorro Level 11

Affinities: Resists Wind, Weak to Electric

Trait: Proud Presence: Increase effect of healing spells by 50%.







Ann Takamaki/Panther

Persona: Carmen Level 11

Affinities: Resists Fire, Weak to Ice

Trait: Mastery of Magic: May decrease SP cost of allies’ magic skills.






Invigorate 1

Shiho Suzui/Knight

Persona: Joan Level 11

Affinities: Resists Gun and Bless, Weak to Psychokinesis

Trait: Shield of Angels: 60% Chance to decrease damage to party by 50%


Single Shot

Brain Shake




Yuuki Mishima/Admin

Persona: Houdini Level 11

Affinities: Resists Ice and Curse, Weak to Electric

Trait: Master Magician: Chance to increase all allies Magic damage by 40%.






Chapter 9: Moment of Calm


With Kamoshida's Palace gone, The Phantom Thieves decide to get together and have a hangout.


I'm back! And I have another chapter for you. It's a bit on the shorter side, but I hope you like it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Phantom Thieves Group Chat

Panther: I know I said this already… but that sucked.

Admin: Yeah. Why the hell did it have to collapse that fast?

Joker: But at least we destroyed the palace.

Skull: For real. And we got a sick ass medal out of it.

Knight: Are we sure it’s real though?

Joker: Morgana said something about this being a fake, but I barely see anything fake about it. Probably could make some good money off of it.

Panther: So, we shouldn’t have to worry about us being expelled right Mona?

Joker: He says that should be the case. The palace is gone, meaning that it is affecting Kamoshida in some sort of way. And since he is the major player pushing our expulsions, it may fall through and allow us to stay.

Panther: Cool.

Skull: Something wrong?

Knight: Are you okay Ann?

Admin: Ann?

Panther: No. It’s just.

Panther: I want to hang out with you guys.

Joker: We’ll see each other tomorrow.

Panther: No, I mean, I want to ‘hang out’.

Joker: Oh! That's what you meant.

Skull: For real?! Already?

Knight: Isn’t this a little close?

Joker: We just met like a week ago.

Admin: Almost two weeks as of tomorrow.

Panther: I know but, I want to hang out with you guys in a nest. Get snacks. Cuddle. Kiss a bit.

Panther: I think it's a little early to go beyond that, but I just want to be with you guys.

Joker: I see.

Joker: So, you want to get in a nest?

Panther: I made you guys uncomfortable, didn’t I?

Knight: No.

Skull: No, you really didn’t.

Skull: It’s just… When should we do it?

Joker: How about next Saturday night?

Joker: We won’t have school the next morning so we can take our time and not have to get up early in the morning.

Admin: I can do that.

Panther: That sounds great! I’ll make sure we can do that!

Skull: I’m down! I’ll let mom know in advance, so she doesn’t worry!

Knight: Oh my gosh yes!

Joker: Morgana is also down. I am reporting.

Panther: Well sounds like we got a plan! Can’t wait to do this with you guys!

Joker: Perfect. See you guys tomorrow!

Knight: Goodnight!

Skull: Goodnight, guys!

Admin: Good night!

Panther: Sleep well guys!

The chat has closed

Saturday April 31st 20xx

Ren sighed as he sat at the counter.

He was eagerly awaiting everyone as he sat at the counter in Leblanc after sunset. The customers had all left the store and it was just him and Sojiro around. The cafe owner had allowed the sleepover to happen at Leblanc after reassurance that there wouldn’t be sex involved from anyone, and Ren had been very clear when he pointed that out, but he wanted to get a look at Ren’s soulmates after hearing about them from Ren. He looked at his phone again before hearing the bell from the door chime.


Ren turned to the door with a smile as Ryuji, Ann, Shiho and Mishima stood there with a bag and a pillow under their arms as they each changed into casual attire before they arrived, looking at Ren with a smile. The four put their things down fast as he greeted them in short hugs and kisses, happy that they were here at last.

“Hoo boy,” Sojiro commented from the counter with a smile. “Why don’t you kids put that on a booth for now. Sit down and I’ll make some curry for you guys.”

“And you are?” Mishima questioned.

“Ah, where are my manners? I’m Sojiro Sakura. I’m serving as Rens guardian while he’s under probation for the year. It’s nice to meet you four,” he introduced with a smile on his gruff face as he looked at the four. “You must be Ryuji.” he gestured to the blond.

“Yeah, how did you…” Ryuji blinked in surprise.

“Ren has talked about you. Especially considering the first day of school.”

“What?! No, I haven’t.” Ren protested.

“Ren, you sat there on Tuesday during Breakfast and talked about how dreamy each of your soulmates are separately, and how you drift into dreamland often in class because of how beautiful and handsome they are.” Sojiro deadpanned.

Ren froze with his eyes wide as Sojiro chucked him under the bus before he looked back at his soulmates and saw them smiling smugly. Morgana chose to save him by making his presence known.

“What am I? Chop liver…” Morgana cried in fake hurt as he hung his head in sadness from his place on the floor. Ann giggled as she made her way over and scooped up the feline in her arms.

“How could we forget about you silly.” Ann cooed as Morgana nuzzled her face with a purr.

“So, you're Ann then?” Sojiro questioned.

“Yeah, I was talking with them a week ago and I saw Morgana with his mark. Ren marked me and Shiho here,” She gestured to her friend, “After I showed my shoulders to them,” Ann explained knowing full well she couldn’t say anything about the Metaverse.

“I met them last Saturday. Same process for me too. Saw the cat and got marked by Ren.” Mishima briefly explained.

“This cat is a magnet, isn’t he?” Sojiro murmured to himself. “Anyway, thanks for helping Ren out for the past few weeks while he adjusted.”

“Yeah, but this guy was a big help as well,” remarked Ryuji as he sat at the bar.

“Are you sure that it's not your affection talking?” Sojiro teased the blond as he placed plates of curry down in front of the five and a plate of salmon down for Morgana.

“No really, He’s been great!” Ann replied to him with a smile as she grabbed her plate, filling Ren with affection as he took in his soulmate's words. The six ate slowly as they chatted with one another on different stories in their youth, Ren and Mishima had a laugh over the dolphin incident that Ryuji had, much to the blond's embarrassment. Sojiro leaned against the coffee bean shelf with a cigarette as he watched the television from the side, hiding a smile as the five humans laughed and teased one another.

“Alright, why don’t you get your things upstairs then. It’s about time for me to head out anyway,” Sojiro said as the four picked up their belongings and made for the stairs to get to the attic. “You’re in charge Ren. Don’t burn this place down.”

“Got it. Goodnight, Boss,” Ren said as Sojiro gave him a wave and left with a chime of the door. He locked up behind the cafe owner and proceeded to clean the dishes and put them away before he finally made his way to the attic.

As he climbed the steps, he observed that Shiho, Ann, Mishima and Ryuji had brought a large number of blankets and laid them all over the floor as a different array of colors matching their soul colors. Ann had already changed into a pair of red sleep shorts and had dropped her pigtails letting her hair fall down as she relaxed on her pillow. Shiho was dressed in a black pair but also let her hair fall as well. Ryuji and Mishima both had put on black sleep pants as well as they all laid there together with Morgana cuddling in between them. All of them weren’t wearing shirts, though Ann and Shiho only had red and black bras separately as the only form of cover. The four looked up lovingly at their soulmate with their marks on full display.

“Looks comfy,” Ren commented as he looked at the scene in front of him.

“Feels comfy too,” Ann smirked as she sat up while Ren went for his sleep pants. Slipping the green pants on and not bothering with the shirt before coming over to them as their hands shot up to bring him down to them. Ann immediately brought her lips to his as they kissed. Her strawberry lipstick reached his lips as his heart began to beat with excitement. Matching her pace as he continued to taste her lips. Their soulmates watched with a smile as the two continued to devour one another.

Ryuji, seeing Ren getting overwhelmed, crawled over and started leaving small kisses and licks along Ann's neck, causing the blonde to arch her back and produce a small moan as the boys listened to her voice like a melody. However, Ann lightly tapped them to stop as she felt their members begin to poke her thighs through their pants.

“Guys, remember what we agreed on.” Ann breathed in between breaths as the three separated. Their lips puffy from all of the kissing they were doing.

“I know… Doesn’t mean I don’t want it…” Ryuji whined. Ren only let out a small groan as he backed up in an attempt to get his erection to go down.

“Another night boys,” Ann said lovingly as she pecked Ryuji. “Not tonight.”

“Agreed.” Ren said back as he went to grab his pillow from the bed.

“Good to know you guys have control of yourselves.” Morgana said smugly as he swished his tail back and forth. Shiho and Mishima were lounging close to each other watching their partners while sharing a peck on each other’s cheeks.

“Oh, as if you don’t want to cuddle mister!” Ryuji called out as he grabbed him and pulled the cat to his chest. The cat let out a small sound of protest before snuggling into the blond's chest.

“Well in the meantime, who's up for a movie?” Ann said as she went for her bag and pulled a DVD. The three lit up as they caught on to her idea.

“Good idea Lady Ann,” Morgana commented.

“Absolutely!” Shiho shot up.

“I’m down,” Ryuji said with a smirk.

“Me too!” Mishima answered.

“Let's do it.” Ren said as he rejoined them on the floor.

“And I’ve got snacks too,” Ryuji joined in as he began to pull different sorts of chocolate and chips from his bag. Ann went to the dvd player as the soul bond relaxed in the nest of blankets.

“This was nice,” Ann said as she relaxed in the darkness of the attic. The six were now snuggled up against each other in between the blankets as they continued to talk quietly.

“For real,” Ryuji said with his eyes closed. Relaxing on the pillows to the other side of Ren as Morgana laid in between them.

“I’m glad you wanted to do this, Ann.” Ren said to his girlfriend as they laid there peacefully.

"Yeah. I needed this..." Shiho sighed peacefully.

“Heh, thanks!” Ann giggled as she snuggled into Ren. Shiho spooned her other side as Mishima laid on the athlete’s other side. The six let silence take over them again as they enjoyed the moment of calm that they had.

“Hey, um…” Mishima spoke up. The others turned their eyes to him as he went to speak. “Not to bring the mood down or anything but, I got wind of the student in the hospital. She’s going to make a recovery, but it doesn’t seem like she can use her legs for a while.”

“Are you serious?” Shiho blinked in disbelief.

“Yeah. And by the sound of it, she’s not going to be walking for at least a year.” Mishima added. “She hasn’t woken up yet either.”

“What the f*ck…” Ren took a deep breath.

“Damn it all!” Ann cried as she went to hug her pillow. “If only I did something sooner! I should have told the police for f*ck’s sake!”

“Ann. Stop it.” Ryuji firmly replied with a fire in his eyes. “This isn’t on you.”

“This is Kamoshida's doing,” Ren added as he held Ann close. “And we took him down. All we can do is hope she wakes up soon. But none of this is your fault.”

“I know,” She sniffled as she tried to rain her emotions in. The others, hearing her cries, moved to trap her from all angles in a hug. She let out a short giggle as the four humans embraced her from different angles while Morgana pushed his head against her chin.

“My mates…” Ann sniffled as she felt their affection roll over her.

“Forever yours Lady Ann,” Morgana purred.

“We got your back. And if anyone says your worthless, they can go f*ck themselves,” Ren spoke softly.

“Damn straight!” Ryuji added as the six quietly laughed at his words.

“One day at a time,” Shiho smiled softly. “We’ll do it together.”

With their new positions clear, the four entered the realm of dreams. A pleasant smile on their faces as they cuddled in the nest of warmth.

Sunday, May 1st 20xx

Sojiro opened the cafe door with a sigh. Despite leaving Ren in charge of the cafe, he couldn't help the bundle of nerves that said they were up to something.

So here he was, unlocking the door to the cafe as he wanted to check on the five teenagers that were in the attic of the cafe.


Sojiro's eyes went wide as he looked upwards from where the voice came from. Putting his keys on the counter, he made his way to the stairs before he climbed them and looked at what was in front of him.

Ren, Ryuji, Shiho and Mishima were sitting up, looking at the modern tv screen that Sojiro bought him a week ago with this meetup in mind. The four were holding switch controllers and were locked on the screen as Ann sat behind them holding Morgana in her arms. All had their shirts back on as they knew Sojiro would be coming soon.

"Yes! I win!" Mishima cheered as his character crossed the finish line. Ryuji let out a sigh as he came in second, followed by Ren shaking his head softly as he came in fourth.

"Dammit!" Shiho screamed as she threw her controller down on her blanket. Sixth place. "f*ck you Ren for that Blue Shell!

"Hey," Ren shrugged with amusem*nt. "Not my fault that you were in first."

Shiho grumbled before she opened her mouth "Not my fault that you were in first." She mocked as Ryuji and Mishima laughed at her impression of him.

"It's just not your luck today, is it?" Ryuji grabbed his water and sipped it. "First Ann's second place steal with a mushroom on the Sweet Sweet Canyon now Mishima because of Ren's blue shell on Rainbow Road."

"Shiho, you seem upset do you want a hug?" Ann offered with her arms raised to her.

"Are you offering?" Shiho asked before she shook her head. "Wait, no. no."

"Do you want a hug?" Ann asked again, though her lips were curving upwards.

"No, I don't want a hug from you, you position stealing bitch!"

"Good! You weren't getting one! Hugs are for winners." Ann replied with a giggle as the others laughed. Shiho sulked on the bed as she thought of her losses by Mishima and Ann's hands.

Sojiro shook his head with amusem*nt as he observed the five humans.

"Well, good to see that your all up." he spoke up, drawing all eyes to him. "Now who's down for breakfast?"

"Hell yeah!" Ryuji shouted as he threw the yellow blanket off himself.

The rest of the room echoed similar cheers as the teenagers all got up and followed Sojiro down the stairs. Ren however remained seated as Morgana crawled over to him.

"Earth to Ren," The creature said as he patted Ren's thigh. The raven-haired leader chuckled as he picked him up.

"I'm here, Mona." He stood up with Morgana in his arms. "C'mon, let's go."

Morgana only hummed as Ren walked down the stairs, enjoying the moment of peace that they had on this Sunday morning.


Hope you all enjoyed!

Now regarding the next arc: Madarame. I intend to keep most of it intact, but because of events later in this story, some things need to be changed.

For starters, we have a Queen to crown.

See you next time!

Chapter 10: The Royal Blue Priestess


As the Phantom Thieves look for their next target, the student council president corners them on the school roof.

Things go as well as you would expect for the Phantom Thieves.


Here we are with Chapter 10. And as I mentioned last chapter, here comes another piece of canon divergence due to later events in the story.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Saturday May 7th 20xx

“Man, we aren’t getting anything!” Ryuji grumbled as he stared at the Phansite that Mishima had created days prior for the Phantom Thieves to find different targets. After Kamoshida's confession on Monday, the Phantom Thieves went to celebrate at the buffet in Shibuya. That quickly led to them forming officially as they now looked to reform society from the metaverse as they looked for criminals and other distorted individuals who were abusing their power and authority on others. Mishima offered to create the website as a means to find potential targets, which Morgana praised.

But so far...

“Yeah. All of these are just posts of people complaining about their social lives.” Mishima sighed as he pocketed his phone.

“Well, we can’t get everything online,” Ann commented in disappointment. Shiho hugged her with a soft hum as she nuzzled the blonde’s neck.

“We’ll just have to keep looking for one then,” Ren responded as he looked them over. “We just need to be patient… hm?”

He was cut off from his thoughts as he noticed the door to the roof open. The five went on high alert with Morgana jumping to the top of the filter as out walked a girl with short brown hair and red eyes as she walked over to them with a degree of smug satisfaction in her step. The soul bond recognized her instantly as Makoto Niijima, the student council president and their senpai at Shujin.

“This place is off limits, you know.” She told them.

“We’ll get out of here as soon as we’re done chatting,” Ryuji responded with a grumble. “What is it you want?"

“The troublemaker, the center of gossip, her best friend, an ex-volleyball player and the infamous transfer student… interesting combination we have here.” She observed as the five stared at her. Ren and Mishima looked at her with narrowed brows of suspicion while Ryuji, Ann and Shiho looked at her in irritation..

“Great way to start a conversation…” Ann grumbled as she looked at Makoto. The president turned her gaze to Ren, with a smirk as she addressed him.

“By the way…” She began. “It looks like you got to know Kamoshida quite well.”

“Who?" He co*cked his head in confusion. Niijima went to speak but Ren spoke up as he snapped his fingers in mock realization. "Oh, you mean Kamo-sh*t-head? Nah I don’t know him.” What was supposed to be his cheeky response to make Niijima annoyed, only made the student council president laugh.

“Well, that's one way to describe him…” She commented as the others also shared a short laugh. “You seem to have gotten to know him quite a bit if you're calling him that.”

“Well given that he tried to have all of us expelled over bullsh*t, and the fact that he admitted to sexual assault on Monday, I think I have a right to be bitter.” Ren commented. In all honesty, he wasn't sure why he was being so open with her. But something in his gut made it easy to talk to her.

“Well, that's understandable,” She commented again with a hum with her eyes closed. After reopening, she gave a smirk to her targets before addressing them. “Especially if the Phantom Thieves of Hearts are sitting right in front of me.” The five thieves' eyes went wide as Makoto looked at them, arms crossed with a smug expression on her face.

“Uh… what?” Mishima blinked.

“What makes you think that?” Shiho questioned in bafflement.

“Sorry to disappoint you, but we’re just a bunch of–”

“High schoolers? Yes.” Makoto answered after she cut Ryuji off. “You also have a reason to go after Kamoshida and just so conveniently were put up for expulsion by the same teacher. And those that are the most affected by his recent actions are just coincidentally meeting up." She shook her head mockingly. "How could that not raise suspicion?” She questioned as the five looked at each other in worry.

Morgana, however, narrowed his eyes, as he looked down at Makoto.

Because unless his eyes were deceiving him, it looked like the brunette had black marks along the upper parts of her arms under her white shirt, which he could barely see due to the light from the afternoon sun shining on her. After looking at her for several moments, his eyes widened in realization before he pounced down and turned to Ren.

“Ren, touch her wrist now!” he commanded

“What. Why?” Ren asked him in confusion. The other soulmates shared their leader's confusion as Morgana huffed.

“Just do it Ren!” Morgana shouted back at him.

“Huh?! Where does this cat come from?!” Makoto questioned before Ren grabbed her wrist, which he let go of immediately and she collapsed with a gasp to the floor in pain as her shoulders began to burn. The soulmates twitched before they froze as Morgana looked at Makoto with observing eyes.

“I knew it.”

“No f*cking way!” Ann exclaimed. Shiho blinked wide eyed as she watched the brunette.

“Oh my god…” Mishima blinked.

“For real!?” Ryuji shouted as Ren stared with wide eyes as Makoto continued to breathe from the pain slowly going away in her chest. Her eyes widened as she began to panic.

‘My mark,’ She processed in her mind as she shook her head. ‘They’re my…’ She thought as her breathing began to pick up. Her eyes wide as she saw the once black now royal blue flames through her sleeves. The mark now moved like a crackling fire as her eyes welled up with tears.

“Niijima-senpai?” Ren questioned her as she began to panic.

“No! Get away from me!” She screamed as she stumbled wanting to get away only to lose her balance and fall on her ass. She didn’t get a chance to get back up as the five students were on her immediately. Holding her close as she gasped from their touch. The cat purred as it nuzzled her face while the five held her from different angles. As they held her with a hum, she began to calm down as she felt their affection course through her body.

Makoto whined as she hid her face in her hands, her face now tomato red in embarrassment causing the six to laugh at her emotions. “Why is this happening to me now?!" she cried.

“Is something the matter?” questioned Ren as he looked at her with a smile.

“You don’t have to be nice to me…" Makoto protested softly. Ren responded by pressing his lips to hers causing Makoto’s red orbs to go wide before she closed them and returned the kiss. Breaking the kiss after a moment as he leaned his forehead against hers.

“How about you let us decide that?” Ren questioned soothingly.

Ann didn’t wait another second before she turned her senpai's head to her and pressed her lips against hers causing Makoto to moan as she leaned into the kiss. Their lips worked softly against each other while Ren and the others watched with a smile. Finally separating as Makoto tried to catch her breath with puffy lips from all the kissing.

“Wow,” She commented. The others backed up from her while keeping themselves at arms length of their senpai. “I didn’t think this would happen.”

“Heh, for real.” Ryuji said with a smile as Makoto went to address everyone again.

“I’m sorry about my nerves,” Makoto apologized as she rubbed her arm. “I don’t usually do well under pressure."

“No, No, you don’t need to apologize!” Ann quickly cut in.

“Yeah, Niijima.” Shiho joined in. “Don’t apologize.”

“But I tried to …” Makoto went to argue.

“Expose us as the Phantom Thieves of Hearts for whoever is putting you up to this?” Ren questioned as all eyes went to him. Makoto’s crimson eyes went wide at Ren's accusation. “You wouldn’t be questioning students like this unless someone was making you. And there's only one person who could put the student council president up to this.” he explained as they all looked at Makoto again.

“You’re right. Principal Kobayakawa tasked me with figuring out the identities of the Phantom Thieves and if they are attached to Shujin.” She answered sheepishly as she rubbed her arm.

“So, the school can’t have ties to criminals, but he turns a blind eye to suicide and sexual harassment from a teacher!? That son of a bitch!” Ann seethed as her hatred for the fat bastard grew.

“Are you really surprised considering Ren’s record?” Mishima questioned her as she shook her head.

“No, I’m really not.” She answered.

“So… are you guys the Phantom thieves?” Makoto questioned again. She had a light blush on her face as all eyes returned to her. The six thieves looked each other in the eyes deciding how to respond.

“We can tell her guys,” Morgana said to them. “She's part of our souls.” The five nodded before looking at her again.

“Yeah.” Ren said to her.

“I knew it.” Makoto grumbled as she held a slight frown at the fact that her soulmates were in fact the Phantom Thieves.

“Please don’t report us…” Ryuji pleaded.

“I’m not going to,” Makoto answered, much to their relief. “But how did you guys do it? Was it drugs? hypnosis?” She started to question as the others looked for a way to explain the metaverse.

“This actually works perfectly guys,” Morgana said as he addressed his fellow persona users. “Tell her to follow us to the Shibuya crossing. We’ll show her how we did it while I also show you guys what I want you to help me solve.” the thieves nodded as they turned to her again.

“Are you guys, okay?” Makoto questioned as she watched her soulmates watch the cat meow for several seconds.

“Yeah,” Ryuji said as he grabbed her arm. “Follow us and we’ll show you how we did it.”

“Wait! Where are we going?” Makoto questioned with disbelief.

“Makoto. Do you trust us?” Ren asked as he stared at her. Makoto stared at him briefly before she took a moment to think it over. She almost said no, but these were her soulmates and from the knowledge she gathered about this, she was entwined with them now. Their thoughts, feelings and desires were hers to hear and share. Whatever they planned to show her, she wasn’t going to sell them out.

Letter of recommendation be damned.

She gave Ren a short, determined nod before following the thieves out of Shujin.

“What the hell!” Makoto said as she took in the appearance of her soulmates now dressed in some weird attire. They had just reached the top of the stairs before Ren pulled out his phone and the world warped around her into some weird demonic subway.

“Makoto, please calm down!” Panther said as she held up her hands in surrender.

“That voice! Ann!” Makoto shouted as she took in her body in the dominatrix suit.

“Quiet! The shadows will hear us!”

“A monster cat?!” Makoto shrieked as Mona lowered his head in pain.

“I’m not!” he screamed as he held his head in sadness.

“That's Morgana. He's the cat in the real world who we were talking to. You hear him right now because we’re in the Metaverse.” Joker explained as Makoto finally caught the teal flames on the creatures' shoulders.

“Oh, I’m sorry!” Makoto gasped as she went to hug Mona. the cat purred in her hold as she looked around. “Wait, what is all of this?” Makoto questioned as she turned around holding Mona.

“It’s how we took down Kamoshida.” Skull stated. “We took out his palace spawned from his desires within the Metaverse which resulted in Kamoshida's change of heart after we stole the core of it.”

“There is a lot more that needs to be explained there…” Admin muttered.

“Palace? Distortion? Metaverse?” Makoto said as she took in the facts. “I’m having a hard time understanding your terms, but I think I understand the concept. So where are we now?”

“That's actually a good question Mona, where are we?” Joker asked as they stared at the creature in Makoto's arms as she put him down.

“We’re in Mementos. The general distortion of the public,” Mona responded as the others looked at him.

“So, Mementos is everyone's palace?” questioned Knight.

“Yes. This is what I wanted your help with in restoring my memories,” Mona said as they looked at him.

“Wait, you have memory loss?” Makoto questioned as she put a hand to her chin.

“Yeah,” Mona grumbled softly. “But I’m hoping if we solve the distortion here, I'll get them back. Maybe even my human form while we’re at it.”

“Well let's get to work then!” Skull shouted as he went to the stairs leading down.

“Wait! What about Makoto?” Admin questioned as they remembered that Makoto was here with them without a persona to defend herself with.

“It would probably be best if we take her with us or back to the real world. It’s your call Makoto,” Joker said as he looked at her awaiting her answer.

“I want to come with you,” Makoto answered with confidence as she stared at them. “I know aikido so I’m not defenseless.”

“No offense, but you're gonna need more than that here…” Mona grumbled. “Just be prepared to run if things get hectic.”

“Alright, Let's do this!” Joker commanded as they went into Mementos.

“W-Who are you?!” the shadow of Natsuhiko Nakanohara shouted as Joker, Skull, Knight and Panther approached their target. Makoto remained inside of Mona with Admin on the driver seat out of danger.

“Are you that stalker?!” Panther asked in rage. “Don’t you know how your ex feels about that?!”

“She’s my property! I can do whatever I want with her! It’s not like she didn’t treat me like sh*t! What's wrong with me doing the same to her!?” The shadow protested as the three growled at him.

“You can’t just treat someone like sh*t just because they did it to you!” Skull protested as he readied his pipe. “We’re gonna take you down and stop your desires!”

“There are millions of people far worse than me! What about Madarame? He stole everything for me and yet you're letting him off the hook!? I’ll kill you all!” The shadow screamed before it transformed into Obariyon. The thieves rushed him as they prepared for battle.

And honestly, the shadow might have been a little much for the four of them.

Because other than the occasional Tarukaja, the demon continued to spam sledgehammer on the four thieves, draining their resources in an attempt to take it down. It had aimed for Skull immediately as it noticed that he had Zio skills to knock it down. With Joker and Knight focused on protecting their teammates, and Panther low on health the demon began to push them into a corner.

“Alright, I’m going in. Move!” Admin yelled. Makoto stepped out of the car into the dark space, before Admin himself with his sticks. “Stay here, don’t do anything,” he ordered as he jumped into the fray. The Obariyon saw him coming however as it launched a sucker punch in the form of a sledgehammer skill straight into Admin’s face. The blue haired thief didn’t have time to react before the hammer hit him and made him dizzy.

“God dammit! I can’t see!” Admin shouted as the demon began to chuckle.

“Haha! You f*ckers thought you could take me down? Yeah right! How about you kids go back to your mommies and cry about it! I’m invincible!” the demon taunted before turning his gaze to Panther. “In fact, I think I’ll have you as payment for your bullsh*t!”

‘No… What do I do?’ Makoto questioned as Joker and Skull struggled to get to their feet while Panther and Mona remained dizzy on the floor. Her mind rapidly tried to think of something before her body moved on its own, opening the car door and running to stand in front of Panther to block its advance.

“Makoto! No!” Mona shouted as he transformed back to try and help her.

“Stop it!” Makoto shouted at it as the demon gave out a demonic laugh.

“Aw, what are you going to do you little bitch? A worthless girl like yourself should only be kissing the feet of their superiors! So how about you be a good little girl and see yourself out of my sight while I have my fun!”

“A… good girl…” Makoto breathed as anger began to build within her chest.

“That's right bitch!” the shadow laughed. “A worthless dumbass like yourself can’t do anything for their worthless friends! Now get out of my way you–”

“SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH YOU f*ckING PIECE OF sh*t!” Makoto yelled to the heavens as her rage boiled over and launched a fist straight into Obariyon's face sending it flying back before blue fire began to envelope her body as she gasped and clutched her head, her eyes now yellow as she struggled with the pain.

“Have you ditched the path of strife my dear?

Then let us proceed with our contract at once.” replied a voice similar to her own.

“I am thou, thou are I…

you have finally decided your justice…

please… never lose sight of it again,” it said as Makoto stomped her foot into the ground with a primal scream causing a small crater that dragged in the five injured thieves as Mona went to heal them before an iron mask planted itself on her face. The five finally recovered enough to realize what was happening with wide eyes as Makoto began to pull on the mask.

“This memorable day marks your graduation from your false self!” The voice finished with pride at her actions, as Makoto ripped the mask off and screamed as blue flames exploded around her body.

When the Phantom Thieves could see again, they saw Makoto dressed in a biker suit with spikes on her shoulders and a long scarf as she breathed heavily from atop her Persona which was in the form of…

“Dude! Is that a bike?” Skull shouted as they stared at the being underneath Makoto in the form of a bike, clearly her will of rebellion as she stared at the shadow in determination.

“What the hell?” Admin blinked in shock.

“Holy sh*t…” Knight gasped in surprise.

“Holy… I’ve never seen anything like it!” Mona said in complete shock.

“Yeah! Let’s go, Makoto!” Panther cheered as Joker chuckled at this turn of events. Makoto only spared a side smile to her soulmates before turning back to the cowering shadow in front of her.

“Charge Johanna!” She commanded as she revved the bike and launched straight at her enemy.

Phantom Thieves Group Chat

Joker added Makoto Niijima to the group chat.

Makoto Niijima changed Makoto Niijima's name to Queen.

Joker: And with that… let me introduce our newest member!

Queen: Really Ren? We’re the only ones here…

Panther: Hold on! Let him cook Senpai!

Skull: Let him cook!

Skull: How did you know I was gonna say that!

Panther: : D

Admin: Because we share the same bond bro.

Skull: Fair.

Joker: I would like to introduce the badass Makoto Niijima now codenamed Queen to the team. Please give senpai all the hugs and kisses in the world.

Joker: As a queen deserves.

Joker: Because her sister isn’t giving them.

Knight: Welcome Senpai.

Queen: Joker, I think you’re being a bit dramatic.

Queen: Also don’t use the honorifics with me. I don’t want to seem like your superior.

Panther: All right then Makoto.

Admin: 👍

Knight: You got it, Makoto.

Skull: I can do that Mako.

Joker: Okay Mommy.

Panther: !

Skull: Mommy!?

Joker: Wait…

Knight: Mommy?

Panther: LMAO! Ren what the hell!?

Joker: sh*t! I didn’t mean to type that!

Admin: Ren get the horny brain cell out of your head!

Queen: Ren.

Joker: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you!

Queen: I’m not offended. I’m actually laughing.

Joker: Oh?

Queen: Just don’t make it a habit to get my name wrong.

Joker: You got it Mako.

Panther: I should have expected this from you Ren.

Skull: Considering his eyes were glued to Makoto's rear on that bike while we were driving back, I’m not surprised that he’s thinking of her like that.

Joker: Ryuji!

Admin: !?

Panther: What? He’s right Ren. You almost crashed Mona into a wall because of it.

Queen: So, you like my butt Ren?

Queen: If you want to avoid punishment, don’t you dare bullsh*t me.


Joker: …Yes.

Joker: Please don’t kill me.

Queen: Why would I kill one of my soulmates when I could just use this to have my way with you in arguments.

Joker: : o

Admin: Damn. Destroyed.

Panther: Dom card: Revoked.

Skull: Hah!

Knight: Joker’s thirsty for Queen! Joker’s thirsty for Queen!

Joker: Shut up. All of you.

Joker: And you can’t say that my card is revoked, Ann. We haven’t even done it yet!

Panther: I’m just saying… you might be mad bluffing right now.

Queen: Anyways, have you guys been studying for exams at all?

Joker: I have.

Knight: So have I.

Admin: Yes.



Queen: We need to set up a study session don’t we?

Skull: For real!?

Panther: You’d do that with us?!

Queen: No soulmate of mine is going to fail exams with me around.

Joker: Should we say the 10th then?

Panther: Oooo! That way we can hang out and cuddle right?

Joker: Correct. I know it's the night before exams, but I would like to do it. Would serve as last minute prep.

Queen: Wait, you guys have done that?

Admin: No, we haven’t had sex.

Skull: Yet. but we’ve been in a nest together.

Knight: Ryuji…

Skull: Yes?

Queen: I see.

Joker: You don’t have to if you're uncomfortable.

Queen: I want to.

Queen: I’ll just have to clear it with sis. Shouldn’t be a problem though if I tell her about our pack.

Joker: Alright then. Goodnight guys!

Admin: Good night!

Knight: Night!

Skull: Night guys!

Panther: Goodnight!

Queen: Good Night! Sleep well!

The chat thread has closed

Tuesday May 10th 20xx

Sojiro sat there reading the paper when he heard the door chime. He turned up as Ren came through the door with his soulmates.

“Hello Boss!” Ann said as she came through the door with her bags. His only response was a gruff smile.

“Are you guys having another hangout tonight?” He questioned as he stared at them and then focused on the new girl who he didn’t see until now. “Wait, who are you?”

“Excuse me sir,” the brunette began. “My name is Makoto Niijima. I’m the student council president at Shujin.”

“Niijima…?” Sojiro questioned as he scratched his chin in thought. The girl obviously noticed his question as she started getting nervous.

“Something wrong?” she asked.

“Ah, it's nothing,” he waved her off before he crossed his arms. “So, what does the student council president have to do with them?”

“W-well… um…” She started as she stuttered on her words. Ren, obviously feeling her anxiety, went and tugged the corner of her shirt. The owner of Leblanc's eyes zoomed in on the dark blue mark along her shoulder line before his eyes widened in realization.

“Another one!? Kid, how the hell did you find out about her!?” Sojiro questioned as Makoto began to blush. Ren only gave Sojiro a smirk.

“Don’t blame me, blame Morgana. He’s the one that can’t just stay in the bag when we’re talking to people.” he replied as Sojiro let out a sigh at his words before turning back and giving Makoto a smile.

“Well in that case, make yourself at home. I’ll whip up some curry before I head out for the day,” he said before turning to Ren. “You're helping me though,” he said as the teenager nodded.

“Yes… but you never actually explained where we are?” Makoto said as Ryuji turned to her.

“It’s where Ren lives,” Ryuji replied.

After a brief explanation to Makoto on Ren’s circ*mstances including the drunk bastard that he stopped and the woman who gave a false statement to the police, Makoto only hung her head in sadness.

“I’m so sorry…” Makoto said. “That must have been awful.”

“It's in the past now,” Ren soothed her as he worked the coffee machine. “Besides I can’t be too mad now, it led me to you guys.” he added with a smile as the others lit up from that information.

“Hell yeah!” Ryuji cheered as Morgana smirked, Mishima laughed, and Shiho, Ann and Makoto giggled from Ren’s comment. “We aren’t ever letting you go now!”

“You're stuck with us now baby!” Ann added as she hugged him, making their leader blush.

“Curry’s ready,” Sojiro cut in as he placed several plates down in the booth the soulmates were sitting in, hiding his smile from the levels of affection coming from the six humans and the cat who was lounging by the blondes.

“Well, I’m gonna head out for the day. You guys have school tomorrow so don’t stay up too late. I’ll see you guys off with breakfast in the morning,” he addressed Ren as he left, Ren locking up behind him before going to join them in the booth. The others pulled out their books as he sat down next to Makoto in the booth.

“So, what do you guys need help with?” Makoto asked as they began to eat.

“Aww… Do we have to?” Ryuji complained. Ann mirrored his expression before Makoto huffed.

“Well then. Looks like you two are the only ones not getting affection from me tonight.”

Her response lit a fire under their asses as they began to focus and ask for different subjects while the others smiled at their actions.

“Thanks for the help today, Makoto,” Ann remarked as they laid on their cuddle pile in the attic. The six laid there in their sleep attires, which for Makoto consisted of black sleep shorts and a pale blue bra to show her marks to her lovers, as they lazily pecked and nipped at each other periodically.

“You don’t need to thank me Ann,” Makoto replied back. “I’m just glad to be useful for something.”

“Hold on… What do you mean ‘for something’?” Ren said as he stared at her from his position while spooning her.

“Yeah. You were already useful today and especially in Mementos.” Ryuji chimed in on the other side of Ann.

“Yeah. What do you mean by that?” Shiho questioned her from the other side of Ren with Mishima.

“Well… um…” Makoto replied as she struggled with her words. Though it was clear something was bothering her.

“Makoto?” Ren questioned as she turned her head sideways to look at him before letting out a sigh.

“I couldn’t do anything against Kamoshida.” She replied.

“Makoto, what could you have done?” Ann replied in front of her. “None of us would’ve been able to do anything by any normal means.”

“I had my suspicions about him beforehand… but didn’t think I… No, I didn't do anything. In a way, I’m almost as bad for turning the other way.” She wept as a tear left her eyes. “People like me don’t deserve something like this…” she added quietly as she tucked her head. The others felt her sadness roll over them as they grew frustrated from her guilt.

“Really scumbags wouldn’t admit to that.” Ann replied to her softly, getting her to lift her head.

“Huh?” Makoto questioned as Ann brushed her tears.

"What could you have done?" Mishima brought up as he looked at her. "This isn't on you, and it never will be. And from now on, you can do something about it."

“They’re right,” Ryuji cut in. “We gotta stick together. That’s why we’re the Phantom Thieves. Here to help people when they can’t help themselves.”

“As long as we stand together. We’ll be alright.” Shiho joined in.

“Making a place for ourselves and making a stand. We’ll give people courage any way we can.” Morgana cut in with pride. His form in between Ann and Makoto as he nuzzled the president.

“You’re not alone anymore,” Ren said in her ear. “We got your back like you have ours. And we ain’t ever letting you go,” he whispered as she shifted from his words.

“Thanks guys,” She commented, hiding a sniffle as Ann pecked her lips.

The five laid there talking for a while about different stories and funny moments within their lives before sleep began to take hold of them as they held each other close.

The next couple of days got a little hectic.

The following morning Morgana made sure to get the others up on time so they could get to the bath house and freshen up in order to avoid smelling like sh*t at school. The six rushed to the bathhouse and washed up fast before coming back into the now open cafe as Sojiro handed out breakfast fast with their clock running low. Wishing them good luck as they went out the door, the five went into the train out of Yongen Jaya before getting over to Shujin Academy a few minutes before the bell. The six separated inside after sharing a brief kiss with each other and going to their classrooms.

For the next couple of days, all of them worked tirelessly to finish their exams as they struggled to keep everything in their heads. When they went home for the night, because there was no way that any of their parents/guardians would allow a hangout on exam nights, they spent the time texting each other to make sure everyone was okay.

On Friday, the academy was introduced to one Takato Maruki as he was introduced as the school therapist following the Kamoshida incident. While coming off as a bit clumsy, Ren had made a deal with the counselor and forged the Councilor Arcana with him as they talked briefly that day.

Saturday, however, marked the end of their exams and Ren, Morgana, Makoto, Mishima and Ryuji met up the following morning in the subway waiting for Ann and Shiho.

“Finally… It’s over,” Ryuji released with a yawn as he stretched. The others smirked as they looked at him.

“What? Having troubles Ryuji?” Makoto asked as she looked at him.

“No. Thanks to you I’m not. Thanks again Mako. This is probably the first exam I feel confident with,” He remarked with a smile.

“No kidding,” Ren replied as he looked at the brown-haired student. “That was a life saver.”

“Agreed.” Mishima yawned.

“Oh, Stop it!” Makoto protested as her face went red.

“What are we talking about?” Ann asked as she and Shiho finally joined the group.

“How Makoto was a godsend for saving us during exams.” Ryuji replied.

"Oh, then that's very true." Shiho nodded with a teasing smile, producing another whine from Makoto.

“Yeah. It felt like the answers were flowing from my hand for once and–” Ann replied with a smile before cutting herself off and turning around with a frown. “Am I imagining things?” She said aloud which produced looks of concern from her soulmates.

“What's wrong?” Shiho asked.

“Did you see a pervert?” Ren joked with a playful smirk.

“No, it's nothing. Let’s go!” Ann replied shakily. The others only narrowed their brows as they caught what she was trying to say, while the boys followed after the three girls into the train. After getting to their next stop, they were riding up the escalator when Ann looked behind her again and gasped.

“Oh my god! That guy got off!” Ann whispered in alarm to her soulmates as they took notice of her anxiety. “Isn’t this bad?” She said looking up at Ren, Mishima, Shiho and Makoto who looked at her with building concern. Ryuji however only produced a yawn as he stretched his arms upwards before Ann looked back at him frustrated.

“What the hell is that reaction for!?” Ann sharply replied before Ryuji grabbed her wrist and climbed up the escalator.

“Come on. I have a plan,” he said as the others followed him to the top. “Stay right here with Morgana at the top Ann, when he comes up behind you, we will ambush him okay?” He reassured his soulmate as Ren moved Morgana to her bag and then walked to the left with Shiho and Mishima out of sight. Ann gave a shaky nod before Ryuji and Makoto did the same to the other side. After about a minute with Morgana soothing her to keep her calm, she heard footsteps behind that stopped for a split second before walking up behind her. She turned just in time for her soulmates to jump out from the sides and stare angrily at him while his hand fell back to his side as the seven took in his appearance.

It was a tall thin boy with dark blue hair wearing a long white shirt and black pants with a key ring around his waist. He stared at them silently with his dark blue eyes as they looked him up and down before Ryuji turned to Ann.

“So… is this the guy that was following you or did we get it wrong?” Ryuji asked.

“Is something the matter?” The unknown individual cut in with a deep voice.

“That’s what I want to know!” Ann cut in with anger in her voice. “You’re the one stalking me!”

“Stalking you? …That’s outrageous,” the boy cut in calmly.

“I know you’re following me! Ever since the train!” She shouted back as her voice raised in volume.

“What the hell are you trying to do!?” Shiho spat at him.

“Well… that’s because…” the blue haired boy began again before he was cut off by a black car pulling up beside them. The back window rolled down to reveal an old man looking at him with a smile.

“My goodness… I had wondered why you left the car. So this is where your passion led you. All's well that ends well,” The old man began with a laugh. The blue haired individual shook his head before he looked at them again.

“Forgive me, but I saw you from the car… and I couldn’t help myself from chasing after you. I didn’t even notice sensei call my name until now… but thank goodness I caught up to you.”

“Ok…” Ann replied back to him.

“You're the woman I have been searching for all this time…” the boy replied again as Ann began to get flustered.

“W-Wait a minute now, I’m not exactly-” Ann began to panic.

“Please be the model for my next art piece!” The boy shouted as he threw his hand to the side.

“...Wha?” Ryuji let out in complete bafflement. Ren, Makoto and Shiho followed his expressions as they stared at him in complete deadpan. Mishima and Morgana just blinked, lost over what he just said.

“...M-Model?” Ann processed with wide eyes.

“All I’ve drawn till now has been lacking, but I feel a passion from you unlike anything else.”

“This man’s suspicious as hell!” Morgana hissed at the man from within Ren's bag.

“Will you please cooper–, oh, where are my manners? My name is Yusuke Kitagawa. I am a student at Kosei high's fine-arts division and a pupil to Madarame-Sensei, who has allowed me residence at his place.”

“Wait, you mean THAT Madarame?” Ann shouted in surprise.

“You know him?” Ren questioned.

“Ah. Ichiryusai Madarame, a famous Japanese styled artist who is famous for a variety of art styles,” Makoto explained to them as Ren and Ryuji had their eyes wide at her explanation.

“Didn’t we hear that name in Mementos?” Shiho silently questioned.

“I think we did.” Mishima whispered back to her out of hearing range for Yusuke.

“Yusuke!” Madarame impatiently said to his pupil.

“Sorry Sensei. I’ll be right there!” Yusuke replied before he turned back to them. “Madarame-senseis exhibition will be tomorrow at the department store near the station. I’ll be there to help out on opening day. I would greatly appreciate it if you came by. It’ll be great if you could give me your answer in regard to being a model by then… Here, some tickets for your friends as well,” he said as he handed out six tickets to the exhibit. “I hope to see you there tomorrow! Was all he said before he got back in the car, and they drove away.

“What are you thinking?” Ren asked as Ann looked at her phone.

“I might do it but– oh crap! Look at the time! We got to go!” As she took off. The others followed close behind her as they raced to school.


And the Museum of Vanity begins...

Next time, we have a Fox to save.

Chapter 11: The Icy Emperor


The Phantom Thieves engage in their plan to break down the cognitive door in Madarame's palace.

Things go as you would expect... both good and bad.

Chapter Text

Wednesday May 18th 20xx

Phantom Thieves Group Chat

Joker: So, we’re still in agreement that Madarame needs to go down?

Knight: Damn right.

Panther: Yeah, with what Nakanohara told us, it sounds like Yusuke might be in deep trouble.

Queen: Still can’t believe that is how Madarame views all of his pupils.

Skull: Yeah, but why is Yusuke so insistent to keep quiet about it. He’s even blackmailing Ann for effing sake!

Joker: It might be more personal than that, Ryuji. We can’t make assumptions with what we don’t know.

Admin: From what Nakanohara said, it must be very personal if he seems to know about it.

Panther: So, did you two figure out the plan for tomorrow? How do we get past the door?

Joker: Morgana says that you will distract Yusuke in the shack while Morgana picks the lock. Hopefully Madarame will see the door open and then you guys get out of there. Shiho is going with you to provide cover for Morgana.

Admin: So, the rest of us are sitting ducks?

Joker: No. You, Ryuji, Makoto and I will go into the palace.

Queen: ?

Skull: Wha…

Admin: What do you mean?

Joker: Mona says that the four of us need to sneak in and look for some sort of control room. Our job is to make sure that the door can’t close again after it opens.

Skull: Oh, hell yeah! You can leave that to us!

Queen: Alright then. We’ll see it done.

Joker: Alright then. We’ll meet tomorrow at the hideout and then head out to carry out the operations. Goodnight, guys!

The chat has closed.

Thursday May 19th

“To think you would really come…” Yusuke muttered to himself with slight guilt as he looked away because Takamaki was slowly peeling away all of the extra layers of clothing she had on. He wasn’t sure if she was doing some sort of job beforehand or anything but he kept his attention off her as his guilt began to rack up. When he made the declaration to paint her nude or he would report them for their accusations, he hadn’t thought much at the time, but Amamiyas words from earlier kept ringing in his head.

‘I could say the same about you.’ His cold voice echoed in his head.

Ever since then, there had been a slow guilt building over the fact that he was basically forcing Takamaki to strip so that he could paint his next piece. His turmoil building as he heard clothes drop to the floor behind him with hesitation in his features. Finally unable to take his actions anymore he addressed a sigh.

“Actually Takamaki…” He turned around to see her back in her normal attire. Her friend was sitting to the left looking at her phone. “I don’t think this is going to work.”

“Huh?” Takamaki blinked in surprise and slight horror as he shook his head. Suzui lifted her head in bafflement as she turned her attention from her phone to the artist.

“I fear I have taken advantage of you. I shouldn’t be trying to paint you without your explicit comfort,

“Oh…” Takamaki replied with what sounded like… panic?

“Is something the matter?” He questioned.

“Oh nothing! It’s just… I can’t find my cat."

Her sentence made his eyes grow wide.

“Your cat!?” he questioned with fear.

“Yeah, but I swear I brought him with me,” Takamaki said as she lifted different articles of clothing ‘looking’ for him.

“Maybe he went in the hallway?” Suzui co*cked her head as if thinking about it.

“Let’s go check!” Takamaki cut in as both girls left into the hallway.

“What?! Wait, you can’t go out there!” He protested as they left the room straight for…

Oh god.

“Maybe he went this way?” Takamaki said out loud.

“I keep telling you, you can’t!” Yusuke protested loudly.

“Doors open guys! Let’s get out of here!” Morgana yelled as he hopped down from the open door.

“What is going on here!?” came the voice of Madarame as he stopped at the top of the steps and saw the cat, Takamaki, Suzui and Yusuke, around the open door.

“Ah- Sensei! I was just…” Yusuke tried to explain before Takamaki grabbed his arm and yanked him into the dark room.

“YUSUKE!” came Madarames' infuriated yell.

“Ha… Ha… I hope those three managed to get away,” Skull huffed as he caught his breath. The other three panting from the running and fighting they did against the Nue. Joker had removed one of his gloves to stretch his wrist as the four stood in the courtyard.

“f*ck…” Admin panted in exhaustion. “What is with all of these shadows blocking Curse? I can’t use my Instakill half the time because of it.”

“Let's get out of here.” Queen spoke up after she caught her breath. But before they could get moving, they heard noise above them.

“NOOOO!” Panther shouted as she, Knight and Yusuke came into the Metaverse through the ceiling with Panther in his arms as he landed. Morgana crashed into his head sending them to the floor as he yelled in pain.

“I thought I was gonna die… Wha , hey! Get off me!” Panther yelled as she shoved Yusuke off of her, sending him to the ground with a thud as he held his head.

“Oh no! I didn’t mean to do it that hard! Are you alright?” She gasped in horror as Yusuke regained his focus and looked around him.

“Wh-Who are you all?” Yusuke exclaimed in fear. Frantically looking at each masked individually as he panicked.

“Calm down Kitagawa! It’s me!” Panther responded before Yusuke looked at her eyes wide with recognition.

“Takamaki-san? That means you five are…” He said before he looked at Mona with his tail swinging in the open. “I don’t recall seeing this cat costume before though!” he commented as he looked at the creature with teal flames on his shoulders. “Where is this…” He questioned as he stared at the world around him.

“We’re inside Madarame’s heart.” Panther replied.

“What?” Yusuke blinked in confusion.

“What we’re standing in is how Madarame views the world, Kitagawa. He views it as his personal museum to use his pupils as his money bags.” Queen explained to him.

“You gotta snap out of it man. This is how that bastard really feels.” Skull stated to him.

“Enough of your accusations!” Yusuke snapped at the blond.

“Yusuke! Don’t tell me you didn’t notice anything wrong about him!” Joker shouted at him as Yusuke drew back with a flinch at his statement. “You may not want to believe it… but we’re inside Madarame's heart. This is how he views reality.”

Yusuke looked around himself again. His world coming down around him as he stared at the palace courtyard around him.

“This repulsive world? A vain museum such as this… If what you're saying is true… then the sensei I knew doesn’t exist,” Yusuke said heartbroken as he stared at the ground.

“I’m sorry to cut in like this, but we need to get out of here!” Mona stated. Joker nodded and held his hand out for Yusuke who took it with little hesitation.

However, the minute Yusuke touched Ren’s gloveless hand, he hissed in pain as he fell to the floor again as his shoulders began to burn. The others felt the short burst of pain before their eyes widened in shock.

“For real!? Skull shouted.

“Oh sh*t…” Knight winced as she felt his mark.

“No way…” Mona blinked in disbelief.

“Oh no…” Admin muttered. Already predicting that this wasn’t the right place for this to be discovered.

“Oh my…” Queen gasped in shock with a hand to her mouth. Joker and Panther only watched with wide eyes as Yusuke realized what just happened and looked at the once black flames on his shoulders that now glowed a light blue along his skin.

“Wait… You’re my…” Yusuke breathed as his mind continued to get confused from everything. But his brain did lock on one thing.

He blackmailed his own soulmate…

He began to shake as he took in what he almost did to Takamaki as he felt her along with everyone else in the room.

“Talk later guys! We need to get out of here! Security is about to go through the roof!” Mona cut in again as the others began to leave the palace. Admin, Mona and Queen leading the way as Joker and Panther remained with the young artist. Skull and Knight remained near the back to cover their rears. Yusuke held himself as Joker and Panther attempted to soothe him through their marks.

It all went to hell once they reached the hallway and Yusuke lifted his head.

“Ah! This painting!” Yusuke shouted in disbelief as he looked at the portrait of one of the pupils. His movements frantic as he closed in on the picture on the wall.

“Do you recognize it? We were thinking these were his past pupils.” Panther stated as the others back tracked to them.

“But… Why are there paintings of them here?” Yusuke questioned with a tear escaping his broken face.

“Technically, they're not portraits… those are the pupils themselves.” Mona stated softly as he looked at him in confusion.

“Madarame sees them as objects, So that's what they are in here…” Joker said as Yusuke continued to break over the facts. “...We found yours too.” he added with instant regret as depression sank into Yusuke's broken soul.

“C’mon guys. We need to get out of here!” Queen stated as the group moved forward. Yusuke, now doing much worse than he was before.


They were so close.

But of course, shadows ambushed them right at the exit to the palace.

“Dammit, it’s right there!” Mona shouted before dark laughter boomed from behind them. They turned their bodies around to see the shadow of Yusuke's adoptive father standing before them with a wide smile.

“Welcome to the museum of the master artist: Madarame!” It bellowed as it took in the thieves and his remaining pupil.

“Sensei? That attire…” Yusuke began.

“Disgusting!” Panther finished.

“This… This isn’t true, is it?” More tears threatened to escape his eyes as he hoped this was all just a bunch of lies.

Unfortunately for him…

“My usual ragged attire is nothing but an act. Besides that old shack being my base of operations? I have another home… under a mistress's name of course.”

“Is that supposed to be impressive?” Joker cut in with a sneer.

“What a pathetic old man.” Queen joined in a dead tone.

“SUCH INSINCERITY!” The shadow howled in rage.

“If the Sayuri was in the storage room, why did you say it was missing? And if you had the real one, why would you make copies of it? If it truly, is you, sensei, please answer me!” Yusuke pleaded in one last desperate attempt to cling to the delusion.

“Foolish child.” He shook his head. “The painting being stolen was a false rumor I spread. It was all a perfectly calculated staging!”

“What do you mean…?” Yusuke swallowed as he awaited his response.

“Let’s see... How does this sound? I found the real painting but it can’t go public. You can have it for a lot of money though… Haha! How’s that for preferential treatment?! Art sobs eat it up, and give me the good cash for it too!” It finished with a proud smile at its scheme.

“No!” Yusuke shouted in horror. Falling to the floor as the weight of everything finally crashed on him.

“The worth of art is purely subjective… Thus this is a legitimate business transaction! Though I doubt brats like you could come up with such a brilliant scheme!”

“Man, you keep going on about money this and money that, no wonder you ended up with this disgusting museum!” Skull shouted in rage over the shadow's words.

“You call yourself a master, and yet you feel no shame stealing like this!?” Admin growled. Knight gripped her spear tightly as she kept her eyes on the shadows.

“You’re supposed to be an artist? Aren’t you ashamed of stealing other people's work?” Panther questioned.

“Art is nothing but a tool… A tool that I use to gain money and fame! You helped me greatly as well Yusuke!”

“But… what about the people who believe you as a master artist…?!” Yusuke said in disbelief.

“I’ll tell you only this… if you wish to succeed in this world, don’t rise against me. Do you honestly think anyone could find success with my objection holding them down? Hahahahaha!”

“To think I was under your care…” Yusuke berated himself.

And of course, to kick him down further:

“You thought I took you in out of the goodness in my heart? Plucking talented yet troubled artists allows me to find pupils and take their ideas from them. After all, it's better to steal their ideas when they can’t fight back against me!” he stated with pride

“I can’t believe this…” Yusuke wallowed in despair. The thieves looked at him periodically as they felt remorse for what he was going through.

“Livestock are killed for their hide and meat! This is no different you fool!” Madarame growled out before he smirked again. “But I grow tired of this chat, It’s time that I…”

“You are unforgivable.” Yusuke's dead tone rang out.


“It doesn’t matter who you are… I won't forgive you!” He shouted as he stood back up. Rage enveloping his soul as his eyes held a cold fire.

“So… this is how you repay me? You ungrateful brat! Men kill them all!” The shadow shouted as his guards closed in around them.

“Get back!” Panther shouted as they all formed a protective shield around him.

“How amusing…”

“Huh?” Panther blinked as they all stared at the cold Yusuke who had let out a sad broken chuckle. A tear fell to the floor as Yusuke shook his head.

“It seems the truth is stranger than fiction, hm…?” was all he said with a sad smile.

“Yusuke…?” Joker asked as they looked at him in concern. His mark gave way to the despair and rage within his heart.

“I wanted to believe this wasn’t true…” He said as he clenched his fist in front of him.” Even with physical proof from the people that I share my soul with… I attempted to cloud my vision once again…” He brought a hand to his head as he began to tremble with rage.

"My eyes were truly blind… Blind, and unable to see the true self behind this one horrible man!” he shouted in sadness and rage.

“Have you finally come to your senses?” A voice rang out as Yusuke’s eyes suddenly turned yellow. He clutched his head and began to spin in place. The thieves feeling brief instances of his pain as they’re personas went hard to prevent them to ease their pain.

“How foolishly you allowed your eyes to be deceived.

A deplorable imitation indeed and it is best you part with that aspect of yourself…” It finished as Yusuke fell to the floor with a scream onto his hands and knees. Blood scraped from his fingers as he dragged them along the floor.

“Let us now forge a contract,

I am thou, thou art I,

The world is filled with both beauty and vice…

It is time we teach them which is which!” It finished as the mask of a kitsune made its way onto his face.

“Very well…” he rose as Madarame looked at him in disbelief.

“Come… Goemon!” Yusuke shouted as he ripped off the mask and blue fire consumed his body. When the fire disappeared, he was left in his thief attire with a fox tail tied to his waist, Goemon standing behind him as frozen energy rolled off the persona.

“A breathtaking sight… imitations they may be… together though, they make a fine spectacle. Though the flowers of evil blossom, be it known… abominations are fated to perish!” He shouted as he thrusted his hand outward. Goemon released a blast of ice magic straight into all of the guards, freezing and killing them instantly.

“Holy…” Mona let out as he watched the shadows die. Madarame shielded his eyes until he turned back his intruders.

“Hmph, Who do you think you are?! The price for your insolence will be death! Where are my guards? Kill them all!” Shadow Madarame roared in rage.

“The children who adored you as father… the prospects of your pupils… how many did you trample on? How many dreams did you exchange for riches?! No matter what it takes, I will bring you to justice!” Yusuke roared back with his katana pointed at the shadow as a crazed look took hold of his eyes.

“We’ve got your back, Yusuke!” Joker shouted as he and the others joined him.

“Thank you… my bond…” Yusuke breathed with a smile before his anger returned. “Now then… Wipe them out, Goemon!” he shouted as he and the frozen persona jumped into the fray.

The main shadow transformed into Ippon-Datara as four Koppa Tengu joined the fray. As the newest persona user came at him, the blacksmith raised his hammer and went to smack him, only for his weapon to be blocked by his katana.

“Houdini! Mabufu!” Admin shouted as he unleashed his newest skill. All four birdmen went down as Yusuke pushed the lead shadow off him.

“On your knees intruder!” it shouted as it fired a sledgehammer at him.

“No, you don’t!” Skull yelled as he took the hit, wincing as the physical attack struck home. Mona went on the support with Dia while Joker kept his focus on the main shadow.

“Arsene! Snap!” He shouted as the gentleman thief went on the attack.

“Goemon! Giant Slice!” Yusuke commanded as his own persona joined the attack on the blacksmith. The Physical and Gun attacks collided with him as his defense began to crumble. Panther, Knight and Queen continued to deal with the reinforcements as Yusuke finally snapped.

“Go down!” Yusuke yelled as he rushed at the blacksmith, giving three slashes before he flipped backwards and pulled out his assault rifle. Taking aim right at the head, he pulled the trigger causing the bullet to rip through Ippon-Datara’s head as it fell to the floor from the headshot.

With the shadow gone, he turned his gaze to Madarame and began to advance towards him, but unfortunately that was when his strength left him and he fell to the floor.

“Grr,” he trembled as he got up to one knee.

“Yusuke, you just threw your bright future down the drain,” the shadow shook his head mockingly. “I’ll destroy every chance you ever had of becoming an artist!”

At this, Yusuke lifted his head as fury began to envelop his features. “Madarame…”

“You’ll forever rue the day you dared to cross me!” he said as he walked back into his museum.

“GET BACK HERE!” Yusuke roared as he fell to his knees again.

“Yusuke!” Joker shouted as the thieves surrounded the artist.

The blue haired artist grabbed his knee as he used his katana to hold himself up. “Why can’t I move!?”

“Listen. You’re completely drained! You can’t keep moving like this or you’ll hurt yourself!” Panther tried to explain.

“Gods, what a disgrace I am…” Yusuke trembled as he tried to keep himself up. Goemon looked at him sadly as he apologized for his lack of strength.

“Come on,” Skull grabbed him under his shoulders. “Let’s get out of here.” he said as the others covered them.


You’ve known for a while… haven’t you?” Shiho asked as they sat outside the diner. Yusuke looked up at the stars with a sad expression.

“I’m no fool.” He confirmed. “Strange people were coming by for years… and the plagiarism was an everyday affair… but…” He looked down at the ground. “Who would want to admit that the man they owed their life to was doing such terrible things…”

“Why didn’t you just leave?” Mishima asked.

“Well, he is the one who made the Sayuri.” Yusuke admitted. “And the ties he had with my mother as well…”

“Your mother?” Makoto asked.

“I never knew my father,” He explained. “I was told that my mother raised me by herself… but she died in an accident when I was three. That’s when sensei took me in…” He looked up again as if trying to keep his tears from leaking out.

“To think… that he would treat the very foundation of his art like this…”

“So that’s why.” Shiho readjusted her jacket.

“When all of you mentioned plagiarism… deep down I knew you were right…” At this he looked down in shame again. “That’s why I tried so desperately to deny you on Monday. I was running from the truth once again… even going so far as to blackmail my own soul into nude art. For that, I am sorry for my shameful actions.”

“You’re alright man.” Ren reassured him.

“Yeah, you’re okay.” Ann hugged him gently.

“Thank you.” Yusuke smiled as Ann backed away.

“What are you going to do now?” Morgana asked. At this, Yusuke looked lost.

“I… I don’t know…”

The Phantom Thieves all looked at each other before Ren nodded and spoke to the artist once again. “We can’t help the fact that Madarame did these horrible things to his pupils and you… but… we can change his heart… and make him confess everything he’s done from his own mouth.”

At this, Yusuke furrowed his brows. “What do you mean?”

“Have you heard the rumors about the Phantom Thieves?”

As those words left Ren’s mouth, Yusuke tilted his head in confusion as he looked at them, his eyes traveling over each of their forms carefully as he tried to make sense of what they were saying.

Suddenly the light bulb went off in his head.

“Wait… Don’t tell me…”

Ren flashed his famous Joker smirk as he held out his hand for Yusuke.

Phantom Thieves Group Chat

Panther added Yusuke Kitagawa to the group chat.

Panther changed Yusuke Kitagawa’s name to Fox.

Panther: Our second newest addition to the Phantom Thieves and member of our soulbond everyone! You know him and you love him! Give it up for Yusuke Kitagawa!

Joker: Whooo!

Admin: Alright!


Skull: Let’s Gooooooo!

Queen: Welcome to the team Yusuke.

Fox: You flatter me. I shall try to meet your expectations of me.

Joker: You're already there, mate.

Skull: Hell yeah. Soulmates gotta stick together. We have your heart and we’ll never let it go.

Fox: Very well. I shall do my best.

Skull: But man, that was sick!

Skull: You unleashed Goemon, and he sent those guards to a frozen hell.

Fox: Ah! That gives me an idea for my next painting. One second.

Queen: Wait! Don’t leave! We need to go over our strategy for Madarame!

Fox: Ah, yes. My apologies.

Fox: So… what is the plan?

Joker: If you’re available tomorrow, we’ll go back into the palace and secure our route. Then send out the calling card on Saturday so we can steal his heart on Sunday.

Fox: I can do that.

Fox: I know we talked about this at the diner, but we have no other option but this. Especially with what we know about him now. He’ll definitely press charges on June 5th if we don’t. The faster we secure the route the better.

Queen: Then we have a gameplan.

Queen: See you tomorrow at the accessway.

Skull: Got it. Night

Panther: goodnight

Joker: Sleep well guys.

Fox: I’ll see you tomorrow, my companions.

The chat thread has closed.

Chapter 12: Museum of Vanity gets Vandalized


The Thieves return to Madarame's palace to tear it down.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Friday May 20th 20xx

Alright, everyone ready!?” Mona asked as they all assembled outside the Museum of Vanity.

“I think everyone is ready, Mona.” Joker replied.

“To think… that Madarame would hold this kind of distortion off of his shack.” Fox murmured to himself as he looked at the golden sheen.

“Alright, Mona. How close do you think we were at the door?” Queen asked.

“We’re about halfway through the palace.”

“Alright! Let’s get this show on the road!” Skull bounced on his feet. Joker looked to speak but saw the Velvet Room from the corner of his eye and decided to brush up his personas real fast. He walked over to the door while everyone was talking as went through, returning to his cell immediately.

When he got there, Igor was the only one present, and he looked extremely tired about something. Which drew confusion from the teenager as the master lifted his head, his grin still intact despite his stance.

“Ah… trickster… what do you need from us today?”

“Just a few touch ups on my personas if you don’t mind.” Ren replied as he looked around for Lavenza. Suddenly a loud boom went off to the right as some smoke trailed into the cellblock. He looked at it with wide eyes as he saw the velvet attendant in question walk back into the area with charred clothing and black spots all over.

“Threat. Eliminated.” The attendant replied as she went to sit down.

“Um… are you okay?” Ren asked in worry.

“Do not worry about it, Trickster.” Lavenza waved him off. “Just removing a malevolent force from entering our space.”

“Now what kind of persona do you desire today?” Igor questioned. Ren exhaled before he went to speak again.


“Seriously, why is his password on his feet?” Panther asked with annoyance as Joker typed the password onto the computer. As soon as he pressed the enter key, the doors fell open and led the way further into the palace.

“What the hell!? Where are we supposed to go!?” Skull yelled as they looked to see more layers in between them and the door, now blocking their way forward.

“Calm down.” Queen softly retorted as the others looked at the doorway and it’s surroundings. Fox however locked on the painting to their left and tilted his head slightly.

‘That’s odd…’ he thought to himself as he got close to it. ‘I could have sworn it just…” As he lifted a hand to the painting, he fell forward, letting out a yelp as he went through.

“FOX!” Admin yelled as they all turned to the painting to see the newest thief stand inside the painting.

“How the…” Knight blinked in disbelief as they observed their soulmate inside the picture.

“Fox, how did you do that!?” Panther exclaimed.

“I just pressed my hand into the picture,” he replied calmly but his face held discomfort. “Though I could do without his words inside of this space…”

“But this does give us a path forward. Come on guys! Let’s go!” Mona commanded as they all closed in on the picture frame.


“f*ck, this room is bright…” Admin complained as he covered his eyes with his arm.

“And why does the Sayuri have such a hold on this place?” Knight asked as they transferred through another yellow portal.

“Maybe it has something to do with his cognition of it?” Queen theorized.

“Either way, I think I could go without seeing this room for the rest of my life.” Joker shook his head as they went down the stairs.

“Either way, there’s the exit.” Mona pointed out for them. “And I smell the treasure close by. We’re almost there guys!”

With their guide’s words, the thieves picked up their step as they entered the lounge-like area and saw the end hall. There they saw Madarame talking with a guard with more guards near the center guarding the shimmery object that represented the treasure.

“Is that it?” Yusuke asked quietly.

“That it is, dude.” Skull confirmed. “That’s our treasure.”

“And once we send the calling card, the treasure will materialize?” Queen asked.

“Precisely,” Mona confirmed.

“I don’t think we’re done yet though…” Joker spoke up.

“What do you mean?” Panther tilted her head in confusion. Though Fox seemed to catch his line of thought.

“Are you talking about the laser security system?”

“Yeah. That and the multiple guards around the podium. Either way, they know we’re coming.”

“Joker’s right,” Mona joined in. “We need to figure out a way to steal it as well.”

“God, this is already harder than it was with Kamoshida,” Knight muttered.

“Let’s just get this done.” Joker ordered as he and the thieves went down the hall to the left quietly.


“What is this?” Admin asked as they reached the top most area of the hall. A control panel sat near the far corner as they all entered the room.

“A lever?” Knight tilted her head.

“I wonder…” Mona spoke aloud as he closed in on the control. He looked at the open space outside the room lost in thought before a metaphorical lightbulb went off in his head.

“That’s it!”

The thieves all looked at him in confusion.

“What is it, Mona?” Queen asked.

“I have our plan! This lever works the crane out there, so if he use it to lower us into the cage with the treasure…”

"Then we could bring the treasure up and escape with it without them being able to follow,” Admin finished before he smiled. “Not a terrible plan.”

“I do have a concern with the method,” Fox spoke up. “Even if we lower you into the cage, they will surely see us doing it.”

“You’re right.” Mona acknowledged. That’s why we need to split up and handle different areas of this operation.”

“You want to use the darkness that we found on the lower levels.” Joker realized with a dark grin. “I like this plan.”

“Are we all in agreement?” Mona asked, to which none of the other thieves protested. “Then let’s get out of here.”

“Not so fast, Mona.” Joker interrupted. “There’s still one more thing we have to do.”


“Goemon, Vicious strike!” Fox commanded as the persona struck the frozen Arahabaki. Knocking it down which allowed Queen and Mona to follow up with a dangerous attack of their own.

“Johanna, Frei!”

“Zorro, Garu!”

“All out attack now!” Joker commanded as the eight thieves launched themselves at the downed shadow before attacking it from all angles and causing it to dissolve.

“And the curtain falls.” Fox said with a smirk as they turned to the final will seed and collected it. The infiltration was going well as the thieves made quick work of the shadows within the museum. Joker collected masks whenever possible while they trained their Personas. They had just reached the treasure room which created the small problem of securing a way to steal it too. However, after figuring out how to use the darkness and the crane to get it, Joker had the thieves backtrack as Mona sensed the last will seed nearby. Which led to their current status of taking out the final guard before claiming the blue willseed.

“And with that, we are all done here. Let’s get out of here guys,” Joker said as the thieves warped back to the entrance with a Goho-M.

“Man! I’m running on empty man…” Skull said as he hunched over in exhaustion. Admin stretched his sore body from all of the exercise.

“We’re almost there Skull,” Queen said softly as they walked out of the metaverse. Panther only let out a small hum from all the magic she had been using. Knight looked two seconds away from stumbling to the floor.

“Mission accomplished guys!” Mona praised as he looked upon them in pride. “And with our two newest additions to thank for carrying us!"

“Thanks Mona.” Queen said with a blush.

“Your praise is appreciated.” Fox smiled at his feline companion.

“Go work today guys. Let’s go home.” Joker smiled as he pulled out his phone and they exited the metaverse. Going separate ways afterwards as they raced to get home from exhaustion.

Saturday May 21st 20xx

“A calling card huh… Will he take it seriously though?” Yusuke thought aloud in the booth. They had gathered at Leblanc after closing hours to discuss the finer details of the operation and how best to disperse the card. “It is famous afterall… and he has often received slanderous letters until now as well.”

“He’ll know best whether the crime written on it is for real or not,” Ryuji said with a grin across from him, sitting in a booth with Mishima, who was busy on his phone.

“Oh, Did you write the last card Ryuji?” Makoto said as she sipped her coffee from the bar.

“Yeah…” he responded.

“Do you mind if I help you right this one?”

“Not at all Mako.”

“Why don’t we have Yusuke do it?” Ann questioned next to Shiho and Makoto sipping her sweet tea.

“Because it will end with him figuring out it was me. He knows my drawing and writing abilities all too well.” Yusuke stated as Ann whined in sadness.

“Then how about… Ryuji and Makoto think it up, and you design it?” Ren asked as he cleaned the coffee machine.

“Designing a calling card… Excellent. It shall become proof that the Phantom Thieves do exist!” Yusuke said with determination.

“Great! Then all that's left is to make the treasure ours,” Morgana declared from his spot by Ann and Shiho. “You guys better be ready for this!” The others nodded to the metaverse guide before the others packed their things and left for the day.

Sunday May 22nd 20xx

The thieves had just reached the courtyard with the treasure before Mona became too excited to see what it was. He ripped the cloth of the painting before he lept towards it.

“Treasure!” Mona exclaimed as he put his paws on it, only for all eight of them to look at it in confusion. For it was just a white canvas with three black lines

“Huh!?” Panther said.

“What the…” Admin blinked in confusion.

“This is the treasure?!” Skull exclaimed in disbelief. Unaware of the gates that were coming up before Fox saw them out of the corner of his eye.

“Guys get back!” he shouted as the fences came to life and shocked electric energy across the courtyard as the thieves nearly dodged it with shock in their features.

“Meddlesome vermin,” echoed a dark voice as the shadow of Madarame entered the courtyard. His guard holding the real treasure under its arm.

“How dare you try to trap me like a mouse?!” Mona exclaimed in rage.

“So you had a fake ready all along,” Queen sneered. Her knuckle dusters out and ready for a fight.

“Counterfeits are easily accepted in the world of Japanese art. Why would I not take advantage of that and get rid of you brats for good?” The shadow confirmed with a scoff as if they were all ants to him. “Though clearly, I have to destroy you myself.”

“Is this truly what you wanted!?” Fox yelled in disbelief. “To be a fraud to the people of Japan. What happened to the sensei who cared for art rather than money?”

“Now that I think back, the only reason I took you in was because of my ties with your mother. That woman never lost her passion even after her husband died… though her talents were quite astonishing, and that's exactly why I decided to look after her. You and your mother are my works of art!” the shadow snarled to his once charge.

“How low can you go?” Knight said in disgust as she twirled his spear.

“I suppose before you die–I’ll grant you a gift in the form of the genuine ‘Sayuri’!”

“Genuine…?” Fox started before the guard brought the frame up for everyone to see and Fox’s eyes widened. For the purple clouds at the bottom that once covered the lower half of the painting now gave way to a baby being held in the arms of the woman.

“That… It can’t be… mother painted it?” Fox said in shock. The others at him in realization before Madarame began to chuckle.

“Indeed it is. It was painted by your mother. A portrait of herself because she knew her death was coming. A last wish carved into a canvas… for the son she would leave behind. That is the truth behind Sayuri!” The shadow finished with a laugh.

“You stole something THAT personal!” Skull seethed in rage. Pipe at the ready to smack the old man's jaw.

“I knew at first glance. It would be a huge success if I messed with it and announced it under my name!”

“But… the baby in the picture… why did you paint over it?” questioned Fox in a low voice as he tried to take in what he was learning.

“Easy. To stage it. If the babe is erased, the woman's expression will become a mystery. Such is what the public is drawn to on a daily basis. Each of those critics bought it without a second thought!” The shadow praised himself for his hard work.

“I knew something wasn’t right about all this. Now I know exactly what was wrong,” Panther started as she branded her whip. “If you really treasure that painting, you wouldn’t think about profiting off of it… You don’t love art at all!” She finished as she pointed her finger at his disgusting mug.

“Even though you have a real treasure… your true skills are nothing but the scribbles on that fake!” Mona called out as the shadow continued to get pissed.

“The only real thing that you love is yourself. You don’t care who you sacrifice as long as you can keep yourself afloat!” Admin snapped.

“You make me sick you effin freak!” Skull shouted in anger. Joker and Queen mirroring his expressions with dark scowls on their faces.

“So… you’ll defy me no matter what…” The shadow seethed as he looked upon all of them in rage. “Since you're my work of art Yusuke… I’ll destroy you and your pathetic friends for the sake of my future!” It howled at the thieves, who looked on in disgust.

“You're treating both mother and son like their objects… you disgusting abomination!” Knight shook as Joan attempted to soothe her from doing something reckless.


It was there at Joker's question that the other six thieves looked at their teammate. His eyes were down, and an empty look crossed his features as he appeared to be thinking about something.

“I hear you destroy your art when it's useless to you…” Fox started as he looked up into the shadows eyes. “Did you destroy my mother as well?” he finished with concealed rage as the thieves eyes widened before they looked at the smiling shadow.

“She just so happened to have a seizure in front of me. That’s when a thought crossed my mind… If I don’t call for help and leave her there… I can obtain her painting without any strings attached,” it said proudly.

“Are you f*cking kidding me!?” Joker seethed. Arsene raged from within his own mind, ready to tear the freaks face to shreds.

“You let her die!?” Panther gasped in horror.

“She was already weak. No one would doubt if she just dropped dead from the seizure. Above all Yusuke, didn’t you think it strange how I found out about your talents when you were only three? The only reason I kept you around was to keep you from realizing the truth about ‘Sayuri’!”

“You… You killed her!” Fox seethed as he shook in place. A hand to his face as his eyes glowed an icy blue.

“Though your artistic talents from your mother were a delightful miscalculation. After all, if I'm to steal ideas, it’s much better to do it from brats who can’t fight back! And it’s all thanks to you that I succeeded to where I am today! You have my gratitude.” The shadow said in victory.

“Hmhmhmhmhm, HAHAHAHAHAHA,” Fox laughed in a broken tone. All those present caught way off guard by the sadness and rage echoing through his voice as his soulmates looked on in concern and worry over what they were feeling.

“Yusuke…” Panther said as she subconsciously took a step toward him. However Fox didn’t acknowledge her as he kept his eyes closed. A single tear leaked from his frozen eyes.

“I thank you… Madarame…” was Fox’s only words.

Before he released his katana from the sheath and stared at the shadow with hatred covering his body. His mask disappeared as Goemon came to stand behind him expelling a frozen aura. “Every reason for me to forgive you is gone from this disgusting world! You're not some rotten artist… you are a despicable fraud who wears the skin of my mother!” He finished with a roar as he pointed his blade at the shadows throat. “And now… Taste the wrath of all those you prayed upon!” He finished as he leapt at the shogun starting the battle.

The fight was hell.

Despite the additions of Queen and Fox in their ranks and how easy his pictures had been once they figured out their affinities, the ruler of Vanity had one last trick up his sleeve as he summoned copies of himself in fire, ice, electric and wind to start knocking the thieves down. The shadows kept firing different types of magic as Joker and Queen were the only ones the copies couldnt reliably knock down. As Panther kept firing Agis at the blue copies, Fox and Admin fired Bufu into the red copies, Skull fired Zio at the green copies while he and Knight occasionally jumped in with Arrow Rain and Rampage when necessary. Joker and Queen kept firing Maeihas and Mafreis to the shadow and his copies, who couldn’t resist or repel their curse and nuclear attacks, and Mona kept healing while jumping in on the yellow copies when they appeared. With Hua Po, Jack Frost, Koppa Tengu, Shiki-Ouji and Ame No Uzuma by his side in addition to Arsene, Joker was able to help them when they needed an element covered. Over time, the shadows began to wear down as the main shadow could do nothing but create copies.

“Stop this!”

“Is this how you show your gratitude to the man who raised you!”

“I’m not someone that worthless brats like you are allowed to defy!”

The shadow's words throughout only served to further anger the already enraged Fox, who was showing no mercy to the disgusting creature in front of him. Knocking down the red copies with ease as he either passed the baton to Joker or went straight for the kill with Goemon. The only thing on his mind being justice for his mother as the shadow began to panic. It threw out his hands again creating four more copies… however they were all affected with the sleep status effect as he looked at them in horror.

“What!? No! I’m the great Madarame! I couldn’t have made an error!” the shadow screeched as he looked at his newest duplicates.

Fox only scoffed in disappointment.

“So this is the true limit of your skill… How infantile. To think you would fail to produce even one of your counterfeits… please… Don’t disappoint me any further!” He finished as Joker unleashed Arsene once again.

“Maeiha!” he shouted as Arsene pointed his open palm to the clones and blasted all four of them out of existence with one shot due to thier faulty design. With them gone, he passed it to Fox, who unleashed a Giant Slice on Madarame causing him to stumble to the ground from pain and exhaustion. The shadow began to whimper in fear as the eight advanced on him.

“No! Stay back vermin! Or else…” the shadow attempted to threaten.

“You think we’ll be intimidated by you now?” Fox mocked.

“Now!” Joker shouted as they launched into an all out attack. The eight thieves leaping in different colors as the shadow got assaulted from every direction. Pain coursed through the shadow as they launched quick strikes into its body. Finally collapsing against the ground as it fought to keep the real Sayuri in its clutches. Once the thieves returned to the floor, Fox began to move slowly toward his once mentor, a cold aura in his step as his emotions remained concealed from all eyes.

“Ah!” the shadow yelped as he attempted to back away from the advancing Fox. “No… No one cares for true art. All they want are easily recognizable brands! I’m a victim as well dammit!” The shadow attempted to reason, much to their disgust.

“Excuses now!?” Skull seethed.

“The art world revolves around money after all! You can’t rise up without any money! Yusuke, you have to understand! Being a poor artist is truly miserable! I just didn’t want to return to that life of misery!” He attempted to plead.

He was cut short as pain went across his left cheek and its grip on the painting was lost. The picture frame stumbling to the floor as the shadow faced upward in fear. Trembling from what he was seeing.

Fox stood above him with his sword pointed at him. A drip of the shadows' blood coated the end of the blade as the blue haired boy stared down at him with hatred.

“A fiend like you has no right to speak about the world of art… You’re done for… along with this whole wretched world!” He shouted as he raised his katana above his head to kill the shogun.

“No please! Don’t kill me!” The shadow screamed as it went to cover himself. The newest thief stared down at him with hatred as he fought with himself to bring the blade down on him. The others watched with horror as Joker and Panther went to stop him from killing the fraudulent artist.

However, someone beat them to it.

A gloved hand touched Fox’s shoulder as it pressed warmth into his body. When the boy turned his head, he saw Goemon looking at him with a soft smile.

“Don’t let him win, my emperor. Take the treasure we came to take and let’s get away from here.” The Persona said to him, soothing the boy and reminding him of their task as Fox took a deep breath and sheathed his katana with great reluctance.

“Return to yourself in reality and confess your crimes… all of them!” Fox commanded as the shadow stopped whimpering.

“You’re… not going to kill me?” the shadow twitched in defeat.

“NOW!” Fox shouted.

“O–Okay!” But he looked around crazily before he said, “Wha… What about the other one? The one with a black mask?” Madarame questioned in panic as the others looked at him in confusion.

“Who?” Fox questioned.

“A black mask? What is he talking about? Panther asked.

“No… It can’t be… there was another intruder besides us in this palace!?” Mona questioned in disbelief.

“I’m sorry Yusuke…” Madarame breathed one last time as it vanished from sight. Once it was gone, Goemon went back into the mask and Fox went and picked up the painting and gave it a sad once over to it before turning to his soulmates who looked at him with soft smiles.

“That's our cue. Let’s get outta here guys!” Mona shouted as he transformed into the van. The others got in as Fox went to the back seat with Joker and Panther. Holding back tears of joy as he looked at the painting in his arms. Admin and Knight leaned over the seat and hugged from behind as Queen and Skull offered a hand from the front row while Queen drove them out of the crumbling museum.

“I guess the mission was a success. All that’s left is to see his change of heart.” Ryuji said as he sat on the ground with Shiho.

“Sayuri…” Yusuke looked at the painting with a blank expression, but his eyes held relief.

“Are you alright?” Mishima asked as he stood by Makoto and Ann.

“To think, this was the source of Madarame’s distorted desires…”

“The genuine painting at his gallery has been altered after all,” Morgana spoke up. “Ironic as it may be, this is her one true self portrait now…”

“It is a beautiful painting,” Makoto complimented with a smile.

“Although it took some time, I’m glad we got it back.” Ann breathed in relief.

“Agreed.” Yusuke said before he let out a sigh. “Although, it is impossible for it to be acknowledged by society anymore…”

“That’s not a bad thing.” All eyes turned to Ren, who was smiling as he looked at Yusuke. The artist only chuckled from Ren’s words.

“You may be right. Seeing my mother’s expression here… I doubt she would have wished for fame…”

“So… what do you want to do?” Shiho asked him.

“I…” Yusuke looked down as if trying to figure out what to say. “I assume you are all going to keep up these operations…”

“Yeah. We want to give courage to people and help save people from those that take part in the corruption of our society.” Ryuji answered.

“Courage… you mean the courage to stand up for themselves? Do you think that will work?”

“Probably, but we won’t know unless we try.”

“I see,” The artist nodded as he thought about his response. “I want to keep working with all of you… but…”

“What is it?” Ann asked softly.

“For starters… I need time to think. After everything I just discovered, I need time to work through it all. I understand if this seems cowardly, but–”

He was cut off as Ren closed the distance and pressed his lips to his cheek. When he stepped back, he held a soft smile.

“Take your time, Yusuke.” He spoke softly, “We’ll wait for you.” He turned to his pack. “We all will.”

“Yeah,” Ann agreed, followed by sounds of agreement from the others. As the others grabbed their stuff and began to disperse, Yusuke and Ann remained as the last two.

“Call us if you need anything, okay?”

“I will.” Yusuke nodded.

Ann smiled before she came close and kissed him softly. Stepping back with a blush on her face as she went to go down the stairs from the accessway. Once she was gone, Yusuke let out a shaky breath as he collected his things.

“One day at a time, Yusuke.” Goemon said in his head. “One day at a time.”

Yusuke smiled as he went down the stairs, already looking forward to the next chapter of his life.


Yeah... I'm not gonna lie, the updates might be getting slower for a little bit. Life can be a bitch sometimes, but when we return, it will be another slice of life moment as Yusuke meets up with them again.

Along with the run in with a certain detective prince...

Chapter 13: Persona Stats 2: Museum of Vanity


The second Persona stats chapter. Not much else.


Just some changes to Queen and Fox. Also a rough idea of where some party members are going with different skills.

Joker has Despair Skills because of Tactica bias.

Skull, Mona and Panther don't really change here.

Knight and Admin have additional skills for their builds.

Fox and Queen have some changes.

New Skills:

Arrow Rain: Light Gun damage to all foes 1-3 times.

Chapter Text

Persona Stats 2: Museum of Vanity

Ren/Joker: Arsene Level 21

Affinities: Resists Curse, Weak to Bless

Trait: Tricksters Gaze: Strengthens Physical/Magic skills targeting all foes by 30% for all allies


Dream Needle




Ominous Words


Apt Pupil

Adverse Resolve

Ryuji/Skull: Captain Kidd Level 21

Affinities: Resists Electric, Weak to Wind

Trait: Raging Temper: Chance to increase allies Physical attack damage by 40%.








Regenerate 1

Adverse Resolve

Morgana/Mona: Zorro Level 21

Affinities: Resists Wind, Weak to Electric

Trait: Proud Presence: Increase effect of healing spells by 50%.




Lucky Punch




Me Patra


Ann/Panther: Carmen Level 21

Affinities: Resists Fire, Weak to Ice

Trait: Mastery of Magic: May decrease SP cost of allies’ magic skills.








Invigorate 1

Shiho/Knight: Joan Level 21

Affinities: Resists Gun and Bless, Weak to Psychokinesis

Trait: Shield of Angels: 60% Chance to decrease damage to party by 50%


Single Shot

Brain Shake

Arrow Rain






Mishima/Admin: Houdini Level 21

Affinities: Resists Ice and Curse, Weak to Electric

Trait: Master Magician: Chance to increase all allies Magic damage by 40%.









Makoto/Queen: Johanna Level 21

Affinities: Resists Nuclear, Weak to Psychokinesis

Trait: Gaia Pact: Increases Allies chance to Burn/Freeze/Shock enemies by 25%



Vajra Blast






Yusuke/Fox: Goemon Level 21

Affinities: Resists Ice, Weak to Fire

Trait: Scoundrel Eyes: Slightly increases the parties chance to avoid Physical attacks

Giant Slice

Vicious Strike




Freeze Boost

Chapter 14: The Good Boy and the Detective Prince


The Phantom Thieves minus Yusuke and Makoto go to the TV station on their field trip. They may cause laughter and irritation from several parties.


I'm back! And were moving on into the space between Madarame and Kaneshiro. I do have something to bring to attention for everyone, but I'll save that for the end of the chapter. Enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Monday June 6th 20xx

Yusuke sighed as he relaxed on his bed.

He had just got back from school and was struggling to figure out what he wanted to do with himself. Ever since he joined the Phantom Thieves and helped them take down Madarame, he had entered a slump with what he wanted to do with his life. His passion had taken a hit and he struggled to find something to be interested about.

Well… other than his soulmates of course.

He wasn’t currently sure what he wanted to do with them though. After leaving the palace and joining the team officially, Yusuke had asked for some space as he wanted to take time to work through the pain of everything, he discovered in less than a week. And despite their warm reception to his request, he didn’t know how much longer he could go without them.

He had been texting Ren and Ann frequently as they wanted to check up with him in the morning and the evenings, and he had relayed any information they could dig up on the mysterious Black Mask from Madarame. Makoto and Ryuji once or twice and he had a separate conversation with Shiho and Yuuki about a week ago, but that was about it.

Their company had slowly become a staple in his life that he refused to let go. Their touch and comfort had seeded itself in his now freezing heart and he wanted to hold them tight and never let go.

“They have become quite attached to you, haven’t they?” Goemon whispered in his head. Which made Yusuke smile as he thought of his persona. For the past few weeks, the artist had been a huge help to him as he often helped him focus on class and helped soothe his mind away from anything related to Madarame. He was in fact grateful for Goemon’s assistance and encouraged his input whenever they were alone.

“Yes, I suppose they have,” Yusuke spoke aloud, knowing that no one could hear him.

“Perhaps it is time to get back in touch with them.” The Persona offered, which Yusuke made no protests against.

As he went to rest on his bed, his phone lit up indicating that someone sent him a message. The artist opened his phone before he narrowed his eyes from the light and looked at the message.

Phantom Thieves Group Chat

Panther: Hey Yusuke! How are you doing?

Queen: Ann…

Panther: What! I’m worried about him!

Queen: He asked for space.

Fox: It’s alright Makoto. I would’ve spoken up if I didn’t want any of you texting me.

Fox: And to answer your question Ann… I’m managing.

Knight: Are you okay?

Skull: You need help with something man?

Fox: I seem to have reached a slump.

Fox: And I don’t know what to do to get out of it.

Joker: How about you come over to hang out?

Queen: Ren…

Joker: Yes?

Fox: That actually sounds like a pleasant idea.

Queen: Are you sure Yusuke?

Fox: I am.

Fox: Besides, I need a change of pace. I’m so used to places that I normally frequent that I’ve fallen into a rhythm that needs to change. Everything reminds me of Madarame and it makes me revolt.

Fox: The only comfort to me these past few weeks is Goemon inside my head.

Admin: Props to our personas for being such a big help mentally.

Skull: Facts.

Panther: Facts.

Knight: Facts.

Joker: Then how about Saturday night? We can try to have some hotpot if we’re up for it.

Admin: I can do that.

Skull: I’m down.

Panther: Me too!

Knight: Absolutely.

Joker: Mona also wants to do it. I am reporting.

Queen: As long as everyone is comfortable with it.

Fox: That is acceptable.

Joker: Alright then. I’ll make plans for Saturday then! See you guys then!

The chat has closed

Thursday June 9th 20xx

“Goddammit” Ryuji complained as they stood in the halls inside the TV station.

“Ryuji, can you keep it down?” Ann huffed in annoyance. Shiho looked amused but Ren and Mishima seemed impassive.

“But this sucks! Why do we have to do manual labor!? This is so high on the bullsh*t meter, that going to the bathroom didn't make me fell better!”

“Well, I won’t argue with that,” Mishima shrugged.

"Why did they think this was a good idea?" Shiho asked.

"The same reason they made us do the park clean up two weeks ago." Mishima shook his head. "Just more publicity bullsh*t."

"No point in arguing about it," Morgana cut in.

"I know," Ryuji lowered his head. "I got a 'good boy' right?"

Several snorts went off as the others tried to keep in their laughter. When Ryuji raised his head in confusion, the lightbulb went off in his head.

"Shut up!" He yelled at them.

"But Ryuuuuji!" Ann swooned as she batted her eyelashes. "You're supposed to be a good boy! And the way you're behaving lately deserves a nice reward!"

Ren, Shiho, Mishima and Morgana snickered as Ryuji fumed in his spot. Now upset that his words got used against him. As they all calmed down again, Ren took over the group again.

“On the bright side,” Ren cut in. “We don’t have any homework that needs to be worked on, so it gives us more time to be around each other today and tomorrow.”

"Ooh! How about we go to that pancake looking place we passed on the way here!"

"You mean Dome town?" Mishima raised a brow in amusem*nt. "It's a stadium with an amusem*nt park surrounding it."

"Some of the rides are pretty hardcore too," Shiho added.

"Then let's do it," Morgana puffed his chest.

"Maybe not today..." Ren said as his soulmates looked at him.

"You got business?" Ryuji asked.

"Sort of, It's kind of private though..." Ren replied as they all looked confused for a moment.

"Excuse me."

The thieves all turned as they saw a lone man in a green coat and black pants with black gloves and silver briefcase in his right hand. His brown hair was long and messy as his red eyes looked at the group.

"I couldn't help but notice the uniforms. Are you all from Shujin Academy?" The man asked.

"Yeah. What do you want?" Ryuji asked.

"I happened to be passing by, so it seemed polite to greet you. We'll be filming together after all." He said as he approached. "My name is Goro Akechi."

"Akechi?" Ann tilted her head in confusion, feeling as though she heard the name before.

"Filming?" Shiho crossed her arms in curiosity. "Are you a celebrity?"

Akechi laughed lightly as he shook his head. "No, not really. Only really to the extent of appearing on TV a couple of times. Nothing grandiose."

"I see..." Mishima pressed his lips together. Ren looked like he wanted to speak, but Akechi's phone went off.

Akechi looked apologetic as he went to speak. "My apologies. I truly was just passing by. I have to go. There's a briefing for tomorrow's show that I must attend." Though he smiled at the group as he went, "So do one of you have a dog? I must say they are a man's best friend."

The others looked at him confused as they had no idea what he was talking about.

"What? Dog? What are you talking about?" Ryuji asked. Akechi looked at him in worry as he placed a hand to his chin.

"Oh, am I mistaken? I heard something about him being a good boy, so I assumed you were talking about a dog. Anyways I must be off, see you tomorrow." He said as he walked down the corridor.

As soon as he was walking away, Ryuji swallowed as he turned back to his soulmates, only to see them trying, and failing miserably to hide their laughter over Akechi overhearing that.

"Don't!" He pointed at them all.

"Oh, who's a good boy?" Shiho cooed playfully as she came in close and ruffled his hair. As soon as the words left her mouth, the dam broke and Ren, Morgana, Mishima and Ann lost their sh*t as they fell to the floor and started dying of laughter. Ryuji slumped his shoulders in defeat as Shiho continued to ruffle his hair.

Friday June 10th 20xx

“Man… this sucks!” Ryuji complained quietly next to him. He, Ren and Ann sat in the chairs near the back of the TV interview, waiting for whoever was going to come on and speak on this field trip. Mishima and Shiho sat in the row right behind them as they awaited the show to start.

“Mr. Akechi is on!” The male announcer spoke to the audience as Goro Akechi walked on to the cheers of the crowd. The three thieves instantly recognized him.

“Hey! It’s the guy from yesterday!” Ryuji realized.

"He is a celebrity!" Mishima blinked in amazement.

“Thank you, Thank you!” Akechi responded with a wave and a smile to the crowd as he took a seat on the red couch.

“And now, onto the hottest meet and greet segment of the show! Since you loved his last appearance on our show, we decided to bring back this fine gentleman today!” The female announcer spoke to the audience. “The high school detective: Goro Akechi!” To the cheers of the crowd and the amused eye roll of Ren.

“Thank you for taking the time to join us today, Akechi-Kun.” The male announcer spoke to the detective. “Your popularity is stunning.”

“Thank you. Though it is quite embarrassing if I’m going to be honest.” Akechi responded with a soft smile.

“Onto our main discussion, we’ve been told that you have a case that’s on your mind. Care to share?” The female announcer questioned.

“Ah yes. The scandal around the master artist Madarame.” Akechi answered.

“Ah! So the Phantom Thieves have caught your eye as well Akechi-Kun!” The male announcer cut in again. “If I am allowed to ask. What do you think of these justice-oriented Phantom Thieves?”

“I think two things,” Akechi began. “On one hand, if they are heroes of justice… then I truly hope they exist.”

“Oh? So you believe they exist as well?”

“I may not seem like it, but I sometimes wish that Santa Claus was real… although if he did, I would have to arrest him for breaking and entering our homes.” Akechi responded with a princely smile, causing laughter through the crowd. Ryuji grumbled as Akechi put his hand to his chin again. “But on the other hand, if they were real… I believe they should be tried by the court of law.” he finished drawing wide eyes from everyone.

“That… is quite the statement.” The male announcer commented. “Are they committing crimes? Some are even saying that the thieves are helping their victims abandon their evil ways.”

“I will put it to everyone like this,” Akechi started with a slight frown. “What that artist, Madarame, did was truly disgusting and an unforgivable crime. So much so, that his actions make me sick. But the Phantom Thieves have now taken the law into their own hands by judging him. It is far from justice. Furthermore, you should never forcefully change someone’s heart.”

“You do have a point,'' the male announcer joined in. “They are calling themselves the Phantom Thieves after all.”

“I must say though, I would be embarrassed if it turns out these Phantom Thieves don’t exist. If that ends up being the case, I might use them for a report in a school project.” Akechi smiled again, earning light laughter from the crowd.

“Now then, let’s see if some of the students in our audience would like to comment on the Phantom Thieves. First, press your button now if you think they do exist.” The female announcer instructed.

“Of course they do.” Ryuji quietly grumbled as he pressed his button. The number on the screen however…

“About 30% or so…” the male announcer reported. “What are your thoughts Akechi-kun?”

“Well, that’s certainly higher than I expected.” Akechi said in astonishment. “I’d love to hear some opinions on the Phantom Thieves’ actions.” The female announcer proceeded to stand as she walked down the aisle towards the Phantom Thieves in the audience. Ann, Shiho, Mishima and Ryuji all froze over the fact that they might have to speak.

Ren, however, just smirks as the announcer reaches him.

‘You want an interview. Fine. I’ll give you one.’ He commented to himself as the thieves heard him through their bond and looked at him with confusion.

“Let’s try asking this student here. Hypothetically speaking, what are your thoughts on the Phantom Thieves if they were real?” The female announcer questioned.

“They did more for us at Shujin than the cops did.” Ren cheekily responded as he kept his eyes on Akechi. The audience proceeded to laugh as Akechi looked at him with a look between funny and annoyed. His eye twitched ever so slightly as the announcer turned back to his guest.

“This completely goes against the opinion of you having them tried by law Akechi-kun.”

“Yes.” Akechi responded with a ‘prince smile’ back on his face. “It is rather intriguing to hear such a strong acknowledgement.” He sat forward as he looked at Ren with interest. “In that case, I have one more question to ask… if someone close to you, like your friend next to you, suffered a change of heart, wouldn’t you think it was the work of the Phantom Thieves?”

‘Play along guys.’ Ren said to his five soulmates that were present in their minds as he stood up with an offended look on his face. “Hold on… Are you calling my friend a criminal, Akechi!?” He exclaimed with slight rage and offense to the question as Akechi looked at him startled by his response.

“Hey, wait… are you calling me a criminal!?” Ryuji stood up with a look of hurt on his face as he looked at Akechi in disbelief before he dramatically fell to his knees in depression. “What the hell!” He cried as fake tears formed in his eyes. “Why did he point it at me? Why does everyone do this to me!”

"It's okay man. It's okay," Mishima said softly as he got down low and went to hug him, Ryuji began to make sobbing sounds that for some reason, everyone bought.

“Wow! For shame, Akechi-kun!” Ann shouted as she stood and pointed her finger at his frozen figure. “Over here calling our buddy a criminal for how he looks! What a prejudiced freak everyone!” She finished as Shiho and several people booed at Akechi over Ryuji’s ‘sadness’. The announcers were frozen over what was happening as Akechi swallowed in panic.

“No, No! That wasn’t what I was going for. I’m sorry I made it sound like that but–” Akechi attempted to apologize as he waved his hands to get things under control.

“I stole his ramen from him one time…” Ryuji commented aloud to himself as he gestured to Ren. “I MEAN WHAT!?” He shouted suddenly as he looked around frantically in a mad panic.

“I knew it was you, you lying bastard!” Ren yelled in mock rage as he pointed an accusing finger at the kneeling Ryuji.

“You dick!” Mishima smacked him, playing along. “You framed me for that!”

“NOOOOO! DAMN YOU PHANTOM THIEVES!” Ryuji shouted loudly to the heavens as he shook a fist at the ceiling.

Ann, Shiho and the student body were launched into laughter as most fell off their chairs and were reduced to hysterical messes on the floor.

'These kids...' Kawakami shook her head with a smile as she observed the latest antics of the boys while the two announcers were trying very hard not to laugh.

“You morons…” Morgana scolded quietly from inside the bag as he attempted to hide his laughter.

Akechi, however, was laughing hard as he attempted to recover from their little skit. After about five minutes, everyone began to calm down before Akechi spoke again.

“Ah! So that’s what you were going for. Okay. That makes me feel better now.” Akechi breathed as he adjusted himself on his seat.

“On a serious note, detective, I don't think that is the issue we should be worried about right now. I’m more concerned about something else.” Ren said to Akechi.

“Oh? And what kind of issue is that?” Akechi questioned with a hand on his chin.

“Their impact on society.” Ren’s answer was short and to the point as he looked at the male announcer. “Do you mind if I come up to the front?”

“Oh, not at all sir. Just be respectful.” Ren gave a nod as he came up and sat down next to Akechi on the left. “What is your name sir.”

“Ren Amamiya.”

“Alright Mr. Amamiya. Could you potentially elaborate on what you mean when you say their impact on society?”

“Simple. We are all focusing on their targets. The first being Kamoshida, a teacher who was a massive asshole to the student body all for his own lust and ego. And I think I speak for every student in the audience when I say that good riddance to that freak. Right?” He finished as he looked to the audience, earning a lot of yeahs and voices of agreement to his statement. He looked back to Akechi and the announcers again as he continued. “And while I don’t know much about the Madarame case, I know enough to know that Madarame ruined a lot of lives for his own vanity as well. So, in that perspective, I think the Phantom Thieves were doing a good thing by exposing them.”

“While I may question their methods,” Akechi began in agreement. “I will say that it is a good thing that those two parasites are off the streets. I just wished that we had uncovered them ourselves.”

“Right.” Ren smiled. “But here is where I see a problem. Allow me to pull up that Phansite of theirs to present my case to you, Akechi.” He said as he pulled out his phone and opened the website.

“I’ve seen several of these requests and all of them have startled me one way or another. For example: I want my money back from my friend after I lost a bet to him. Change his heart so I can have my money back.” He finished as he looked up with an annoyed look on his face. “So, if I understand this correctly, they want these Phantom Thieves to change the heart of their friend, aka: replicate the method used on both of their targets previously, because they lost a bet. How petty is that. And on this website are several other things like this one where it has nothing to do with corruption or criminals and is instead this source for entertainment for them.”

“Where exactly are you taking your argument?” Akechi questioned in deep interest.

“The point I’m trying to get across is we should never be trying to push our problems onto someone else. It’s one thing if we are getting help to accomplish something, like an exam, or a game or even just day to day life. But for us to push our issues onto these Phantom Thieves because we think it’s entertaining should not be an option. I do see what the Phantom Thieves are trying to do, but I personally believe that a society that is run solely by the Phantom Thieves will collapse in weeks.” Ren presented.

“Ah… so in terms of a person’s growth, you think the Phantom Thieves could be a hindrance to society rather than a gift?” Akechi summarized as he put a hand to his chin with a smile. “That is a fascinating perspective…”

“Exactly. Nothing good lasts forever. And one day, we are all going to look back on this and be like: ‘Hey remember that time that teacher went nuts because of a card? That was crazy right’, and still going about our lives waiting for the next big thing to spark our attention.” Ren continued as the audience gave a short laugh. “But these Phantom Thieves have only shown us two targets so far. Who’s to say whether they truly are agents of justice, or if they are hiding something sinister.”

“An excellent deduction, Mr. Amamiya.” The male announcer praised. “After all, we only have two targets to go off of when it comes to their justice.”

“Indeed.” Akechi joined in with a smile. “That was rather pleasing to hear. Thank you for your perspective.”

“One last thing.” Ren stood with a serious expression as he looked at the camera. “I have a message to these so-called ‘Phantom Thieves’. I hope that you so-called allies of justice actually prove that you’re what you say you are. That you don’t bend to things like fame and corruption all for the sake of your selfish desires. For the minute you do is the minute I hope to all things good in this society that our detective prince locks you away for good!” He finished as he pointed to Akechi.

The whole crowd erupted in a loud cheer as The Phantom Thieves, the announcers and even Akechi looked at Ren in wide surprise while the man turned to the announcers and bowed. “Thank you for your time.” Was all he said as he left the front to return to his seat next to Ryuji. From there, the show went on as normal while Akechi occasionally looked at Ren with interest when no one was paying attention.

Eventually the six were heading out to leave when all of a sudden…

“Ah! There you are.” They turned to see Akechi walking up to them calmly with his briefcase in hand and a smile on his face. “I was wondering where you went, Amamiya.”

“Looking for me, Detective?” Ren smirked as the other four scoffed at the detective. Morgana remained quiet inside the bag.

“Yes. I have to admit, your perspective on the Phantom Thieves was quite refreshing. It was nice to hear about it from a different person.” Akechi praised as he placed a hand to his chin in thought. “Still… I have to say that this was a troubling topic even for me. Vigilantes that claim to be on the side of justice when what they are doing is very well a contradiction of this belief. For it falls under my personal perspective that if a truly powerful foe were to corner them… that they would turn tail and run. Not stick to their beliefs.”

“I think they will fight to the end.” Ren argued. Akechi laughed as he heard this.

“You truly are interesting… If you don’t mind, I would like to continue this argument with you later, if you have the time?” He asked.

“I don’t mind.” Ren said as he shook Akechi’s gloved hand. As soon as they’re hands made contact, Lavenza’s voice went off in his head as the Justice Arcana formed.

“Very well. I will catch you later, Amamiya. Have a good day.” He waved to Ren and his soulmates that were present before he made his way out of the studio.

“Ren. What are you doing?” Ann asked as they looked at him anxiously.

“Nothing harmful in a little chat, Ann.” Ren responded as he went to walk out of the studio. “Come on, let’s go meet Makoto at Dome town.”


“Guys. Tell me you did not do that on live television.” Makoto scolded them as they sat on a bench at the amusem*nt park.

“Hey, don’t blame us for Ren’s actions. We just helped lighten the damage.” Shiho countered with a smile as Ryuji held his stomach, as he was feeling queasy from the rollercoaster.

“And you,” Makoto turned to Ren as he sipped his drink. “Why would you make a deal with Akechi-Kun?”

“He seems nice.”

“He’s also part of the team trying to catch the Phantom Thieves, aka: Us!” She argued as other people passed by without a care in the world and unable to overhear.

“Makoto,” Ren grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. “Relax. I’m just arguing with him on the stance of the Phantom Thieves. I’m not going to sell us out.”

“This is risky…” She grumbled as Ann hugged her from the other side.

“Just be careful, Ren.” Morgana instructed. “He’s after us.”

“On that note,” Mishima spoke up. “Are we still meeting up with Yusuke tomorrow?”

“He hasn’t texted anything to say that he’s not coming.” Ann said.

“Then we can assume tomorrow is still on.” Ren nodded.

“Cool, so seven then?”

"I think that works."

"Hell yeah!" Ryuji pumped his fist. "It's going to be a good night!"

"Ryuji..." Makoto looked at him with a frown. "Good boys aren't supposed to cuss."

Ryuji blinked with dread before he looked at his smirking soulmates.

"You told Makoto about that!?" He screached.

"We told Yusuke too," Ann chimed in. "He thought it was amusing."

"And of course, I had a laugh." Makoto smiled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "How dare you try to hide that."

"Dammit..." Ryuji hung his head in defeat, already predicting that this wouldn't be going away for a while.


Ryuji won't be living this down for a long time...

Also, I'm sure you saw the change in the tags, but yeah, this is now becoming a crossover between Persona 5 and Persona 4. After reading a good story on this website called The Morning's After, I have jumped on the train that is Yukiko and Ren are actually siblings head canon. So, to incorporate that change, I am going to make small edits to some of the previous chapters to make it flow with the story.

Also, The Morning's After is amazing. If you haven't read it, go do that. If you can't find it, that's because you need an AO3 account to look at it. Get one, it's worth it.

Lastly, to incorporate the other changes in the canon, I am in the process of making a Prologue for the story that will be updated as the story continues. Bear with me because this will take time to cook.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter! I'll see you next time!

Chapter 15: Never Alone


The Phantom Thieves spend the night having Hot Pot. While opening up to each other, Ren comes clean with the truth.


We're back! Just to note that at this time, chapters 1, 2, 4, and 5 have been edited to have chatlogs between Yukiko and Ren to support the AU I am crafting in this story. I might do the other two later down the road but I wanted to get this underway.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Saturday June 11th 20xx

Yusuke sighed as he walked into the alley of Yongen Jaya.

He was only carrying a light backpack and a small luggage bag, containing everything that he was bringing tonight as he went in the direction of Leblanc. Ren had given him the address two days beforehand, and he couldn’t help the sense of anxiety that coursed through him. He had to narrowly dodge the group of people on the train, who didn’t seem to care about personal space, with care as he didn’t want to risk losing anything in the crowds.

“Don’t forget to breathe, my Emperor.” Goemon whispered in the back of his mind. Which Yusuke welcomed with a pleasant sigh before he removed his gaze from his phone as he reached the cafe in question. After making sure he entered the right address, he pushed open the door which let out a soft chime as the older man behind the counter turned to the door.

“Welcome. What can I do for you?” the owner asked as Yusuke went to reply, only to be interrupted by Ren who came barreling down the stairs.

“Oh good! You're finally here!” Ren said as he embraced Yusuke in a soft hug. “Ryuji, Morgana and Mishima are already upstairs, take your things on up while we wait for the girls.”

“You know him, Ren?” the man replied.

“Yeah, Sojiro, meet the newest member of the soulbond.” Ren said back to the owner with a grin. The man's eyes widened in shock before he let out a sigh.

“Are you serious!? Another one!” The man now known as Sojiro exclaimed. Yusuke stood there nervously as he took in the surroundings of the cafe, taking note of the retro design with interest.

“You better believe it Boss. Can I keep him? Please?” Ren added with a playful pout.

“You act like I have a say in this…” Sojiro deadpanned at the pouting teenager. A moment passed before he let out another sigh and responded: “Fine you can keep him.”

“Yah! Thank you, sir!” Ren said as he gave a mock bow. The owner only gave a grumble before he turned to the smiling Yusuke with a smile of his own.

“Well welcome to Leblanc, kid. Go take your things upstairs, I need to talk with Ren about something really fast.” Yusuke only gave a grateful nod before he took his bags and went upstairs.

When he finally climbed to the top of the wooden steps he saw the attic, which now had a table placed by the futon and several spare chairs around it as Ryuji lodged on the one by the window, Mishima was working on something on his computer to the left of him while Morgana lodged on the bench closest to him. The blond was looking at something on his phone before he lifted his head and looked at him with a grin.

“Hey, hey!” Ryuji loudly greeted as Mishima and Morgana lifted their heads. The blond got up as he made his way over to him and gave him a tight hug. “Glad to see you man!"

“Of course, your presence is appreciated right now, Ryuji,” was his response back to him as Ryuji pressed a light kiss to his jaw. Yusuke only let out a pleased hum, as he turned to Morgana who was watching the two of them.

“The girls are getting the last of the things we need tonight. They should be back any minute now,” The cat said as Yusuke reached down and patted the feline. Morgana only gave a soft purr in response as he nuzzled Yusuke’s hand. He turned to Mishima as he smiled back.

“Are you working on the Phansite?”

“Yeah. Just hammering out the last of these bullsh*t requests from the network before things get going.”

“We’re back!”

Yusuke turned his head to the stairwell as Ann, Shiho and Makoto made their way to the top with several bags containing food supplies. Upon seeing Yusuke, Ann's eyes lit up like a firework as she dropped her groceries on the table and pressed her lips to his in a short peck. “You're finally here!” she said as she stared at him lovingly.

“Of course. I wouldn’t back out from something like this.”

“I know… I’m just glad to see you. I know it's been rough for you…” She responded in a soft voice as Shiho and Makoto placed their bags on the table.

“I’m managing…” Yusuke softly replied back. He gave a short peck to Ann’s forehead before he backed away to see the smiling Shiho and Makoto staring at them with affection. “I may need assistance to move forward.”

“And we’ll be there,” Shiho replied as she came over and brought her lips to Yusuke's cheek for a short peck. “One day at a time… for now… let's enjoy a wonderful evening together.” though her words made Yusuke look startled.

“Um… have you guys…”

“Nope.” Ryuji replied to him as they all looked at him lodging at the chair again, Morgana now in the man's lap as he gave soft scratches to the feline.

“You haven’t?”

“Nope. We’re not at that stage yet.” Ann replied softly.

“Besides, never on the first hangouts.” Shiho added.

“I see,” he nodded.

“But tonight, if you want to, we can bring you into our cuddles.” Makoto offered as she placed ingredients near the pot. She felt a shiver of fear go through her marks though as Yusuke froze from her words.

“Oh… well… um…” he stammered.

“Relax Yusuke,” Ann said as she placed a hand on his chest to soothe him. “We’re just going to the lightest level we can.”

“Your feelings are important to us,” Mishima joined in as he closed his laptop and placed it in his bag. “We’re not going to trample on them. Especially with you.”

“Ah yes, apologies for that,” he replied back to her as Ren walked up the stairs with a large pot in hand. His onyx eyes lit up as he observed all of his soulmates in the same room for the first time in weeks. He brought the pot over and placed it on the table before he joined the conversation.

“She's right, you know. If you're not comfortable, we won’t force you. The last thing we want to do is violate your trust like that.” he said to Yusuke.

“Your concern is appreciated,” Yusuke returned with a smile. “I will alert you if I don’t feel comfortable with something.”

“Sounds good to me,” Ren started as he closed the gap and gave a short peck to his cheek before addressing the group. “For now, let's get cooking!”

“Hell yeah!” Ryuji shouted as the others took their seats with smiles.

Two hours later...

“Aww, I'm stuffed, man….” Ryuji groaned from his chair.

“Yeah, I… I can’t have another bite.” Ann grumbled from the futon. Makoto lightly rubbed her back beside her as she wiped her face with her napkin. Shiho rested her back on the chair next to Ann as Mishima laid on Ren’s bed with a peaceful expression. Ren had his eyes closed in satisfaction as he relaxed in his chair with Morgana lying down on his lap.

“I’m surprised that we managed to finish it all.” Yusuke commented on all of the empty plates and the empty pot that was cooling. Currently lost in thought as he tried to think of ways to open up his soulmates. He rose his head again as inspiration struck him.

“So, what about you guys?” The others turned their heads to him at his question.

“What about us?” Ren asked.

“Well, you all know my story, thanks to Madarame… but I don’t really know much about you guys. I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable, but…”

“Nah, your cool man.” Ryuji said before he collected himself. “To start us off, it’s just been me and my mom for a long time… dad left when I was young, and it’s honestly been rather difficult. I was hoping to get a track scholarship so I could make things easier for her… but in the end…. Kamoshida showed up and screwed things up for me.” He looked at the floor solemnly, “When she got called in after the incident, the teachers hounded her and called her a bad parent… but she just sat there and took it. When we got home, she apologized to me for being a single mom and all but… all it did was make me feel like a failure to her.”

“Ryuji…” Ann sighed.

“So that's why…” Yusuke said in realization.

“I’m not surprised they did that,” Makoto commented in frustration. “Their praise for Kamoshida knew no bounds back then.”

“To know you went through that…” Yusuke said in thought. “I can’t imagine how tough it became for you…”

“Nah, it's cool man,” Ryuji waved off. “Besides, I’ve got you guys around, so I can't say it's all bad.”

“Especially after your exam scores.” Ren cut in with a smirk.

“Dude, you should have seen my mom's face after she saw that!” Ryuji exclaimed with a grin. “Top three of the second year's, baby!”

“Really!?” Yusuke blinked in amazement. “Who were the other two out of curiosity?”

“Me in second and Ren at number one baby!” Ann hollered as Makoto gave a pleasant sigh.

“I told you guys you are not failing on my watch,” Makoto started in pride before her voice went low. “Perhaps it's time for you two to have a reward for your work.” the two blondes shivered as Ren, Morgana and Yusuke watched with a smirk.

“I’m annoyed that I came in fifth.” Shiho grumbled.

“I’m just surprised we all got in the top five of our year.” Mishima sat up, smiling.

“Well… how about the rest of you?” Yusuke started again.

“I’m sure you know the gist of Kamoshida by now.” Mishima chose to go next.

“I know that he was harassing the students. Not much else.”

“Yeah… When he dismantled the track team, he started putting more emphasis on volleyball. Shiho and I were members of the team and we were subjected to his abuse.”

“He called it practice, but it was nothing more than a one way show to stroke his ego on the school.” Shiho mumbled. Ann nudged her shoulder, getting her childhood friend to smile at her.

“Eventually, we got pulled into his castle in one way or another. And it was quite the ugly feeling to see what he saw us as…” Mishima explained further as Yusuke furrowed his brows.

“What do you mean?”

“He saw the males as slaves and females as his toys.” Ryuji explained.

“Oh. That’s what you mean.”

“I have to admit that my persona was very refreshing though,” Mishima acknowledged. “I used to think of myself as a zero who was supposed to let everything happen to me… but thanks to Houdini as well as everyone here,” He gestured to the whole table. “I feel like I have somewhere to belong.”

“That’s good to hear.” Yusuke nodded with a smile. “Anyone else?”

“I’ll go.” Makoto replied before she explained with a solemn expression. “My mother passed away when I was little out of health concerns… My father passed away a couple years ago in the line of duty.”

“Line of duty?” Ryuji asked.

“He was a police officer. He was investigating a gang in Shinjuku when he was hit by a car.”

“That’s horrible…” Ann said in sadness to her soulmate.

“Ever since then… it’s just been me and my sister. Though honestly it feels like I’m a burden to her.”

“Why would you say that?” Ren questioned.

“She works as a prosecutor for the SIU. And she pulls in all the money while I’m still stuck in high school. I can’t do anything yet… that’s why I’m trying to get in a good letter so I can make things easier for her.”

“I see.” Yusuke responded to her as he looked on with soft eyes. “That must be difficult for you. But at least you have each other.”

“Yeah… at least that.” Makoto said softly.

“Honestly I’m not much better,” Ann cut in before explaining. “My parents moved here from America when I was little, and ever since it's been one bullsh*t thing after the next. Kids in school picked on me for my looks and my parents keep leaving from one country to another on their next big show for their designs.”

“What? Then who takes care of you?” Makoto questioned.

“Caretakers that they hired. I haven’t seen them in a while, and they barely keep in contact. They don’t even know about you guys because I honestly don’t give a sh*t enough to tell them. They just don’t care; I’m done giving effort to both of them.”

“I would say you have it better than us… but perhaps absent parents are not better than dead ones.” Yusuke commented to her.

“It’s just been me and Shiho against the world for a while really.” Ann reached over and hugged the person in question who hugged back.

“Honestly, I think mine has already been aired already.” Shiho looked down as she looked troubled. “Although I could have gone without the knowledge of me almost being raped.”

“Excuse me?” Yusuke widened his eyes in alarm.

“Kamoshida’s shadow confessed that he was planning to sexually assault me. It was supposed to be on the day that I was marked but thanks to Ann alerting me about Ren, it didn’t happen.” Shiho answered as Yusuke frowned at that knowledge.

“Well thank the winds of fate for being so kind to you.”

“Yeah. Thank god for that.”

“And I don’t think we ever told you this… But I’m currently suffering from amnesia.” Morgana cut in.

“Right… that’s what you wanted our help in Mementos to solve right?” the artist brought a hand to his chin.

“Yeah… but if I’m gonna be honest with you guys… I wish I was human. I know I told both Ren and Ryuji I don’t need sexual gratification, which is true mind you,” Morgana clarified to all of them as they lightly chuckled. “I hate this form. I want to experience the things you guys do… but I can’t and if I’m honest, it is… frustrating to say the least.”

“Well consider me another member of your Mementos exhibitions. We will discover the truth!” Yusuke declared as he raised a hand to the heavens. The others chuckled at Yusuke’s antics.

“But when it comes to sh*tty situations… no one’s got it worse than Ren right now.” Ryuji cut in as Ren winced. Morgana looked up at Ren with concern before he moved off his lap to the spot in between him and Yusuke.

“Yeah… I…” Ren attempted before he closed his eyes in pain.

“You don’t have to explain if you don’t want to.” Yusuke cut in softly.

“No. You guys deserve the truth. But I’ve got things I need to tell you first." Ren said as they all locked on him. “For starters, I lied to you. Amamiya isn’t my last name.”

“What?” Ryuji widened his eyes in shock.

“Wait, what?” Ann blinked.

“Are you serious?” Shiho asked.

“Yeah. The name Amamiya is one that I crafted so that my record wouldn’t affect my family. My actual name is Ren Amagi.”

“Amagi…” Mishima processed.

“Where have I heard that before…” Yusuke trailed off.

“Wait, AMAGI!?” Ann gasped as she looked at her leader. Everyone looked at her due to her response.

“Do you know it, Ann?” Ryuji asked.

“He’s part of the Amagi family. That family runs the Amagi Inn down in Inaba. It’s the town's pride and joy!”

“I’ve seen many things about the Inn online,” Makoto joined in. “They are most known for their hot springs due to its location.”

“Goodness…” Morgana let out as he absorbed this information.

“So, you're some sort of celebrity then?” Mishima asked.

Ren shuffled in his seat uncomfortably. “Not really. My parents have always been strict about the news station staying away from me and Yukiko. Especially after the Inaba murder case.”

“Yukiko?” Shiho asked.

“Yukiko’s my older sister. By about seven years.” Ren explained as he pulled out his phone and showed them all a picture of her. Dressed in a pink kimono from her time in the Inn.

“Oh, you look just like her.” Makoto observed.

“What the hell!? Your sister’s hot!” Ryuji said aloud.

“Someone slap him for me.” Ren frowned.

Ann leaned over and went to smack him, but Ryuji held up his hands in surrender. “No, No, Wait! I meant that you looked alot like her!”

“Gay. But nice save.” Shiho shook her head in amusem*nt. Ann retracted her hand as Ren pocketed his phone.

“Is that why you lied to Shujin?” Morgana asked Ren.

“Yeah. Sojiro put my name down as Amamiya when I asked him. He looked at me weirdly back then but complied when I told him my parents asked him to. Which is a lie because they don’t even know I did it to begin with.”

“So, Amamiya was a fake surname so that you wouldn’t have your record traced back to you.” Makoto summarized with a hand on her chin. “Not a bad strategy.”

“If only Kamoshida didn’t have a hate boner for your existence.” Ryuji grumbled.

“Yeah. Thanks to that bastard, now the Amamiya name is under fire too.” Ren sighed.

“But how did you end up on probation to begin with?” Yusuke spoke up. Ren sighed again before he answered.

“I was out late at a study group when I was coming home…”

“GOD DAMMIT IT!” Ryuji howled as he slammed a fist into the table. His face full of rage as he grew outraged from Ren’s story. “Just listening to it pisses me off! You got an assault on your record for that bullsh*t!?”

“The woman sounds quite horrible as well. She said nothing this entire time and allowed you to take the fall.” Yusuke shook his head in disappointment.

“That man is exactly the kind of person who we should force a change of heart on!” Morgana preached as the others made sounds of agreement. Ren just shook his head in sadness.

“That would be nice Mona. But I don’t know who it was that sued me.”

“What!?” Ann blinked in shock. “What do you mean?”

“The courts kept his name from the public. So even if I wanted to find out, I obviously can’t.” Ren explained before he let out a small smirk. “The only thing I remember about him is that he was a bald boomer.”

That response got Ryuji, Shiho and Ann laughing hard, Ryuji even falling out of his seat at Ren’s classification, as Makoto put a hand to her mouth to keep her water from spitting out. Morgana, Mishima and Yusuke looked at him with smiles as Ren's mood fell again.

Something Yusuke took note of as he looked at him in concern.

“What's wrong?” he asked softly to Ren. The raven-haired leader looked at him for a split second before he went back to his thoughts.

“The worst part of it all was how the drunk bastard took it even further.” Ren explained. “It wasn’t enough to have to destroy me with an assault charge… but because my parents put up a fight against him, the bastard went and made it so I have to spend my probation in another city, claiming that my parents were bad influences.”

“What the f*ck!?” Shiho frowned in disbelief. “But what about your friends?”

“What friends?” Ren raised a brow at her. “When the whole thing went down, no one believed that I was innocent. After all, they all had a statement from the woman who said I assaulted him. What was once close friends turned into people who hated me just for existing. No one looked at me like I was this upstanding student anymore… almost like that part of me didn’t exist. Only mom, dad, Yukiko and her soulbond believed me because they knew me better than that. They knew my fears and my worst experiences because they were there for me. Honestly, you guys should have seen them when my marks appeared in the middle of the night when I was nine. I was screaming about being a freak and they… they just looked at me with joy. Their son was marked with something that tons of people label as a freak to society and I… I was still their son to them. Yukiko just made the joke of me being more like her at the time....” Ren finished as a tear threatened to escape his eye.

“Ren…” Makoto muttered in sadness.

“I’ll never forget when I got on that train…”

“Hm?” Yusuke hummed as they looked at their leader who looked on the verge of collapsing.

“When I was coming to Tokyo back in April… they saw me off. After all that was the last time they would be allowed to see me physically for a full year. I don’t think they saw me, but when the train was departing, I saw mom collapse on the platform as dad and Yukiko tried to console her. I guess, for her little boy to be robbed from her like this took its toll on her. Especially after how hard they tried to fight the court case…”

“Ren…” Ann whispered with a tear in her eyes. They all watched as Ren began to shake violently. His rage and sadness rolling off him in spades thanks to their marks.

“I hate him…” Ren seethed as he continued to vent. “I hate that old disgusting f*ck for putting mom through that… I hate him for ruining my life just because he made a drunken ass of himself with that woman! I hate the police for being in his pocket and for just taking his word like he was always right! If I knew who he is right now, I would have jumped into his f*cking palace and beaten his shadow into the floor! Let him know what it feels like to have everything taken from him like he did to me! And it pisses me off that I don’t know his f*cking name or remember his face because I can’t do anything to him otherwise just… just…. GOD DAMMIT!” Ren exploded with a shout of rage as he slammed his fist into the bench. Tears fell down his face as he gritted his teeth to hold in his rage.

The others however shot out of their seats as they embraced Ren in a tight group hug. Morgana pressed his face to Rens to help him calm down as the others whispered soothing words into his ears. Arsene was even saying soothing words to its other self as Ren began to whimper softly.

“It’s okay dude. We got you.” Ryuji whispered to him.

“You’re not alone anymore Ren. We won’t leave you like them.” Ann said softly as she pecked his cheek.

“Whenever you need us, we will answer the call.” Shiho muttered to him.

“When one of us falls down, the rest of us will pick you up.” Mishima said proudly to his leader.

“We won’t be them. We will never hurt you.” Makoto whispered as she kissed his forehead.

“A being like yourself does not deserve what was thrusted upon you,” Yusuke said softly into his ear. “No matter how long it takes, we will stand by you through everything you may face, even if we must walk through the gates of hell to do so.”

“We got your back Ren. And we’ll have your back until the end.” Morgana said as nuzzled Ren's face.

Their words only served to launch Ren into a new breakdown as he held all of them close to him. Their warmth and affection ran through their marks as they comforted him. The only sound being his cries as he continued to take deep breaths to rein himself back in.

“They are right, you know…” Arsene whispered to him right near the end. “Whether it's here or in the Metaverse… you will never be alone. We will stand by your side whenever you need us, my Fool.”

“Thanks guys,” Ren breathed as he calmed down. The others separated with soft smiles but stayed close enough to him to where he could reach out and grab them.

“Don’t mention it man.” Ryuji said back to him.

“On that note guys, I think we should clean up.” Makoto said as she took command.

“Right, I’ll take these down. You guys just relax.” Ren said as he picked up the pot.

“Oh no mister.” Makoto denied as she placed a hand on his chest. “I’m helping you even here.” She said as she looked at Ryuji. “Can you help too?”

“Sure thing, Mako.” Ryuji answered as he got up with a smile.

“You guys go do that…” Ann started. “We'll get the blankets out.”

“Well, it sounds like we got a plan,” Ren said in satisfaction. “Phantom thieves roll out!” he commanded with a deeper voice mimicking Optimus Prime, which launched the others into laughs and giggles before Ren went down the stairs, with Makoto and Ryuji trailing behind him.

“Alright! So, what should we target next?” a vulgar male voice rang over the computer.

“Well, there is a matter that concerns me in Shibuya… but we can discuss that tomorrow.” a female voice responded.

“Whatever you say, Queen.” said the second male.

“Don’t call me that outside the Metaverse!” the female whined.

“Oh? But I thought you liked the name my lovely queen?” the voice responded with a tease. “How else would we steal hearts as the Phantom Thieves if we didn’t have our lovely Queen?”

"Stop it, Ren!" A slapping sound went off.

At that, the female facing the monitor gasped as she held a hand to her headphones to make sure she was hearing correctly. After rewinding her footage and playing that sentence again, her eyes began to well with tears as if what she heard was exactly what she was looking for.

“The Phantom Thieves… Maybe…” she breathed.

“Futaba are you okay in there?”

“Ah!” The person now known as Futaba yelped. She turned to her door with a nervous smile.

“I’m okay!” Futaba replied back to Sojiro.

“Okay. I’m heading to bed… let me know if you need anything.”

“Okay…” Futaba finished as she turned back to her monitor. Hope grew as she took in what she overheard thanks to her bug in Leblanc. “The Phantom Thieves…”


At that, Futaba screamed as she clutched her head.






“NO!” Futaba denied as she tried to block out the voices in her head. Her mind, spiraling as she began to type on her computer fast, wanting to accomplish her new objective as fast as she could.

Ren awoke the next morning with a sigh.

They didn’t last very long after cleaning up the night previously. After getting everything out and cuddling together in the nest, the eight thieves fell to sleep, holding each other close as they shared each other’s warmth.

Some kisses had been shared, but Yusuke asked for a slow transition into it all, which the others were willing to comply with as they let Yusuke be the one to initiate each one. Overall, the night had been peaceful and loving, but they had all fallen asleep by midnight.

He was about to get up when he heard the sound of someone writing. Turning his head to the right, he saw Yusuke, who was sitting on a chair in the corner of the nest and was sketching on his art journal. A smile on his face as he only wore a pair of black sleep pants, putting his thin frame and his ice blue soul mark on display. The color itself reminded Ren of the clear sky in the morning as walked to school back in Inaba. As Yusuke looked up again, he took note of Ren’s open eyes.

“Ah. You’re awake.”

“What are you doing?” Ren raised a brow.

Yusuke only turned his notebook around to face him, showing a sketch of everyone in the pile snoozing away while the blankets covered them. He seemed to have gotten everyone but Ren, only getting his messy hair.

“I apologize if I’m violating your boundaries.” He apologized. “I had to step away to use the bathroom and when I came back up here, inspiration struck me.”

“No need man.” Ren waved him softly as he didn’t want to wake any of them up. He got back into position as he laid down on his pillow. Makoto and Ryuji snuggled back into his sides subconsciously as he addressed, “I’ll let you keep working.”

Yusuke smiled before he went back to his sketch. Eager to create his next masterpiece.


Another one down. Now, as for where we are going, we're going out of order one last time, this time in terms of palace as I feel with the changes to Makoto, we need a different way to introduce Kaneshiro.

So, when we return... The Oracle must be saved.

Catch you whenever I get the chance to write it!

Chapter 16: The Green Hermit and the Pyramid of Wrath


Alibaba makes contact with the Phantom Thieves. The next few days become a rollercoaster for all of them.


Here's a little bit of a longer chapter. Hope you all enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Monday June 13th 20xx

“Hey Ren!”

Ren looked up from his phone as he left the classroom and saw Makoto coming towards him calmly, though something appeared to be on her mind as she looked at him.

“What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Oh, um, nothing really… it’s just…” Makoto rubbed her arm as she tried to explain. Finally, she sighed before she went, “Can you help me with something?”

Ren only arched a brow in response.

“There’s this girl on the roof, and she seems to be going up there and working on a flower bed. And she just seems so lonely… so…”

“You want me to help you give her some company as you don’t want to go it alone.” Ren finished before he smiled. “I can do that.”

“As will I!” Morgana joined in as he poked his head out of the bag.

“Thank you.” Makoto smiled back. She walked to the stairs as she and Ren climbed them to the roof. Once they reached the door, she opened the pathway to see a lone girl with floofy chin length auburn hair, wearing a tracksuit as she looked to be messing with the soil. They walked closer to her as they waited for her to be done.

The girl seemed to notice their appearance as she stopped and brushed herself off before turning around and showing her brown eyes to them. She looked slightly spooked by their appearance.

“Oh… um… hi,” The girl waved as she looked sheepish. The only effect this had made Ren and Makoto’s hearts skip a beat.

“How many beautiful girls does Shujin have?” Ren spoke aloud before he brought a hand to his mouth.

Makoto dropped her jaw open in shock to Ren’s words as the girl giggled from his comment.

“Um… sorry.” Ren scratched the back of his head. He could feel Morgana’s laughter from the bag, unable to see her as he chose to remain tucked inside.

“No, No, you’re okay!” she responded sweetly, only entrancing the two thieves further, “So… what are you doing up here?”

“Is this your garden?” Makoto asked. The girl nodded in response.

“Yes, the school was generous enough to allow me to work on this here.” She turned to her plants. “But it does get a little troubling at times.”

“Would you like any help?” Ren offered.


“Would you like us to help you out?” Makoto asked the confused girl. She looked over both of them again before she blushed.

“Oh… no one’s offered to help me before…” the girl replied as she rubbed her arm.

“If you’re uncomfortable, we won’t do anything.” Ren went to reassured.

‘No, No, you’re okay!” The girl countered as she held out her gloved hand. “I’m Haru Okumura.”

“Okumura…” Makoto processed as Ren shook her hand. “Where have I heard that…”

“Here, I’ve got some gloves over here that you can help me with!” Haru went to her side chair as Ren and Makoto rolled up their sleeves, ready to help.


“That was nice…” Makoto said as they walked down the road after saying goodbye to Haru.

“We should do that again.” Ren agreed as Morgana stuck his head out of the bag for the first time since the roof.

“There’s something about her though…” The cat brought up as Ren felt his phone go off. Though as he looked at his phone, he froze.

Alibaba: Hello Ren Amagi.

Alibaba: Leader of the Phantom Thieves.

Alibaba: Which consists of Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Shiho Suzui, Yuuki Mishima, Makoto Niijima and Yusuke Kitagawa and yourself.

Ren’s eyes went wide as he stopped in the middle of the road. Makoto and Morgana looked at him concerned as they got up and looked at his phone. Both of their eyes went wide in alarm as a result.

“What the…” Morgana blinked.

“Who is this?” Makoto asked with fear in her voice.

Alibaba: My name is Alibaba. And I have a job for you.

Alibaba: I know about you and your ability to steal hearts, and now I request your service.

Alibaba: For there is a heart that I want you to change.

Alibaba: I’ve already sent the material to your address at Leblanc. You better not fail me.

“Makoto! Call the others! Now!” Ren shouted as he, Morgana and Makoto all took off to Yongen-Jaya. Makoto already going for the group chat as they ran.


The Phantom Thieves stared in horror as they looked at Ren’s phone while sitting in Leblanc. There were a bunch of random texts from a number known as Alibaba which was giving explicit instructions on changing someone's heart, otherwise he and his allies, which Alibaba listed off in quick succession, would be turned into the police. There was also mail for Ren, which ended up being a red calling card from some unknown address. Sojiro had already left as he decided to close up early for the day.

“Considering he mentioned stealing someone's heart… he knows, doesn’t he?” Ryuji questioned.

“How did he find us?” Yusuke said in disbelief.

“He might have traced our chat logs…” Makoto theorized.

“How careless of us…” Yusuke muttered in despair.

“I don’t buy that.” Ren stated to them.

“You think there's another reason?” Mishima said back to him.

“I think so. How else would Alibaba know all of this? Especially my last name?”

“That is suspicious…” Shiho brought a hand to her chin as she sat by Ann and Yusuke. “I know we didn’t type anything on it between Saturday and today.”

“God dammit! And just when we were trying to figure out what to do about the mafia…” Ryuji trailed off.

As if listening in, Ren’s phone went off again.

Alibaba: I can help with the mafia… if you help me first.

“What! He’s listening to us!” Ann exclaimed in shock.

Alibaba: It isn’t that hard. My hacking abilities means I have data from all of your phones right now.

Alibaba: But that's beside the point. I’ve already prepared your card. So, you better follow through with it if you don’t want the police on your asses.

“Wait… what?” Ryuji frowned in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Alibaba: Aren’t you able to steal someone's heart with a calling card?

“Uh… there are several other steps to this,” Makoto tried to softly explain. “We don’t even have a name.”

Alibaba: A name is necessary?

“Yes. It is,” Ryuji replied with some level of rage. “Otherwise, we can’t do sh*t.”

Alibaba: Fine…

Alibaba: Her name is Futaba Sakura.

Alibaba: Can you do it now?

“Wait… Sakura? That's Bosses last name!” Mishima exclaimed in realization as Ren and the others stared at the phone with wide eyes.

“Ryuji, punch that name in on the Metanav. See if we get a hit.” Ren commanded as Ryuji put the name in.

“Condition met.” was the app's reply.

“Holy sh*t! She’s got one!” Ryuji exclaimed as he stood up from the booth.

“But what is she doing that would warrant a change of heart?” Makoto questioned. The answer again came from Ren's phone.

Alibaba: I’ll keep this short. Two years ago, her mother committed suicide by throwing herself into the street right in front of Futaba’s eyes. With the rest of her family around, several officers ruled that her mother killed herself to get away from the selfish daughter that she had in Futaba. As a result, her family looked at her with disgust and rage and long story short, she ended up in Sojiro Sakura’s care. But now she has become completely convinced that she's better off dead and that she must die to pay for what happened to her mother. I want her heart changed to stop these thoughts from her.

“No…” Ann said in horror.

“Those sacks of sh*t…” Ren seethed in rage.

“Ryuji, type in the Sakura residence.” Makoto stated as the blond followed her orders.

“Condition met.”

“That’s two of the keywords.” Morgana replied at the app's confirmation. “Now we need the distortion.”

Alibaba: You guys aren’t making sense. What exactly are you doing?

Ren pressed his lips before he began to type.

Joker: I’ll explain this to you as easily as I can.

Joker: Do you see the red eyeball on my phone?

Alibaba: Yes… what does that have to do with this?

Joker: It’s how we change people's hearts.

Joker: We go into a place called the Metaverse and take out the person's distortion, which in turn causes a change of heart.

Alibaba: I see. Why are you explaining this to me?

Joker: We need some assistance from you with this last step because the app requires three different things: The Name, the Location, and the Distortion itself.

Joker: You just overheard us confirm the first two. But until we have the third one, we can’t get into Futaba’s palace. I would like to clarify that we don’t need to meet you or Futaba to confirm this or change her heart.

Joker: Can you think of anything that she’s been saying that could give us some clues.

Alibaba: ...

Alibaba: Give me a moment.

“And now we wait.” Ren stated as he relaxed in his chair facing the others.

“But how does Futaba have a palace? She doesn’t sound evil!” Ann questioned.

“That isn’t what matters,” Morgana explained as they all turned to him sitting on the chair. “A palace is a manifestation of one's distorted desires. It just so happens that a lot of distorted people end up evil.”

“So that's why…” Yusuke began before Ren’s phone went off again,

Alibaba: Okay

Alibaba: Try tomb

“Tomb?” Ryuji questioned as he punched it in.

“Results found.”

“Holy sh*t it worked!”

Alibaba: Can you steal her heart now?

Ren smirked before he let out.

“We sure can, Futaba.”

“Dude! What?” Ryuji exclaimed. The others looked at him in confusion before Ren read out the reply.

Alibaba: So, you figured it out.

“Huh!?” Ann thought aloud as they looked at Ren’s phone in astonishment.

Joker: You knew things that we didn’t type out in the chat. It’s not hard to think that you have a bug in your guardian's cafe.

Alibaba: Clever.

Alibaba: So, are you going to do it now or what?

Joker: We’ll be going in to take a look. We need to see the layout before we begin our operation. We’ll let you know when we get back on a rough estimate for how long we might take.

Alibaba: Very well.

Alibaba: I’ll await your response.

“Alright guys… let's go.” Ren commanded as the thieves left the cafe straight for the residence.

“Whoa…” Ryuji exclaimed as he and Mishima looked at the interior of the pyramid.

“This is incredible!” Ann shouted as she looked around. Shiho held a similar expression as she looked around the interior.

“It is quite breathtaking. To be inside a real pyramid is an achievement.” Yusuke praised as he began to survey the area.

“I don’t know if you can call this the real thing technically.” Makoto debated.

“So, you’ve come.”

The thieves snapped their heads behind them to the stairs where the shadow stood looking at them. Dressed in a pharaoh garb as her orange hair ran down her back

“Wait your…” Makoto began before she gasped as they looked at the shadow's shoulders, because on them was the same soulmark as theirs, black and lifeless, but it was their mark all the same.

“Do you recognize this?” The shadow gestured to her shoulders. The thieves gave a silent look to each other before Ren removed his shirt and revealed his flames. The shadow's eyes locked on them immediately before it began to make its way over.

“Everyone, be on your guard!” Morgana shouted as the shadow stopped in front of Ren, reaching out a hand as it went to touch the crimson flames. The shadow closed her eyes and took a calming breath before she turned to the others.

“So… you are her bond as well?”

“Uh… yeah?” Ryuji said as he scratched his head. Yusuke and Ann moved their shirts to show further proof to the shadow of her suspicions. The shadow closed her eyes as she processed this.

“This works better for me then…” the shadow replied with a soft ghost of a smile before it looked at them. “Perhaps you can help me out then. If you cooperate… The treasure is yours.”

“And that is?” Yusuke questioned it.

“You will return to reality, send Futaba Sakura a calling card, bring her soulmark to life… and bring her here to the palace.”

“Wait, seriously?” Ann said with wide eyes. “You will hand us the treasure if we do all of that!?”

“Yes. Those are my terms.”

“Okay, really quick, why do you want us to bring her here?” Makoto questioned the shadow as she stared at it with suspicion.

“You will find out when you bring her here. Refuse… and I will throw every defense in this palace to stop you.” was its calm reply to her question.

“Well, it sounds like we have a deal.” Ren said as he held his hand out to the shadow. The shadow stared at his hand for a solid five seconds before she reached out and shook back firmly.

“I will await your return. Don’t let us down.” were her only words before she vanished in thin air.

“I don’t like this…” Shiho said nervously.

“What other choice do we have?” Ryuji argued.

“Yeah. From what it sounds like, she’ll throw the entire security system at us.” Mishima commented.

“Alright then. Let's get out of here guys.” Morgana said as they turned to leave the pyramid.

Phantom Thieves Group Chat

Joker added Alibaba to the chat

Joker: Okay Futaba, we got good news and bad news.

Alibaba: Which is?

Queen: The good news is that our infiltration is already done. We should be ready to steal your heart whenever.

Alibaba: And the bad news?

Joker: The bad news is that your shadow confronted us right when we entered. It gave us a deal, bring you to the palace and it will hand over the treasure right there, or we are faced with its security as it tries to kill us at every turn.

Joker: I think you know what we picked.

Alibaba: Wait!

Alibaba: I have to come with you into the palace!?

Fox: That seems to be the case.

Knight: Sorry for springing this on you, but it looks like this is going to be the only course of action.

Alibaba: Goddammit! You can’t expect to spring this on me and expect me to be ready!

Queen: When will you be ready then?

Alibaba: huh?

Admin: When would you be comfortable to go in?

Alibaba: I…

Panther: Take your time sweetie.

Alibaba: I think… Maybe Wednesday?

Joker: Two days. That works.

Joker: Mona thinks we should go to Mementos tomorrow and train to be ready for anything.

Skull: Sounds good, leader.

Fox: Understood.

Admin: Oh! Perfect, we have several requests that need to be completed.

Knight: Done.

Panther: Sounds like a plan.

Queen: So, we’ll train tomorrow, and then commence the change of heart on Wednesday. That sounds perfect.

Alibaba: You better not bail on me.

Fox: We wouldn’t even consider it, Futaba.

Joker: See you Wednesday, Futaba.

The chat has closed

Wednesday June 15th 20xx

Futaba shook as she awaited the Phantom Thieves. They had agreed to come to her after they got out of school and now, she sat there awaiting the Phantom Thieves. Trying her best not to collapse from anxiety as she awaited their entry. Purposely leaving the front door unlocked so they could sneak in.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Futaba-chan are you in there?” Makoto’s voice rang out from the other side of her door.

“Ah!” Futaba yelped as she went to her bed and hid under the blankets. “I–I’m here!” She said back.

“Okay. We’re coming in.” Makoto called out as the door slowly opened and the seven humans and one cat entered her room.

“What the…” Ryuji started as he stared at all the papers around her room.

“What is all of this?” Ann asked. Shiho lifted one of them up to see documents talking about something that she didn’t understand.

“Wait, where is Futaba?” Mishima questioned. As if on cue, all eyes slowly turned to the human-shaped lump on the bed. Shaking violently as the orange gremlin tried to keep herself calm.

“Futaba.” Yusuke started gently.

“Y-Yes!” Futaba shakily responded.

“Futaba. You need to calm down.” Makoto said soothingly.

“But I…”

“Futaba,” Ren began as he knelt down to her level. “I know you're scared. I know this is frightening. But … you’ll be okay. We want to help you… but we also want you to help yourself.” he paused as he took a breath. “I don’t know if this will help you completly, but we will be with you every step of the way. Just believe in us… and we’ll stand beside you. I promise.”

The other thieves looked at him with warmth and affection as he softly talked. The cool and confident leader talking to her with love in his voice as he tried to calm Futaba down was giving them more reasons to love the leader with everything they had.

And find the dipsh*t that ruined his life and beat the sh*t out of him.

“That’s our leader.” Morgana said softly as he stared at Ren with a proud smile on his face.

His words appeared to have a good effect on Futaba as she raised the blanket enough to where she could look at the leader with wide eyes.

“You promise?”

“I do.” Ren smiled back at her.

Futaba only took another moment to release a shaky breath before she pulled back and revealed herself in her black tetris tank top and short shorts as she looked at all of them nervously. Her bright orange hair pooled out onto the bed from its length as she adjusted her glasses and looked at them with her purple eyes.

“...Okay. I’m ready.” she replied.

“Two things before we go in,” Makoto started as she and Ann sat on either side of her on the bed. The orange girl looked at both of them as they grabbed her shoulders to keep her still.

“Wait… w–what are you doing!?”

“Marking you,” Makoto explained as she pressed a kiss to the blushing and spluttering Sakura’s temple. “Your shadow gave two conditions that we need to do, have you read the card… and bring your mark to life.”

“Wait what!?” Futaba began to panic as Ann pulled on her shirt revealing the black flames along the young girl's shoulders.

“Relax sweetie,” Ann whispered softly as she and Makoto put their other hands in her hands giving her a gentle squeeze. “It will be over before you know it.” she soothed before they looked at Ren and gave him a node.

Ren responded by gently walking towards the quaking orange gremlin and while his eyes on hers, placed his index finger on the mark, which caused Futaba to yelp in pain as she closed her eyes and squeezed Ann and Makoto’s hand to combat it. When she opened her eyes again, she looked at her shoulders and saw the neon green flames dancing along her skin, warmth and affection pouring from them as she began to tear up with happiness at their color.

“Shhh,” Ann soothed her. “It's over now. We got you. And we won’t let you fall.”

“Not over yet, Ann.” Ren reminded her as he turned to Ryuji. “Give it to her.” Ryuji responded with a nod as he pulled the calling card out of his pocket and presented it out to her, she took it with shaky hands as her eyes trailed along the words.

“You need to read it out loud, Futaba.” Makoto clarified.


“Take your time,” Ren soothed her through her now active mark. Futaba only swallowed one more time before she looked down at the card and began to read.

“F–Futaba Sakura, the prisoner of wrath and sloth, you have buried yourself in the torments of your own mind as you continue to drown yourself in guilt. Thus we will take your distorted desires.” She finished as reality shifted to reveal the shadow on her bed instead wearing a soft smile.

“Good Phantom Thieves. Bring her here now… and you and Futaba will be rewarded.” was all it said before reality returned to normal. Futaba shifted nervously as they locked eyes with her.

“So… are we ready to go now?”

“Get dressed,” Ren said as they stood back from her. “It’s time to go.” Futaba responded with a timid nod as she got up and swapped her short shorts for her gray pants before turning to them with a timid smile. With Ren taking one of her hands in his, he opened the Metanav and punched in the pyramid before they all disappeared from reality.

“So, you’ve come.” The shadow said as it looked at the thieves from the pharaoh's tomb, sitting on the coffin as they approached now dressed in their attires before it locked eyes with her other self. “And you’ve brought her here.”

“Of course we did,” Skull grumbled to the shadow. “Now are you going to give us her treasure or not?”

“You,” The shadow said as she pointed to Futaba before beckoning her finger to herself. “Come here.”

“W–What!?” the orange gremlin stammered.

“Hey! This isn’t part of our deal!” Panther shouted.

“It is though… Do you want her treasure? Then she needs to admit the truth to herself.” The shadow explained before it crossed its arms over its chest.

Futaba only gulped before she timidly approached the shadow with fear in her eyes, she only got within a few feet of her before the shadow snapped her fingers and summoned a force field that blocked her off from the thieves.

“Hey! What the hell!” Skull exclaimed as he slammed his fists on the green see through wall.

“Futaba!” Joker shouted in concern.

“What are you doing!?” Fox shouted in defiance.

“Just a little insurance that I’ll keep my end of the bargain. Can’t have you interrupting the process and potentially hurting her mind further.” The shadow said before it snapped its fingers again and a portrait came down of little Futaba tugging on her mothers leg while Wakaba looked down at her with a scowl in the frame. Futaba looked at the picture with fright as words began to ring out from it.

“Mom… I want to go somewhere. Why won’t you take me anywhere!”

“Don’t be so selfish! Why don’t you understand that I’m working hard to support you? Ugh!”

“No…” Futaba whispered as tears came to her eyes.

“Don’t you dare run now. I thought you made up your mind when you asked for their help?”

“I… I killed her…it's all my…” She said as she began to break down. Joker, Skull and Queen began to pound on the force field as they tried to get to her, while the others looked on with sorrow in their eyes.

However, the shadow didn’t like her answer.

“Are you that stupid?”

“Huh!?” Futaba replied in disbelief. The other thieves looked at the shadow with suspicion.

“Are you going to continue to avert your eyes? Remember everything. When did this happen?” It questioned as it pointed to the frame.

“About a month before mom died…” was her only reply.

“Was that scolding all she said though? I thought there was more?”

“Sh–She,” Futaba started as she gathered her thoughts. “D–Did she say that once it was finished, we could go wherever you’d like? Once it's finished, I won’t leave you alone again.” At the end of her sentence, the picture changed now showing Wakaba smiling at her rather than scolding. “Wh–What!? She smiled!? Gah! What is real!?” she said as began to clutch her head in pain.

“Your memory is…” was the shadows reply as it disappeared leaving them in the dark tomb on top of the summit. The neon green barrier disappeared immediately as the thieves rushed to her side.

But before they could check on her, a loud screech went off.

“What the!?” Panther questioned as a light broke in through the top. The thieves looked at the light in alarm before it turned to deep fear as a single gigantic eye poked through the crack.


Futaba trembled as she realized what was peeking in the tomb.

“Is that a shadow? No… then…,” Queen questioned in disbelief.

“It’s not Futaba.” Admin said with his sticks at the ready.

“Oh no…” Mona started as the Sphinx creature shrieking before it slammed its paws on the pyramid destroying it completely as it attempted to blow them off the top.

“What the hell is that!?” Skull shouted as he struggled to stand.

“It's a cognition! A monster that Futaba’s cognition created!” Mona cried as Panther kept him from flying away.

“Then we gotta take it out! Phantom Thieves, let's go!” Joker commanded, as Queen and Knight protected the frozen, terrified Futaba.

Okay… the fight could have gone better.

Cause the Sphinx was kicking their asses.

On top of the fact that Physical attacks couldn’t reach the f*cking thing, the sphinx hit much harder than anything they had faced so far. No matter how many buffs the thieves tried to supply, the beast was taking their damage with ease as it smacked its paws on each of them, knocking them to the floor. All the while Futaba watched with fear in her eyes.

“No… what do I…”

“You killed her!”

“Why don’t you say something!?”

“No!” Futaba screamed as she clutched her head trying to block out the voices. The shadow didn’t seem to want her to suffer anymore because she manifested herself again and put both of them in a small pocket space away from the others.

“Futaba Sakura! Remember! You were the reason she ‘committed suicide’. But why did you believe it was suicide?”

“Because of the note.” she responded with a sniff.

“Exactly. The men in black suits read out the suicide note aloud for your family to hear, blaming you for being the cause of her death… but is that really the truth? Would the mother that loved you so much… truly have wanted you dead?” The shadows' words caused Futaba to freeze as she processed it, before she rose with a fire in her eyes.

“No! She wouldn’t!”

“Oh?” She co*cked her head in thought. “Then… what about the note?”

“A complete lie!” The shadow grinned at her words.

“Exactly! They blamed her death on you… when they were the ones who aided in taking her away. You knew… and yet you let them lie and bury the truth!”

“That's right… I knew… but I.” She started as reality resumed before the mother of all migraines assaulted her head.

“Futaba–chan!” Panther shouted.

“What denies you is an illusion…

a curse upon you by the heartless,

you knew the truth from the start… and yet you cowered.

Who will you obey? Lies from a seething illusion?

Or the truth from your own soul?” a voice similar to her own echoed in her head.

“I won’t… I won’t be swayed by lies anymore! I won’t forgive them for taking mom from me!” Futaba howled as blue fire erupted from her body and her shadow floated up with a smile before it transformed into a neon green UFO with a gargoyle sitting atop it.

“What the…” Mona said in amazement as tentacles came down from the ship and grabbed Futaba before yanking her into the beyonds of the ship. The orange gremlin screamed as she disappeared inside the blue light.

“Contract… I am thou, thou art I.

The forbidden wisdom has been revealed to you.

No mysteries or illusions shall deceive you any longer.”

“Futaba!” Queen shouted up to her.

“I’m okay!” Was Futaba’s reply from within Necronomicon.

“Such design…” Fox stared up in amazement.

“Please… help me! That thing’s got to go!” Futaba pleaded. Joker only nodded as he let out a mischievous chuckle before the thieves all stared at the sphinx with a bloodthirsty look in their eyes.

“It’s payback time!” Joker shouted as the thieves leapt into battle.

“Futaba! I didn’t raise you to talk back! How dare you run around with such an awful crowd!”

“M-Mom…” Futaba looked sad before the fire returned to her eyes, “No! You’re not my mom! You’re just a monster!”

“TALKING BACK TO YOUR OWN MOTHER!?” she roared, “You’ve been corrupted by these punks, haven’t you? I’LL CRUSH THEM!!!” She growled before she rocketed high up into the air.

“Damn it! It’s gonna swoop down on us again! What do we do!?” Admin grit his teeth.

“I’ll handle it!” Futaba’s voice rang out.

From within the UFO, Futaba messed with several screens as she spoke, “This is my heart’s world. Meaning that my distortion is mine to play with!” She pressed a button just as the Sphinx came back down. As soon as it went to crush the phantom, a green dome appeared and made her bounce off comically into the air.

“Hell yeah!” Skull shook his fist in excitement.


“Now it’s our turn! Go my summon!” Futaba called out as Necronomicon went to the back of the pyramid and brought a ballista to life.

“A ballista?” Mona looked surprised.

“Shoot her down with this, then beat the crap out of here!”

“Got it! Make the call, Joker!” Mona encouraged him.

Joker stood there for a moment as he processed who was going to operate it. As he took in the attributes of the sphinx, he made his call.

“Skull, get back on that ballista! You’re the only one here weak to her attacks so we need you behind cover. Fox, help him out!”

“You got it, Joker!” Skull nodded.

“We’ll handle it!” Fox responded, before both of the Physical attackers ran for the ballista.

Panther, Mona and Admin all opened up with their debuffs, taking away all of her stats as Queen fired a Rakukaja at Knight.

“Andras! Sukukaja!” Joker called as the birdman fired the agility buff right at Knight.

Knight smirked to herself before she looked at Wakaba determined. “Come at me you ugly bitch!” She called as she summoned Joan who used Taunting Aura in turn with her, drawing Wakaba’s fire to her alone. The Sphinx responded by going for two paw strikes to the athlete. The first time, missing her completely, but the second made contact with Knight, who only took moderate damage.

“Nnnngh! After all I did to raise you… You dare neglect me like this!? I AM YOUR MOTHER! THE ONE AND ONLY ONE IN THIS WRETCHED WORLD!” Wakaba roared her dominance.

Joker just shook his head before he pointed a finger at her and said, “You’re a fake, bitch!”

“I’m a… a… A FAKE!?”

“That’s right! My mother is precious to me, and I still love her a ton… but you’re not my mother!” Futaba shouted. “And I will never live my life where you of all things decide it for me!”

“Naughty children… DIIIIIIIIEEEEE!” She charged at the thieves like a bomber.

“No you’re not!” Futaba shouted as she summoned the barrier again, catching Wakaba in a perfect counter as she went flying upwards again.

“Change the direction, aim the tip at her!” Skull and Fox readjusted the angle as they remained behind the weapon. Everyone! Hit her hard! Now!”

“Arsene, Assault Shot!” Joker ordered.

“Zorro, Garula!” Mona cried.

“Carmen, Agilao!” Panther shouted.

“Joan, Double Shot!” Knight raged.

“Houdini, Bufula!” Admin ordered.

“Johanna, Freila!” Queen commanded.

“Gaaah!” Wakaba Sphinx screamed as Gun, Wind, Ice, Fire and Nuclear energy crashed into her. Holding herself up with a look of rage as she looked at the thieves on the top of the pyramid. “How dare you! Futaba is my PROPERTY! You will not stop me from destroying what I hate!” She screamed to frighten them. But Joker only looked at her with mocking disappointment.

“Yeah you're done, bitch.” was his cold response.

“SHUT UP! SHUT UUUUUP!” she howled before she lunged straight for Joker with its paw raised.

“No you don’t!” Futaba shouted as she created a neon green hand and bitch slapped the sphinx away, the cognition was sent flying into the air upwards as the ballista pointed at her. “Fire!”

Skull and Fox smirked as they let off the shot, which sent the sphinx to the ground, the creature clung to the top of the pyramid trying to recover.

Too bad the thieves were not going to give her that chance.

“Take her down! Now!” Joker commanded as the thieves summoned their personas. Fox and Skull casted Rising Slash and Assault Dive separately. Knight went for a Double Shot, while Mona, Admin, Panther and Queen casted Garula, Bufula, Agilao, and Freila. All of the attacks combined to do a massive amount of damage to the sphinx as she struggled to hang on.

“Grrrr…” the cognition growled as she stared up at the UFO with hatred. “Futaba… if only I never birthed you!”

“No matter what you say to me… I will live! Fire!” Futaba shouted as Joker summoned his best persona again, ready to unleash its power.

“Arsene, Eiga!” The gentleman thief responded to Joker’s command by lifting his hands and summoning a demonic red orb that threatened to explode in his hands before he tossed it straight at the cognition's face. The sphinx screamed as the orb exploded on contact knocking it from the top and causing her to crash on the desert floor as it began to disappear.

Necronomicon slowly lowered itself to the floor, as it disappeared from sight, leaving Futaba sitting there in a skin tight navigator outfit. The other thieves rushed to their newest soulmate as Futaba slowly recovered from the loss of energy.

“Futaba!” Queen exclaimed.

“Holy sh*t, you’re freaking incredible!” Skull shouted in amazement. Futaba slowly stood up as she shook off her daze before her eyes locked on her attire.

“What the… it’s skintight!” Futaba said as she felt the cloth. She didn’t get to feel it for long though as another cognition appeared, this time in the form of her mother in human form.

“Futaba.” The cognition of Wakaba said in a warm voice.

“M-mom!” She shouted as she went to hug her, but the cognition shook her head.


“Are you going to continue running?” Wakaba responded.

Futaba blinked behind her goggles before she shook her head. “No. I won’t! I’m going to live for myself!”

Wakaba smiled as she looked over the Phantom Thieves again, a tear threatening to escape her eyes as she locked her eyes on Joker. “Take care of her for me, please?”

Joker only smiled as he came to stand by Futaba. “We will.” The other nodded as they joined their leader around her.

Wakaba let the tears flow as a light began to consume her. “Goodbye, Futaba. I love you.”

The cognition disappeared in a burst of light. As the thieves all lifted their masks to their heads, Futaba sniffed before she turned and crashed into Joker, trapping him in a tight hug as she let the tears flow.

“Thank you!” She cried as Ren smiled.

“Your welcome, Futaba.” He whispered as Makoto came over and hugged her from behind. The others all stood to the side with smiles on their faces.

“We’ll grab the treasure,” Ryuji said to Ren as he, Ann, Mishima, and Shiho went for the coffin. Yusuke and Morgana remained where they were watching Futaba cry into her soulmate’s chest.

“What the…” Futaba removed herself from Ren as they all looked to the four thieves by the coffin. Ryuji was now holding up the three Will Seeds, which had clearly been inside the coffin if the others' reaction was something.

“The Will Seeds?” Mishima furrowed his brows.

“Where’s the treasure?” Makoto questioned. As soon as that left her mouth, the seeds floated forward and fused turning into the Crystal of Wrath. The transformed Crystal fell to the floor at Yusuke’s feet.

“That's odd.” Yusuke said as he crouched down and picked it up. “It doesn’t feel like a treasure.”

Just as those words left his mouth, a loud thunderous explosion rang from below them, causing Futaba to cling to Ren as the others began to panic.

“The palace is crumbling!?” Shiho gasped.

“But why!? We don’t have the treasure!” Ann shouted.

Morgana’s eyes widened in realization. “Futaba’s shadow was the treasure all along! And of course she’s now Futaba’s Persona, so of course it’s empty!

Makoto caught onto his train of thought. “She knew this was going to happen all along!”

Another loud explosion went off as a crack appeared on the top. Morgana winced as he realized the rest of it. “sh*t. This is bad!”

“What’s happening, Mona!” Ren shouted.

“Not only did we drag Futaba into her own palace, but she awoke to her persona while she was here. This place is coming down!” Morgana explained.

“Then we’ve accomplished our mission if her palace is crumbling.” Ren addressed. “Mona, transform! We gotta get out of here!”

“On it, Joker!”

As the thieves returned to reality, they found themselves right outside the Sakura Residence. Night had fallen over Yongen-Jaya as they stood with the tired Sakura.

“Are you going to be okay?” Ren asked her. Futaba nodded in response.

“Yeah. I just need to rest for a bit.”


“AAH!” She screamed as they all saw Sojiro coming toward them, having closed up Leblanc for the day.

“What are you doing?” Sojiro questioned as he looked at all of them suspiciously.

“N-nothing! U-Um…” Futaba stuttered as she tried to control her unstable heart.

“What are you doing with her! How do you know about her!” Sojiro angrily demanded as the thieves looked for a way to explain this without the metaverse involved.

“Um… well you see…” Ren tried to begin.


“I ASKED THEM TO!” Futaba shouted as all eyes went to her. Sojiro blinked as he processed what she said.

“You… asked them?” Anger now completely gone from his voice only leaving confusion. “Why?”

Futaba swallowed before she grabbed the top of her shirt and moved the right side over to expose her shoulder, showing the blazing green flames on her skin. Sojiro’s eyes locked on it as he finally solved the mystery that was Ren’s mark.

He saw it before… because it was on Futaba.

“Oh, for crying out loud!” Sojiro slapped a hand to his forehead over both his own idiocy and the fact that there was another soulmate in Ren’s bond. Specifically, Futaba.

“Sorry for the intrusion, Boss.” Ren apologized to which Sojiro sighed before he smiled.

“No. The fault is mine. I shouldn’t have jumped the gun like that.” he said before he gestured to his house. “Do any of you have somewhere to be? I’d like to welcome you to dinner tonight.”

“Are you sure, Boss?” Makoto asked.

“If you’re comfortable with it. Think of it as my apology for the outburst and my way of wanting to know how you guys got in contact.”

“I think we’ll do just that.” Ren smiled.

The thieves all smiled in response before they followed Sojiro into his house. Ready for whatever the night would bring them.


And here we are, another one down. I know this arc was short, but that's because I wanted to write the Futaba arc earlier than waiting for the summer break to do it. We got one more chapter as we go through the events with Sojiro before we move to the next arc. Until then, see you soon!

Chapter 17: Persona Stats 3: Pyramid of Wrath


Another Persona stats! Not many changes/additions outside of Futaba/Oracle. Some Phantoms have new skills.


New Skills:

Assualt Shot: Heavy Gun damage to one foe.

Queen has Makajamaon added to her kit.

Shiho/Knight has Taunting Aura, a skill that originally is only available from mutation.

Chapter Text

Persona Stats 3: Pyramid of Wrath

Joker: Arsene Level 29

Affinities: Resists Curse, Weak to Bless

Trait: Tricksters Gaze: Strengthens Physical/Magic skills targeting all foes by 30% for all allies


Dream Needle

Assault Shot




Ominous Words


Apt Pupil

Skull: Captain Kidd Level 29

Affinities: Resists Electric, Weak to Wind

Trait: Raging Temper: Chance to increase allies Physical attack damage by 40%.


Assault Dive


Memory Blow




Regenerate 1

Adverse Resolve

Mona: Zorro Level 29

Affinities: Resists Wind, Weak to Electric

Trait: Proud Presence: Increase effect of healing spells by 50%.




Lucky Punch






Panther: Carmen Level 29

Affinities: Resists Fire, Weak to Ice

Trait: Mastery of Magic: May decrease SP cost of allies’ magic skills.








Fire Break

Invigorate 1

Knight: Joan Level 29

Affinities: Resists Gun and Bless, Weak to Psychokinesis

Trait: Shield of Angels: 60% Chance to decrease damage to party by 40%


Double Shot

Brain Shake

Arrow Rain




Taunting Aura


Admin: Houdini Level 29

Affinities: Resists Ice and Curse, Weak to Electric

Trait: Master Magician: Chance to increase all allies Magic damage by 40%.









Ice Break

Queen: Johanna Level 29

Affinities: Resists Nuclear, Weak to Psychokinesis

Trait: Gaia Pact: Increases Allies chance to Burn/Freeze/Shock enemies by 25%




Vajra Blast



Energy Shower



Fox: Goemon Level 29

Affinities: Resists Ice, Weak to Fire

Trait: Scoundrel Eyes: Slightly increases allies' chance to avoid Physical attacks


Rising Slash

Vicious Strike

Dormin Rush




Freeze Boost


Oracle: Necronomicon Level 29

Affinities: None

Trait: Explosive Scheme: Chance to give All-Out Attacks a chance to defeat foes automatically. May restore allies HP by 25%.



Chapter 18: Oracle's Initiation and a Detective's Resolve


The Phantom Thieves and Sojiro look to open up Futaba to normal interaction. While making plans for dinner, Sojiro gets confronted on matters of his past.

Later, the group begins to look into the Mafia, though they may have an interesting way of getting into the palace.


Guess who's back... back again!

Miss me! I have another chapter for you!

Hope you enjoy!

P.S: Sorry fans of Sae Niijima. You're not going to like her in this chapter. She gets better later, I promise!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“There you are.” Sojiro said as he placed the last plates of curry down in front of Ryuji and Mishima.

“Thank you, Boss!” Ann replied as the eight humans dug into their dinner. Morgana had a bowl of fatty tuna that Sojiro just so happened to have in the fridge, (He totally didn’t buy it just for Morgana). The man in question just waved them off as he went to get his own plate.

“You guys want to tell me how you found out about Futaba?” Sojiro remarked as he came back to the table.

“It’s more like she found us.” Ren said as Futaba shuffled next to him.

“It was their hangout last Saturday.” Futaba began. “I overheard details about their soulmarks from the device I put there.”

“You have a device in the cafe?” Sojiro blinked in disbelief.

Futaba nodded meekly as she went, “And when I heard the details about flames… I thought maybe… they were my…”

“I see,” Sojiro nodded in understanding. “You thought they were your soulmates after hearing them.”


Sojiro sighed as he took a bite of his curry. He then turned to Ren, “Did she contact you?”

“Yeah. Said some ominous stuff that scared me at the time. But I wanted to help her anyway I could.”

“All of us did.” Makoto joined from the other side of Futaba.

Sojiro nodded as he took in their story, or at least the one they were trying to feed him. He had a feeling something wasn’t being said. But with Futaba’s behavior he wasn’t going to question it right now. He was just happy she was up and out of her room.

“So, what are you wanting to do, Futaba?” He asked.

“I…” The girl went back down into herself as she stuttered over her own words. Ren and Makoto looked to be trying to reassure her, but years of being a shut-in were clearly having an effect on her still.

“Breath, my Hermit.” Necromicon tried to soothe.

Ann’s eyes lit up as she came up with an idea.

“Why don’t we try to get to know you.”

Futaba’s eyes went wide as she snapped to the model as others around the table began to agree with her.

“Yes… this seems like a brilliant idea.” Yusuke nodded in agreement.

“Only if Futaba will feel comfortable with it.” Makoto argued.

“Hm…” Sojiro brought his hand to his chin, lost in thought. “How about dinner on Saturday?”

All eyes turned to Sojiro as he explained, “There’s this place in Ginza that has really good sushi. If you’re all good with it, we can go to it as a group on Saturday before you guys come back to Leblanc.”

“Oh! Another night together!” Shiho smiled with excitement.

“Wait, um…” Futaba stammered.

“No, Futaba.” Ren reassured. “We’re not doing that right now.”

Futaba relaxed with a sound of relief as Makoto became lost in thought.

“Then perhaps the next few days should be an exercise to help Futaba.”

“Yeah, we can do that.” Ann replied.

“Hell yeah!” Ryuji exclaimed with a raised fist.

“Please say we’re going to be having a normal week?” Futaba meekly replied.

“With this Soulbond?” Mishima raised a brow in amusem*nt. The other soulmates caught on with wide grins.

“NO WAY!” They all shouted.

“Aww,” Futaba pouted playfully, though she was fighting laughter at the reference, so it looked adorable. Sojiro just shook their head at their antics.


Saturday, June 18th 20xx

Ren shook his head as Futaba kicked her feet at the bar.

Things had been going well all things considered and right now, he was just helping Sojiro with the last of the work after he got back from school.

On Thursday, He and Morgana met up with Yusuke, Makoto and Mishima at the Sakura Residence and hung out with Futaba in her room. Makoto had tried different questions to open her up, but they didn’t seem to be doing much for the group. Then Yusuke messed with her featherman figurines and that had somehow wielded much better results than Makoto. After that, Mishima got her to look at the Phansite and install security beyond his comprehension, which led to the two opening up about the types of games they liked to play. Ren, Morgana and Makoto just watched these conversations go down with amusem*nt.

On Friday however, Ren and Morgana were left with Shiho, Ann and Ryuji as they hung out with Futaba up in Leblanc’s attic. They snacked on food and competed on the old and modern consoles that Ren had and the conversation worked in their favor as Futaba began to grow more at ease around her own bond.

Which led to today. It was agreed that everyone would bring their stuff over before they headed out to the restaurant in Ginza and right now, it was just Ren, Morgana and Futaba who were already at Cafe Leblanc. Ryuji was grabbing his gaming console as well so that they had a bigger selection of games. They would grab snacks on the way back.

“Do you want anything else to drink while we finish up, Futaba?” Sojiro asked.

“Orange juice please.” The orange gremlin replied.

“Alright, coming right up.”

Just as Sojiro put the glass down, the bell chimed and in walked two people that the four weren’t expecting. Sae Niijima and Goro Akechi walked into the cafe as they locked eyes with Sojiro.

“Good afternoon, Sakura-san.” Akechi greeted as he looked around. His crimson eyes locked on Ren as he recognized him. “Oh, you’re…”

“Do you two need something?” Sojiro asked with a raised brow.

“Oh, I’m just here to check out the cafe. I heard about this place from Sae-san so I came to see it for myself.” The detective responded.

Sae just sighed before she sharpened her gaze. “Sakura-san we need to talk about Wakaba Isshiki.”

Ren froze as Futaba rushed out of her chair and into his embrace. Akechi frowned at his colleague while Sojiro raised a brow in suspicion.

“What about her?” Was the owner’s only reply.

“Can I just have a coffee? I hate to upset you right now, Sakura-san.” Akechi cut in again as he sat in the barstool closest to the door.

“Coming right up.”

“What I mean is her research, Sakura-san.” Sae continued.

“Hm.” Sojiro hummed as he placed the cup down in front of Akechi, not wanting to be rude to him as he wasn’t pushing his buttons already.

“Thank you, sir.” Akechi said as he brought the cup to his mouth.

“You knew Wakaba back when Futaba was in her care. You know about her research.” Sae accused.

“I don’t know where you think that.” Sojiro responded in an annoyed tone. “Besides, I have nothing to tell you. Wakaba and I may have had history, and I will admit that. But she didn’t tell me anything about her research.”

“So you won’t tell us?” Sae narrowed her eyes.

“I have nothing to say.”

Sae huffed before she tucked her hair behind her ear. “In that case, your parental authority will have to be suspended.”

At this, Akechi sucked on his drink hard, clearly not expecting that from his coworker. Ren, Morgana and Futaba’s eyes went wide as Sojiro looked baffled.


Sae only responded by pulling out an orange envelope and laying it down on the bar. “Would you like to take this to domestic court? With these suspicions of abuse, you will most certainly have your custody of Futaba revoked.”

At this, Sojiro turned defensive as he now held a look of rage. “You’re going that far! I told you I don't know a damn thing about her research!”

“Sae-san…” Akechi warned, clearly not liking what Sae was doing. His detective prince facade threatened to break as he looked to shut down this argument. Ren was now giving her a stank eye as Futaba shook in his arms.

“How is Makoto related to her?” Morgana blinked in disbelief.

“We are deadly serious, Sojiro Sakura,” Sae continued without flinching. “As long as there is a chance that the mental shutdowns relate to cognitive science.”

Sojiro’s eye twitched in annoyance as suddenly a hitch of breath went off, now alerting everyone to the quaking Futaba in Ren’s arms.

“Futaba, breath,” Ren whispered to her as she attempted to control herself.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Sojiro said to Sae as he now looked very much pissed.

“Why?” Sae challenged. “Because you don’t want your abuse being made clear to us?”

“Niijima.” Akechi warned.

Ren looked up at Sae and glared. “I’m going to have to ask you to stop attacking my soulmate.”

At this, Sae Niijima raised a brow before she scoffed. “So you’re Ren Amamiya. Makoto has talked about you.” she turned in her seat as she pointed her gaze at him. “To think my sister has to share her soul with someone like you.”

Ren just remained silent as he kept his glare on Sae. But Sae just continued, “The fact that a criminal like you has to share space with my sister is disgusting. Delinquents like you shouldn’t even be able to breath outside of juvie. I’ll be waiting for you to f*ck up and end up in a cell for the rest of your days. Maybe then Makoto will realize that you’ll be nothing but a criminal. And that the world f*cked her over.”

At this, Ren flinched as he tried to stay afloat from Sae’s harsh accusation. Sojiro looked at him alarmed before rage began to build in his features over his charge’s feelings. For the last two months, he had been nothing but an upstanding person, and Sojiro wanted to kick himself real hard for how he treated Ren at the beginning. But Niijima did not have the right to say that to Ren. And he was about to fire a scathing hot retort as Sae to get out of his cafe and never come back.

But before he could speak,

“SAE NIIJIMA!” Akechi roared as he slammed his hand into the bar. His cup jumped slightly, but his drink didn’t spill as all eyes turned to the detective prince. His crimson eyes were locked on the prosecutor as his face screamed something frightening. Gone was the detective prince mask and in its place was something that drove a shiver into Ren’s spine as they looked at him. Like this, Goro looked like a completely different person. His lips were in a snarl as his eyes now held something dangerous within…

Something… darker…

“What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” The detective pushed forward in a rage.

“What are you–”

“Accusing Sakura-san of withholding information is one thing,” Akechi began to the gray haired prosecutor. “But attacking his charge and his daughter over their characteristics and history is another matter entirely! I don’t give a sh*t if you have a position as prosecutor! You don’t stoop to the levels of the trash of our society and bring them down because you’re having a lack of answers!”

Sae narrowed her eyes in frustration before she stood from her seat. “How dare you!”

“No! How dare you!” Akechi sharply rose from his seat, making Sojiro, Ren, Futaba and Morgana look at him with shock and Sae flinched from his behavior, clearly never seeing this from him before. “From my viewpoint, you dragged me along to intimidate Sakura-san here, and I’m not sorry for this, but you disgust me! How can you claim you’re better than most criminals when you’re over here threatening him because he answered your question!”

“Sometimes people have to get down in the dirt to get their answers.” Sae replied sharply. “Sacrifices have to made in order to achieve results!”

Akechi took a deep breath, ready to explode again, but deflated and sat down in his seat again. He took a sip of his coffee again, and for a moment Sae thought she had won. But then…

“It’s a shame, Sae-san.” Akechi shook his head in disappointment as he put his cup down. “To think I now honestly prefer your goody two shoes sister over you, who is willing to commit atrocities to achieve victory. Just like my father did to my mother.”

At this, now Sae flinched before Akechi turned around to face her. The fire still in his eyes as he said, “I will only say this once. You take that to court, and I’ll shut you down. I may just be a high school detective, but I’ll give my own testimony to the case. And based on their behavior, I think Amamiya and the daughter of Wakaba Isshiki’s soulbond will back them up. And we all know how the courts will react to the suspicions of abuse to a soulmate if they all testify. No matter what you do, you will lose. And that is not a threat, Sae-san. It is a warning.”

Sae fumed before she eventually exalted and grabbed her envelope. She went for the door before Sojiro spoke up.

“Do not come here again.” Sojiro warned darkly. “If you do, I will call the police on harassment.”

Sae narrowed her eyes before she left. The chime of the door being the only sound of her departure as Akechi let out a sigh. His detective prince mask slipped back on as he looked sad and hurt.

“I’m sorry about that, Sakura-san.”

“Don’t be.” Sojiro waved him off. “You’re alright.”

Akechi gave a soft smile as he turned to Ren, who looked grateful as Futaba pulled herself from his chest.

“Thanks for that, Mr. Detective.” Ren teased, drawing a snort from the detective.

“You’re still as cheeky as ever, I see.” Akechi shook his head.

“You know it, honey.”

“Um…” Futaba looked extremely sheepish. “T-thank you.”

“No problem,” Akechi replied softly as he drank from his cup again. He placed his empty cup on the bar just as everyone entered the cafe.

“We’re here! Let’s get–” Ann started before she felt Futaba’s anxiety skyrocketed from yesterday. She dropped her things on the bar and rushed to her before wrapping her up tightly and asking, “What happened to you?!”

“Niijima’s sister decided to be a jackass. She threatened to rip Futaba from Sakura-san’s care. She may have also insulted your leader for being part of Makoto's soul.” Akechi responded. All of the eyes turned to him as Makoto looked hurt.

“Sis…” Makoto trailed off with sadness.

“What!? How could she do that?” Shiho looked sad.

“What bullsh*t!” Ryuji raged.

“She can’t do that... can she?” Mishima dreaded as Yusuke looked disappointed.

“She could, but she won’t.” Akechi responded. “I’ll make sure of that.”

“Well, aren’t you just the superhero we need!” Ann replied with a giggle as Akechi gave that prince laughter.

“Oh, it’s nothing like that. I just don’t like seeing a soulmate suffer like that.” he reassured.

“Oh? Do you hold soulmates in a high regard?” Yusuke questioned as he placed his things on the booth.

“I will say this,” Akechi turned around in his chair to face all of them. “I have grown up with this belief: Soulmates are something to treasure if you have one. One should never try to destroy one or seek to cause harm to their own bond. For doing so is the lowest thing that society can sink to.”

“True,” Sojiro joined in. “Some of Japan’s nastiest criminals are people who abuse their own soulmates.”

“Exactly,” Akechi nodded. “If I see a soul bond being abused, then I will take them down without a second thought. For someone who can’t recognize the beautiful thing they have should be sent to the deepest layer of hell.”

“Damn…” Ryuji blinked in amazement as Akechi finished.

“Did your mother put that into you?” Shiho asked with a small smile.

At this though, Akechi flinched and looked very uncomfortable. Everyone caught the discomfort as they looked at him in concern.

“Can we… not talk about her." Akechi finally spoke softly. “Apologies, but I would rather not talk about my childhood.”

“Oh,” Shiho now looked extremely guilty. “I’m sorry I brought it up.”

“You’re alright.” Akechi smiled at her.

“On that note,” Sojiro cut in as he addressed the kids that had just arrived. “Get your things upstairs. We’re going to miss our reservations.”

One by one, they nodded as Akechi looked at them curiously. “Oh? Are you all having a hangout tonight?”

“Yeah. After dinner.” Ren replied as Ryuji came down the stairs in excitement. “You got any plans later, Akechi?”

“No, I unfortunately do not.” Akechi did look lost at that. “Just a long trek back to my apartment.”

Sojiro frowned as he looked at the detective. He sat there thinking about his words before he went, “How about you join us, tonight.”

“Hm?” Akechi raised a brow as the others came down the stairs.

“Yeah! Come with us!” Ann insisted.

“Are you sure you’ll be comfortable with my presence? I don’t want to ruin your night.” Akechi frowned with worry.

“Only if you want to join us, Akechi.” Ren remarked as he held his hand out for him. Akechi smiled before he brought his gloved hand to Ren’s and shook it firmly.

“Alright then.” Akechi began as he got out of his chair. “I guess I’m coming with you.”

“Alright! Let’s move it!” Sojiro grabbed his hat as they all made for the door.


Akechi sighed as he stood in front of his bathroom mirror.

It had been two hours since the dinner at Ginza and he was quite pleased.

Currently, he was dressed for bed as he scrolled through several photos showing him and Ren’s soulbond around a table while they ate. They were some photos that Ann took as he had a picture next to Ren and another with Ryuji and Yusuke as the athlete caught a flying salmon roll from Shiho.

He sighed as he looked up again, fixing his hair as his eyes went south to his shoulders.

To the black soulmark.

The black dead flames sat on his shoulders as he stared at them longingly. A single finger came up and traced over the mark as he held a soft expression from the cold skin.

“Still worried, little Justice?”

Akechi smirked as he heard Robin Hood’s voice. The archer spoke in a teasing tone as he observed his other self.

“Nothing of the sort, Robin.” Akechi replied. “I’m just growing irritated by the lack of progress in finding them.”

“Just be patient, Goro.” Robin instructed softly. “We can’t rush the wheel of fate.”

“What is this about patience, Robin?”

Akechi sighed as he heard Loki’s cackling voice in his head.

“I’m just reassuring Goro that his soulmate will eventually show themself.” Robin spoke to the second persona in Akechi’s mind.

“Hm… you should listen to him.” Loki pointed to Robin as he cackled again.

“I’ll be sure to write it down.” Akechi replied dryly. At least they weren’t bickering like usual.

“Are you sure Amamiya is a phantom thief?” Loki cut in again.

“I’m almost certain of it.” Akechi replied as he turned off the bathroom light. He went straight for his bed as he laid down and got under the covers. “I just need to catch him in the metaverse.”

“And what will you do once you catch them?” Robin now joined the conversation.

“That depends on what they stand for.” Akechi responded again as he let out a deep breath.

“Well I guess you gotta keep looking then.” Loki snarked as Robin shook his head.

Akechi sighed as he looked to his ceiling. That was the only thing he could do in order to achieve his goals. For he would do just about anything he could to achieve his goals. Strange circ*mstances led to him gaining these powers, and he wasn’t about to waste it.

No matter what it took, he would bring Shido to justice.


“Oh god! They're everywhere!” Ryuji shouted as he shot the hellhound.

“Ryuji, I swear if you go down now…” Futaba looked angry as she watched Ryuji’s character at the top right of the screen shoot another hound.

The soulbond was all in the attic as they played the game. After saying goodbye to Akechi at Ginza and returning to Yongen-Jaya, the thieves all returned to Leblanc and set up their nest again as Ryuji brought his games from his place and his console for playing the more mature games. Currently, Ren, Ryuji, Mishima and Futaba were locked in a game of Zombies as Ann and Yusuke cuddled in the spot closest to the bed, sharing an occasional peck once and a while. Makoto and Shiho were playing a game of UNO on the floor and Morgana was going through the leftover fatty tuna that they got from the restaurant.

“Oh crap! I’m out of ammo!” Ryuji shouted as he saw a dog coming. He turned his character around and ran right into another as they tagged teamed him and downed him. “No dammit!”

“Wow, round 15 that time.” Ann snarked as she and the others saw the game over screen, followed by the maniacal laughter from the announcer.

“Dude, that was much worse than last round.” Mishima shook his head in amusem*nt.

“Well, sorry if I outlasted all of you!” Ryuji shouted.

“That’s because you left us behind to go to the Pack a Punch and left all three of us down there with no ammo.” Ren retaliated.

“Well sorry if you guys aren’t fast enough!”

Futaba smacked Ryuji on the jaw as she readjusted her glasses before she brought her hands together in a clap. “Ryuji.” She began. “You,” She pointed her jointed hands at him. “Are supposed to be a good boy.”

“Dammit, you guys told her about that, too?” Ryuji slumped his head.

“I’m a hacker. I saw the messages.” Futaba elaborated before she clapped again. “But besides the point, you… are a good boy.” She pointed her hands at the screen and gestured to it, “And good boys do good boy things like not getting their teammates killed and definitely not dying to hellhounds on round 15!” She shouted the last part as the others looked amused to Ryuji’s grumbling.

“Well sorry…”

“NO!” Futaba smacked his jaw again as she grabbed his face and forced him to look at her. “Say it with me: I’m violent!”

“What are you–” he was cut off by another slap to his jaw, “Ow!”

“Say it: I’m violent!” Futaba shouted in command.

“I’m violent?” Ryuji sounded unsure. Futaba smacked him a fourth time.

“Ow! Stop it!” Ryuji complained.

“Say it: I’m violent!”

“I’m violent!” Ryuji repeated.

“I’M VIOLENT!” Futaba repeated louder.

“I’M VIOLENT!” Ryuji shouted as a battle cry.

Both of them let out a loud battle cry as the others just looked amused.

“What is happening?” Morgana questioned in disbelief as Futaba reached for her controller again.

“Good! Now let’s kill some f*cking zombies!” She shouted.

“Hell freaking yeah!” Ryuji roared as Ren shook his head in amusem*nt before picking up his controller.

“Does anyone want to tap in?” Mishima lifted his own controller in offering, having enough killing of the undead for the night. Ann crawled over and took it from him as Mishima and Yusuke then went to join the game of UNO.


Wednesday, June 22nd 20xx

Yusuke sighed as he got out of class.

Another day, another plan going south as they struggled to figure out how to change Kaneshiro’s heart and stop the mafia.

The past few days had been an emotional rollercoaster for all of them. First, Futaba officially joined them with the codename Oracle as her persona was built for navigation rather than combat, allowing Morgana to join his bond on the front lines. On Sunday, Futaba had done digging into the mafia like she said she would and she found that most of their activity was in Shibuya. While everyone went to investigate in pairs, they didn’t get much information and for a moment, it seemed like they were chasing a ghost.

That was until Ann, bless her beautiful soul, brought up the journalist that Ren met during the Madarame incident. At everyone’s insistence, Ren reached out to the journalist by the name of Ohya, who asked for him to meet her Monday night at a bar in Shinjuku. With Ryuji and Mishima at his side, he went to the bar and met with her, narrowly dodging the police as they made sure not to wear their school uniforms before going there.

Ohya told him a name, Junya Kaneshiro and after Ren texted the chat, Makoto confirmed that it was a hit. They met up on Tuesday after school and went straight in, where they were met with the unfortunate sidetrack that was the flying bank. Ultimately, they retreated as they were now looking for a way to infiltrate the mafia leader’s palace.

Yusuke sighed as he walked lost in thought. Makoto was getting breathed down on by Principal Kobayakawa and he could tell that his five soulmates from Shujin were getting worried about their senpai. He just wished that they had a solution to the problem at hand.

He was so distracted that he walked straight into someone else with a soft boom. Both fell to the floor as Yusuke now collected his things from the mess.

“Ah, my apologies! I didn’t see where I was… going…” Yusuke trailed off as he looked at the person.

The person he collided with was one Hifumi Togo, the Venus of Shogi. She looked very disheveled as she collected her books. Her dark brown hair slightly ruffled as she looked tired.

“No. My apologies.” Hifumi responded as she returned to her feet.

“Are you alright, Togo-san?” Yusuke asked. Hifumi went to respond, but…

“Hey punk!” A random individual in a black tracksuit rolled up on him. “Who the f*ck do you think you are to damage her!?”

“Excuse me?” Yusuke raised a brow.

“You heard me punk! Don’t mess with Kaneshiro’s protection!”

“Stop it!” Hifumi butted in. “We just ran into each other. It’s not something to blow up about!”

The gangster sneered as he turned to Yusuke again. “Watch where you’re going next time punk!” He turned back to Hifumi. “And you get moving! We’re going to be late for your match! And I doubt your mother or Kaneshiro are going to be happy if you’re not there!”

Hifumi only sighed as she bowed. “Excuse us.” She said to the artist before she and the gangster went straight for a limo. Both got in before the car took off.

Yusuke watched them leave with his eyes in disbelief before he realized something.

“Did he say Kaneshiro?” He questioned quietly.

“I believe he did, Yusuke.” Goemon replied with a frown over the scoundrels behavior.

As Goemon confirmed his suspicions, Yusuke frowned and opened his phone, going straight for the Phantom Thieves group chat and typing fast.

Fox: I believe I have our way into Kaneshiro’s bank.


Again! Very sorry Sae fans! Please don't flame me! (Prays in forgiveness)

But now we begin the Kaneshiro arc. I hope you are all looking forward to what I'm planning for the arc.

I can't promise an update schedule because I need all the time I can get to prepare these chapters.

But next time, we're going to kick things off... with an Indigo Star.

See you next time!

Chapter 19: The Indigo Star


The Phantom Thieves begin their heist against Kaneshiro by grabbing an unwilling customer of his bank. Several things are discovered in the process for good and bad reasons.


Oh look! Another chapter! Today, we begin the Kaneshiro arc proper! Hope you all enjoy!

Also, I wasn't clearer with this before, but for Soulmarks to activate, there has to be skin to skin contact between the leader of the mark (Ren) and the members of the soulbond (The other Phantom Thieves). Haru and Akechi have both been cucked because whenever Ren shakes their hand, their wearing gloves. And Ren isn't going to do something that is considered cheating as cheating on a soulbond is a serious offense in this universe. Hair also does not count.

With that out of the way, on to Chapter 19!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ren, Yusuke and Makoto watched the match from high above with neutral expressions as they observed Hifumi. The Venus of Shogi seemed to be giving her opponent no mercy as the male across from her fumbled under her tactics.

“AND THE WINNER IS HIFUMI TOGO ONCE AGAIN!” The announcer’s loud voice came across the intercom. The crowd let out a loud cheer as Hifumi stood up and took a bow, shook her opponent's hand and left the ring. The crowd got up to leave as Ren brought his hand to his chin in thought.

“She does have a lot of skill.” He finally said aloud as the three got up to leave.

“She does. And if what I overheard is correct,” Yusuke continued. “Then she might be our way into getting into Kaneshiro’s bank.”

“It’s an excellent mindset.” Morgana spoke up as he poked his head out of the bag. “We just need to figure out how to talk to her.”

“That’s a good point,” Makoto tucked her hair. “It seems like Kaneshiro’s mafia goons are protecting her from outside interaction.”

“There has to be a loophole where we can talk to her.” Morgana insisted.

“I believe I have a loophole to do so,” Yusuke spoke up as the three turned to him. “I’ve heard rumors of a beautiful shogi player playing by herself at the church at Kanda. If Hifumi is this rumored player, then…”

“Then we could potentially speak to her about her circ*mstances.” Ren finished.


“I think that’s a solid idea.” Makoto agreed. “We should get in touch with the rest of the group.”

“Agreed.” Ren spoke. “We should also make sure to avoid the mafia from here on out. We don’t want them looking for us now that we did all of that digging.”

With that, the three got up and left. Morgana remained inside the bag, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off with Hifumi.


Thursday, June 23rd, 20xx

“Okay…’ Ren pushed his glasses up. “Let’s try this again.”

Yusuke swallowed as they entered the church. Ren and Yusuke had gone to check it out alone, only to find that the player didn’t come to the church yesterday. Makoto and Futaba suggested returning today to try again and once they entered...

“As I suspected,” Yusuke nodded, “Hifumi is the player coming here.”

There she sat in the corner, still in the Kosei High School attire as she looked extremely depressed about something.

“Let’s go.” Ren said as he and Yusuke got closer to Hifumi, immediately noticing that there weren’t any mafia goons nearby as they got close and stood in front of her and the confessional booth.

“Togo-san?” Ren asked.

“What!?” Hifumi now looked extremely panicked which drew concern from them.

“Really Ren? You couldn’t have started that off softer?” Morgana berated from inside the bag.

“Oh, um…” Ren swallowed. “Sorry about that.”

“What are…” Hifumi shot back and forth between them before she sighed in defeat. “No, the fault is mine.”

“Are you alright?” Yusuke asked his classmate.

Hifumi only sighed in response before she looked up at them again. “I’m just exhausted. Anyway, what do you want, Kitagawa?”

“Apologies, but my friend wanted to play a game of Shogi against you.” Yusuke gestured to Ren, who had looked at the rules yesterday and had gotten somewhat of an idea of what to do to avoid looking like a newbie.

“I see…” Hifumi narrowed her eyes in suspicion before she gestured to the board and the empty seat across from it. “Let’s see what you can do.”

Ren swallowed slightly before he took his seat.


“Ha!” Hifumi moved her piece with a loud cry as she put Ren in checkmate. Ren looked sad at the humiliating defeat as Yusuke watched in amusem*nt.

“It’s checkmate no matter how you look at it,” She looked up at him again. “Please concede.”

“Uh…” Ren looked at his piece and then destroyed the one she put down. “No! No! Cause I can still keep going! Ha!” He pointed at her childishly.

Hifumi responded by moving her piece and killing his king.


Hifumi and Yusuke laughed at Ren’s behavior. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she gave a soft giggle.

“Thank you for playing,” Hifumi said sweetly. “If you don’t mind, I would like to do this again.”

“That’s perfectly fine with me.” Ren replied as he went to shake her hand. Hifumi brought her bare hand up to his and…


Suddenly they both lurched as Hifumi felt pain coarse through her body. Ren, Morgana and Yusuke all flinched as they felt the unexpected addition to their souls.

Around the city, the other thieves reacted similarly.

Ryuji was doing some stretches in his room but immediately jumped when he felt the shock.

Ann and Shiho were eating at the Wilton Buffet when they felt the shock and almost choked on their food.

Mishima and Futaba were talking over a video call as they played an online game before they both flinched violently from the pressure.

And lastly, Makoto was serving up dinner before Sae returned from her meeting with Akechi as she felt the pressure, almost dropping her plate as she recovered from the unexpected shock.

As Hifumi took deep breaths to calm herself, her green eyes went wide as she went for the seam of her shirt. Her once black flames had been transformed into a blue and purple hybrid as they danced across her mark.

“My…” She began before she felt the close presence of three of them and looked at the boys again. Her eyes started to tear up as she went, “You’re my…”

Ren almost shoved the board to the floor before he and Yusuke embraced the shogi player in a tight grip. Hifumi just hugged back as she felt their warmth against her own. Morgana was trying to break out of the bag but had no success thanks to the zipper. After a moment, the three separated as Ren at least went for the bag to let Morgana see her.

“I’m sorry about that.” She whispered as she wiped her eyes.

“Don’t be. I think you are in the right to let your emotions out.” Yusuke reassured her.

“Oh, my mother is going to hate this…” Hifumi mumbled as she remembered her mother’s opinion.

“Your mother?” Ren asked.

“She’s been pretty controlling of my life,” Hifumi elaborated with sad eyes.

“Does this have to do with Kaneshiro?”

Hifumi’s eyes went wide in panic and alert as Ren went, “We know he’s in control of the mafia in Shibuya. How did he get involved with you?”

Hifumi hesitated before she sighed, “My father passed over a year ago from illness. It was around that time that we were struggling for money due to my mom having to quit to take care of him. That’s when she ran into Kaneshiro apparently.”

“Is she making money off of his scams as well?” Yusuke asked. Hifumi only gave a soft nod in response.

“He gives her a shared cut of his profits due to her assistance in his scheme. In return, anything I make as an idol goes to him as well.” Hifumi looked at the floor softly as she went, “Truth be told, I hate this. I don’t want to be an idol. I just want to do Shogi.”

“Does she know this?” Ren questioned.

“She does, and she doesn’t care. To her, I have to accomplish what she couldn’t and get all the fame and glory that she was unable to get.” Hifumi let out a sigh, “She also knows about my mark and treats it like a curse. She says that a soulmate will only destroy my life and ruin my future.

“She’s just using you like that?” Yusuke shook his head in disappointment. “How cruel.”

“I just wish that something could be done about Kaneshiro.” Hifumi spoke again, causing Yusuke and Ren to remember their purpose for coming here.

“What if there was?”

“Huh?” Hifumi blinked at Ren as he sat up straight and picked up the board.

“Hifumi, I won’t sugarcoat this, but we have a method to take Kaneshiro down. If you’re willing… we would like to show you it tomorrow.”

Hifumi blinked as she absorbed her soulmate’s words, but she shuffled in her spot as she released a deep breath. “It will have to be tomorrow if you want me around. Kaneshiro’s guard detail has been removed thanks to the police’s trail running hot and I don’t know how long that means before they start following me around again.”

“Then we’ll do tomorrow. Meet up with Yusuke after school and we’ll get right to it.”

“Alright, goodnight.” Hifumi bowed before she grabbed her things and left. The two boys sat there for a moment before Yusuke turned to his leader.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked.

“We have the numbers, Yusuke,” Ren replied soothingly. “Whoever’s not fighting with me on the front lines will be spent protecting her.”

“I see,” Yusuke nodded, “Let us hope that your plan stays on track tomorrow.”

In a second, a vibration went off in their pockets. They dragged their phones out and looked to see a message from Ann.

Panther: Did everyone feel that shock or was it just me and Shiho?

Skull: I felt it!

Oracle: Damn thing scared me to death while we were playing!

Queen: Ren, Yusuke, what happened?

Fox: It would seem that Hifumi Togo is part of our soulmark.

Panther: WHAT!?

Joker: We’re meeting up tomorrow. Be prepared for infiltration.


Friday, June 24th, 20xx

“They’re on their way, right?” Futaba shifted slightly as she awaited the rest of the team.

“They’re on their way. Let’s just be patient Futaba.” Makoto soothed as Ren, Morgana, Ryuji, Ann, Shiho and Mishima waited around them. They were waiting on Yusuke and Hifumi to reach them due to how Hifumi wanted to try and go undetected by any forms of the mafia. Ryuji and Ann were sitting on the stone barrier with Morgana purring in Ann’s lap. Ren and Shiho were under the tree with Futaba and Makoto and Mishima were looking around for the artist.

“Oh! There they are!” Mishima pointed out as Yusuke and a cloaked individual made their way over to them. They could tell it was Hifumi though due to the added pressure to their hearts as she came close. Hifumi removed the hood as she revealed her face to everyone.

“Um, I assume you are all part of the soulbond then?” Hifumi asked timidly as everyone looked at her.

“Damn, she is beautiful.” Ryuji commented.

“Ryuji!” Makoto scolded him as Shiho and Ann laughed. Hifumi only giggled in response.

“I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Are we all ready?” Ren asked the team, who gave him nods in response.

“Um… what are we doing again?” Hifumi asked as Ren pulled out his phone. “You didn’t exactly explain–”

She was cut off as reality began to bend and shift in colors of red and purple. She held her head as a headache began to attack her due to the clouded vision she was experiencing.

“What the…” She gritted her teeth before she felt the pain leave. But as she looked around, the afternoon sky was now in a dark green hue which had walking ATM machines passing by instead of regular people.

“What in the…”

“Hifumi calm down.”

Hifumi turned to look at Yusuke only to see him in his thief attire.

“A DOG!?” Hifumi screamed in disbelief.

“It’s Fox.” Fox corrected her.

“Quiet! The shadows will notice us!” Mona tried to take control.

“AH! MONSTER CAT!” Hifumi shrieked.

“I’M NOT!” Mona screamed as he held his head in his hands. Skull and Oracle laughed as Panther went to soothe him. Admin and Knight looked around nervously and Joker and Queen looked at Hifumi with concern.

“That’s Morgana,” Queen explained to her.

“The cat?” Hifumi asked. “That’s the cat in Amamiya’s bag?” Joker twitched at his fake last name being used.

“Mona looks like this in this world because of his origin. The reason you can hear him is because you heard him over here in the Metaverse.” Admin explained.

“Metaverse? Just what the hell is happening!?” Hifumi looked like she was about to panic again, but Joker and Fox lifted their masks and came close to her.

“Breath,” Joker soothed her. “Take your time. We’ll explain everything slowly.


“I see…” Hifumi put her hand to her chin in thought. “So, this world is how you were able to change the hearts of your past two targets, Kamoshida and Madarame?”

“Alongside several others,” Oracle shifted in her crouched squat as Mona watched with interest.

“So… what does this have to do with me?” The shogi player asked.

“That,” Joker pointed to the flying bank. Hifumi’s eyes went wide as she looked at it. “We can’t get in since we are not customers. And because Kaneshiro’s involved with you…”

“I see.” Hifumi stood up as she kept her gaze on the bank. Slowly the bank lowered as if sensing her and came to a stop, lowering its metal stairs to them as she went, “Because I’m Kaneshiro’s customer in real life, I can enter the bank here.”

“Wow, you caught on fast.” Skull praised.

“I’m not going up here alone, right?” Hifumi asked with a nervous tone.

“No.” Queen reassured her. “We’ll be with you the entire time. We just need you with us to infiltrate the bank and find his treasure.”

Hifumi nodded as she followed her soulmates into the Bank of Gluttony.


“Halt right there!” The guards immediately intercepted as the ten thieves came through the door.

“Ah!” Oracle yelped before she ran to Panther and hugged her tightly.

“Excuse us,” Hifumi went to speak. “We need to meet with Kaneshiro.”

“Oh, miss Togo,” The guard spoke firmly. “Good to see you again. If you wish to speak with the big man himself, go into the backroom over there.” He pointed his baton at the thieves. “Straight there and nowhere else.”

“Understood.” Hifumi nodded as Joker led the way. They formed a tight circle around Hifumi and Oracle, who couldn't fight, and walked to the back.

“I don’t like this…” Admin let out, feeling that something wasn’t right.

“Nothing we can do about it now. Let’s go.” Joker ordered as they went straight into what looked like a conference room with dozens of stacks of money organized in a pyramid on the table.

“Holy…” Knight blinked at the stacks.

“How much money is this!?” Panther questioned.

“From what I’m seeing, this looks like three million yen.” Queen theorized with a hand to her chin in thought.

“You would be correct, peasant.”

All ten of the soulmates present looked to the screen to see a purple skinned man in a white business suit. He was looking at them with a bored expression on his face.

“What the…” Admin blinked.

“Is that…” Fox began.

“It is.” Hifumi confirmed. “That’s Kaneshiro.”

“Hm?” Kaneshiro hummed before a filthy smile crossed his face. “Ah… Togo, my precious source of wealth. What brings you to my flying fortress? Surely it wouldn’t be because you’re helping the Phantom Thieves?”

“I don't know why you would think that.” Hifumi deadpanned sarcastically.

Kaneshiro only laughed in response. “Do you think I’m a fool!? Your mother had me track you at that little church of yours that you like to go to. And she knows that you kept that now active mark,” He pointed at her shoulder area to where the soulmark was, “from her as well. She is not happy with you Hifumi… and neither am I.”

“What…” Hifumi blinked.

“If she knows, why didn’t she do anything?” Fox questioned with rage in his now ice blue eyes. Kaneshiro only chuckled in response.

“That’s because she wants to get rid of all of you at once.” His smirk turned absolutely filthy as he said, “ Perhaps an accident in the middle of the road that kills both of those boys will inspire a great deal of sympathy from the eyes of the masses that will boost Hifumi up to the height of fame."

At this, Hifumi froze in horror as she heard this leave his mouth. “What!?”

“What bullsh*t!” Skull raged.

“As if we would ever fall for that!” Fox unsheathed his katana. Joker narrowed his eyes in rage as Kaneshiro only shook his head in amusem*nt.

“Yes… I suppose you wouldn’t,” He grinned wickedly. “Good thing I have these instead!”

In a flash, four Onis spawned into the room. Oracle immediately went for Necronomicon as Hifumi’s eyes somehow went wider.

“KILL THEM BOTH!” Kaneshiro commanded as he pointed at Joker and Fox.

“Goemon! Mabufu!” Fox immediately commanded. The artist fired the ice spell on all of the Oni present, freezing all of them thanks to his Freeze Boost passive skill.

“Captain Kidd! Assault Dive!” Skull shouted as he downed one of them. He immediately ran and passed it to Joker who immediately summoned Arsene and fired an Assault Shot at the second one.

“Take it Queen!” He baton passed to her as she got on Johanna.

“Charge, Johanna!” She commanded as the bike fired Mafrei straight at all of then,

“This is it!” Queen shouted as the four went straight into an All-Out-Attack, killing them all just as Knight busted the door open.

“That’s our way out! Run!” Mona yelled as the ten took off.

“What the hell were those things!?” Hifumi yelled as they ran. “Are those the Persona’s you mentioned before!?”

“Indeed we are, Madame Togo,” Arsene replied, making Hifumi jolt as they ran. “Sadly, now is not the time for introductions.”

“Hurry! The entrance is right there!” Oracle screamed as she floated within Necronomicon. The ten ran straight for the door with Skull and Knight charging ahead to ram the door open.

They were stopped however as more guards spawned in front of them.

“No! Dammit!” Skull cursed.

“Carmen! Agilao!” Panther shouted.

“Houdini, Bufula!” Admin commanded.

The guards swatted their attacks away before they transformed into Fuu-ki’s.

“Dammit there’s no end to them!” Knight shouted as more guards spawned on both sides of the thieves now leaving them completely surrounded.

“Guys!” Hifumi shouted.

“You seem to be in quite the pickle.”

Everyone turned around to see Shadow Kaneshiro himself in front of them. However, standing next to him was…

“Mother!?” Hifumi blanked as she saw her standing there with a scowl.

“That’s not her. It’s a cognition of Kaneshiro’s mind.” Joker explained.

“So, this is the trash that threatens to ruin my daughter’s future!” Mitsuyo Togo snarled as she looked at the surrounding filth. “How dare you undo all of my hard work!”

“Says the bitch who thinks soulmarks are a curse!” Skull fired back.

“You’re supposed to be her mother! Aren’t you ashamed for working with the f*cking mafia!?” Panther accused.

“Why would I be? I’ve finally obtained the method to guide Hifumi to stardom. Even after all of those matches I fixed and all those tabloids I sold, her fame was guaranteed.” She sneered as she went, “But then your father had to get sick and f*ck everything up!”

“...what…” Hifumi blinked as her heart stopped. “My matches… they were… fixed…”

“Indeed, they were,” Mitsuyo gloated proudly. “Not all of them, but a good portion of them were.”

“It escalated when I started paying for the contestants to forfeit.” Kaneshiro joined in. “Why do you think I started my scheme in Shibuya? They had to be paid off somehow.”

“What…” Hifumi began to shake. Joker and Fox tried to soothe her, but it was extremely difficult to feel them with all of the disgusting sh*t she was hearing.

“And to think, this all started because you wanted me to get rid of your husband.” Kaneshiro continued.

“Indeed. And you took care of it so splendidly to the point where Hifumi’s progress wasn’t lost.” The older Togo answered.

“What do you…” Hifumi trembled.

“He was already sick; it wasn’t hard for my men to slip a poison into his medicine. He passed away and no one suspected a thing. Even when the police questioned the method and accused you of murder.”

“What the hell…” Admin gasped.

“YOU SICK f*ckS!” Skull exploded in rage.

“How could you!?” Panther looked horrified.

“You killed your own husband!” Knight screamed as she went for her spear.

“I can’t believe you would orchestrate such a crime on your spouse!” Oracle gritted her teeth. “You took his life so you could rob your daughter’s future from her!”

“And all of this so you two could profit from her life!” Queen cracked her knuckles. “You don’t deserve to be a mother!”

“A fiend like you doesn’t deserve to have Hifumi as your daughter!” Fox pointed his blade as the tyrant. “The only thing you deserve is a cold empty cell where the voices of the damned can scream at you for everything you’ve done!”

“We’re putting an end to your money grubbing scheme!” Mona brandished his sword as Zorro manifested and snarled above him.


It was Joker’s voice that brought the others back to the quaking Hifumi. Her eyes held tears as she struggled to understand everything she heard.

“Why…” She finally began in a heartbroken tone that caught her soulmates with sadness. “My life… my career… my father… you tore everything to pieces… was I nothing but a sacrificial lamb for your success, Mother!?”

At this, Mitsuyo frowned at her daughter with an expression that looked like sadness.

“Aw, sweetie.” She began. “I’m doing this all for you. After all, you won’t be able to hang onto shogi once I get you where you need to be. But you need to listen to your mother, Hifumi. Mother knows best. And your mother says that you need to abandon these hooligans and stick to my plan. You need to accept–”

That did it.

In a second, all of her shock and anguish disappeared into cold, dark rage. Hifumi’s lips went down in a snarl as a fire began to build in her jade orbs. Her hands trembled with rage as she began to give a low growl.

“You killed my father…” Hifumi snarled as everyone jolted from her dark tone. “You fabricated my career in shogi… now you have the nerve to act like you love me!?”

Kaneshiro raised a brow as Mitsuyo shook her head. “Your father was holding you back. All of that shogi nonsense was ruining your career–”


Every foe present, backed up subconsciously as Hifumi began to shake violently. A tear hit the floor as she stared into the disgusting freak that was her mother. “It doesn’t matter who you are… I’l never forgive you! For my father, I will burn your plan to ashes!”

“Have you decided to cut the chains?” A voice similar to her own began.

At that moment, Hifumi gasped as her eyes went yellow. She shot her hands to her head as she grit her teeth, giving off soft wails from the pain.

“Does the princess dare to start a revolution for her father?

Shall the puppet cut free of her oppression?

Even if it results in betrayal?

Then you need only call my name!”

“Take her down, you morons!” Kaneshiro shouted as his guards went forward. However a green neon shield blocked them, courtesy of Oracle. Hifumi fell to her knees as the pain became unbearable.

“Let us forge our contract,” Hifumi’s shadow continued.

“I am thou, thou art I…

If you seek to incite revolution for your justice, I shall lend you, my power!”

At that moment, a black dove mask with red lines manifested onto her face with the beak lining down to her mouth in a burst of blue fire. She stared forward with a determined grin on her face as she stood up again, blood dripping out of her nose as she gripped her mask in both hands.

“Very well...” Hifumi chuckled as she began to rip it off her face. As she ripped it off, she screamed,


Blue fire exploded around her in a column, causing everyone present to shield their eyes.

“WHAT THE HELL!?” Kaneshiro yelled.

When the fire disappeared, all eyes went up to the floating persona. The woman was dressed in a black warrior's garb with a silver long sleeve undershirt underneath and her wild blue hair blowing in the wind. The daughter of Masakado had red lines along her face as her yellow eyes were trained on the fiend of gluttony with a bloodthirsty smile on her face. A long naginata with a red handle and onyx black blade was in her right hand, pointed down as she cracked her neck.

Right below her was Hifumi, now in a blood red warriors' kimono with a long black undershirt. Her hair was left the same as she now had a pair of silver heel boots on. Her charcoal gloves gripped the green hilted naginata as its silver blade shined from the lighting. Her eyes remained closed as she felt the power course through her body.

At the speed of lightning, she rushed to the goon on her left and brought her naginata up, cutting off the guard's head and causing the shadow to collapse. As she got down in a crouched stance, she pulled at the case attached to her right hip and opened it. Grabbing what was within, she pulled four, black four-edged shurikens into her fingers before chucking them at the two goons closest to Kaneshiro. Both of the guards screamed as two shuriken's each blasted their eyes out, creating a small pool of black liquid at their feet before they fell over and vanished from sight.

“My chains are gone, mother...” Hifumi snarled as she pointed her blade at her tormentors. “Soon, your plan will burn to cinders!”

Kaneshiro snarled before he pointed to his left and right. “You better earn your keep! Or you’re all dead meat!”

“FOR KANESHIRO!” The shadows shouted as they charged. Hifumi only scoffed as she pointed her open hand forward.

“Takiyasha-Hime! Kill Rush!”

The daughter of Masakado responded by going for a strike, stabbing her naginata fast into the flurry of strikes as the Suu-Ki screamed in pain. Fox followed up by casting Rising Slash on the demon before Queen went for Freila. The oni was sent to the floor as Joker took the charge. Red, Blue, Ice and Indigo dashed across the demon as it fell to pieces. Hifumi fell into a warrior’s crotch as she smirked.

“Checkmate.” Was all she said as more enemies came right at them. However most seemed to be going for Joker as Cognitive Mitsuyo was glaring at the leader.

Joker smirked as he switched out Arsene, pulling out another demon that he had forged a few days ago by sacrificing Ara Mitama and Legion to the Velvet Room. It may have been a little over-leveled for what he was now and took some of his funds, but as the dozen of enemies came to strike him with physical attacks…

All he could do was thank Lavenza… as smile at their stupidity.

All of them promptly hit themselves as a barrier formed in front of him and forced all of the guards but the Kin-Ki to hit themselves. All of them died with a scream as the Kin-Ki, Kaneshiro and the cognitive Mitsuyo looked at him in disbelief and horror.

“What the… how did you do that!?” Panther said in amazement as she shot a High Pixie to the floor.

Joker smirked as he summoned the demon, revealing Girimehkala as the elephant man let out a battle cry.

“Girimehkala, Mudoon!”

Joker’s secret weapon let out a roar as he pointed his sword at the remaining shadow. The curse instakill crashed into Kin-Ki as it let out a scream before it perished. Leaving only the sneering Kaneshiro and cognitive Mitsuyo.

“We know how to get in now!” Mona said to his team. “Our objective’s been accomplished! Let’s get out of here!”

At that moment, Skull and Knight summoned Captain Kidd and Joan and busted down the front door. Unfortunately Hifumi began to wobble and sway as the power began to drain from her awakening. Joker saw her movements and acted fast.

“Queen! Take her and get out of here! We’ll hold them off!” Joker commanded as more shadows spawned in. The brunette nodded as she ran for the entrance, summoning Johanna in a flash as Panther and Knight helped Hifumi onto the back of the bike. Once Hifumi was secure against her, Queen pushed the pedal and dashed off, getting off the bank in record time as Morgana transformed into the Mona-Van.

“Get in!” He shouted as the remaining thieves began to pile into the van. Joker turned to the approaching shadows again as he pulled off his mask.

“Arsene, Megido!”

The gentleman thief obeyed his call as he summoned two purplish white orbs in his hands. The orbs themselves began to charge until they looked like they were about to explode before Arsene chucked them both at the horde, hitting and killing them all with Almighty magic as Joker entered the vehicle and took off after Queen.

Kaneshiro smirked as he stepped forward and watched them leave before he chuckled darkly. “It doesn’t matter what you do, Phantom Thieves. Hifumi Togo’s future is mine to take!”


“Are you okay?” Ann asked the silent Hifumi as she sat at the booth in the diner.

“I’m… struggling.” She admitted as she stared at the table blankly. The others all looked worried as the shogi player continued to mess with her sandwich.

“I’m sorry that you had to hear that,” Makoto said softly.

“For real. That sh*t’s messed up.” Ryuji replied sadly.

“Hifumi, I…” Ren went to say.

“I want to join the Phantom Thieves.”

Their eyes locked on Hifumi as she raised her head to them. “She killed my father and orchestrated my life for her sick gain. And to top it all off, Kaneshiro has used his gang to make dozens suffer for their gluttony. I must put an end to this for everyone that was pulled into my mother’s greed for fame. And she must fall by my own hand.”

“Damn..” Shiho blinked in amazement.

“Sounds fine with me,” Mishima pitched in. “We’re going to deal with Kaneshiro anyways.”

“The bank will only affect Kaneshiro though,” Morgana peaked his head out of the bag. “We’re still going to have to deal with your mother in an entirely separate matter.”

“I already have an idea for that,” Hifumi responded. “I just need to get to my next match for that. Expose her on live television.”

“Won’t that hurt your image though?” Makoto asked worriedly.

“No more than what she’s done already.” Hifumi responded back. “It’s going to end with her in jail though if everything goes to plan.”

“Then I think we know just the person who can help us with that.” Ren spoke up with a smile.

“Right. Akechi-kun.” Makoto joined in.

“We should probably also tell him about Mitsuyo’s plan as well.”

“Right. And Ren and I should avoid the crossing and any other major streets until Kaneshiro is dealt with.” Yusuke said.

“Well… you guys know what we have to do now…” Ryuji grinned excitedly, rubbing his hands as Futaba let out a mischievous giggle.

“Codename time!” Ann cheered.

“Codename?” Hifumi tilted her head in confusion.

“Joker,” Yusuke pointed at Ren. “Skull, Mona, Panther, Knight, Admin, Queen, Oracle,” he continued as he pointed out the individuals before he gestured to himself, “And I’m Fox.”

“It’s just a precaution to prevent the palace ruler from figuring us out.” Morgana explained.

“I see…” Hifumi processed as she thought of an answer. “...then call me… Venus.”

“The Venus of Shogi.” Ren smirked as he heard her codename. “Not bad.”

“Alright then,” Makoto closed her eyes with a smile. “Welcome to the Phantom Thieves!”

Around the table, the thieves cheered as Hifumi smiled, pleased to be around her soulmates.


And with that... Venus joins the Phantom Thieves!

And yes, there were changes to Hifumi's character. In canon, her father is ill, but he's not dead. Here, he's dead out of a scheme between his wife and Kaneshiro.

For Venus's skiilset, she uses Physical attacks with Fire, Rage Ailments and Tarukaja. She also gets Concealment to counter Knight's Taunting Aura. She is weak to Wind and her trait, Emotionless Eyes, boosts the chance of Ailments from all party members by 25%.

For clarification: Sleep/Dizzy/Confuse/Rage/Fear/Brainwash/Forget/Despair (An opposite of Makoto's trait that only buffs Burn/Freeze/Shock).

But now it's time to take out Kaneshiro. Next time, the Bank of Gluttony comes crashing down.

And... a small little trip back to Inaba to see how Yukiko and her bond are doing.

Chapter 20: The Storms of Truth and the Jazz Club


Back in Inaba, Yukiko spends the night with her soulmates at their shared residence as Nanako comes to spend the night. Meanwhile in Tokyo, Ren and the Phantom Thieves meet up with Akechi to help Hifumi out of Kaneshiro's grasp.


Wow, Twenty Chapter! Didn't think I would be getting here with this story, but it just kept evolving. Anyway, I changed my mind. We're not dealing with Kaneshiro till next time, but we are going to Inaba.

Hope you all enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Saturday, June 25th 20xx

Inaba, Narukami Residence

A quiet peaceful night rang out in the countryside of Inaba. Crickets and other bugs buzzed through the night as one singular residence showed light within its housing.

A singular female sat outside with a sad empty look on her face. Her long black hair softly blew in the wind as she rubbed her arms subconsciously. She was wearing a red blouse with a black skirt as she had a singular silver necklace around her neck. The end of it showed a singular bolt with a red jewel as she had one hand holding it. The other was against the wooden porch as she looked lost in thought. A red soulmark in the form of many electrical lines like a bolt from a storm rang down her arms down to her wrists as she tried her best not to make her emotions known.

Yukiko Amagi sighed as she once again suffered another day without her brother. It felt like an eternity since Ren was forced to leave thanks to his assault charge and nothing was right around Inaba anymore. Everywhere she went, there were reminders of her younger brother. From the shrine in the shopping district, to the family inn, to even Junes, she felt her brother everywhere.

And it only made her even more depressed when she thought of the case.

She wished her parents would tell her the name of the politician so that Naoto could launch an investigation into the jerk, but they had been adamant about not telling their daughter because apparently the person was powerful. Even going so far as to bribe the judge and force a false testimony out of the woman that Ren helped. If only she could just…

“Are you alright?”

Yukiko jolted slightly before she turned with wide eyes to the owner of that voice. Yu Narukami, the leader of her bond and the Investigation Team stood behind her with a thick silver blanket in hand. He was wearing a silver sleep shirt and black sleep pants as his longer hair was up in a warriors ponytail. His gray eyes were soft as his gray lighting soulmark crackled along his skin, going down his arms to his wrists as he watched her.

Yukiko let out a breath in relaxation before she gave a soft smile. “I'm managing.”

Yu’s lips pressed into a frown before he came over and sat down beside her, trapping her into his side as he wrapped the blanket around her frame. Yukiko subconsciously leaned into him as she pressed her head into his neck. Both began to watch the stars as they sat there silently. Before long, Yu spoke,

“I’m sorry.”

“What?” Yukiko turned to her boyfriend. “What are you sorry for?”

“I should have done something.” Yu shook his head. “Sho and I were just coming back from a spar inside the TV. We could have gone with Ren to prevent his arrest.”

“Yu,” Yukiko frowned as she turned her body to face him. “What would that have accomplished? For all we know, that politician would have forced you and Sho out of the country if you did that. Or worse, Sho would be taken to some lab and never seen from again.”

Yu exhaled in defeat as he looked at the sakura tree in their garden. “I know…” He said to her, “I just wish you didn’t have to go through this.”

“I appreciate it, dear.” Yukiko pressed her lips to his jaw, “But I’m not alone. I still have all of you with me. And Ren will be back home soon enough.”

“How’s he doing by the way? I heard he finally found his soulmate.”

“Yes… but it’s more soulmates.” Yukiko replied tiredly before she showed her phone. Yu scrolled through her private texts with her brother seeing different pictures with Ren and people he didn’t recognize outside of Madarmae’s pupil, Yusuke, and the Shogi player, Hifumi Togo, that Rise had talked about with him, showing off all of their marks glowing different colors.

“Damn,” Yu whistled. “How many people has he marked?”

“Nine as of right now.” Yukiko responded with a soft smile. “I haven't told my parents because I wanted Ren to be the one to tell them.”

“Well, at least he’s not in purgatory in the big city. I know for a fact that the city can be stressful.” Yu noted as he handed Yukiko back her phone.

“Of course you do, babe.” Yukiko teased with a smirk.

Yu smiled before he kissed her. As soon as they separated, a cough went off behind them. Smirking, they turned to see an annoyed Sho Mizazuki, crossing his arms and tapping his bicep as he looked impatient. He was in a black shirt and red pants as his red hair remained just as wild as the Arena days. His cyan lightning mark ran along his arms down to his wrist like Yu and Yukiko’s.

“Are you two done with your private mushiness? I’m starving, and Naoto refuses to start anything until the head chef is in the room!” Sho asked his leader and partner as they both snorted from his attitude.

“Hello to you too, Sho.” Yu replied, used to Sho’s bluntness. “Did Labrys and Rise get Nanako?”

Sho grinned in response. “They arrived three minutes ago.”

Yu nodded before he turned to Yukiko. “Are you ready to go?”

Yukiko smiled as she went to stand. “Let’s do it, baby!”

Yu and Sho chuckled before they all walked back into the house, right into the barrel of joy that was Nanako Dojima as she hugged her big brother.


“Ah yeah,” Yosuke let out as he laid back on the carpet. “That’s the stuff.”

Chie only let out a soft pleased hum in response to his right as Naoto wiped her face next to her. Next to the detective, Kanji chuckled as he relaxed in a similar state to Yosuke with Rise on the right of him. Yu sat on her right as the idol cuddled with him with Nanako next to him as Yukiko sat on the other side of the teenager. Teddie was on the right of her as Labrys, Sho and Marie completed the loop of the living room table. All the soulmates were dressed in shirts to match their soulmarks as they either wore sleep pants or short shorts in the girls case. Over the years, they changed physically as well. Kanji had his hair black again, but spiked it back like his high school days. Chie’s hair was still long like the summer Yu came back after Izanami. Rise had her hair down. Yosuke hadn’t changed much outside of the goatee now on his face. Naoto and Marie had slightly longer hair as well. The only ones that didn’t change much were Teddie and Labrys for obvious reasons, though Teddie was sporting a soft goatee. Labrys was dressed in a hoodie and sweats to cover her robotic parts and Nanako was still in her school attire.

After Nanako arrived, the Investigation Team launched into a cook-out now that everyone in the room was a good cook thanks to Yu, (Cough, Chie, Yukiko, Rise, Cough). Yu, Kanji and Yosuke had been on the steaks and chicken that were bought from Junes. Naoto, Marie, Chie and Rise had been on the other dishes in white rice, and a gigantic tomato salad that Naoto refused to be left out of the dinner. Rise had even brought over a stack of tofu from her grandmother’s shop to increase the food.

While they remained in the kitchen, Yukiko, Teddie and Labrys played with Nanako in a game of Mario Party on their TV. Sho remained out of everyone's way as he sat on the couch and nursed a glass of wine while he watched the videogame, and totally didn’t help Nanako win with the biggest comeback when Teddie stole both of her stars in one turn.

“Aw, yeah.” Sho let out a bloodthirsty grin as he adjusted himself. “Damn worth every f*cking minute.”

“Of course you would say that Sho.” Rise giggled as she lifted her head from Yu’s shoulder. Kanji sat up again as he went for the salad.

“You’re still going, Kanji?” Labrys raised a brow as Kanji shrugged.

“What? It's a good salad."

Several people around the table laughed at the textile worker’s words as Sho got up and went for water in the fridge.

“I’ll be back!” Nanako said as she got up and grabbed her bag before she went for the restroom down the hall. As the door closed, Yosuke looked to Yu.

“Hey, have you heard anything from Margaret?”

Yu looked at his partner before he shook his head as all eyes landed on him. “Nothing.”

“Seriously?” Chie frowned as she brushed her shirt, her green lightning mark crackling all the while.

“So, we’re still good in terms of Yaldabaoth being weakened?” Labrys asked.

“We should be,” Marie joined the conversation as she put her cup down. Sho removed the bottle from his mouth and wiped his lips before he made a noise of annoyance.

“Can’t that sippy cup just die already!?” Sho growled.

“You already know the answer to that, Sho,” Naoto responded as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Her blue mark let off a flash as she moved. “Only the Trickster can put an end to the Holy Grail. Without the Trickster, we can’t put him down for good. Only stall.”

Sho growled in response as the others went into silence again.

“When do they think Yaldabaoth will wake up, Senpai?” Rise asked as she looked to her leader. Yu gave her a soft look before he responded.

“Around December,” He answered gravely. “Igor said that late December is when Yaldabaoth will wake up again. He didn’t specify a date or time.”

“And the Trickster has been selected right, Sensei?” Teddie asked as he swallowed his rice.

“They have,” Yu responded. “They can’t tell me who it is though because if they do, it will invite retribution on the Velvet Room from a higher being due to the laws of the Velvet Room. They’ve only been able to bend the rules this much because Yaldabaoth cheated in the first place.”

“Hence our involvement.” Kanji grumbled as he crossed his arms, putting his purple lightning mark on display.

“But we must stay vigilant,” Yu reminded them. “We can’t afford to slack off with Yaldabaoth coming back, and we probably won’t have Makoto to help us this time.”

“Right.” Naoto remembered. “He’s still recovering from the seal. Mitsuru doesn’t know when he will be back to full health, but he seems to be recovering fine. So long as he doesn't enter combat and exhaust himself out.”

“I would assume he is with his sister and Aigis around.” Labrys spoke fondly.

“Not to mention that adorable little dog,” Kanji smiled as he thought of Koromaru.

“Well, hopefully this Trickster guy will be up to snuff.” Yosuke shrugged as he grabbed his water. “Otherwise humanity is screwed.”

“Why do you assume it’s a guy?” Chie snarked with a teasing smirk. “It might be a girl.”

“You know what I meant, goddammit!”

The others laughed as Yu turned to Yukiko. She had been absolutely silent since the discussion began and she had a worried look on her face as she was the only one not laughing.

“Are you alright, Yukiko?”

Yu’s question brought everyone to their soulmate/friend as she looked up at him startled.

“What's wrong Yuki-chan?” Teddie asked worriedly.

“Oh, nothing…” Yukiko still looked unsure. “It’s just…”

“Take your time, sweetie,” Chie soothed as she came around to hug her longest friend.

“It’s just… I don’t know. Something just doesn’t feel right. I don’t even know what it is, but I feel like something’s happening that we should be aware of.” Yukiko made a frustrated whine. “I’m sorry. This sounds so stupid.”

“There's that sibling telepathy for ya.” Yosuke shook his head in amusem*nt.

Naoto arched her brow. “Even now, you can’t help but worry about him.”

“Yeah…” Yukiko smiled. It turned sinister as she said, “I miss my noogy victim.”

Several laughs went around the table as they heard the toilet down the hall. Yu smirked before he leaned down to Rise and whispered in her ear, causing the idol to giggle at what he was saying. Slowly she reached down and removed her pink sock from her foot as Nanako reentered the living room, now changed into her pink sleep shirt and beige pants.

“Hey, what are you guys–”

“Think fast!” Rise shouted as she chucked her sock straight at the teenager. Nanako yelped as it hit her face.

“TWENTY-THREE, NINETEEN!” Yu shouted dramatically as he pointed at her. “WE HAVE A TWENTY-THREE, NINETEEN! GET HER! GET HER! GET HER!” Yosuke, Chie, Kanji, Teddie and Sho were on the move instantly as Nanako got tackled to the floor. Immediately, Yu came over with Rise and started to tickle her. All the while the other five held the teenager down as she began to shriek with laughter.

“No! Stop it! I… Hahahahaha!” Nanako struggled as they held her down. “Naoto! Help me!”

“I’m sorry, Nanako.” Naoto replied with an empty tone, but a warm smile was on her face. “You have been twenty-three nineteen’d.”

Yukiko, Marie and Labrys just watched with giggles as Nanako continued to shriek. Yukiko looked out the window with a smile on her face.

‘Stay safe, Ren.’ She thought to herself. ‘Wherever you are.’


Tokyo, Kichijoji

“Ah, for effing sake,” Ryuji grumbled as he rubbed his eye. “Why did that palace have to take so damn long?”

“I could have done without those f*cking number puzzles.” Mishima grumbled.

“At least we’ve secured the route.” Makoto smiled as they walked. “I would have thought that it would’ve taken us two days at least.”

“Well, it helps when we have a new member that can cause chaos on the battlefield.” Morgana smirked as several eyes turned to the blushing venus of shogi.

“S-stop it!” Hifumi whined as they all had a laugh at her expense. The palace had been a cakewalk all things considered thanks to Oracle and Venus being part of the infiltration. It turned out that Venus’s trait made battles a lot more chaotic as the Phantom Thieves dropped every ailment in the book on the shadows of the Bank of Gluttony. Joker had constantly swapped in different combinations with Venus, Panther, Queen, Mona and himself as they went, ultimately getting to the end of the palace without major struggles.

“Now the question is, how do we deliver the calling card to Kaneshiro?” Yusuke questioned aloud to everyone as they walked.

“Yeah. We don’t know where he lives.” Ann grumbled next to Ryuji as they walked through Kichijoji.

“Why not use the same strategy as Madarame?” Hifumi suggested.

“That’s a great idea, Hifumi.” Makoto praised as she walked next to Ren in the front. “We just need to be stealthy with it.”

“Perhaps we put them all over Shibuya?” Morgana asked.

“Oh, that will get his attention real fast.” Mishima grinned.

“I say we go with that.” Shiho agreed as she walked next to the cackling Futaba.

“Anyone against it?” Ren looked around to everyone. Seeing no protests, he nodded, “Alright then. Makoto, I’ll leave it to you.”

“You can count on me, Ren.” Makoto nodded.

“Hey Ren, where is this club Akechi wanted to meet at?” Ann asked.

“Should be right…” Ren began as they turned the corner. “Here.”

Sure enough, there was Akechi, still in his detective attire as if he just got off work, leaning on the brick wall outside of the club as he looked at something on his phone. His briefcase in his right hand as he turned and saw the approaching soulbond.

“Ah! You’re all here.” Akechi greeted them with a smile as he shook Ren’s hand with his gloved one. “Including your newest soulmate.” He looked at Hifumi.

“Hi. I’m Hifumi Togo,” She reached out to shake his hand.

“Goro Akechi. Nice to meet you in person.” Akechi smiled as he shook her hand.

“Have you seen my matches?” She asked.

“Some of them.” Akechi admitted. “I often find myself watching different things to pass the time while I do schoolwork.”

“Thanks for agreeing to meet with us, Akechi-kun.” Makoto tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Of course,” Akechi nodded, never losing that smile for a second. “You said you had something important to discuss with me, so I made the time to hear you out. Think of this also as me returning the favor for both Boss and the dinner at Ginza.”

“Yeah… but, what is this place?” Yusuke asked as he looked up at the colorful sign.

“Oh, it’s just a special place to me since I left the foster system and began living on my own.” Akechi looked fondly at the place before he turned to Ren. “It’s a Jazz Club.”

“Now this is my kind of club!” Ren nodded with a proud smile on his face.

“Aw yeah! Let’s go, this is what I was waiting for!” Ryuji hollered as he shook his fist. The others just looked excited as Akechi gave a light laugh.

“I’m glad I’ve caught your interest,” The detective said as he turned to the stairs. “Shall we go in?”


“This is a nice place, Akechi!” Shiho looked around in amazement from their table in the corner.

“For real. This place is sick!” Ryuji grinned.

“Well, I’m glad you like it!” Akechi smiled as he sucked on his straw. “But to get back to important matters, what did you need to discuss with me?”

The soulbond all looked at each other before Ren took the lead. “Have you heard of Kaneshiro?”

At this, Akechi looked startled before he frowned at them with narrowed eyes. “Why are you asking me this?”

Hifumi brushed her lap before she spoke, “My mother is involved with his gang. She and Kaneshiro have been using me for their own schemes.”

Akechi’s eyes went wide as he heard her speak. After a moment, he swallowed as he blinked periodically from what he heard.

“I’m sorry…” He cleared his throat, “What did you say?” The detective asked the shogi player.

“My mother is involved with Kaneshiro.”

Akechi blinked again before he went straight for his briefcase. He opened it and pulled a small notepad from his case before he grabbed his pen and opened the journal to a blank page. “What do you mean, involved?” He looked very much like an interested student at a lecture as the thieves looked amused from his actions.

“For starters, my mother has fixed most of my matches by making my opponent's forfeit. She pays them large sums of money to throw it just to promote my career for her own interests.” Hifumi explained as Akechi wrote these things down.

“And let me guess…” Akechi looked up at her. “This is where Kaneshiro comes into the fold.”

“Yes. He’s running a scheme out in Shibuya by having his mafia goons trick students into large debts for his own empire. He pulls money out of his wallet to bribe the players and then leaves the victims out like an empty bank account.” Ren said to the detective.

“How do you know this?” Once again, Akechi was suspicious of them.

Makoto shuffled as she spoke, “The matter has unfortunately reached the student council of Shujin.”

“There are students from Shujin involved in the mafia!?” Akechi looked alarmed.


“Why isn’t the principal doing anything?” Akechi asked as he wrote in his journal.

“He claims it's my responsibility to deal with it. Just like it’s my responsibility to hunt down the Phantom Thieves for him.”

“So, he has no intention of saving his own students then?” Akechi now looked pissed. When Makoto nodded, he snarled. The dark rage from a week ago came back to his face as he muttered, “The fat*ss was full of sh*t.”

“Was?” Ann asked.

“I was part of the team that came to Shujin when Kamoshida was arrested.” Akechi explained to them as he finished writing down everything. “He claimed he didn’t know sh*t about the students involved with Kamoshida and that he cares about his school. Clearly, Makoto’s words say otherwise about his character.”

“Bullsh*t!” Shiho snarled.

“Yeah. And the fact that he’s breathing a letter of recommendation down Mako’s throat,” Futaba scoffed. “Not cool.”

“Yes…” Akechi agreed as he looked up at Hifumi. “Is there anything else to add?”

Hifumi swallowed as she worked up the courage to explain the other piece of information to condemn her mother. A hand touched hers, bringing her eyes up to Yusuke’s as he smiled at her in reassurance. Taking a deep breath, she turned to Akechi again. “Are you aware of my father’s death?”

Akechi raised a brow as he responded, “I wasn’t on the case, but there was a case launched because of the nature of Yakumo Togo’s death. The fact that he was making a recovery and then all of a sudden dropped dead two days later drew concern from doctors and police alike… but it was ultimately let go due to the lack of evidence.”

Hifumi swallowed. “Well… Kaneshiro was involved in my father’s murder.”

At this, Akechi dropped his pen in disbelief. His face held a blank shock, but his eyes held extreme horror.

“What?” He spoke in an emotionless tone. Though they could all tell that rage was building in his features.

“One of his goons talked about in passing,” Hifumi started. “But my mother had Kaneshiro supply a poison and mix it into my father’s medicine. That’s why he suddenly died.”

“YOUR WHAT!?” Akechi exploded. When other people turned to the table, Akechi panicked before he coughed and got everything under control, putting that prince mask on before he spoke to the club, “My apologies everyone. I shouldn’t have spoken like that.” When everyone just waved him off and went back to their business, Akechi turned back to the Phantom Thieves, lips now going back into a snarl.

“You’re certain of this? That your mother was involved?”

“I am.” Hifumi spoke firmly. Akechi looked at the other thieves before he let out a deep breath. He went back to his notepad and wrote down what Hifumi just said before he flipped through his pages going through everything they said.

“This…” Akechi began as he swallowed. “This is a lot of crimes on your mother. Bribery, fraud and extortion is one thing, but murder is another thing entirely. If she did intently order Yakumo Togo’s murder and is convicted of it, she’s looking at first-degree and second-degree murder charges. This would most likely mean a life sentence in prison. Perhaps even the death penalty.”

“Seriously?” Mishima blinked with wide eyes.

“For real?!” Ryuji looked astonished by the charges.

“Is this really what would await Hifumi’s mother?” Ren asked the detective.

“It is… that is if she is tired.” Akechi reminded them.

“Right,” Makoto closed her eyes painfully. “There’s still a chance that the court system will find her not guilty.”

“It helps your favor that you’re willing to testify.” Akechi did add to keep their spirits up. “But I fear Hifumi’s words alone won’t be enough to convict her.”

“What about Kaneshiro himself?” Yusuke asked.

“Well, that could potentially be someone in your favor, if only the police could get their hands on him… and that also counts on Kaneshiro opening his mouth about it.” Akechi grumbled.

“Goro.” Robin whispered in his user's mind. “Perhaps now would be the time to see if Amamiya is a Phantom Thief?”

‘What do you mean?’ Goro asked as the group went to conversation with themselves to think of ways to convict Mitsuyo Togo. And would Amamiya’s cat stop meowing for f*cks sake!?

“What he means, Little Justice…” Loki joined in. “Is that: You should point their blades at Kaneshiro. If his heart is changed, then Amamiya is most likely a Phantom Thief.”

Akechi sat there for a moment to consider Loki’s words. When Robin made a sound in agreement. He let out a small smile.

“You know…” He spoke aloud. The ten soulmates turned their gaze to him as he spoke, “Perhaps those Phantom Thieves could force a change of heart on Kaneshiro?”

“Huh?” Ann tilted her head in confusion.

“What? I thought you were against them, Akechi?” Ryuji narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

“I’m just going back over our argument at the TV station near the beginning of June.” Akechi spoke as he turned to Ren. “Wouldn’t Kaneshiro be a perfect target for these so called ‘Agents of Justice’?"

Ren blinked before he slipped on that smirk that screamed mischief, and Akechi totally didn’t think it was sexy by the way, and brought a hand to his chin. “I don’t know Akechi… is he?” Arsene laughed as he heard Ren speak. The other Phantoms just deadpanned at their leader.

“Ah, throwing the question back at me, are you?” Akechi smiled. “Personally, I think Kaneshiro would be the perfect target for the Phantom Thieves.”

“A money grubbing criminal that is extorting money from thousands of people?” Ren summarized. “I think a criminal like that would be number one for the Phantom Thieves.”

“I suppose so…” Akechi nodded, already knowing he wasn’t going to get the answer out of Ren’s throat. “Well, I suppose I won’t know unless I see some results from them, right Amamiya?”

At this, Akechi got an unexpected reaction in a flinch from Ren. He did look concerned until Ren spoke, “We haven’t told you the truth before now, have we?”

At this, Akechi looked baffled before Makoto spoke up, “Ren hasn’t exactly been truthful to you…”

“Are they actually…” Loki raised his eyebrows in astonishment as Robin watched in interest. Ren swallowed as he went to speak and…

“Um, Amamiya is not my actual last name.”

“...What?” Akechi blinked. Loki deadpanned as Robin began to laugh.

“Yeah. Um, my full name is actually Ren Amagi.” The raven-haired delinquent scratched the back of his neck as the others fought against their laughter.

“Oh…” Akechi blinked. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

“What? Did you think he was going to say he was a Phantom Thief?” Ryuji grinned, still fighting his laughter.

“Well, no,” Akechi denied, (shut up Robin). “I just didn’t think you were using a fake name.”

“Well,” Ren trailed off. “That’s because…”


“I see.” Akechi nodded as he observed everything Ren told him. “So you were forced out of your hometown of Inaba by a drunk politician and to avoid bringing scandal to your family, which is the Amagi family and owner of the Amagi Inn, you changed your name at school to avoid your record from following you to Tokyo.”

“Yeah. Didn’t really do much in the end due to how Kamoshida just spread it around the school.”

“I see,” Akechi smiled. “Well, thank you for sharing that with me.”

“Thank you for hearing me out.” Ren smiled back.

"And besides," Akechi looked at the others. "It seems like fate was kind to you in these difficult times, Amagi."

"You bet it was." Makoto nodded in smug satisfaction.

"He is a grand treasure upon us all." Yusuke smiled as he spoke of Ren.

"I don't want to picture life without him," Futaba adjusted her glasses in her crouched position. "He's precious!"

"Stop it!" Ren blushed as they all laughed at his expense. All of a sudden, Akechi’s phone buzzed, bringing the detective’s gaze to it as his eyes lit up before he made to stand up.

“Apologies, but I must be off. I’ll be sure to apply what I’ve learned whenever you wish to go through with the plan, Togo.”

“Hifumi is fine,” the shogi player corrected. “And I’ll be sure to contact you whenever my next match is.”

Akechi nodded before he began to walk out of the Jazz Club. The Phantom Thieves waved him off as they all finished up their drinks before they made to stand as well.

“Makoto. How many people would you need to spread the calling card?” Ren asked his advisor.

“Probably just Ryuji and Yuuki.” Makoto answered before she turned to both boys. “Does that work for you two?”

“Yeah, I can do that, Mako.” Ryuji nodded. Mishima nodded along with him.

“Alright then. We’ll carry it out tonight.”

“Good.” Ren said as he looked at his team and soulmates. “We got one shot to shut this down. Let’s get ready for tomorrow.”

“Well said, Joker!” Morgana agreed as the Phantom Thieves left the club, eager to put the fiend of Gluttony down.


Alright. Just some things to now clarify into this AU. Bear with me because there is a lot of information.

1. In this continuity, Persona 3 and Persona 4 are two years apart from each other like in canon.

2. Yes, Marie, and Sho are in the soul bond with the Investigation Team. The mark for the team is a barrage of lightning bolts/lines from a storm starting on the back of their necks, then traveling down to their lower packs as the marks branch out to their arms down to their wrists. Labrys is not involved because of her nature as a robot, but she hangs around the group as a protection unit from Mitsuru, and she also feels more comfortable around them. She is very close with Aigis due to their shared responsibility of protecting a soul bond.

Soul Mark Colors for the Investigation Team
Yu: Gray
Yosuke: Orange
Chie: Green
Yukiko: Red
Kanji: Purple
Rise: Pink
Teddie: Yellow
Naoto: Blue
Marie: Black
Sho: Cyan

4. Yes, Makoto Yuki, the protagonist of Persona 3, is still alive. In this AU, he went into the Great Seal and stayed there for eight years in order for the seal to become permanent. He could still contact his soulmates in dreams and through Aigis and Kotone. I'll make a one-shot/collection of one-shots later down the road that explains Persona 3.

5. Kotone and Makoto are twin siblings. They are also soulmates with the rest of S.E.E.S and also Chidori because of Junpei.

6. Yes, Koromaru and Shinjiro are alive. Koromaru because he shares a platonic soulbond with S.E.E.S, which in this AU can extend an animal's lifespan if they share a soulmark. Though he can die if they all perish. Shinjiro because of the mark as well, though he was hospitalized for a short while after the event.

7. No, Ken is not involved in the same relationship as S.E.E.S. He has a platonic mark, but they all act like parental figures to him. Koromaru stays with him most of the time.

8. And yes, I am hinting at more events that changed in this AU because of one butterfly effect. You probably figured out what the change was. If you haven't, you'll understand when we get to Okumura.

With all of that clarified, I'll see you next time for when the Phantom Thieves take down Kaneshiro and Hifumi gets justice for her father.

Thank you for reading!

Chapter 21: The Bank of Gluttony Goes Bankrupt


The Phantom Thieves take on the field of Gluttony. Joker might still be a little sh*t.


I'm back again with another chapter!

Hope you enjoy as we get to the final parts of the fourth arc.

See the notes below for more details.

Thank you!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sunday, June 26th, 20xx

“Are we all ready?” Ren asked as everyone met up at the accessway.

“The calling card’s been posted all over Shibuya!” Morgana observed.

“A good idea, right? Since it’s everywhere, Kaneshiro must surely know about it now.” Makoto smirked.

“Is there any shot of it being traced back to you guys?” Ren questioned.

“No,” Mishima shook his head. “We got all dressed up last night when we delivered those cards. Even the security cameras shouldn’t be able to get an interface on us.”


“It’s finally time.” Shiho cracked her neck in anticipation.

“We’re going up against a real criminal this time,” Ann reminded the team with a fire in her eyes.

“Mwehehehehe, as if Kaneshiro can compete with our stats,” Futaba boasted with a mischievous cackle.

“I share the sentiment,” Yusuke smiled. “It’s time for this repulsive fiend of gluttony to go bankrupt.”

“Hell yeah!” Ryuji exclaimed. “Let’s do this!”

Ren turned to Hifumi as she looked up at her leader with a look of determination and vengeance. “For my father… and every life Kaneshiro has hurt with his scheme!”

Ren nodded to her before his Joker smirk grew onto his face. “It’s showtime!”


The bank stood proud as ever, but there was a violent aura in the air as they stood in the front yard.

“Oh… he definitely got the card,” Skull grinned.

“It would seem that the call of war is upon us.” Fox crossed his arms.

“Wait here,” Joker instructed. “I’m going to do some last-minute fusion business.”

As they all gave sounds of acknowledgement, Joker disappeared into the Velvet Room.

But as he arrived, once again, Igor was alone. Lavenza was nowhere in sight as the master looked upon him.

“Ah, Trickster.” Igor acknowledged. “If it is a new persona that you desire, then you will need to wait for a moment.”

Ren only raised a brow, but didn’t ask as the last time Lavenza had been missing was during the Madarame scuffle.

“Do I want to know?” The delinquent asked.

“No… well, at least… not now.”

‘Cryptic as always Igor.’ Ren shook his head just as he heard the sound of something being dragged along on the floor. As he turned to his right, he saw Lavenza dragging someone of a similar color scheme into the main space. The woman held longer hair, but it was up in a braid as she was led to a mattress, which just spawned to Ren’s bafflement, and laid down on it. She seemed to be carrying a copy of La Grimoire, but she seemed to hold it like a teddy bear, all while muttering things about a seeker.

“Ah! Trickster!” Lavenza jolted as she realized that her wildcard had returned to the Velvet Room. Quickly she dusted herself off as she went to stand by Igor. “Um… welcome back!” The master only laughed in response to her actions before he turned to his guest.

“Now then… what kind of Persona… do you desire?”


“Let’s go!” Joker shouted as he busted the Safe Room door open to the lowest floor of the bank.

“At least the number puzzles don’t reset,” Queen sighed in relief as the ten thieves took off to the last elevator to the treasure.

“Alright! Time to kick some ass!” Skull cracked his knuckles as they reached the elevator. Joker punched in the floor number as the door began to shut.

“Stay sharp everyone.” Mona cautioned as the elevator closed behind him. “We don’t know what Kaneshiro could be planning.”

“Oh, we’ll be fine!” Skull brushed off. “Besides what can he… what the hell!?”

As the door opened to the bottom floor, all the thieves were caught off guard as in front of them was Kaneshiro himself along with three mafia goons that were obviously cognitions.

“What the hell!?” Knight blinked in shock.

“A safe!?” Panther screeched.

“He didn’t have this last time…” Fox commented as Kaneshiro approached. Venus snarled as he got close, immediately going for her ninja stars as the fiend of gluttony began to clap.

“Congratulations…” The shadow began. “I’m surprised you managed to make it here alive… guess I should have installed better security. No matter… your luck ends here!”

“You act like luck is what got us here.” Oracle snarled as Necronomicon floated above her, ready to take her into it for protection.

“We’re gonna change your rotten heart, Kaneshiro!” Admin snarled. “That will save everyone you’ve been driving into poverty for your own gluttony!”

“Even the police are struggling to get you,” Skull grinned darkly. “So people will begin to believe in us too!”

“Those in power work those below them to the bone, such is the hierarchy of this world,” Kaneshiro’s words rang out to them before he snarlet, “Just accept Togo’s fate as the grand prize of my wealth!”

“Like hell are we agreeing to that!” Fox countered.

“And hierarchy!? Are you nuts!?” Panther gripped her machine gun.

“All of that was forced on me too, you know!” Kaneshiro spoke again. “I went through sh*t until I crawled my way out of hell! Now it’s my turn to profit off everyone else!”

“Don’t you think you’re taking it out on the wrong people!?” Knight yelled as Joan snarled at the fiend’s cowardice.

“What a pitiful man…” Queen cracked her knuckles. “It’s only fitting that we put him down in the trash!”

Joker brandished his knife as Venus closed her eyes.

“You killed my father…” She began with a growl. Her eyes opened in fury, “Now you have the nerve to blame your actions on your past! How you’ve driven countless lives into poverty and debt just to satisfy your own greed!” She pointed her naginata right at his throat. “For my father… and every other life you destroyed… I will see you behind bars!”

Kaneshiro scoffed before he began to laugh darkly. “You can’t do sh*t Phantom Thieves! I’m gonna swarm all over you, and squeeze out every last penny!” As soon as that sentence finished, the fiend hunched over, a spray of black liquid hit the floor before the shadow began to rub his hands together frantically.

“HOLY sh*t!?” One of the goons went. “WHAT THE HELL!?”

A loud sound echoed from the shadow’s body as he brought his head up to reveal his red bug eyes as he rubbed his at the speed of lightning. As soon as his face was shown, the goons all took off running in terror. The thieves kept their eyes on the target as Venus summoned her persona.

Junya “Bael” Kaneshiro scoffed as he observed his fleeing henchmen. “I can take care of this myself! What’s up, yo, now come get some!”

“You filthy fly on dirty money…” Hifumi trembled as Takaiyasha-Hime spawned above her. “GET OUT OF MY FACE!”

“HAHAHAHA! ALRIGHT! HERE WE GO YOU PIECES OF sh*t!” Kaneshiro howled as he pointed at them. “CAUSE IT’S TIME TO ROLLOUT!”

“HERE HE IS… MY GUARDIAN ROBOT!” Kaneshiro pointed to the heavens.

As those words left Kaneshiro’s mouth, the safe opened to reveal a giant metal robot in the form of a pig. The pig’s snoot opened before it sucked Kaneshiro in as the fly laughed at their expressions.


“A pig!?” Mona exclaimed.

“IT AIN’T A PIG, YO!” Kaneshiro’s angry voice came from within. “IT’S MY PRIZED SWINE!”

“Joker,” Queen got her leader’s attention. “Be careful. That thing is a giant. If we’re not careful, it will crush us!”

“Let’s go, Phantom Thieves!” Joker shouted. “This moneygrubber is getting a one-way ticket to hell!”

“YEAH!” The Phantom Thieves all cheered with their leader.

“Houdini, Rakunda!”

“Carmen, Tarunda!”

“Zorro, Sukunda!”

The three personas fired their debuffs straight into the pig as Joker summoned Arsene and went straight for Eiga. The Curse attack crashed into the pig just as Queen fired a Freila as a follow up.

“Captain Kidd, Assault Dive!”

“Goemon, Tempest Slash!”

Skull and Fox’s personas obeyed as they each launched a physical attack straight at the pig’s snoot. A loud cry echoed from within as Venus and Knight went for their own skills.

“Takiyasha-Hime, Swift Strike!”

“Joan, Double Shot!”

Kaneshiro growled as both attacks hit. “THAT'S IT! TAKE THIS! MISSILE LAUNCH GO!”

“Wha…” Joker blinked as all of a sudden dozens of heat-seeking missiles launched out of the pig. “Everyone take cover!”

Skull immediately covered both Panther and Queen as Captain Kidd took the hit. Knight covered Admin as Joan came into existence and brought her shield together. Joker, Fox, Mona and Venus dodged as Arsene, Goemon, Zorro, and Takiyasha-Hime reflected each missile that came towards their master. Necronomicon shot around the battlefield as Oracle read the monitor.

“Guys! The missiles are Fire-based magic!” She called out from inside Necronomicon.

Fox grit his teeth as he realized that he was the only one weak to the ranged attack, which would allow Kaneshiro to score extra hits on them if he went down.

“Fox, here!” Joker shouted as he threw a ring straight at the artist. Fox caught it with confusion before he looked down and realized that it was the Ring of Vanity. Quickly, he slipped the ring on as his fire weakness faded.

“Much appreciated.”

“BLAST OFF PUNKS!” Kaneshiro called as Piggytron’s legs went up and bounced the pig into the air before it came back down and shot a Metabolic Wave at the thieves. Joker, Fox, Venus, Queen and Knight dodged, but every one else got hit and were sent flying away.

“I got them!” Queen shouted. “Keep up the pressure!” She ran towards the downed Skull, Panther, Mona and Admin.

“Zouchouten, Swift Strike!” Joker shouted.

“Goemon, Tempest Slash!” Fox yelled.

“Takiyasha-Hime, Agilao!” Venus commanded.

Knight snarled as she ripped off her mask. “Come get me, fat*ss!” She howled as Joan casted Taunting Aura. And then she froze in horror.

Because she forgot to apply Rakukaja to herself.

Kaneshiro, now affected by Knight’s words, went straight for her as Piggytron rolled out a turret from its left and right. The three debuffs faded from the pig as Kaneshrio shouted: “FIRE!”

Both guns immediately opened fire on the girl, who brought her arms up as Kaneshiro unleashed an endless storm of bullets on her. Sounds of pain escaped Knight’s lips as she withstood the gun attack.

“KNIGHT!” Panther screamed in horror as Queen finished patching her up. She shook with rage before she charged forward and ripped off her mask. “CARMEN, AGILAO!”

The dancer came into existence again with a snarl on her face. She pointed at the metal pig before a giant fireball went flying into its side. The guns came to a stop as the standing thieves came to attack it again.

“You’re gonna pay for that! Thunderbird, Ziodyne!” Joker shouted as the metallic bird came into existence and fired its heavy electric attack straight at the pig. Fox and Venus followed up with Tempest Slash and Swift Strike just as Skull and Admin came rushing back in and fired an Assault Dive and Bufula into the pig’s face.

“Are you okay?” Panther helped Knight to her feet. Carmen casting Diarama on her master’s friend as Knight cracked her neck.

“I’m good,” Knight reassured her. “Now let’s kick his ass!”

“Zorro, show your might!” Mona shouted as he and Queen reentered the fray, firing off a Garula as Queen went for Rakukaja on Knight.

“He’s over halfway! Don’t let up guys!” Oracle called out.

“GRRRRR, THAT’S IT! TIME TO ROLL ALL OVER YOU!” Kaneshiro roared to the heavens. He left the snoot and flew on top just as Piggytron immediately lost its legs as it began to spin fast. Kaneshiro rubbed his hands from above as the pig picked up speed.

“What is he doing!?” Admin yelled.

“Guys! He’s planning to run the pig over you! Look out!” Oracle shouted.

“Not today!” Joker shouted. “Arsene, Assault Shot!”

Arsene came into existence and fired his gun attack straight at the money grubber. Kaneshiro screamed from surprise and pain as he fell off the piggy straight to the floor. Unfortunately, he was right in Piggytron’s path. The metal pig spun forward as the shadow howled in pain once it ran over him.

“Look out!” Oracle yelled as the thieves dodged to the left and right out of the rolling machine's path. As Piggytron rolled to a screeching halt, Joker’s brain began to run a million miles a second as a dark thought entered his brain.

And he smirked as he thought it through. The dark look crossed his face, fully showing the relation between himself and Yukiko.

“Skull! Admin! Time for some volleyball practice!” Joker yelled.

“Aw, hell yeah!” Skull cracked his knuckles in excitement as Admin ripped off his mask with a grin.

“Houdini, Bufula!” He shouted as the magician fired his Ice attack at it but caused it to bounce up into the air.

“Arsene, Eiga!” Joker followed up as Piggytron was sent higher by the gentleman thief’s attack.

Skull chuckled as he got on Captain Kidd’s ship. The persona took him up high into the air as they got perfectly lined with Kaneshiro and the robotic pig.

“Batter up!” Skull howled as he and Captain Kidd spiked Piggytron straight at the recovering Kaneshiro.

“Wha…” Kaneshiro looked up and then screamed, “AAAAAAHHHHH!”

Piggytron bounced off of Kaneshiro with a loud bong, rolling off to the back as it began to fritz from Captain Kidd’s electric attack hitting its system. Kaneshiro was now indented into the floor as he momentarily twitched every so often to show that he was still alive and kicking.

“Now that just feels right.” Knight replied smugly. The thieves around her nodded in agreement as Kaneshrio stumbled to his feet.

“Ugh… Ugh…” Kaneshiro dazed around like a loony tunes character before he locked in and looked at his machine. “No! My Piggytron!”

“It’s over, Kaneshiro!” Joker shouted.

Kaneshiro snarled as he went, “It’s not over yet, punks!” He clapped his hands together as a gold vault door came down and went back up, leaving two guards standing alongside him as he brought his hands together again. One floated in the air, while the other looked big and tanky.

“What the…” Mona gasped. “He has reinforcements!”

“Don’t underestimate the power of cash, yo!” Kaneshiro chuckled. “Get them!”

The left minion went straight for Headbutt on Admin as the right went to smack Panther. Both attacks connected as Joker countered by unleashing a Megido straight at them, but the tank got in his way and blocked the hit while also taking the hit himself.

“What the…” Panther blinked. “They blocked that!”

“Aw, come one! They’re an impenetrable wall! You're not getting through them!” Kaneshiro cackled.

“If we want to get to Kaneshiro, we’ll have to take out his stupid goons first!” Mona pitched to the team.

“But we can’t reach him if they keep spawning!” Queen argued.

“Then how about we f*ck them up mentally so we can just go for him,” Joker grinned. “Team, focus on hitting ailments for now!”

“Just don’t use Gun attacks on Kaneshiro!” Oracle cautioned. “He’ll block those!”

“Dammit!” Knight growled as she went for her spear, her only real weapon now with that piece of knowledge. She wished she kept Kouga after dealing with Cerberus.

Panther and Venus immediately went for Lullaby and Wage War as the tank went to guard again. While Lullaby hit the tank, Wage War got the henchman as Kaneshiro remained untouched.

“Captain Kidd, Zionga!” Skull shouted as he pointed at Kaneshiro. The pirate blasted the shadow as it landed a successful shock thanks to the assistance of Shock Boost.

“Hit him, now!” Joker shouted as he summoned Kaiwan and used Mapsio to knock down the two guards. He batonpassed to Venus as she immediately went for Swift Strike. Everyone else chimed with attacks of their own as Knight brought her spear down on Kaneshiro.

The shock effect faded from Kaneshiro as he began to breathe heavily from his injuries. “Grrr, why won’t you go down!? That’s it! I’m using my trump card! MAKE IT RAIN!”

“NO!” Oracle shouted as she position-shifted everyone together and formed a neon green dome around them. As soon as it went up, dozens of gold coins fell from the ceiling, crashing hard into the floor before they faded from existence. The Phantom Thieves watched frantically as it came to a screeching halt.

“Stupid, green cheats,” Kaneshiro snarled. “Let’s see if you can do it again! MAKE IT RAIN!”

The thieves tensed as he pointed at them…

But only a single gold coin fell to the floor.

“Gah! I ran out of cash!” Kaneshiro recoiled in shock.

As those words left his mouth, his injured guards huffed in annoyance before they took off, disappearing in columns of black as Kaneshiro watched their fleeing forms.

“W-w-wait! Where are you going!? I’m just a little short on funds at the moment! Come on! Come back, yo!” Kaneshiro yelled in a squeaky tone.

“His minions are nowhere to be seen…” Fox smiled in satisfaction. “I suppose relationships built on money don’t mean anything when it's gone.”

“sh*t! I screwed up!” Kaneshiro trembled.

“All-Out Attack, NOW!” Joker yelled as the nine thieves rushed him while Oracle launched at him from Necronomicon. The ten dashed around him in different colors as the man crashed to the floor in front of Piggytron. As he hit his machine, the snoot opened, revealing several giant gold bars as they scattered around him.

Kaneshiro reverted back to his human form before he went and hugged a gold bar like a teddy bear as he whimpered in fear.

“Kaneshiro…” Venus growled. Her naginata at the ready as they approached the fallen ruler.

“I’m not going to let anyone have it…” He trembled, “This is my money…”

“You stole all of it from innocent people!” Queen snarled.

Kaneshiro shook before he let it go. “Fine, I'll turn myself in and shut down the scheme. I’ll call off my deal with Mitsuyo Togo as well.”

He plopped on the floor as the thieves watched him begin to fade. Though he looked up as he went, “Why are you kids risking yourselves for such trivial bullsh*t? These palaces could load you up to the brim with cash and you just play the noble innocent act?!”

“Not all of us are a bunch of money grubbers.” Panther snapped.

“Yeah! Some of us have some decency!” Skull joined in.

“And we won’t bow to anyone. Not until justice is delivered!” Knight finished.

Kaneshiro began to chuckle as he began to glow brighter. The dark smile came onto his face one last time as he said: “Then you better pray that you don’t run into him then.”

“Hm?” Fox hummed with a raised brow.

“I’ll let all of you in on something…” Kaneshiro began. “There’s a criminal using the metaverse however he wants, to get whatever he wants… and he doesn’t care who he hurts or kills to see it done.”

“You mean…” Queen raised her brows in alarm.

“The Black Mask.” Joker finished as he glared at Kaneshiro.

“Mom…” Oracle whimpered as Mona went to comfort her.

“Who is he, Kaneshiro!” Skull demanded. “Spill it!”

But Kaneshiro only chuckled. “It doesn’t matter what you do, Phantom Thieves,” He chuckled again. “He already has his eyes on you…” He began to fade as he said, “You’re all screwed.”

With that, Kaneshiro was gone. The bank began to shake as different parts began to explode and break.

“Hey, guys! It might be time to go!” Admin shouted.

“Load up Mona and let's get out of here!” Joker commanded as all the thieves began to move to grab the treasure.


The Mona bus left the bank, plummeting back to the city below as the bank began to fall from the sky, signaling its destruction. A loud explosion went off as it crashed into Shibuya Square, the blazing fire climbed as the palace became consumed in it’s blaze.

Several streets away on top of a rooftop was a lone figure dressed in black as he crossed his arms while he watched the growing fire.

“So, the Phantom Thieves succeeded, did they?” He muttered to himself. He grinned darkly as he then went, “Good.”

They would be perfect pawns to dispose of in his plans for both himself and Shido.

Suddenly, a thought entered his head as he thought of the donator planning to betray Shido's campaign. He grinned evilly as he said aloud, "Maybe it's finally time to get rid of Okumura. I'll have to see what he thinks of my plan."

The Black Mask began to chuckle as he disappeared into the shadows, already planning the downfall of the Phantom Thieves.

He was so caught up in his thoughts, that he didn’t notice the masked individual watching him from several rooftops away. The figure snarled as he heard the Black Masks words before he disappeared from his own entrance, just as the palace came down and was deleted from the Metanav.


And with that, Kaneshiro goes down. But we're not starting Okumura for a few chapters.

We've got summer to go through.

...And... we have the upcoming fallout with Kaneshiro's actions due to Mitsuyo Togo being part of the scheme.

But I'm going to take a short break, because i don't want to burnout while writing this and the other stories that I have, and when I return, it will be time for Hifumi to bring the hammer down.

Stay tuned!

Chapter 22: Persona Stats 4: Bank of Gluttony


Oh, yeah! Here's the next Persona stats to go in tow with the story! Eventually I'll go back and do the stat attributes of the thieves, but for now here we are again!


No new skills added to the game on this one. Just an update. Also showing Venus to the viewer.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Persona Stats 4: Bank of Gluttony

Joker: Arsene Level 36

Affinities: Resists Curse, Weak to Bless

Trait: Tricksters Gaze: Strengthens Physical/Magic skills targeting all foes by 30% for all allies


Dream Needle

Assault Shot




Abysmal Surge

Curse Boost

Apt Pupil

Skull: Captain Kidd Level 36

Affinities: Resists Electric, Weak to Wind

Trait: Raging Temper: Chance to increase allies Physical attack damage by 40%.


Assault Dive





Elec Break

Shock Boost

Regenerate 1

Mona: Zorro Level 36

Affinities: Resists Wind, Weak to Electric

Trait: Proud Presence: Increase effect of healing spells by 50%.




Lucky Punch





Wind Break

Panther: Carmen Level 36

Affinities: Resists Fire, Weak to Ice

Trait: Mastery of Magic: May decrease SP cost of allies’ magic skills.








Fire Break

Invigorate 1

Knight: Joan Level 36

Affinities: Resists Gun and Bless, Weak to Psychokinesis

Trait: Shield of Angels: 60% Chance to decrease damage to party by 40%


Double Shot

Arrow Rain



Taunting Aura

Gun Boost

Hama Boost


Admin: Houdini Level 36

Affinities: Resists Ice and Curse, Weak to Electric

Trait: Master Magician: Chance to increase all allies Magic damage by 40%.








Ice Break

Ice Boost

Queen: Johanna Level 36

Affinities: Resists Nuclear, Weak to Psychokinesis

Trait: Gaia Pact: Increases Allies chance to Burn/Freeze/Shock enemies by 25%




Flash Bomb


Energy Shower



Defense Master

Fox: Goemon Level 36

Affinities: Resists Ice, Weak to Fire

Trait: Scoundrel Eyes: Slightly increases allies' chance to avoid Physical attacks


Tempest Slash

Vicious Strike




Freeze Boost

Speed Master


Oracle: Necronomicon Level 36

Affinities: None

Trait: Explosive Scheme: Chance to give All-Out Attacks a chance to defeat foes automatically. May restore allies HP by 25%.



Venus: Takiyasha-Hime Level 36

Affinities: Resists Fire, Weak to Wind

Trait: Emotionless Eyes: Increases Allies chance to Sleep/Dizzy/Rage/Confuse/Fear/Forget/Brainwash/Despair enemies by 25%


Kill Rush

Swift Strike



Wage War



Burn Boost


See you all next time!

Chapter 23: Fallout


Hifumi has her confrontation with her mother, Akechi arrests some people, A member of the investigation team makes a surprise cameo, and an Empress curses the world for her circ*mstances.


Alright, I lied. This last chapter, and then I'm going on break. Only reason is because I don't want to write something tragic for when I return. So, I hope you all enjoy this last chapter as next time, we start the beginning entry of the Okumura arc.

Hope you all enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sunday, June 27th, 20xx

Phantom Thieves Group Chat

Venus: So… I think I might be in the clear…

Queen: How so?

Fox: Did something happen?

Venus: My mother just threw a temper tantrum this morning. Kaneshiro has apparently called off their deal and turned himself in to the police.

Skull: For real?!

Panther: Already?!

Venus: judging by your reactions, I can assume that this was not expected.

Joker: Only by the speed of it.

Admin: Yeah, I don’t think Kamoshida or Madarame went this fast.

Knight: Hifumi, are you okay?

Venus: I am. My bastard of a mother has pretty much holed herself up in her room and appears to be grumbling about setbacks.

Venus: Too bad for her, the final nail in the coffin is coming on Wednesday.

Joker: Right… your last shogi match.

Oracle: Do you want me to trace your moms' phone?

Venus: Yes. I only want to carry this out if she tries to bribe my opponent.

Queen: Then we should have Akechi-Kun be on standby if she goes through with it.

Joker: Yusuke and I will be in the auditorium watching. She already knows of the two of us, so we don’t want to risk her learning of the others.

Venus: Alright. Let us hope that your plan is successful.

Skull: Even though he’s trying to bust us, at least Akechi is a decent detective.

The chat has been closed

Wednesday, June 30th, 20xx

Hifumi sighed as she sat on the bench. It was almost time for her match, and here she sat in the hallway outside as she waited for the referee to come get her. Her mother had left, claiming to need a smoke. But Hifumi now had a good idea of what she was really doing thanks to the Bank of Gluttony.

A vibration went off in her pocket, causing her to lift up her phone and look at the message.

Oracle: She just bribed your opponent. Almost 500,000 yen from what I can see.

Hifumi took a deep breath as she absorbed this information. Figures she would still have left over money from Kaneshiro. She turned her message back to the main group chat as she typed out:

Venus: Makoto, pull the trigger.

Queen: Are you sure?

Hifumi paused once again. This was it. If she did this, she would be left an orphan. The weight of her actions was beginning to build on her as she fought to keep herself stable.

“Breath, little star,” Takiyasha-Hime whispered in her ear. “It would not do you well to bend the knee so close to the finale.”

Hifumi smiled at her personas words before she grew serious again and typed.

Venus: Pull the damn trigger.


Hifumi sighed as she sat in the main area after the match. She had purposely made every bad move in the book to match his bad moves. But for some reason, he was always thinking of the dumber move, much to the irony of her goals, and throwing it purposely. Finally, it became too much as she grabbed the microphone from the announcer and spoke these words: “Since my opponent is keen on throwing the match for a payout from my own mother, I think I’ll see myself out. I forfeit.”

Her sentence had thrown the crowd into a disarray as she left with her head held high, making it out into the main area as she met up with Ren and Yusuke. Right now, they were comforting her as she just sighed through it all.

“What are you going to do now?” Yusuke asked softly.

“Wait for her wrath to come…” Hifumi responded. “I assume she saw it by now.”

“HIFUMI TOGO!” An angry voice shouted.

All three turned their heads and looked up at the approaching Mitsuyo Togo. She was dressed in a blue dress and looked very much the pompous rich jackass that she was. Whatever good thing that her late husband saw in her was lost on the three.

“Mother.” Hifumi replied without emotion.

“How dare you tell those lies!” She pointed at her own daughter. “Over here making me look like a fool because of your loss! I told you not to hang out with those boys!” She pointed at both Ren and Yusuke with disgust in her eyes.

“I will hang out with whoever I want to, mother!” Hifumi retorted angrily. “Especially if they are my soulmates!”

“I told you time and time again to stop wasting time looking for them!” The older Togo snapped. “If you want to succeed, you have to abandon this filth and focus on yourself!”

“Myself…” Hifumi growled. “Or your spotlight!”

Mitsuyo actually took a step back as Hifumi stepped forward. “I know about the bribes! You’ve been sabotaging my matches so that you can force me to win! No more mother!”

"How do you…” Mitsuyo looked so taken aback that it was almost funny. Her glare turned towards Ren as she growled, “You…”

“No, actually.” Ren shrugged with a smug look. “Kaneshiro opened his mouth yesterday. Apparently, he had everything to say to the police. Including your cooperation with him.”

“You dare feed me that, criminal!” The older Togo howled as she stepped towards him threateningly. “I have spent too much of my life trying to guide Hifumi upwards! I will not have my hard work undone because of some delinquent from poverty!”

Ren adjusted his glasses to cover his eyes in the light as Yusuke shook his head.

“I would say that I didn’t see this coming, but I would be lying if I did,” Yusuke fired at her.

“And what do you know, artist!?” She grinned maliciously. “You are nothing more than the trash that came from Madarame! Now that your master is gone, you seek to corrupt my daughter!? Ha! I will ruin both of you by the end of the week!”

“Like how you were planning to have Kaneshiro order their murders?”

The question from Hifumi drew all eyes to her as Mitsuyo looked shocked again. “How the…”

“I know everything, mother.” Hifumi now held a dark, cold vengeful look on her face. “I have a friend in the police force that spoke as much. You told Kaneshiro to have Ren and Yusuke murdered! Just like you had him murder my father!”

Gasps came from the bystanders around them as Mitsuyo swallowed dangerously. Her eye twitched before she stepped forward and…


More gasps and screams of alarm came out as Hifumi fell back into her chair, as she looked back up at her, a red handprint was starting to form on her face.

“HOW DARE YOU!” Mitsuyo roared in rage. Ren and Yusuke immediately went on the offensive, but Hifumi stood up again and motioned for them to back off.

“Your father died because of his own pathetic ideals! If he had followed my every instruction and told you to abandon this shogi bullsh*t, he would still be alive! Then I wouldn’t have had to order his death!”

“Video Recorded!”

The automated voice behind her made her freeze before she slowly turned around, coming face to face with a smug Goro Akechi holding up his phone and three officers behind him holding a neutral frown and look of rage in their eyes. Makoto, Ann, Shiho, Mishima, Futaba, and Ryuji with Morgana on his shoulders stayed in the back out of the way as they looked at the woman in disgust.

“What...” Mitsuyo blinked in horror.

“Officers…” Akechi gestured to the older Togo. All three were on the move as they closed in on her.

“Mitsuyo Togo,” The lead officer began, “You are under arrest for bribery, fraud, extortion, and murder! You have the right to remain silent,” He continued as the two snaked around her and brought her wrists together before they slapped a pair of cuffs on her. “Anything you say will be used against you in the court of law! If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you! Though I feel sorry for the person that has to defend you.”

“Unhand me! I am above all of you clowns! Do you think you can get away with this humiliation!?” Mitsuyo thrashed as the two officers held her arms in a tight trip. Akechi only shook his head at the audacity of this woman.

“Oh, I believe we will, Ms. Togo,” Akechi spoke again with a smug tone. “Especially with what Kaneshiro has already exposed to us already about you.”

The older Togo swallowed as she realized the implications of what was happening. Akechi only gestured for the officers to turn her around, making her face Hifumi as her daughter took a deep breath before she closed the gap between them.

“You know what makes me real sad, mother?” Hifumi questioned as she stepped towards her. “We actually agree on something. My father was pathetic to call you a gem in his eyes. That you were once the most precious thing to him,” She paused as she saw her mother flinch and look down for a brief second before that rage returned. Hifumi shook her head as she went, “Father was wrong. You are not a gem or anything precious…” Hifumi snarled out: You are a rotten egg!”

“Hifumi…” Mitsuyo growled as Akechi gestured for the officers to take her away. They started dragging her out the door as she yelled, “I am your mother! You can’t do this to me!”

“We may share blood, Mitsuyo…” Hifumi acknowledged as she called her former mother by name. “But as of tonight we are family no more!”

“Hifumi… HIFUUUMMMIII!” She howled as the officers took her out of sight, Akechi closed the door behind him as he spoke to the crowd, “Move on people! Nothing to see here!”

The crowd went back to what they were doing as they processed what just happened. As they went back to their business, the thieves and Akechi closed the gap with Hifumi. The thieves wrapped Hifumi in a hug as she began to cry while Akechi watched her in sympathy.

Silently, Akechi made a vow to see Mitsuyo Togo put behind bars.


Saturday, July 9th, 20xx

Akechi sighed as he leaned on the wall outside the elevator to the interrogation room.

Finally, he was getting involved in an interrogation with Kaneshiro. He didn’t understand why it took him this long to even get something to go through to the higher ups, but he knew there were alot of eyes on him to succeed with this questioning. He was going to have a partner with him that they reportedly sent from Inaba so hopefully, this wouldn’t be that difficult.

He owed it to Ren Amagi, Hifumi Togo and their soulmates to see this through…

Over the past week, Hifumi had been struggling with the fact that she was now basically an orphan without anywhere to go. She couldn’t make a strong outcome, which meant she couldn’t keep the house even if she worked her ass off. Not that she wanted to stay there as it held too many bad memories for her. In the end, it was suggested that Hifumi moved into Yusuke’s dorm. It had a spare bedroom and was missing a lot of furniture in its living space, how the artist lived like that Akechi would never understand.

Plus, it would be perfect for Hifumi due to how they went to the same school. Tomorrow, he was going over to Hifumi’s residence with Ren’s soulbond and Sakura-San, as well as Ryuji’s mother who was going to meet everyone for the first time to help pack her things and move her furniture out of the house and into the dorm. He wasn’t sure if Sae-San would be coming, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t come.

He took a deep breath as the elevator came to a stop, opening and revealing…

“Shirogane-San!?” Akechi actually looked shocked as one Naoto Shirogane walked out of the elevator. Dressed in a black detective uniform with a long blue undershirt as her signature blue hat from her youth sat on her head. Though she did nothing to hide her feminine figure as she looked eyes with the new detective prince.

“Ah. Akechi-Kun. Good to see you,” Naoto tipped her hat as she walked.

Akechi got in pace with her as he went, “I didn’t suspect that you would be put on this case, Shirogane-San.”

“I wasn’t supposed to be,” Naoto admitted. “However, due to all of the chaos with these Phantom Thieves and how deep the web is getting with Kaneshiro, I got pulled from Inaba to come wrap things up. I’ll be here for about a week to wrap this case up.”

“Ah.” Akechi swallowed as he processed this before he gave the ‘prince smile’. “Well I’m glad to meet my predecessor in person. It is an honor to meet the detective who solved the Inaba murder case.”

“Likewise, Akechi-Kun,” Naoto nodded as they came to a stop outside of the designated interrogation room. She turned to Akechi with a serious look as she went, “Are you ready?”

“I am.”

Naoto nodded as she opened the door, revealing Kaneshiro in an orange prisoner suit as he looked up at them with lifeless eyes. Akechi immediately went for the chair and put his folder down on it as Naoto went to lean on the wall.

“Junya Kaneshiro,” Akechi began as he brought his hands together and rested them against the table. “We have some last questions for you.”

Kaneshiro gave a soft huff before he leaned back in his chair. “What about, detectives?”

“For starters,” Akechi began. “Mitsuyo Togo. Did she initiate the contact with you, or did you?

“She heard about me,” Kaneshiro admitted. “Found about my ring and decided to get my help after her dear husband began to slip into illness. From there, I’m sure you know the rest.”

“Did you kill Yakumo Togo?” Akechi questioned.

Kaneshiro shuffled before he spoke, “I didn’t kill him personally… but I did order his murder. I had some of my men give Mitsuyo a poison that she could mix into his medicine without suspicion. She wasn’t exactly hesitant to go through with it.”

“Why did she want him dead?” Naoto finally spoke as she got off the wall. “For someone that got married and had a daughter with him, why did she suddenly turn on her husband?”

At this, Kaneshiro chuckled darkly as he shook his head in disbelief. Akechi and Naoto’s eyes narrowed as he calmed himself.

“Do you really not know, detectives? Has the answer truly alluded you? I’ll tell you why she so readily killed her husband.” Kaneshiro leaned forward in his chair with a smile, but his eyes were filled with sympathy and guilt as he let out, “Because she could.”

At this, Robin Hood, Loki and Yamato-Sumeragi revolted in disgust within their users' minds as they heard that sentence leave his mouth. Akechi felt his eye twitch as Naoto blinked in disbelief.

“What?” Naoto let out after a minute of silence.

“You heard me,” Kaneshiro shrugged as he leaned back in his seat. “She killed him because she could.”

Akechi shook his head in disgust and rage as he wrote this down in the folder. As he absorbed what he wrote, he spoke again.

“One last thing,” He raised his head to face the former mafia leader again. “Was Principal Kobayakawa of Shujin Academy involved with your mafia?”

Naoto raised her brows in shock as Kaneshiro blinked in surprise before Akechi continued, “I’ve had my suspicions about him for quite some time after Kamoshida’s crimes came to light. Add in the fact that your mafia had Shujin students in it according to the Student Council and it doesn’t present him in a favorable light. For someone who claims to care about his students, he didn’t bring this to the police. He was involved, wasn’t he!?" Kaneshiro began to chuckle as the detective finished.

“Nothing escapes you, does it Mr. Akechi?” He laughed before he answered, “While he wasn’t involved with my mafia itself… he has guided a couple students into my lap to help my scheme.”

“How many?” Akechi demanded. Kaneshiro shrugged in response.

“Oh… I’d say about a couple dozen students from Shujin. Not that I still have control on them so don’t you worry your little head about that.”

Akechi nodded as he wrote this down before he gave Kaneshiro a blank sheet of paper and a pen. “Alright. All of your goons and their locations that you know of, start writing!”

Kaneshiro only sighed before he nodded and began to write. Akechi looked back to Naoto as she nodded with her eyes shut. An impressed look on her face as their suspect continued to write.


“Well done, Akechi-Kun.” Naoto praised him as they stood in the elevator after leaving the interrogation room. “I would say that you have a bright future on the police force if you are that observant.”

“Well thank you, Shirogane-san.” Akechi smiled as they waited for the elevator to drop them off. He turned back to his predecessor as he adjusted his tie.

“Would you perhaps be interested in a cup of coffee later? I know a place in Kichijoji that I would like to show you if you're in town for the week.” He asked.

“You’re not trying to hit on me, are you Akechi-kun?” Naoto raised a brow in amusem*nt.

“What!? No, no, no, no, no, no, no!” Akechi shook his head in a panic. Robin and Loki both let out a laugh at her words as Akechi regained control. “I was just looking for a way to talk with my predecessor on a couple subjects that plagued my mind recently.” he sighed as he faced forward. “Besides I couldn’t hit on you without being labeled a criminal anyway.”

“Oh? Do you have a soulmark as well?”

“Yes, I… wait: as well?” Akechi arched his brow as he looked back at her. Naoto hummed with a smile on her face as she turned to Akechi.

“I can make the time to talk if your offer is genuine.” Naoto accepted. “But I think we have an arrest to carry out beforehand, don’t we?”

Akechi chuckled as the elevator finally opened. “Yes. I believe we do. And how fitting that school is almost out for the day.”



Ren chuckled as he and Maruki turned to the approaching Kasumi Yoshizawa. She had a happy look on her face as she asked, “Are you having a counseling session?”

“Oh, we just finished. Are you leaving Yoshizawa?” Maruki responded for Ren as he held his travel bag in hand. They walked with Kasumi through the practice building out to the courtyard as the three lighty chatted with each other. As they went for the door to lead to the school entrance, Ren snapped his fingers.

“That’s right! Can you guys help me with something?”

“Like what, Amagi-kun?” Maruki asked in confusion. Ren had come clean to both of them over the past week about his real last name. It still caught Maruki slightly off guard to know the truth about Ren.

“I assume you’ve seen the news about Hifumi?”

“Oh…” Kasumi looked sad at that. “Yes I have, senpai. I can’t believe what she’s going through right now.”

“I saw a news story about her mother last night.” Maruki admitted sheepishly. “I assume this is about Hifumi herself though.”

“Yeah. See, me and my soulmates are planning to help her move in with Yusuke tomorrow and I wanted to ask if you two could help out with the moving process.”

“Oh!” Kasumi lit up at him with a smile. “I can help out, senpai!”

Maruki adjusted his glasses as he smiled. “I can also help if my company is accepted. I just don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.”

“I think you’ll be good, Maruki.” Ren said as they walked into the School Entrance. “I’ll send you the details for–”


Ren, Kasumi and Maruki froze at what they saw in the main entranceway, Principal Kobayakawa looking very scared and confused. Standing in front of the principal was Goro Akechi and Naoto Shirogane accompanied by two officers as they stood behind the detectives. Students and staff had gathered around as Makoto made her way through to Ren, who was only still around because of their plans to meet up with Haru on the roof.

“What’s happening?” Ren asked Makoto.

“I don’t know. The principal was about to leave when they showed up.”

“You're under arrest, Kobayakawa!” Akechi declared as many gasped from his words.

“Under arrest?” Kobayakawa adjusted his tan jacket. “That’s absurd! I haven’t done anything!”

“Save it, Kobayakawa!” Naoto snapped at him. “We already have all we need to send you down!”

“I’ve had enough of your accusation! I’m going to call my attorney if you keep harassing me with these baseless claims!”

“Baseless?” Akechi now looked amused before he went, “How about a confession from Kaneshiro himself about how you’ve been guiding students into the mafia’s path so that he can extort them for money!”

“Or,” Naoto looked very smug as she went, “How about the fact that you knew about the mafia affecting your school and you didn’t do anything to report it to the police!? Just like Kamoshida!?”

Kobayakawa swallowed as he processed the fact that they knew his crimes. “I-I a-admit that I could’ve handled that incident better… b-but that does not mean that I would allow my own s-students to–”

“You,” Akechi snarled as he pointed at him dangerously. “Need to shut up now!”

“Principal Kobayakawa,” Naoto snapped as the cops moved in on the quaking humpty dumpty. “We’re charging you with conspiracy, fraud and obstruction of justice! Hands behind your back!”

Everyone watched as the cops dragged the principal away, followed swiftly by Akechi as he let out, “Schools out, Shujin!”

Naoto remained behind as she saw Ren. She gave him a soft wink that only Ren and Makoto noticed before she followed her predecessor out of Shujin. Ren and Makoto said their goodbyes to Kasumi and Maruki before they walked to the stairs to the rooftop.

“I assume that was one of your sister's soulmates?” Makoto asked her leader.

“Yeah. Naoto Shirogane. The former detective prince.” Ren answered as they walked up the stairs.

“Well, she seems to be quite serious if she was here to arrest Kobayakawa, herself.”

“Wouldn't be surprised if Akechi wanted to get this over and done with.” Ren shrugged. “He probably got his answer on Kobayakawa’s true involvement.”

“Judging from Akechi-kun’s tone, I would say that he got his answer.” Makoto agreed as they opened the door to see Haru Okumura looking over the railing to see the police dragging the principal away to a car.

“Oh my…” The third year gasped as she brought a hand to her mouth.

“Are you okay, Haru?”

“AH!” Haru screamed before she turned around to see Ren and Makoto. She brushed herself off as she smiled. “Yeah! Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that!”

“Sorry about that.” Makoto looked apologetic.

“No, really! You're good!” Haru giggled sweetly. “I’m okay!”

Ren chuckled. “Shall we get to work?”

“Oh, yes! I have the gloves over here.” Haru walked to the desk and grabbed the two pairs before handing them to them.

And for the rest of that afternoon, the three began to work on the gardening. From time to time, Haru snuck glances at the two, watching their muscles tense and flex as they worked while each of the features glowed in the afternoon light.

Haru blushed as she looked back down at her own plants. It wouldn’t do her well to lose focus now. Her flowers needed their care. She couldn’t get distracted by the two sexy people that she had come to love over the past few weeks…

Wait what!?

Haru shook her head to fight off her fantasies before she stood. “I’m going to the restroom!” She left at a slightly unsteady pace as she went straight for the girl's bathroom on the third floor.

With a loud bang, she closed the stall as she began to take deep breaths to control her heart.

‘This was wrong,’ She thought to herself. She can’t be crushing on them with her current circ*mstances. But it was so f*cking hard to do so when everything they did drove her heart crazy. Ren and Makoto had been the closest friends she ever had in years, and she couldn’t disobey her father due to his arrangement for her.

As she closed the stall behind her as it flushed, she found herself in front of the mirror as she looked at it with sad eyes. Slowly with a sniff, she brought her hand up and moved the piece of her track shirt to reveal a black soulless mark in the form of a flame marked into her skin. Her fingers traced the mark as she began to tear up.

This wasn’t fair! She couldn’t have Ren and Makoto because of her mark, and she was getting married against her will because of her father. Tears began to spring to her eyes as she thought about the cruel game that the world had given her. As she wiped her face, she fixed her shirt before she left the girls restroom. Intending to enjoy every moment she could with both of her crushes before her father took all of it away on October 11th.


“I must say, Shirogane-San,” Akechi sipped his coffee. “You’ve presented a brilliant discussion when it comes to the Phantom Thieves.”

They were now sitting in the same cafe that Akechi took Ren to about a month prior. However, they were seated inside in a secluded booth to have privacy.

“I just see it as I read it,” Naoto replied as she placed her fork on the table. “While I am glad to see these criminals brought to justice, the Phantom Thieves are playing judge, jury and execution by targeting these criminals. To me, their methods have crime attached to them as well,” Naoto placed a hand to her chin. “But even so, what’s to say that these Phantom Thieves weren’t pushed to this already?”

“Ah, so you’re saying that the failures of society could be the cause of the Phantom Thieves’ actions?” Akechi looked intrigued. “That is a fascinating deduction. And it would make sense given their three targets so far…” He nodded in agreement.

Especially if his suspicions of Ren Amagi were correct.

“I’m glad to hear you say that Akechi-Kun.” Naoto thanked him. “It's nice to be able to talk to a detective on the force.”

“Are none of your soulmates in the police force?” Akechi asked.

“Well… I have one that is a police officer, but she isn’t a detective, you know.” Naoto shrugged as she sipped her drink. “She doesn’t exactly have the same appreciation for mysteries or debates.”

“I see,” Akechi nodded. Thinking about this topic for a moment, he turned back to her and spoke, “I hope I’m not overstepping my boundaries here but… what is your mark?”

Naoto hummed before she looked around to avoid anyone watching them in the corner. Slowly she removed her black jacket to expose her blue dress shirt before she rolled up her sleeve to reveal the glowing blue line that circled her wrist before she tugged it upwards some more to reveal electric crackling lines going up her arm. Akechi watched with interest as the mark along her arm reminded him of a crackling storm.

“My mark has a bit of a strange appearance,” Naoto spoke timidly. “It has three circular rings around my wrists and neck,” she tilted her head up to show the similar blue line around her lower neck almost tucked into the shirt as she continued, “Then it goes along my arms and along my back. There is a little bit on the front but it’s right by my collar bone to connect it all.”

“Jesus, that’s some Demi fiend type sh*t.” Akechi blinked in amazement as Naoto gave a soft laugh.

“Yes… I suppose it is based on what I’ve seen my soulmates play sometimes…” Naoto fixed her clothing as she went, “What about you Akechi-Kun?”

“Well, mine is not very impressive by comparison,” Akechi removed his green jacket to reveal his blue polo shirt. “It’s not even active so…” He sighed as he moved his shirt to reveal the black mark along his shoulder. “Try not to be too harsh on it because I don’t even know who it is.”

A gasp resonated from Naoto as she locked eyes with the dead black mark. Her eyes wide like dinner plates as Akechi suddenly grew concerned.

“Something wrong?” He asked her.

Naoto swallowed before she cleared her throat. She grabbed her water and finished it before she spoke,

“Try to bear with me, Akechi-Kun… but I know who your soulmate is.”

Akechi raised his brow as Naoto went to explain.


Sunday, July 10th, 20xx

“Okay, careful. Careful.” Shiho grunted as she and Ryuji lowered the couch into the living space. A sigh of relaxation left them as Mishima and Ann came over with the pillows. Makoto and Kasumi were helping move the dishes, cups and other silverware around as Sojiro and Aika carried boxes into the dorm. Maruki unfortunately had to leave due to prior engagements and Futaba was seated at the bar as Ren, Yusuke and Hifumi were in the kitchen. Goro was by the door with a troubled look on his face as he finished removing the shoes from the box.

“Honestly, Yusuke,” Morgana swayed his tail back and forth. “How the hell have you been living like this?”

“I haven’t needed much to go about my day.” The artist shrugged in response.

“Just like you don’t need a balanced diet?” Ren raised an amused brow.

“I do have a balanced diet.”

“Instant noodles are not a balanced diet.”

Their soulmates around the apartment laughed as Yusuke sighed in annoyance. Hifumi shook her head as she went, “I guess I have to force it into him don’t I?”

“Probably.” Ren shrugged in response.

“Do I get a say in this?”

“No.” They both shut Yusuke down.

Yusuke grumbled as Hifumi came over and gave him a playful peck. Goro stood up as he brought the folded box and set it by the other ones before he turned to Ren.

“I thought I would let you all know,” He began as all eyes turned to him. “Sae-San has been placed in charge of the prosecution. By the end of the week, the police hope the judge finds her guilty on all accounts.”

“That’s good to hear.” Ryuji shifted. “Hopefully we never have to hear of her again."

“What about the principal?” Ann asked.

“He’ll be sentenced at this rate. He was already under fire with Kamoshida, but Kaneshiro’s confession pretty much shoved him into the pits of hell. Though they are dealing with Mitsuyo first before they deal with him.”

“About time…” Mishima grumbled.

“Are you going to be okay, Hifumi?” Makoto asked as the girl in question sat down on her father’s couch.

“I… I will be. I just need time to move on from this.” Hifumi responded as Yusuke and Ann came to sit with her. Morgana climbed up onto her lap and pressed his head into her chin as she nuzzled him back.

“Well…” Akechi cleared his throat. “I must be off. School doesn’t give me any mercy despite my status and exams are coming up this week so I must return home. I’ll see you soon, Amagi.”

“Take care, Goro.” Ren bid farewell as Akechi waved to them all before he took off. He frowned at his fast speed out of there, but he ultimately shrugged it off.

“I must be off as well, see you later Senpai!” Kasumi said.

“Catch you later, Yoshizawa.” Ren responded as the red haired girl took off out of the dorms after Akechi. Sojiro came back into the main space as he put back on his hat.

“On that note,” Sojiro began tiredly. “You kids should be heading back as well. You’ve got school in the morning and exams to study for afterward.” He looked to Futaba and Ren. “Come on you two.”

Futaba scooped up Morgana as she, Ren and Sojiro went to leave. But not without joining their soulbond in one last hug to the amusem*nt of the two adults. After that, they along with Ryuji and his mom left the dorm, followed by Ann, Shiho, and Mishima as Makoto watched both of them from the door.

“Call us anytime you need something, okay?” She asked both Yusuke and Hifumi as they nodded back to her. Seeing their silent response, Makoto walked out and closed the door behind her, finally leaving the two Kosei students alone.

Hifumi sighed as she sat back down. As she looked around the space, Yusuke came to sit right next to her as he watched her with concern.

“Are you okay?”

Hifumi snifted as she wiped her eyes. “Not really.”

Yusuke wrapped in a soft hug and held her as she began to weep into his neck. He closed his eyes as he let his fellow soulmate finally grieve the loss of her father. A soft lullaby resonated from his closed mouth as he comforted his grieving partner. Goemon and Takiyasha-Hime watched with steady eyes as they let their hosts share a moment alone.


Hope you all enjoyed!

I'll see you in September for when we begin Summertime and Okumura!

Chapter 24: Fireworks and False Identities


As the Firework Festival gets rained out, Ren cheers up his soulmates with Ryuji and Yusuke's help. As they chill out though, Ren becomes aware of something that isn't right.


I got bored. So, I'm back early! And I have a chapter that's here to set up the next chapter!

It's a slightly shorter chapter, and a little more lighthearted, but I hope I do the characters justice.

Disclaimer: I do not own any songs that are singed in this story.

Hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Saturday, July 16th, 20xx

Phantom Thieves Group Chat

Knight: FREEDOM!!

Panther: NO MORE EXAMS!!!!


Queen: Congrats on surviving midterms everyone!

Joker: Now we can mess around and have fun!

Queen: Not so fast.

Knight: NOOOOOO!

Panther: Makoto. Don’t you dare!

Skull: Please don’t… For real…

Admin: I feel like my heart is about to drop in my chest.

Queen: I understand that school won't be in session soon, but you guys should still be pacing yourself so that it isn’t a cram session at the end.

Panther: Oh… okay!

Queen: What did you think I was going to say?

Skull: Nothing.

Oracle: They thought you were signing everyone up for summer school.

Skull: We did not!

Fox: Are you sure about that, dear?

Skull: Yes!

Knight: I mean… we kinda did…

Panther: Shiho! Stop!

Queen: Back to important matters…

Queen: What do we want to do?

Knight: huh…

Panther: I… I actually don’t know…

Joker: Well Ryuji, Yusuke, Yuuki and I were planning to have a guys night…

Joker: So…

Panther: GASP!


Knight: Ann, baby, no one types gasp in text.

Panther: That's complete bullsh*t!

Knight: Prove it!

Panther: “Ann, baby, no one types gasp in text.” Shiho Suzui, 20xx

Knight: Dammit!

Venus: That’s Checkmate.

Skull: She’s got you there.

Oracle: Damn. Quoted your ass!

Joker: I’ve taught you so well, Ann.

Panther: Love you too baby!

Fox: I guess you could say…

Fox: She never saw it coming…

Venus: coming for her… right in front of her eyes.

Joker: By the time it hit her…


Skull: Ha!

Panther: Yeah!

Knight: ‘sulks in defeat.’

Oracle: I love that playlist I installed for our infiltrations.

Admin: For real, it makes every battle exciting!

Queen: I would not mind a girls night.

Venus: I would also be down for a girls night.

Queen: I just hope our boys aren’t planning something dangerous. >: [

Panther: Successful expression from Makoto everybody!

Skull: Yeah baby! Let’s gooooooo!

Oracle: And I am now screenshotting this glorious moment for our potential wedding…

Queen: Stop it.

Joker: To answer your question, Makoto: No, we are not.

Skull: Yeah. We were going to get some ramen and then help Yusuke in his quest for pure booty back at Leblanc.

Panther: Booty?

Admin: Booty?

Oracle: Booty?

Joker: Booty?

Skull: What? What are you guys doing?

Venus: Booty?

Queen: Booty?

Knight: Booty?

Skull: Wait! No!

Joker: I am reporting that Morgana also said: Booty?

Skull: NO!!

Skull: DAMMIT!


Panther: Welp. That’s two thieves with a horny brain cell in control while typing.

Knight: Ha!

Venus: Who was the first, if you don’t mind me asking?

Knight: Ren.

Knight: He once called Makoto ‘mommy’ back in May when she first awoke to Johanna.

Admin: Oh! I forgot about that!

Oracle: Oh my god, that is kinky!

Venus: I would never have guessed our dear leader likes to be stepped on.

Joker: I don’t.

Queen: Are you sure about that?

Joker: Yes!

Skull: Yusuke, please! Answer me!

Fox: You are quite alright, Ryuji.

Fox: I was busy painting, and I know you made an error.

Skull: Oh, thank god…

Venus: And I’m currently making dinner for the both of us.

Fox: Besides, the quest for pure booty is easily achievable with Makoto.

Queen: Yusuke…

Fox: ?

Fox: Is that not true?

Oracle: Oh my god, Inari!

Skull: YOOOOOO!!

Panther: Yusuke! LMAO!

Queen: It’s not that big!

Venus: Yes it is, and it’s a nice delicious cake that I’d like to have by the ocean this summer.

Knight: Oh my god, Hifumi! XD

Queen: heijdbdjejdjdowhenn

Joker: Oh my god! Makoto had her first key smash moment!

Panther: Oh my god! It’s beautiful! ❤️

Oracle: I confirm that I have screenshotted that as well for the wedding.

Knight: Yes! Now I can die happy!

Queen: Stop it!

The chat has been closed

Monday, July 18th, 20xx

The rain continued to pour as the firework festival came to an early end.

Currently, the ten thieves were stuck underneath a roof as they waited for the rain to stop. People remained stuck on the sides of the road as the rain refused to let up.

Currently, Ann was forcing the water out of her yukata as she let out an annoyed sigh from the water canceling the festival.

“Ann!” Makoto and Shiho exclaimed with amusem*nt. Confused, Ann stood up straight and looked at them.


Shiho pointed behind her girlfriend as Ann looked where she was pointing. Ren, Ryuji, Yusuke, Futaba and Mishima had their eyes locked on Ann’s exposed thigh as their eyes held amazement at the exposed skin. Morgana was trying to hide it within the bag, but he wasn’t doing a good job.

Ryuji swallowed as he held out a dry towel for Ann, who shook her head with a look between annoyance and amusem*nt. “Looks like you could use some help with that…” he began timidly.

“Give me that!” Ann snatched the towel with a smirk before she began to dry herself. “Honestly…”

Ren looked back up at the clouds before a dark smile came on to his face. He leaned over and whispered to Yuuki and Futaba, who were also not in a yukata for their own reasons, and said, “Do either of you have the song: livin la vida loca?”

Futaba immediately held up her phone and began to play the song.

“Wait, what are you—?” Makoto blinked in fear of what he was planning. Ren stepped out into the rain as Futaba began to play it louder for others on the street to hear.

“She’s into… superstitions…” Rem began to sing, “black cats and voodoo dolls. Sing it Ryu!”

“I feel a premonition,” Ryuji joined Ren loudly in the rain. He pointed at Ann as he went, “That girl’s gonna make me fall!”

“Ren, Ryuji, get back over here!” Makoto yelled in panic as Ann looked back and forth to all the people watching them frantically.

“We don’t know them!” Ann tried to deny them as her partners. But the crowd was just shaking their heads in amusem*nt and laughter as some lifted their phones to record them.

“Here we go!” Ren clapped. The crowd began to clap in rhythm as Ren sang, “She’s into new sensations, new kicks and candlelight!”

“She’s got a new addiction,” Ryuji joined in. “For every day and night!”

Shiho, Makoto, Hifumi and Ann looked extremely embarrassed as they tried to cover themselves up from the amusem*nt of the crowd. Futaba, Morgana and Mishima just chuckled as the two humans continued to sway and sing with the music coming from Futaba’s phone. And Yusuke…

“She’ll make you take your clothes off,” Yusuke joined them in the rain much to the crowd's roar of approval and the soulbonds amusem*nt and mortification. “And go dancing in the rain!”

“She’ll make you live her crazy life,” Ren continued, “But she’ll take away your pain…”

“LIKE A BULLET TO YOUR BRAAAAIIIIIIINNN!” The three boys sang together as the crowd screamed in glee.

“Upside inside out!” They continued to sing together. “Livin la vida loca!”

“What are they doing!?” Shiho covered her face in embarrassment as they carried out the song.

“Making us suffer apparently…” Hifumi debated with closed eyes.

“What do we do!?” Ann whined.

“Futaba! Turn that off!” Makoto ordered. Futaba just backed away into Mishima.

“No! Not until they finish the song!” Futaba denied her advisor's order.

“Great… why us…” Makoto whined as the crowd began to join the boys in the song.


“Honestly!” Makoto scolded the three of them as she, Ann and Hifumi wrapped the three boys up thick blankets to cover up their sniveling noises. “What were you three thinking!?”

Shiho, Mishima, Futaba and Morgana giggled and laughed as Ren, Ryuji and Yusuke just smiled. As soon as the boys rejoined them from the rain, they had already begun to show signs of sickness, which drew Makoto’s ire as they dragged them back to Leblanc. Sojiro shook his head in amusem*nt and disappointment when he heard what happened from Futaba before he went and got a pot of warm water. The bond immediately changed to their sleepwear before Makoto, Ann and Hifumi used a damp towel to lay on their foreheads before they began their current task of wrapping them up.

“You act like you didn't like the show,” Ren teased as he laid in his red and black cocoon. Makoto did not look amused.

“Yeah, and it’s not our fault that the firework festival was canceled,” Ryuji grinned as Ann let out a sigh.

“Indeed. It was up to us to fix your moods after they were dampened by the rain.” Yusuke closed his eyes as he relaxed.

“By dancing out in the rain?” Hifumi questioned with a raised brow of amusem*nt.


Laughs and giggles rang out through the attic as the other thieves got themselves settled around the manmade nest of fabric. Morgana came over and curled up next to Ren and Ryuji as Ren’s phone went off.

“Who’s texting at this hour?” Shiho asked as she lifted her head.

Ren lifted his phone, and his eyes went wide as he read the text.

Yukiko: Singingintherain.jpeg

Yukiko: Ren! You did not!

Yukiko: Good job little bro. - Me and Yu Narukami

Ren chuckled as he showed his message to Makoto. She let out a laugh as she turned to the room.

“Ren’s sister is texting him. She saw the boy’s performance in the rain,” Makoto giggled as the room began to join her in laughter. Ren took his phone back from the brunette and began to type.

Ren: Thank you!

Yukiko: You realize that mom and dad have seen it too.

Yukiko: That’s how I found out!

Ren: sh*t.

Ren: Did they suspect anything?

Yukiko: No.

Yukiko: They think that they are just your friends from school.

Yukiko: I’m not telling them the truth because it’s not my thing to tell.

Yukiko: And because I am a good sister. : )

Ren: Oh thank god.

Ren: I didn’t even think about that.

Yukiko: I’ve got to go. Chie’s starting a game night between us here at the house.

Yukiko: Talk to you soon, Ren! Love you!

Ren: Love you too sis! Good night!

The Chat has been closed

He chuckled as he handed his phone to Makoto. She laughed as she scrolled through the image, but she made a sound as she accidentally backed out of the image. She was about to correct it…

When her crimson eyes landed on the name: Kasumi.

Confused, Makoto turned her eyes to Ren. “Ren… who is Kasumi?”

The other thieves one by one turned their eyes to their leader as he looked at Makoto. “What do you mean? Kasumi Yoshizawa? You met her last week. Remember, red hair. First year that goes to our school.”

“Dude, what are you talking about?” Ryuji sat up with a confused look on his face. “Her name is not Kasumi.”

Ren narrowed his eyes. “Are you guys messing with me?”

“No, Ren…” Now Ann sat up as she looked at him in concern. “Her name is Sumire. Not Kasumi.”

Ren looked like he didn’t believe her. “No. Sumire is the girl who died earlier this year.”

Makoto cleared her throat as she lifted up her own phone and displayed a news article to Ren. Confused, he took it gently from her hand before he began to read it.

His eyes widened comically as he read the first paragraph.

Kasumi Yoshizawa: Older sibling of Sumire Yoshizawa. Dead.

Ren blinked several times before he turned back up to his partners with wide eyes.

“Ren…” Makoto began gently. “Out of curiosity, who told you that her name was Kasumi?”

Ren thought it through before he spoke, “It was during the school cleanup back in June. She dropped her wallet and I saw the name. I asked if that was her name and she confirmed it.”

Makoto let out a sigh before she looked out the window. Already feeling like trouble was blooming. Ren sat forward as he processed all of this…

Did she even know that she wasn’t Kasumi…



“Are you good, Sumire Kasumi?” An older voice spoke from the other side of the bedroom door.

“I’m fine, father! I’ll get you if I need anything!” Kasumi responded shakily. As the footsteps left her door, her eyes held tears as she tried to get over the loss she got from the gymnastics finals.

At this rate, she would never be able to get past Sumire’s death…


…Was that right?

Why did it feel like something wasn’t…

Reality suddenly shifted as Kasumi’s face went from confusion to determination. No. She couldn’t give up now. She had to make sure that their dream became a reality.

With her mind set up, she laid down in her bed and closed her eyes. An ominous green glow surrounded the upper parts of her arms, and shoulders like they were protected by a glass layer.

Sumire Kasumi fell to sleep with the promise to make her sister’s dream a reality.

If only she knew what the week would bring…


Hope you enjoyed this shorted chapter...

Next time... It's time to help the Magenta Faith.

See you very soon!

Chapter 25: The Magenta Faith


The Phantom Thieves seek out Kasumi to find out the truth. Alot of things come from it.


Here we are again! My inspiration got me to write these back-to-back so here's the next chapter! Just to clarify something, some things have begun to unravel thanks to Kobayakawa's arrest. This is one of them.


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Saturday, July 23rd, 20xx

“What!?” Kasumi widened her eyes as she heard the vice-principal talk.

“You heard what I said,” The older man spoke firmly. “Your honor status will be revoked if your results don’t improve in the next meet. Something so serious should be brought to the attention of both her parents and herself.”

Kasumi lowered her head as Maruki frowned at the vice-principal. “I don’t understand why you think this is necessary! She’s trying her best!”

“Tenth place,” The older man frowned. “That’s what Shujin’s leniency has given her. If she is hellbent on wasting our time with such lackluster results, then she will have her honor’s status revoked after the next meet.”

“Why!?” Maruki pushed. “Because Shujin can’t crawl out of the scandals of Kobayakawa and Kamoshida otherwise?! Because she isn’t making Shujin look good!?”

The vice-principal remained silent, confirming Maruki’s suspicions as Kasumi kept her head low.

“You will remember your place, Dr. Maruki.” The older man spoke firmly. “Don’t blame the messenger for what the school board has decided. To put it simply, Shujin wants first place results at the next meet.” He turned to Kasumi softly. “Don’t get me wrong. I don’t agree with these heathens who want gold from you. I understand your sister’s passing has been a harsh knife in your back, but you can’t hold on to Kasumi Sumire for the rest of your life. You have to move forward and build a future for yourself, or you risk spending your time focused on the past.”

“So, you're saying I should forget her!?” Kasumi slammed her hands into the table as she stood up with disbelief and rage.

“I’m saying,” The Vice-Principal spoke firmly again. “That your life belongs to you. And it is high time that you live for what you believe in. Whether it's the dream that you two share or something of your own, that's what you need to figure out.” The older man stood from his chair before he adjusted his suit. “Now if you will excuse me.”

The older man left the room as Kasumi slumped down into her chair again with tears.

“What am I going to do…” She trembled as she sniffed. “I can’t even get myself to move the way I want to… How am I supposed to get results in September…”

“You’ll be alright, Yoshizawa-san.” Maruki soothed her. “Don’t let anxiety take over and ruin this for you.”

“Dr. Maruki…” Kasumi muttered before she stood. Her eyes were still down as she walked to the door. “I’m sorry. But I need to be alone.”

Maruki watched her leave with sad eyes. If only he could figure out how to truly make Sumire just as Kasumi, then she would be happy.


“Have you talked with Haru lately?” Makoto asked Ren as they walked to meet with the others.

“No.” Ren shook his head. “I hope she's doing okay.”

“She said that we weren’t doing gardening stuff this summer,” Makoto spoke in a worried tone. “I don’t understand.”

Ren was about to reassure her when his phone went off. As he lifted it to his ear, he heard the caller speak.

“Senpai!” Kasumi spoke through the phone. Makoto and Morgana’s eyes widened as they heard her speak.

“Kasumi?” Ren spoke. He angled the phone away from his ear to allow them to hear her.

“Yes! I’m in Odaiba right now at the stadium and… I could really use someone to talk to.”

“Are you sure, Kasumi?” Ren spoke again to confirm that she was using her dead sister's name.

“Yes… if you can spare the time?” Kasumi sounded unsure and there was a sniffle that he heard in the background. Clearly, she had been crying.

“I’m on my way.” he replied before he hung up the phone.

“Do you want to confront her?” Morgana asked as they walked out of the school.

“Makoto, get the others. We’re not going to gang up on her, but we are just going to ask nicely.” Ren elaborated as Makoto began to text the group chat.

“I hope she’s okay…” The cat creature muttered as they walked to meet up with everyone.


“No connection…” Kasumi muttered “I should’ve gotten this thing replaced already…”

She looked up at the stadium. “I’m so useless… I do nothing but cause trouble…” She looked down as a tear slipped and fell to the floor. “Why couldn’t the truck have taken me too…”

She heard some people talking in the background as they looked up directions for somewhere, but she shook her head when she heard the mention of a lab leave their mouths.

“It’s not a lab. It’s a stadium.” Kasumi muttered to herself.

Suddenly her phone peeped, catching her confused stare as she looked at the phone to find a red eyeball on her phone.

“Beginning Navigation!”


“Do you see her, bro?” Ryuji asked as the ten thieves walked through Odaiba.

“No.” Ren looked worried as he led the pack through the streets.

“I got the documents in case we need them.” Mishima reassured them as he held up his planner.

“Maybe we shouldn’t do this…” Ann spoke worriedly.

“Why is she using her dead sister’s name, Ann?” Shiho asked. “Does she have a reason to begin with?”

“It's a stolen identity if she doesn’t have a reason.” Hifumi joined as they walked.

“But perhaps there are reasons beyond our comprehension?” Yusuke theorized.

“Do you think so, Inari?” Futaba skipped by Ryuji.

“She doesn’t appear to react to the name Sumire.” He said as they looked at him. “I’ve seen what I assume to be her father speaking to her on Wednesday and he called her Sumire. But she kept going as if he called her Kasumi.”

“I saw something similar on Thursday.” Makoto added in. “This can’t be a coincidence.”

“You think it has something to do with the metaverse?” Ryuji asked.

“It’s possible.”

Ren looked worried before they reached the stadium. “There she is!”

“Good. Let’s go.” Morgana commanded as they walked to meet with her.

But as they got close, reality began to shift and warp as they all clutched their heads from the unexpected anomaly. When Ren could see again, they were all back in their metaverse attires.

“Something is,” Skull grumbled before he looked up at his partners. “Wait! What the–!”

“Our metaverse attires!?” Knight screamed as she looked at her black armor.

“Wait! This means–!” Admin spoke as he turned to the others.

“There’s no mistaking it…” Mona crossed his arms with a serious expression. “We’re in the metaverse.”

“Hm…” Fox inspected his attire before he looked up. “It doesn’t express that aura."

“Um…” Oracle shaked nervously. “G-guys!”

The thieves all looked to find that the stadium had been completely replaced by a tall lab.

“Such design…” Fox framed his fingers as he looked at it.

“What the hell…” Venus was at a loss for words as she looked at it.

“Wait! What is this place!?” Panther exclaimed.

“We didn’t activate the nav…” Queen brought a hand to her chin. She looked at Joker as she spoke, “Could she have…”

“I think so.” Joker’s worry just skyrocketed as he spoke.

“We need to find her! Now!” Knight yelled in panic.

“Phantom Thieves, Let’s go!” Mona yelled as they all climbed the fence to find their lost friend.


“What the hell is with the decor…” Admin spoke as they climbed the stairs to the main level.

“Its design seems rather nice like it's supposed to guide you…” Fox commented. He frowned as he went, “Sadly, it seems rather cultish.”

“There aren’t any shadows though, so that's a good sign!” Oracle spoke as she analyzed the palace.

“Oracle, do you have a read on Sumire?” Joker asked.

“I do. She’s just beyond the door over there!” Oracle pointed. Skull and Knight rushed over to it and slammed their bodies against it.

“It’s locked!” Knight yelled.

“So, we need to find another way forward…” Venus sighed. “How annoying.”

“Hm…” Mona trailed off as he looked at the right to see what looked to be a brown foothold going up. “Let’s try going over there!”

The thieves nodded as they listened to their comrade. One by one, the thieves climbed up the scaffolding as they grappled up to the highest point where one of them went forward past the door.

“Gasp, who’s there!?” A muffled voice spoke ahead of them.

“Is that–?” Knight spoke.

“Yoshizawa.” Joker responded firmly. “Come on!”

“Stay on guard though!” Mona cautioned.

The thieves rushed after their leader as he descended from the wood, landing several stairs down as Kasumi stared at what was in front of her.

“W-What….” She blinked in disbelief, “What are you…”

Across from Kasumi was a girl in a blue gymnastics leotard looking at Kasumi with a smug smile on her face. Her hair was long and red as her yellow eyes showed cruelty as she wore a pair of glasses and had a cruel smile on her lips.

“Is that…” Queen spoke.

“It is.” Mona looked on in dread. “It’s her shadow.”

“You’re just useless, aren’t you?” The shadow spoke to her. “Couldn’t do anything but hold everyone down. No wonder the school decided to give up on you.”

“What are you–,” Kasumi violently shook her head. “No. You’re wrong!”

“Oh? Are you really going to sit there, and feed me that drivel?” The shadow sneered as she pointed at her. “It’s your fault that she's gone! Your dream, torn to pieces because of your selfish actions! How can you live with yourself thinking that you deserve to bring it to life! You should be dead for what you’ve done!”

“Shut up!” Kasumi yelled at it. “Who are you to accuse me of this!?”

“Sumire!” Joker shouted as they came up the stairs.

She whipped around and gasped with shock on her face. “S-senpai?! What are you doing here!?”

“Oh?” The shadow grinned wickedly. “Have you come to tell her the truth? That she’s a worthless heap of trash that should be dead instead of Kasumi?”

“What!?” Kasumi looked at it, baffled. “I am Kasumi Yoshizawa! Sumire is the one who’s dead!”

Shadow Sumire just chuckled. “Really? I don’t think our dear senpais agree with you…” She looked at Joker with her yellow eyes mockingly. “Do you?”

Joker swallowed before he turned to Admin, who nodded as he pulled out his planner that was in his coat.

“Um… Kasumi,” Joker spoke with uncertainty. “How did Sumire die?”

Kasumi blinked as she processed his question. She looked down as she spoke, “We were walking home. Sumire was muttering about how she failed and how she was less than me,” She sniffed before she continued. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t see the truck coming on the crossroad. I tried to reach her… but…”


Why did it feel like something wasn’t…

Admin swallowed as he pulled out a piece of paper. He handed it to her as he said, “I think you need to recheck that story.”

Kasumi looked startled but she took it and began to read. Her eyes went horrific as she read the first paragraph.

“NO!” She screamed as she ripped it up. She looked at them angrily with tears as she pointed at Joker. “How could you do this to me! Why are you lying to me!? Don’t you understand how much she means to me!?”

“Kasumi…” Joker tried to speak.

“SHUT UP!” She roared.


“I SAID SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU JUST SHUT UP!” Kasumi exploded at them, which made Joker wince as the others looked sad at her.

The chuckle from behind her drew Kasumi’s eyes back to the shadow.

“Aw…” The shadow pouted. “Our senpais are telling you the truth and now you’re calling them crazy,” She grinned as she spoke, “Are you sure, they’re the ones who are lying?”

“You… You…” Kasumi twitched violently as she clenched her fists.

“After all, how can you accomplish your dream when you're not even honest with yourself.” Her grin widened as she went, “But I will accomplish it. Because I am you.”

“Shut up! It’s not true! You’re all lying to me to hurt me!” Kasumi raged with tears coming down her face.

“Oh, but it is…” The shadow spoke confidently. “See… you’re me. And I am you.”

“NO! YOU’RE NOT ME!” Kasumi yelled.

And for a moment, everything was still.

And Kasumi started to think that she made a mistake.

Because the shadow began to smile manically before it began to move around.

“Hmhmhmhmhmhm, hehehehehehehehehe, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The shadow laughed her ass off as she disappeared into a column of red fire. Kasumi fell onto her butt in fear as she watched it transform in front of her eyes.

“Did she…” Panther looked scared.

“Guys! Get back!” Oracle yelled. “The shadow is going berserk!”

“That’s right!” The shadow sang in the middle of the red inferno. “I’m not you, you pathetic bitch!”

When the fire disappeared. What was standing in front of them was a tall yellow and blue creature with legs made out of crystal and rotten flesh. There was a ruined dress on its body as one of her yellow eyes was normal while the other was large and inhuman. A single rapier was in its right hand as it snarled down at Kasumi.

“I am the shadow… of the truth self!” The shadow roared as she went to stab Kasumi.

“No!” Joker shouted as he lunged forward and blocked the rapier. Arsene came into existence as he blasted the shadow with Eiga. The shadow screamed as she was launched backward from her target. She crashed into the door with a loud bang before she snarled up at the thieves.

“Annoying little pests!” The shadow growled. “I’ll slice you to ribbons!” She launched at the thieves.

“Take her down! Now!” Queen ordered everyone but Oracle as she jumped into the fray. One by one the thieves rushed past Kasumi as they went to take down the shadow.

Kasumi let out a silent gasp as her dark red eyes landed on the teal mark on Mona’s shoulders.

As Joker came to a sliding stop next to her, Arsene fired another Eiga at the shadow.

“R-Ren S-senpai…”

Joker turned down to face her as she looked nervous and shaky.

“M-my…” She swallowed before she spoke. “Sumire had the same mark as your cat… if you’re all right about me… then you’re my…”

Joker’s eyes widened comically as he turned to her. He knelt beside her and put a gloved hand on her back.

“Are you sure?” He spoke softly.

“Please,” She whimpered. “At least show everyone what the truth is.”

Joker sighed before he removed his left glove. He brought his hand down to her exposed arm as Kasumi’s eyes remained locked on his finger.

As his finger made contact with her skin, all of the Phantom Thieves made a loud hiss sound.

And meanwhile…

Sumire screamed as the barrier on her shoulders shattered, causing small glass pieces to fall and hit the white floor before they melted out of existence.

Unfortunately, as everyone was still recovering from the shock that yes, Sumire was their soulmate. The shadow took advantage of it.

And launched a Heat Wave right at them.

With a loud yell, the other thieves went flying as Joker threw himself in front of her as he took the hit with a grunt. He slid his glove back on as he reached for his mask.

Sumire’s eyes went wide as she recovered from the pain before she moved her school uniform. She saw it. The mark that looked right in the middle of red and pink. Her magenta flames rolled off the skin of her arms, shoulders and upper chest as she began to tear up.

“This… This is…” She began to sob. “Kasumi… no...,”

She curled herself up into a ball, unable to handle the truth that laid in front of her.

Joker frowned softly as he looked down at her.

“Aw…” The shadow pouted as she raked her rapier against the floor, causing spikes to fly as she came closer. “Do you understand the truth? Did it have to take the mark that you called a mistake to make you realize that?”


Joker snapped his head upwards as he looked behind Sumire and saw two Macarabe and one Byakhee spawn in. The green and yellow demon snarled as he pointed at him. “How dare you undo our lord's work! How dare you make Yoshizawa reach out to her own pain! We will kill you to restore her happiness!”

Sumire hitched her breath as she heard this.

“N-no!” She shook. “Y-you can’t!”

“Fret not, child.” one of the Macarabe spoke as he twirled his scythe. “We will restore your dream once we rid you of this disgusting wretch who has rebirthed your pain! We will guide you out of your failure and into success with our master’s grand vision!”

The shadow did nothing, only watching with a cold smile as Joker looked back and forth between it and the shadows creeping closer. He went for his mask again…

But then…

“NO!” Sumire yelled. She slammed her fist against the floor as she gritted her teeth.

Joker looked down at her worriedly. “Sumire…”

“You think you can tell me what's right for me!” She spoke with rage in her voice. “First… Everyone thinks that they have the right to express their expectations of me…”

“Yoshizawa…” Mona blinked in astonishment. The others watched with wide eyes as Sumire took a stand.

“Now… now when my senpai… has reminded me of what I lost… even when I turned my anger on him… you all decide that I’m a failure, and that he has to die for my happiness!?” She gritted her teeth as she brought herself to stand. Tears fell to the floor as she sniffed them away. “You’re telling me that I’m not cut out to make our dream come true? As if I don’t know that better than anyone!” She stared up at her shadow, who kept a neutral glare on her. “Deep down… I knew… I knew the truth… but I…”

“Sumire-chan!?” Panther gasped.

“Is she…” Knight blinked in suspicion.

“I REFUSE to hear you speak ill about our dream!” Sumire roared at her shadow. “It’s time to stop letting people roll all over me! No matter what happens to me, I will make sure that the weak and foolish Sumire dies today! For if I can’t bring our dream to life… or fight to protect my own bond when they need me…” She snarled as she went, “THEN MY NAME ISN’T SUMIRE YOSHIZAWA!”

For a moment, everything was quiet, as the Phantom Thieves looked proud of her outburst. Shadow Sumire on the other hand recoiled as if she just got slapped by a God’s Hand before she looked at her other self in shock and disbelief over the girl's change in attitude in just the span of minutes.

…and then…

She began to smile.

A warm, gentle smile.

“Such tenacity… It suits you…”

Sumire screamed as her eyes went yellow. She brought her hands up to her head as the shadow began to float. Her rapier melted into sludge as it disappeared from sight. As she continued to scream, the shadow closed her eyes and rocketed up into the golden light above. The thieves covered their eyes as the golden glow descended on Sumire like a stage light.

“The glass slippers are the icon of glory.

Not just for you… or the other girl within you… but for the ones you wish to live for…

for the ones who want to know and love every bit of you…

If this is your desire… then let us proceed with our contract…

I am thou… Thou art I…

Are you prepared for your debut? The ball awaits you, young one.”

As the shadow finished, a black mask with silver highlights that curved up on the sides of her face manifested. As her hands came up to grab it, her smile began to widen and become a psychotic grin as she ripped it off her face. Blood erupted from Sumire as she pointed her hand high.

“For our dream… COME CENDRILLON!”

From the light above, Sumire’s persona descended. A ash-black skinned woman with blue crystalline glass clothing and yellow waist armor lowered from the sky in a free fall as a blue ribbon in her yellow hair and a white cape attached to her back blew behind her. Slowly, the persona reached out to Sumire as she watched her come towards her.

As soon as Sumire and Cendrillon touched hands, a column of blue light consumed the red-haired girl as everyone shielded their eyes from the explosion.

“What the fu–” Oracle blinked as she watched Sumire go through what was pretty much a magical girl transformation seen from sailor moon in front of her eyes through the monitors, as Sumire became covered in a purple light that changed the clothing of her body into her metaverse attire. She pressed several buttons to make sure that Necronomicon recorded it so she could hack it onto her phone later.

When the fire died down, Sumire stood in front of them in a black sleeveless leotard with black heels and a bolero black jacket with gold buttons. A silver belt with two rose motifs and a scabbard remained around her waist as her thigh-length black boots clacked against the floor. Raising her head with a proud smile, she thrusted her red gloves upwards as Cendrillon moved behind her.

“Dazzle them, Cendrillon!” She shouted.

The persona responded by flipping once and launching Makouga forward. The two Macarabee were sent to the floor as the Byakhee snarled from her attack. It growled as it launched an Agidyne straight at her, but she dodged with ease as she dashed forward.

“Cendrillon, Dazzler!” She shouted.

The Byakhee yelled as the Dizzy ailment hit it straight on, tilting its head downwards as it tried to fight off the ailment.

“Arsene, Assault Shot!” Joker yelled as the gentleman thief knocked down the shadow. “Here we go, follow our lead, Sumire!”

What happened next was a poor eleven on one ticket to hell as the thieves dashed all around the demon before Sumire began to twirl around in a circle rapidly before she landed with a confident stomp. “Stuck the landing!” She yelled as the demon faded.

“Aw, yeah!” Skull shook his fist in joy.

Sumire let out a gasp as the strength suddenly left her body. She stumbled as she fought to stay on her feet.

“Yoshizawa!” Queen yelled as she and Joker came to support her.

“No!” Sumire held up a hand before with great struggle, she stood right back up. Tall and proud, she fixed her hair as she turned to Joker. “I’m good.”

Joker smiled at her as he nodded.

“Either way, we need to get out of here!” Mona cut in. “Those shadows could return if we stay here.”

“Follow our lead!” Joker said to Sumire as they began to leave the palace.


“Ow…” Sumire whined as she rubbed her head.

“Are you alright?” Yusuke asked her as they all stood around outside the stadium.

“Yeah….” She shook her head. “I’m still… trying to wrap my head around what just happened…”

“We can explain it to you.” Morgana swished his tail as he looked up at her.

One Very Boring Explanation Later…

“A Metaverse… With Palaces… and Personas…” Sumire spoke aloud as Morgana finished explaining.

“Take your time.” Makoto brushed a hair behind her ear. “It’s not easy to understand.”

“Normally I wouldn’t believe what you just told me, but after seeing all of that…” Sumire smiled as she looked down and said, “Thank you for explaining Mr. Kitty.”

Morgana raised an amused brow. “Shouldn’t there be something else that has your attention?”

Sumire blinked in confusion before she co*cked her head down at him. She recoiled with wide eyes as she went, “A cat’s talking!?”

“Took you long enough.” Morgana deadpanned. “And I am not a cat! I am Morgana!"

“Do you want me to call you, Morgana-senpai?”

Morgana shrugged.

“Are you alright, Sumire?” Ren asked her. “You seemed upset when you called earlier.”

“Oh…” Sumire looked sad before she explained. “My meet… It wasn't exactly stellar.”

“Right. You said this on Sunday.” Ren nodded in recognition.

“I ended up getting told that the School Board is expecting me to have gold in the next meet or they would take away my honor’s student status. I ended up getting Dr. Maruki dragged into the whole thing too…”

“What bullsh*t!” Ryuji stomped the floor. “Why the hell does the board think they are!?”

“To be fair,” Makoto looked regretful. “Kamoshida and Kobayakawa both have damaged the school far more than anything. Even with all of their scrambling that they’ve been doing to fix it, another scandal keeps popping up one after another.”

“So, this is technically our fault…” Ann looked apologetic at this.

Sumire pursed her lips together. “Um… I’ve been meaning to ask…” She looked up at Ren. “Are you guys the Phantom Thieves?”

All eyes looked at her alarmed before they swallowed. Ren now looked apologetic as the only thing he did was nod. “You caught us.”

“I knew it.” Sumire pouted adorably. She looked alarmed as she went, “Oh, wait! That means… when we were at the diner with Akechi-kun last week… I basically told the Phantom Thieves that I don’t agree with what they’re doing!”

She fell to her knees as she dramatically bowed over. “I’m so sorry, Senpai!”

“Sumire. Stand up. You’ve done nothing wrong.” Ren looked amused but he was also concerned. As Sumire stood up again, he spoke, “You spoke the same things that I believe in actually.”

“Oh…” Sumire blinked. “Really?”

“What we’re doing, Sumire, isn’t about fame or glory. It’s about doing the right thing. I meant everything I said to you and to the announcers back in June. I don’t want this to become a large thing where we take control of society. I don’t care about fame or even the money that we can make from them. What I care about is doing the right thing. That was my belief with Kamoshida, Madarame, and Kaneshiro back to back. People were suffering and I wanted to help them.” He looked at his fellow thieves who looked proud. “Same goes for these guys.”

“Damn straight.” Shiho agreed as the group began to laugh. Sumire looked flustered to hear Ren’s words as he turned back to her.

“Um…” Sumire looked shaky. “If you don’t mind…”

“You don’t have to join us if you don’t want to, Sumire.” Makoto said softly. “I know you don’t exactly agree with us.”

“I know.” She acknowledged. “But even still…” She bowed her head as she went, “I want to be around my soulmates!”

All of the thieves blinked at her declaration.

“Ah.” Hifumi smirked. “So, you just want to be around us as much as possible.”

“Sort of…” she blushed hard as she went, “I like to think of this more as a fair exchange. You help me with my gymnastics and establish myself as Sumire and in return I lend my abilities to the Phantom Thieves!”

Ren chuckled before he held his hand out for her. “Only if you're sure, Sumire.”

Sumire reached out with a smile as she shook her senpai's hand. As her hand met his, Lavenza’s voice went off again in Ren’s head as the Faith card changed from five stars to ten stars. Reality resumed as the rest of the thieves came in to hug Sumire.

“I think we all know what this means…” Ryuji grinned as they separated from the red head.

“Codename time!” Ann cheered.

“Codename?” Sumire looked confused.

“We can’t go around using our real names, dingus!” Futaba cackled.

“It’s just a precaution when we travel the metaverse.” Morgana reassured her.

“Oh…” Sumire looked down in thought before she looked up at her leader and spoke, “Then… how about Violet?”

“Sumire in English?” Ren spoke before he smirked. “Not bad."

“Alright then… Welcome to the Phantom Thieves!” Makoto declared, creating cheers among the group.

“Oh wait!” Ann gasped as everyone looked at her. “How did Sumire get in the palace?”

“That’s a good question…” Yusuke spoke with a frown.

“Sumire, can we see your phone?” Morgana looked up at her.

“My phone?” She pulled it out as she spoke, “Yes, but I don’t know if… hm?”

“Something wrong?” Ren asked.

“My phone is fine… which is the issue. Before now, it’s always been glitching and not working properly.” Sumire explained.

“Perhaps that was also an effect of you believing that you are Kasumi?” Futaba theorized.

“Maybe…” she looked down with uncertainty. “Anyways, here it is,”

Ren looked at her screen as he saw the red eye ball as he clicked on the app and saw the entry.

“She has the Metanav app and an entry. But the name portion of the entry is censored.” Ren spoke with a frown.

“What the eff…” Ryuji complained. “So, we don’t know whose palace this is?”

“It would seem that way.” Ren handed it back to Sumire.

“Well, we aren’t after this guy, so I guess it isn’t relevant for now.” Morgana shrugged. “Shall we get out of here?”

“Would you like to join us tonight at Leblanc, Sumire?” Ren offered.

“Are you guys hanging out tonight?” She asked back. “Because if so, I would like to join!” She finished happily.

“Are you going to be okay to do so?” Makoto asked.

“Yeah! I just need to grab my things from my house!”

“Well then…” Ren smirked at his team. “Shall we?”


Sojiro read the paper as the bell chimed. He looked up to see everyone with their sleeping supplies as he stood up from his chair.

“Ah! There you are!” His eyes locked on Sumire before he went, “Sumire Yoshizawa, right?”

“Um… yes.” She looked sheepish.

“You’re part of the pack. Aren’t you, kiddo?”

Sumire swallowed before she nodded at the cafe owner. Sojiro shook his head softly before he turned to Ren. “You better hope that you have only one or two more. I don’t think the attic will be big enough for all of you at this rate.”

“Can’t help what fate handed to us.” Ren shrugged. He turned to his soulmates. “Shall we?”

The thieves followed their leader one by one to the attic as Sojiro shook his head, knowing that things were only going to get crazier.


“The matter has been settled, Haru.”

Kunikazu Okumura did not even look up from his phone as he addressed his daughter. Haru remained on the sofa with her head low.

“You will be expected to obey my wishes when the time comes.”

“But Father! What you want is a crime! Not just because of my age, but because of my mark!”

“And yet,” Kunikazu spoke uncaringly, “None of them have shown themselves to mark you. As it stands, you are not going to find them before you’re out of high school.”

“That doesn’t mean it won’t happen!” Haru argued.

Kunikazu let out a sigh before he turned an annoyed look to his daughter. “This matter is closed Haru. When October comes around, you will be expected to drop out of school. That is final. Now go to your room and stay there tonight!”

Haru Okumura swallowed before she did as she was told. She could hear her father get on the phone with someone, but she couldn’t hear due to her own grief.

She closed her door before she threw herself onto her bed with a sob. Her hands went up to her shoulders as she rubbed them through the cloth of her shirt.

The sound of her cries echoed out as she prayed for a hero to come save her from this false kingdom.


Goro Akechi watched the Phansite from his computer with an annoyed look on his face.

He watched as the rankings went up on the poll and how Okumura was winning by a landslide.

He let out an annoyed sigh.

With Okumura being the most likely to be targeted, he had no choice now.

There were things to do. Plans to bring to life.

Or else everything would remain out of reach.

His justice. His heart and soul. Everything that he worked for the past two years would go up in smoke.

Robin Hood and Loki watched with weary eyes as he stood. He looked down at the Metanav, the very thing that gave him the power to seek revenge on Shido.

"Are you sure about this, Goro?" Robin asked his other self.

"Of course he is, Robin." Loki grumbled. "Amagi basically gave himself away with Kaneshiro."

Goro made a sound of agreement. With Kaneshiro's defeat, he was almost one hundred percent certain that Ren was not only a Phantom Thief, but the leader itself. Now he just had to catch them in the real world.

And everything would go according to plan.

His eyes darkened as he began the navigation into the Metaverse. Ready to put himself on the line again to achieve his justice.


Only two more to go... Will the Phantom Thieves save them from their darkness? Or will they lose them forever thanks to a false god's machinations?

Regarding Medjed... it still happens, but Futaba will literally take care of it at the start of next chapter, so they are irrelevant.

Regarding Sumire herself, Cendrillon isn't changed much from what she is in canon. I just gave her some of her abilities that she had in her boss fight like Dazzler or moves that she would have earlier.

Cendrillon: Level 36
Affinities: Resists Bless, Weak to Curse
Trait: Veil of Midnight: Increases chance of allies not being downed when attacked.
Tempest Slash
Heat Wave
Bless Boost
Apt Pupil

Hope that gives you a picture!

Next time, we're skipping to the end of summer when the Phantom Thieves have their beach day!

And then, we begin The Spaceport of Greed proper!

See you guys then!

Chapter 26: Beach Day


Going to the Beach. Akechi opens up some more on his past.


One of two filler chapters before we begin the next palace. Hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Monday, August 29th, 20xx

“Futaba will be in your care today. Got it?” Sojiro questioned his charge.

“Trust me, boss,” Ren reassured the older man. “We won’t let her leave our sights.”


“Come on!” Futaba wailed near the top of the road by the clinic. “We’re going to be late!”

Ren and Sojiro chuckled before Morgana came up next to the orange gremlin. He sat down and softly swung his tail back and forth as Ren turned back to the older man and saluted him before he went to join them.


“Ugh… it’s so hot…” Ryuji complained under the umbrella.

“Which is why we are applying the soul screen, Ryuji.” Mishima reminded him as he rubbed it all over his mark. Ryuji only made a sound of annoyance as the blue haired boy passed the bottle to him. Ren and Yusuke chuckled beside him to his right as they went back to trying to stay cool.

This entire summer has been a blast so far. After helping Sumire remember herself on the last few days of school, they had reached a neutral arrangement with each other and began to enjoy their summer vacation.While Ren hung out with the athlete and helped her improve as Sumire while also helping her move past Kasumi’s death, the Phantom Thieves chose to take it easy and focus on Mementos and helping Morgana. They had cleared two blocks and unfortunately ended up stuck at the end of the purple hall once they got low enough. It was during these expeditions that Sumire, now codenamed Violet, got to test Cendrillon’s true power and help her bond however she could with her Physical and Bless attacks.

And in the real world, Ren hung out with his confidants while also making the time to hang out with his soulmates. On most nights since there was no school, they would meet up at Leblanc in the afternoon and stay there until noon the next day. Sometimes they stayed for two days due to there being no conflicts in anyone's schedule. Hell, with his own soulmates, their tarot cards were all sitting at 7-9 stars and Ren was curious about what would happen when they reached 10. Igor and Lavenza had said that both sides of the bond would gain a new power and Ren was curious on what they meant by that.

But for now, they were planning to enjoy one of their last days of summer here on Miura Beach. Currently, the four boys and Morgana were waiting on the girls as they were getting changed in the restroom. Each of the boys were wearing a pair of swim trunks, whose main color matched their soulmark as they showed their soulmarks to the world, minus Yusuke who was in a light zip up hoodie. Morgana naped on top of the table in the shade as he waited for the girls.

“Damn the Phansite is going crazy!” Mishima exclaimed as he pulled up his phone.

“You’re looking at it now?” Ryuji questioned as he rubbed the soulscreen into his mark.

“Yeah.” He shrugged. “We’re not doing anything while we wait on them, so I'm going to check on it. Especially with what Futaba did to Medjed a week ago.”

About a week back, Futaba had handled the terrorist hack group called Medjed, who had challenged the Phantom Thieves right when school ended back in July. Ultimately, the only reason it took so long to strike back against them was because Futaba wanted to be a dick and mess with them a bit. Though they were all shocked to find out that Futaba was technically the original Medjed before she started going by Alibaba.

“Still man,” Ryuji put the bottle down on the table as Ren reached for it. He grabbed the popsicle stick in his mouth as he looked at the blue haired boy, well one of two anyway.

“Relax,” Mishima reassured him. “I’ll put it down when the girls get out here. I’m not going to keep it up while we’re having fun. We only got one day to do this so I’m going to enjoy it.”

“Good man.” Ren smirked as he put the bottle down. “Is Okumura still at the top of the pole?”

“Pretty much. He won by a landslide.”

Yusuke hummed as if lost in thought over the details.

“Sorry for the wait!”

The four boys turned around in their chairs and Morgana lifted his head as Ann called out to the boys. She was dressed in a two piece pink bikini that did nothing to hide her figure to the open air, along with a pink pair of sandals. Immediately, the four boys felt their eyes go wide as their swim trunks began to tighten over Ann’s body.

‘No! Bad boys! Bad! Get a hold of yourselves!’ Morgana chastised them telepathically as they snapped out of it and adjusted themselves.

Thank you Morgana.

Makoto, Shiho, Hifumi and Sumire all stepped out into the open air as well behind Ann, wearing a two piece bikini and a pair of sandals of their own, but changed into their own soulmarks color. Cautiously, the boys stood up from their chairs before they made the short distance over to the girls. Ann had been fanning herself before she looked at Ryuji to see the popsicle stick go upwards and his eyes were completely wide.

Slowly and surely, Ann got the picture as her face went from confused to seductive before she began to stalk over to the blond.

“Aw…” She pouted. “Do you have a better opinion of me now, baby?”

She wrapped her arms around Ryuji’s neck as the blond froze. She licked her lips as she went, “What? Cat got your tongue?” She leaned closer as she went, “Come here.”

Both blondes began to make out right there in front of their partners as both sides began to struggle with the lust and affection rolling off of them. For a moment, it looked like Shiho, Mishima, Sumire and Hifumi were about to fall victim to the sparks of lust as they blushed and swallowed to keep themselves controlled.

Thankfully, Ren knew how to save it.

“We’re missing one,” He spoke to Makoto as they both turned to the stall. The others immediately snapped out of it as Ann and Ryuji separated before she turned in Ryuji’s arms to look at the restroom.

Inside the closest stall, a pair of legs attached to green sandals was shuffling her way out of the stall before she slowly opened the door and put her green bikini on display to the group. But they couldn’t see her…

Because her head was wrapped in toilet paper.

The popsicle stick in Ryuji’s mouth fell out as he made an offended sound of horror. Ann, Shiho and Makoto sighed in annoyance as Ren, Yusuke, Mishima, Hifumi, Sumire and Morgana all held a cursed look on their faces.

“This is perfect!” Futaba’s muffled voice came from inside the ball of toilet paper. She started to wobble to them with her arms and hands out as she went off course back and forth.

Makoto seemed to have enough as she reached for Futaba. “No. There’s nothing perfect about that! Just stay still, you’ll be just fine.” She soothed as she reached up and began to undo the toilet paper ball wrapped around her head. The gremlins' long orange hair spiraled down her back as she looked extremely nervous. As she looked around shakily, her eyes locked with Ren’s as he shook his head in amusem*nt.

“Is everyone good?” Makoto asked the group. “Be sure to grab the soul screen.”

“Yes mommy,” Ann quipped as the others laughed at her joke. Makoto blushed in embarassment.

“Holy sh*t is it hot though…” Shiho commented as she grabbed the bottle. She squirted out some for Hifumi and Sumire before she began to lather her mark in the protective lotion.

“Do we have anything that we want to do?” Yusuke asked as Makoto recovered.

“Well, us girls are planning a trip on the banana boat.” Ann chirped as she put her bag down.

“Can we join?” Mishima looked hopeful.

“Sorry boys. Six person capacity,” Ann denied as she playfully stuck out her tongue.

“What!?” Ryuji looked hurt. “What are we supposed to do then?!”

“Deal with it. Bye!”

The boys watched them slack jawed as the six girls left with giggles towards the beach. Ryuji slumped in his chair as he pouted.

“What the hell!” He exclaimed. “What are we supposed to do!?”

For a moment, the five boys looked down in sadness as the girls left them in the dust. That was until Ren, bless that beautiful man, shot his head up in realization.

“We have the portable grill, right?”

“Yeeeah.” Ryuji answered him with uncertainty. “Why?”

“The burgers, brats and the corn on the cob too?”

“All in the cooler along with the zucchini, watermelon and drinks… Why do you ask?” Yusuke now looked puzzled.

Ren grinned. “It’s time for a meat party.”

At this, all four of them locked eyes with Ren with realization before they smiled in excitement.

“MEAT PARTY ROUND TWWWWWWOOOOOO!” They shouted loudly as Ren immediately went for the portable grill.


“Ah, that was fun.” Ann said in a dreamy voice.

“I wish it wasn’t so bumpy though…” Futaba whined as they walked away back to their campsite in the sand.

“I feel bad.” Sumire pouted.


“We left Senpai and the others alone!”

“Oh,” Ann waved her off. “They’ll be fine! We’ve done things without them before, and we’ll keep doing it because we’re girls! Same way that they do boy things because they’re boys!”

“Hopefully they aren’t causing trouble…” Makoto looked worried.

“I think they’ll be fine.” Hifumi agreed with Ann. “It’s not like they’re immature… well immature enough to do something incredibly stupid.”


“Well let’s get back to them then!” Shiho encouraged them. “I’m sure that–, hm?”

She stopped as she smelled something in the air. The others stopped and looked at her confused as Shiho sat there and sniffed the air.

“Something wrong, Shiho?” Ann asked her worriedly.

For a moment, the girls looked concerned as the raven haired athlete continued to sniff the air with wide eyes. As Shiho’s eye twitched and a growl left her throat, Ann got scared.

Everyone knew this: Ann had an obsession with sweets. But there was a reason that Ann and Shiho were best friends outside of the obvious. Because they both had their own obsessions that balanced it out.

In Shiho’s case, it wasn’t sweets that the athlete was obsessed with. No. What she was obsessed with was the same reason why she was the only girl that made the time to join the boys at the festival in July after their exams.

What was Shiho obsessed with, you may ask?


“MEEEEEEAAAAAAATTT!” Shiho roared before she took off in the direction of their campsite.

“Shiho! No!” Ann gasped before she and the other four took off after their hungry friend.


“Aw yeah!” Ryuji grinned in excitement as Ren flipped a patty. “Now we’re cooking!”

The others watched Ren work with fascination as he continued to cook dinner for everyone. The way he crafted each burger and every other piece of food like a pro kept their attention as the aroma drew in the four boys.

“It looks so good…” Mishima salviated at the mouth as he watched the juice on the cooked patty coat the bun.

“Lookin good, Joker!” Morgana grinned with stars in his eyes.

Ren chuckled as he grabbed the tongs and lifted one of the burgers up onto the plate containing the other cooked patties. Thank god for his third eye for cooking when he was younger. He still remembered how Yu tackled these for one night when his sister’s bond visited his home in Inaba. So far, it was looking really good and the brats were looking almost as good.

“Thank my sister everyday for this method I learned.” He spoke to his male soulmates with fondness in his voice. “I’m just glad that-,”

He stopped as he felt a cold draft breeze over him.

And apparently the others felt it too because they stopped and looked around worriedly.

“Why do I feel a sense of danger approaching?” Yusuke spoke aloud before they began to pick up sounds of someone running through the sand.

All five of them turned with eyes full of panic as they saw Shiho running at them in her silver bikini with a dark hungry look on her face. The other five remained far as she rushed through the crowds to get to the boys.


“Code Silver! Code Silver!” Ren shouted as Yusuke grabbed the brat and burger buns.

“NO YOU DON’T!” Ryuji shouted as he shot up and ran at Shiho. The two crashed as they got into a struggle, hands on each other's shoulders as Shiho attempted to push right past him. Ryuji did his best to hold his ground, but he was losing.

Because his leg was still injured.

Shiho huffed as she pushed against him before she grinned wickedly. “You can’t beat me, Ryuji!” She pushed forward and caused Ryuji to stumble before he regained his footing. “I’ll blow right through you!”

“Help me!” Ryuji squeaked out. Mishima got up and joined him as they pushed Shiho off for the girls to catch up.

“Give me the meat! I’ll crush you both!” Shiho yelled in mad excitement as she tried to push through them both. Fortunately, the two boys held her off long enough as Makoto came up behind her mate and wrapped her arms around her waist before she fell back and suplexed Shiho into the sand. The raven-haired athlete crashed into the ground with a scream as Ryuji and Mishima helped keep her pinned.

“Go! Go! Go!” Ann pushed them forward as she, Hifumi, Futaba and Sumire rushed for a plate, which Yusuke helped them get as Ren put the items on their plates to get them out of the way. Shiho continued to thrash as the three held her down. Morgana remained out of everyone's way to allow the fastest route possible.

“Alright we’re good! Let her go!” Ren ordered. Makoto immediately let go of her waist as Shiho shot up with an annoyed expression.

“f*ck all of you!” Shiho pouted as she came over and sat down next to Ryuji and Ann as Ren handed her the last plate.

“Hey! Don’t deny it! You would have stolen three burgers!” Ann countered.

“You would have stolen three burgers.” Shiho mocked her best friend as she lifted up her burger and chewed, some juice sprayed out onto the sand below as she let out a pleasant hum.

“You do have an obsession with meat, Shiho.” Hifumi pointed out.

“Hey! You don’t judge Ann for her sweets! Don’t judge me for my meat!” Shiho fired back as she went for another bite.

“If we want to judge anyone,” Ann joined in as she looked to her right. “How about the one with the biggest plate?”

Sumire blushed as they all looked at her. She had one burger and one brat like the others, but she had gone overboard with corn, zucchini and the watermelon.

“Are you sure that you’re going to eat all of that?” Makoto looked worried.

“What do you mean?” Sumire pouted. “This is perfectly accomplishable.”

“She is a growing girl.” Ren smiled at Makoto.

“That doesn’t exactly–,”

“Am I not allowed to eat it?” Sumire pouted up at Makoto. The brunette swallowed before she patted Sumire’s shoulder reassuringly.

“You can eat what you want.”

“Yay! Thank you, Makoto-senpai!” Sumire immediately went for her corn to the amusem*nt of everyone as Makoto shook her head with a smile.

“You know you don’t have to use the honorifics with us.”

“Hm?” Sumire questioned with a mouth full of watermelon which also looked incredibly adorable, and Ann totally didn’t snap a picture.

“You don’t have to call us senpai. You’re our equal and partner. You can just use our names or pet names like babe or baby.”

“I know. I’m just going at my own pace!” Sumire smiled at her advisor as she went for her burger.

“All right then.”

“Are we excited for the upcoming Hawaii trip?” Mishima asked the group. “Well, Those of us at Shujin anyway.”

“Makoto. Are they still having you chaperone?” Ren asked.

“Yes. Due to the questioning that’s still going on with the teachers, some of the third years will be coming with the second years to Hawaii.”

“Well, I’m glad most of us could go together.” Ann smiled.

“Yeah. But Mona and I are left here in Japan.” Futaba pouted.

“Hifumi and I are also going elsewhere.” Yusuke joined in as he wiped his face.

“Los Angeles.” Hifumi picked up where Yusuke ended.

“Damn. Wish we were all going to Hawaii.” Ryuji grumbled.

“Well, I will be in attendance only because of Gymnastics.” Sumire added.

“Maybe we can try and meet up while there?” Mishima proposed to her.

“I can probably take the time for one of the days while we’re there.”

“As long as we can room together, I think we’ll be okay.” Shiho responded.

“Well,” Ren stood up as others began to finish. “I say that we should soak up the time we have together while we can! Engage Operation Summer Beach Time!”

“YEAH!” The Phantom Thieves cheered as they began to shuffle and clean up the space around them.


Ren sighed as he and the others reentered Leblanc after the long day at the beach. Having put on a shirt in order to traverse the cafe while business hours were still going on, they wanted to at least look professional.

But to their surprise, only Sojiro and Akechi were inside. Akechi was situated at the counter as Sojiro cleaned some dishes in the sink.

“We’re back!” Futaba called out, drawing Sojiro away from the sink.

“Did you all have fun?” He asked with a smirk as the eleven teenagers entered the cafe.

“We did, but now we’re exhausted…” Ren dramatically bowed over like he was about to fall asleep. Sojiro just shook his head as Akechi lifted his head from his phone screen.

“Ah! Yoshizawa! What are you doing here?” The detective asked which the gymnast swallowed nervously.

“Meet our newest soulmate as of last month, Akechi-kun!” Ann cheered happily as she wrapped her arms around Sumire’s waist and hugged her.

Akechi blinked several times before he slapped himself on the head. “That’s right. You mentioned that last week, Amagi.”

“Already forgot it, huh?” Ren batted his eyelashes like he was sad.

“No. I’ve just been extremely busy. Work hasn’t exactly let me breathe since Kaneshiro was arrested.”

“Is it all wrapped up now, though?” Shiho asked.

“Most of it. I’m scheduled to interrogate Kobayakawa next week. After that, it will be the end of the Kaneshiro case.”

“What about Mitsuyo?” Yusuke asked. Hifumi shuffled slightly but it looked like she wanted to know what happened to her former mother.

“She’s still in jail. But she’s only there until they determine the full length of her sentence.” Akechi answered. “It would be a miracle if she somehow got out of the police’s hands at this rate.”

“That’s good to hear.” Sojiro nodded as he put away the cleaned plate.

“You sure love your job, Akechi-kun.” Makoto smiled.

“I do.” Akechi smiled back. “It’s only because of my mother that I’ve gotten to where I am today.”

At this, the Phantom Thieves looked curious as Akechi’s face turned sad.

“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Ren reassured him.

“Well… no. You deserve to know the truth.” Akechi readjusted himself. “Simply put, my mother died six years ago. And because of that, I was in the foster system for a good four years before I escaped it and started living on my own.”

“Died…” Ann looked heartbroken.

“Yes…” Akechi snarled softly. “From murder.”

All eyes went wide as they stared at the detective.

“Murder!?” Ryuji squeaked after a minute.

“A man forced himself into our home with the intent to kill us both. Mother killed him with a knife after he ripped a bullet through her stomach.” he explained.

“How could he…” Makoto looked heartbroken.

“I’m sorry for your mother.” Yusuke spoke softly.

Akechi chuckled softly, which drew concern from everyone present.

“The thing was, she wasn’t the best mother. For a while, she was lost in depression, even having to do the most soul crushing things to keep me sustained. When I was eleven though… She changed. Her mood turned around. And she started being someone that I could look up to again. Making the time to hang out with me while also keeping us above debt. And for almost a full year before the murder, we were alright. She wasn’t perfect, but she was my mother after that.”

“Akechi-san…” Sumire let out softly.

“I’m sorry for your loss.” Ren apologized softly.

“It’s alright.” Akechi took his drink and sipped it. After he put his empty cup back on the table, he turned to Ren. “What I’m trying to say, is to enjoy what you have for as long as you can. Whether it’s a friend, family… or even a soulbond… you take the time to enjoy whatever it is that you love. For you never know when fate’s cruel hands will take them away from you.” He stood up from his chair as he bowed to Sojiro. “Please, excuse me.”

The Phantom Thieves and Sojiro watched as Akechi grabbed his briefcase and left the cafe.

“Akechi-san…” Sumire let out sadly.

“Goddamn…” Ryuji looked miserable.

“He really suffered through all of that…” Ann looked ready to cry.

“Has he spoken to you about this before, Ren?” Makoto asked her leader as she wiped her face.

“He mentioned how he was passed from foster home to foster home a couple days ago.” Ren answered as Futaba nodded in agreement. “He also told us that his father technically deserted them both when he found out that she was pregnant. But he didn’t say anything about his mom being murdered.”

“We got to do something for him!” Mishima yelled in protest. “It’s just unfair!”

“Life is unfair, kid.” Sojiro cut in as he grabbed Akechi’s discarded cup. “Most of the time, we don’t get to control the hand we’re dealt. But what matters the most is that we keep fighting. And from what I’ve been hearing from him, he hasn’t given up yet.”

“None of us have.” Ren agreed. For a moment, he looked out the door as he thought of the detective’s past.

And for a long moment, he couldn’t shake the feeling that there was something Akechi wasn’t telling them.


Did I just make Shiho the Chie of Persona 5 by giving her an addiction to meat? Yes, I did.

Next time, Hawaii... and an Empress...

And a look at the last Persona Group: The Shadow Operatives

See you when I finish it.

Chapter 27: The Shadow Operatives and A Night in Hawaii


A look at the last group to enter the Flames of Rebellion story and a short funny moment in Hawaii.


Back again! Here's the other filer chapter before Okumura. More worldbuilding and fun with the Phantom Thieves.

Hope you enjoy what I'm setting up!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Saturday, September 10th 20xx

Kirijo Mansion, Tatsumi Port Island

The Full Moon shined above the grand three-story mansion on Tatsumi Port Island, the sounds of someone in heavy combat could be heard within.

Deep inside of what looked to be a shadow infested zone, a blue haired man with hair over his right eye and a light blue beard stood. He was wearing a combat uniform as he held a sword like object in his right hand. Slowly he raised a gun-like object to his head, his headphones blasting music in his ears as he shouted,

“Messiah! God’s Hand!”

As the man pulled the trigger, a white clothed individual came forth before it launched the colossal Physical attack at the shadow, causing it to die on contact as he ran at another shadow and swung the Lucifer Blade at it three times. That one fell to the floor as he brought his evoker to his head again to summon another Persona.

But before he could pull the trigger, he gasped before he dropped the sword and clutched a hand to his chest as he felt the burst of pain right on his heart. His breathing began to get fast and difficult as he struggled for breath. As the shadow recovered and came at him,


“Stop the simulation! Now!” A female voice shouted.

As Makoto fell to his knees, the environment began to shift and change back to a black metallic training hall with blue and pink glowing lights running through the cracks of the walls. The evoker slipped out of his hand as he fell, falling onto his hands and knees as multiple people came to a stop by his side.

“Makoto-san!” Aigis exclaimed as she gently moved him to sit down on the floor. Kotone came to kneel by her brother as Junpei, Yukari, Mitsuru and Metis came up to them, all of them still in combat attire like their leader.

“Makoto!” Yukari screamed.

“Deep breaths, dude! Deep breaths! Come on man!” Junpei shouted as he kneeled. Makoto’s breathing continued to sound frantic and hard as he tried to reign himself in.

As Makoto continued to recover, the door to the training room opened, revealing Koromaru who immediately ran for the leader and went in front of him as Akihiko, Fuuka, Chidori, Ken and Shinjiro entered the room in sleep attire as Akihiko looked to be carrying a bottle of vitamins in his hand.

“Jesus Christ!” The gray-haired boxer yelled as he came running over to the now kneeling Mitsuru as she held her hand out for the bottle, which Akihiko immediately handed over as she uncapped it and tilted Makoto’s head back.

“Open! Now!”

Makoto opened in between breaths and allowed Mitsuru to drop two different colored gummies into his mouth. He slowly chewed on the two gummies in his mouth before he swallowed, slowly regaining control of his breath as Koromaru buried himself into his leader’s chest. The dog began to softly whimper as the group huddled around the gasping leader. Slowly Makoto began to regain control as Messiah soothed his other self.

As his breathing returned to normal, Makoto scratched Koro’s head as he gave a soft smile. “Good boy.” he whispered.

Koro responded with a bark and a lick to his face as he went to stand. He reached down and grabbed his evoker and sword as Mitsuru came to his side.

“God, can those episodes just stop already!?” Junpei scratched the back of his head in irritation as Chidori leaned into his embrace.

“Yeah…” Yukari frowned softly. “At least they're getting less frequent compared to three years ago.”

Kotone walked over and patted his shoulder as Mitsuru pressed a kiss to his cheek. Makoto only hummed in acceptance.

“When was the last one again?” Chidori asked as she looked at Fuuka.

“About four months ago,” The teal haired woman replied as she wrote it down in a journal. Shinjiro let out a sigh, upset that this was still affecting the younger man.

“His health is still improving though.” Metis replied as she scanned his vitals. “It would seem that his body entered another episode out of impulse.”

“Agreed. We are reaching a point where they should be stopping all together soon.” Aigis joined in.

Makoto frowned and closed his eyes as he thought of exactly why this was going on. It has been three years since he had been released from the Great Seal. At first, it was supposed to be temporary as the circ*mstances meant that he had to immediately return after he helped Yu and the Investigation Team repel Yaldabaoth. For if the false god wanted to cheat, then so could the Velvet Room.

And they did their job. Yaldabaoth had been stalled and stuck in the depths of Mementos and the Velvet Room residents were safe for now.

But Makoto didn’t go back to the Seal.

As Makoto was returning to the seal, Ryoji forced him out, as he felt guilty for taking the blue haired man from his soulmates and younger twin sister.

“Goodbye, old friend.” Ryoji’s last words haunted his head. “I’m… proud… to have known you.”

Whatever Ryoji did allowed the seal to remain, keeping Erebus out of their world as the Dark Hour refused to return. And since Makoto wasn’t needed at the Great Seal anymore, Igor had Theodore immediately contact Kotone and the Shadow Operatives to tell them about Makoto.

The reunion had been full of tears as none of them thought that they would have seen Makoto Yuki in the flesh ever again. But the next few months made it so that he was the one who needed their help.

Hence the beginning of the traumatic episodes.

Igor, Elizabeth, Theodore and the two other residents in Margaret and Lavenza had been very clear that Makoto was only alive because of the soulmark that he shared with the team. And because of that, Makoto was about to go through a long period of hell on his body as the effects of the Seal began to hit a day after they said goodbye to Yu and his team for the moment.

The first few months, he couldn’t even walk as his body refused to move from the pain. Junpei, Kotone and Yukari had been tasked to be by his side constantly as he threw up several times a week from the pressure on his body. It had gotten so bad for Makoto that Igor allowed Elizabeth and Theodore to temporarily move into the Kirijo Mansion with everyone until Makoto fully recovered.

And for two years, this was the process as Makoto went through intense physical and mental therapy while the team got around to helping him. Still, he refused to live like a bum and began to slowly help his soulmates around the mansion with different tasks and hobbies as he sought to make good on this second chance and be around his partners in every chance he could get.

He hung out and gamed with Junpei. He got into physical therapy with Akihiko. He went with Yukari to her movie sets. He sat and read with Fuuka and Chidori. He had his mental therapy with Mitsuru as they periodically spent time outside the mansion. He cooked with Shinjiro and learned new food recipes. He took Koromaru on walks, well walks that he could handle. He got to learn and know the new face in Metis with Aigis helping him through it all. He hung out with Elizabeth and Theodore as they helped the entire bond with anything they needed help with in the mansion. Hell, he was basically a fellow student with Ken as he worked on his college education while the younger boy was still in high school.

But most importantly,

He hung out with his twin, Kotone.

He eventually learned of Kotone’s fit of depression and rage after he sacrificed himself, even the events that led to her losing her right eye, and he felt guilty for leaving her alone. Both of them had gone through a long discussion with Mitsuru, Aigis and Akihiko present as they laid out the dirty laundry between them and began to heal before they became stronger than ever before. Now he was just being helpful to Kotone as she refused to let him out of her sight again.

And he succeeded. As of six months ago, he had finally got the green light from Mitsuru to be able to train again. With the Lucifer Blade in hand, all of his armor forged from Messiah’s Augite, and his evoker at the ready, Makoto spent time in the Threat Room as Mitsuru called it and slowly summoned each of his best and most powerful personas one by one to make sure he was capable of summoning them still.

One by one, Messiah followed by Surt, Scathach, Alilat, Odin, Kohryu, Cybele, Thor, Melchizedek, Siegfried, Attis and Thanatos answered his call and helped take out what was in front of him as he summoned them for the first time since the incident with the Holy Grail. All the while, Kotone, Aigis, Mitsuru, Fuuka, Elizabeth and Theodore remained on standby in case he struggled while he worked. Once it was clear that he was fine, Kotone jumped into the practice fights as she summoned her own version of Messiah as well as Loki, Ares, Shiva, Norn, Alice, Metatron, Satan, Saturnus, Arahabaki, Kartikeya and Skadi.

Still, he wasn’t fully recovered as his reflexes were still off balance and of course, what just happened right now. He let out a deep breath again as he felt Kotone shake his shoulder.

He opened his tired eyes as he saw everyone looking at him in concern.

“You alright dude? You look like you spaced out there.” Junpei spoke with worry, though there was a smile on his face.

“Yeah.” Makoto rubbed his eye. “I think I’m going to call it a night.”

“You were going to call it a night whether you wanted to or not, bro.” Kotone snapped with a pout. The others softly laughed as Makoto began to walk over to the weapon rack and put his stuff down while he chuckled.

The door opened again to reveal Theodore in his normal velvet attire but with an apron on as he observed the laughing soulbond.

“Is everything all right?” He asked. “Elizabeth saw all of you leave in a panic.”

“We’re fine, Theo.” Kotone reassured her Velvet Room attendant as she watched her brother rejoin them. “Just another scare from Makoto.”

Theodore hummed as he heard this before he put his hands behind his back. “Once the last of those vitamins is gone, you will be free from your physical trauma.”

“You don’t know that, Theo!’ Yukari sounded scared.

“I do. Because he is not the first wildcard to go through what he’s going through.” Theodore frowned, “And sadly, he won’t be the last.”

Mitsuru sighed before she flicked her red hair back. “Only four of them remain. So if he doesn’t recover before then, then we can assume that there is going to be a problem.”

“My sister and I will continue to reassure all of you that it will be fine.” Theodore smiled before he went neutral again. “But dinner is almost served, so finish whatever you need to before you come upstairs.”

“Will do, Theo. Thank you.” Kotone responded. With a bow Theodore walked back out as the door shut behind him.

“How long did Igor say we have before that sippy cup wakes up?” Chidori frowned as leaned against Junpei.

“Sometime in December. They didn’t say when.” Makoto responded as they all began to leave the Threat Room.

“Let’s hope the Trickster is ready by then.” Shinjiro prayed as the door closed behind them all. Koromaru barked as they traveled through the halls of the Kirijo Mansion.

Elsewhere, Hawaii

“Man…” Ryuji grumbled as they lodged around Ren and Mishima’s hotel room. “Why the hell did we get this small ass room?”

The current members of the soulbond all made a sound of agreement. So far, the Hawaii trip had been pretty uneventful as they pretty much just… went to the beach.

Yeah. Great job Shujin.

It was honestly a tiring few days as the group was just looking to kill time before they returned to Japan. Currently, it was Ren, Ann, Ryuji, Shiho, Mishima, Makoto and Sumire as Yusuke and Hifumi had been forced to remain in the Kosei group. The seven lodged around the room as Ren, Sumire and Makoto shared one bed while Ann, Ryuji, Mishima and Shiho shared the other.

Ren and Makoto ran into Haru yesterday, who looked sheepish as she saw them before they got distracted and lost track of her. They were still worried about their friend and they wanted to figure out what was wrong with her, but sadly she refused to give anything away.

“Man, I would kill to be back in the attic.”

“At least we could all cuddle together in the attic.” Shiho agreed.

“One more night guys.” Makoto soothed. “Then we’ll be back at Leblanc.”

“Did Futaba finish looking into that information from your sister?” Ann asked.

“She apparently did.” Ren answered for her. “But she won’t talk about it until we get back.”

“Yeah but… I’m not tired…” Ann complained with a pout.

Shiho let out a huff before she grabbed the pillow she was laying on and smacked it into Ann’s face with a soft whoosh.

“Ow! You dickhe*d!” Ann shouted as she sat up and grabbed her own pillow. The two girls began to pillow fight each other as the boys and Sumire looked amused while Makoto got up and went to the restroom.

“Hey! Watch it!” Ryuji protested as he dodged out of the way from the two girls.

“Come on! It’s late! Let’s just go to bed!” Mishima complained as he went straight for the chair in the corner.

“She started it!” Ann yelled as she continued to whack Shiho.

“Go to bed and I’ll stop!” Shiho yelled back.


Makoto left the bathroom annoyed before she grabbed her own pillow and tossed it at mach speed right at Ann’s head. The pillow made a soft boom sound as feathers erupted from it before it fell onto the bed. Ann now had a loopy smile on her face before she fell onto the bed in a daze and fell asleep.

“I don’t care who started it.” Makoto said firmly as she pointed at Shiho. The athlete lowered her pillow immediately and laid down as Makoto curled in beside Sumire. “I’m ending it. Now go to bed!”



Akechi stared wide eyed at the Tv. The news station was now confirming that Kobayakawa suffered a mental shutdown in his cell. And it was right before his interrogation of him too.

Slowly, and surely, Akechi let out a malicious grin at this development. Was he upset? No. He didn't really give a sh*t about the fat*ss at the end of the day. But at least the legal system wouldn't have to pay for his pathetic ass anymore.

Still... Akechi watched with caution. It was almost time for the plan to be carried out. And soon, his justice would be secured.

Monday, September 12th, 20xx

“Uh… Why are we hesitant to go after Okumura!?” Morgana whined as Ren walked down the street to go meet up with everyone.

“You know why Morgana.” Ren reasoned with his first soulmate. “What we have right now are online rumors and just the Phansite trying to gun us right at Okumura. We’re not people who are built to satisfy the general public. We’re the Phantom Thieves who take the hearts of criminals.”

“Yeah. But we thought it was just rumors with Madarame and look how that turned out.”

“Morgana.” Ren said as he lifted his head from his phone to look at him. “I get it. But right now we need more than that. That’s what we did with Madarame. And that is what we are going to do with Okumura. We’re going to change his heart because he’s making people suffer. Not because it will make us famous.”

Morgana sighed as he lowered his head. Ren let out a deep breath as he reigned in the thief again from doing something stupid. It was Morgana, Ryuji, Ann and Mishima who had become the most obsessed with getting famous and Ren had to step in each time and remind them why they were Phantom Thieves. Makoto, Hifumi and Yusuke had also been helpful in reining them in, but it was getting frustrating.

“I know…” Morgana's voice sounded so small, it almost made Ren wince. “Part of me misses when no one knew who we were.”

“Are you alright, Morgana?” Ren asked with concern as he looked at the cat with his front paws on his shoulder.

“I think…” he sounded so lost. “I need to be alone for a little bit.” He looked at Ren. “You go on ahead. I’ll meet up with you guys tonight.”

“Are you going to Okumura’s palace alone?”

“What!?” Morgana looked alarmed as Ren gave him a quizzical look. “No! I just need to clear my head.”

Ren pressed his lips together as he processed what Morgana was saying.

“Let’s give him some space, my Fool.” Arsene whispered to Ren alone. Ren took a moment to think it over before he sighed and nodded.

Morgana nuzzled his face against Ren’s before he lept off his shoulder and disappeared into the alleyway. Zorro gave a nod to Ren before he followed after his other self.


Hours later...

Morgana looked up at the evening sky with a lost look on his face.

He had said in the beginning that he would be fine with this form. And he meant that… but at the time, he thought this form would be temporary and that he could join his soulmates as an equal.

But based on what he was dreaming lately…

He lowered his head to the concrete below him. He shouldn’t be affected by this. They still cared and loved him a whole lot. Hell, even with how he and Ryuji started out in Kamoshida’s palace during their infiltration, he could call all of them family confidently. But Mementos wasn’t going how he wanted it to… and his dreams were now giving the image that he might not be human…

He sniffed as he tried to reign in his emotions. He hated this so much! Why couldn’t he remember the f*cking truth!? Why was he subjected to this form!?

“You know they care about you, little Magician.” Zorro whispered to his other self as Morgana accepted his words. “You aren’t just a cat to them.”

“I know.” He swung his tail back and forth. “I just…”

“You should talk to them, Morgana.” The Persona suggested. “Secrets do not do anyone favors in a soulbond.”

Morgana wiped his eyes of his tears before he calmed himself down. It wasn't healthy for him to keep this all bottled up. He needed to find time to talk to Ren about this.

He owed it to the man who marked him as his soulmate and saved him from the castle of lust.

“Alright.” He finally said to Zorro aloud. “But I need to do something first.”

“You’re going to the palace, aren’t you?”

“I’m just going to do a little recon. Ren said it himself. We need evidence of Okumura’s activities before we target him. So that’s what I’m going to confirm.”

Zorro stayed silent as he processed his other selfs words. Arsene was thinking of something similar earlier when they were still in the classroom with Ann, Carmen, Mishima and Houdini. But the idea of going alone to this palace…

“Fine,” He sighed to the cat. He gave a sharp look as he went, “But we’re not going very far in. Just recon.”

“Come on, Zorro.” Morgana waved him off as he stood up and stretched. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

He took off, right into the path of a girl.

Haru Okumura sighed as she walked down the road with a depressed look on her face. Her father had now finalized the rich bastard Sugimura as her husband. Once October 11th passed, she was going to be a child bride to an older person.

She let out a sad sigh as she rubbed her arm where her empty soulmark stained her skin. If only the world would give her a sign as a means to find them. Maybe then she would be free.

Though it would seem the world was merciful today.

As she lifted her eyes to look forward, she caught the sight of Morgana running past. Her brown eyes locked on the body of the cat.

And the Teal Flames along his shoulders and front legs.

Her eyes widened in shock as time slowed down, not taking her eyes off Morgana as he began to sprint down the street as several light posts showed his glowing mark in the dark.

Haru began to shake as she saw it. Finally, the world was offering her a chance to desert her father’s dark kingdom. No matter who it was, she knew that this cat was a ticket to freedom.

“KITTY!” Haru screamed as she chased after the oblivious Morgana, determined to be claimed at long last.


Hope you all liked the sample with the Shadow Operatives!

See you next time for the Purple Empress!

Chapter 28: The Purple Empress


Haru joins the bond. A confrontation begins as the Phantom Thieves run into Sugimura.


Here we are with the first of four/five chapters in the Okumura arc!

Hope you enjoy!

P.S: I’ve also put an introduction on the whole soulmate thing back in chapter 1 for new readers!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ren sighed as he cleaned the final dish. The other thieves were lounging around the cafe as they waited for Ren to be done with his task. Prepared to spend the night with each other as they were already dressed for bed, The six girls wore a different colored bra each with black sleep shorts outside of Futaba who had her black tetris shirt on with a short green pair of shorts. The boys on the other hand were wearing different colored shirts in their marks color as they finished their dinner with Ren cleaning up their plates and silverware.

“Dammit Morgana… where did you go?” Ryuji yelled in frustration as he sat at the bar and looked at his phone.

“Be patient, Ryuji.” Ann whispered softly as she rubbed his shoulders from behind. Causing soft hums to ring out from the blond. Shiho and Mishima sat on the other side of Ryuji as they also looked worried.

“Should we go out to search for him?” Yusuke asked as he put down his sketchbook from drawing Ren at his task by the sink.

“He said to give him space though…” Hifumi argued.

“What if someone kidnapped him? We can’t leave Morgana-senpai out there!” Sumire shouted as a feeling of fear rang out from all of the members present.

“He probably got distracted with something. Let’s just give it five more minutes.” Makoto said calmly. Playing her role of the team mom perfectly.

Ren went to say something before a sharp bang rang from the locked door of the Cafe. Without paying attention to the human behind the glass, Ren walked over and unlocked it, revealing Haru Okumura holding Morgana in her arms.

“Haru!?” Makoto yelped as she, Ann, Shiho, Hifumi, and Sumire immediately went for their shirts.

“Morgana!” Futaba cried out as she raced over from the booth and grabbed the cat in her arms. “Where were you mister?!” she said with a pout. “You had us worried sick about you!”

“I might have done the stupid thing.” Morgana said as the other thieves widened from his words.

“Mona…” Ann said disappointed.

“We told you not to go in there by yourself!” Makoto scolded as she went to Futaba to pat his head.

“I know… I was just trying to do a little recon.”

“Who’s the girl though?” Yusuke questioned as they all took notice of Haru standing there shuffling her feet nervously.

“Um, Hello.” The girl began in a nervous wave, blushing hard from the fact that they all shared her mark. She could easily tell this was the case thanks to the gathering. “Um, I might have found Mona-chan in the palace and-”

“Wait! You know about Palaces?” Ryuji questioned once that left her mouth.

“MONA!” Futaba yelled in alarm at the cat.

“Wait guys! She has the potential!” The cat protested on her behalf.

“How about you come in and sit down.” Ren asked as she looked at the leader of the Phantom Thieves. A small nod was her only response as she walked over and sat next to Yusuke at the bar. “So… how about we start over. Ren Amagi, aka Joker, leader of the Phantom Thieves.” He started as he held his hand up for a handshake. The girl looked at his hand with wide eyes before she gave a short giggle at his words and raised her own hand to his happily.

This was it… at least she hoped.

“Haru Okumura. Nice to meet you Ren.”

“Wait! Ren! Hold on, She’s–,”

Morgana could only get out those words as their hands touched causing a loud hiss to ring through both them and the other thieves as Haru clutched her stomach to combat the pain. Upon realizing what just happened, the other thieves looked at Haru with wide eyes.

“No way!” Ann said in shock.

“For real!? We have another one!?” Ryuji shouted in disbelief as the other thieves stared at Haru who had now sat up straight with wide eyes before she went straight to the bathroom. The door slammed shut as the other thieves stood there frozen at what just occurred.

“Oh no… is she about to cry?” Mishima dreaded. Makoto let out a sigh as she walked to the bathroom door with a concerned look on her face.

“Haru… are you okay in there?” she asked softly as she heard shuffling from inside the bathroom. When the bathroom went silent, she got concerned. “Haru?”

She didn’t get a chance to grab the door as a now topless Haru in a purple bra came out of the bathroom, showing off her now royal purple flames on her shoulders, upper arms and top of her breasts. The girl locked eyes with Makoto before she closed the gap and pressed her lips straight into hers. Makoto’s crimson eyes went wide before she lowered them and leaned into the kiss. Haru immediately backed her up into the booth before she laid Makoto down on it.

“Holy sh*t…” Ryuji breathed out as the others watched Makoto and Haru kiss right there. The two girls' hands wandered to each other’s hips as they kissed for their soulmates to see. After a few moments, the two girls separated as they both breathed heavily from the lack of air. Upon looking at each other for several moments, Haru began to giggle as Makoto held a small bashful smile.

“Sorry. That’s just something I wanted to do to you for a while.” Haru blurted out as she came down from her sweet giggles. Makoto laughed at Haru's dominance.

“I meant to tell you…” Morgana whined as he leapt down into the Cafe from Futaba’s arms. He padded his way over to Ren, who scooped him up in his arms.

“You're okay Mona.” Ren said softly as he pressed a kiss to his head, creating a short purr from Morgana. “I’m still dealing with the fact that we were cucked by a pair of gardening gloves.”

It sounded so stupid, but it got everyone laughing as the girls let out soft giggles from the idea.

“Well… now that we have that out of the way…” He began again with a smile over their newest member. “How about you explain the palace.”

From there, Haru sat back down at the bar and explained to the other thieves her situation. How she had left a request on the Phansite because of her father. How her father was treating her and especially the arranged marriage to a piece of sh*t, all in an effort to promote his own campaign. Haru also explained how she saw Morgana’s teal flames and followed him wondering if he would lead her to her potential soulmate, and finally how she followed Morgana into the palace and awakened her persona.

“Cool! What’s your persona?” Ryuji asked with a grin as Haru began to tap her index fingers together.

“Um… okay maybe not fully awakened because something appears to be wrong.” Haru corrected nervously.

“Oh? Did something happen?” Yusuke asked with a tilt of his head.

“From what I can explain for her,” Morgana took over for Haru. “Her attire is intact, but her persona isn’t coming out. It’s more there and also not there.” he explained as the other thieves outside of Haru grew confused glances.

“I can confirm their suspicions.” Arsene said as his ghostly form manifested behind Ren, causing the thieves to look up in surprise at the gentlemen thief’s appearance.

“W-Who is that?” Haru questioned in fear.

“That's Arsene. Ren’s main persona.” Makoto softly explained as Haru calmed down from this information.

“Greetings My lady.” Arsene greeted the newest soulmate before he addressed them all. “From what I can feel from Miss Okumura, the persona is there, but it feels transparent. Something is still holding her down that is keeping her from summoning the persona.”

“I can confirm his suspicions as well.” Johanna agreed as her ghostly form appeared next to Makoto. Other voices rang out from the other personas making it clear they sensed the same thing.

“So… how do we awaken it?” Makoto questioned.

“I think we will need to be in the metaverse for that.” Ren concluded. “For now, let’s relax for the evening if that is alright with everyone.” The other thieves turned to Haru who looked nervous about something. “We’re not gonna have sex, Haru.” Ren answered.

Haru’s eyes went wide as she was caught with what she was thinking about before she let out a nervous laugh. “Oh. Sorry about that. I didn’t know if you guys had done that or not.”

“Oh, we haven’t,” Ann stated. “That’s because new members keep popping up when we think that we’re ready for it.”

“Oh… well then. I can make time tonight.” Haru responded as the others shared a soft smile with her.

“Good.” Ren smiled as he came around the bar and grabbed Haru’s soft hand in his. He brought her hand up and pressed his lips to the back of it softly as he winked at Haru. “Hope to exceed your expectations, my lady.”

Haru blinked as her brain turned to mush before she began to giggle. “My own personal knight.”

“Who says he’s the only one?” Makoto looked at her with hunger.

And suddenly, Haru realized that she wasn’t going to get much time to breathe tonight as her two crushes and the rest of her new bond descended on her like a pack of wolves.

Still, she giggled at the challenge before her.


Tuesday, September 13th, 20xx

Sojiro sighed as he looked at Haru as she sat in the booth with the others around the table.

“You know what? f*ck it at this point.” He grumbled as he went back to the breakfast curry he was wiping up for everyone.

f*ck, he might actually need to get a heavy drink soon.

“Don’t worry about him.” Ren reassured the nervous Haru. “He may seem gruff, but he’s actually a big softy.”

“I heard that.” Sojiro snapped.

“You were supposed to, Boss.” Ren smirked at his guardian as the others began to laugh. Sojiro only sighed before he went back to the pot.

A phone began to vibrate, signaling Haru as she lifted up her phone to find her father calling her. At the speed of light, she looked panicked.

“It’s my father!” She exclaimed as she went to accept the call. “Hello?”

“Haru! Where are you!?” His angry voice came through the phone.

“Oh, um…” She swallowed as she went to calm herself. “I’m with my soulmates…”

For a moment, there was silence as the bond looked to be wondering what the older man was thinking.

Ren frowned as it looked like Haru was getting scared from what the older man was saying. He couldn’t hear a lot of it, but Haru clearly didn’t like what he was saying.

“But Father!” She exclaimed. The voice on the other end did not respond so nicely as Haru winced before she backed the phone away from her ear. By the end of the rant, Haru almost looked like she was in tears.

“I… I…” She didn’t get to respond as the phone was suddenly hung up on her. Now everyone was looking at their newest soulmate in concern as Sojiro started carrying over the plates.

“What happened!?” Ann exclaimed. Haru took a sniff before she went to speak.

“Father’s not happy about my mark.”

“What did he want?” Yusuke asked with a tight scowl.

“He… he wanted me to start cutting contact with everyone starting next week.” She sniffed as Makoto and Ryuji went to hug her. “Then he’s going to make me get the mark removed next Saturday.”

“What!?” Shiho slammed her hands into the table. “He can’t do that!? …can he?”

“No.” Sojiro’s frown as everyone looked at him showed that he was not liking the implications of that. “Getting a soulmark removed is almost impossible. Once it is activated, it can’t be shut off. It is part of your body like most of your organs. And it’s considered illegal to get one removed because of the damage it does to your body.”

“What kind of damage?” Futaba asked her adoptive father.

“Nerve and physical damage.” Sojiro growled out. “If her father goes through with that, Haru here will most likely have nerve and muscle damage for the rest of her life. Perhaps she even become a walking corpse with no emotions”

“And he knows all of this!?” Makoto gasped as she took in what Sojiro was saying. She looked heartbroken as she muttered out “How could he…”

Haru began to cry as the bond curled in around her. Sojiro looked at the clock before he let out a sigh.

“Eat up and get to school. Perhaps you might want to get Akechi involved in this as well. Hopefully he can do something. Now I’ve got to get some things from the market so don’t make a mess while I’m gone.”

As Sojiro left the cafe, Morgana took the time to speak up.

“We need to go after Okumura!” He encouraged as all eyes turned to him.

“Yeah! We can’t let him do this to Haru!” Ryuji agreed loudly as he stood up from his chair.

One by one, the rest of the Phantom Thieves began to agree, except for Ren, who looked lost in thought.

“Ren-senpai?” Sumire asked as Ren took a deep breath. Then that smirk came onto his lips.

“After school…” He began as he looked up at everyone with blood red eyes. “It’s Showtime!”

The Phantom Thieves cheered as one as Haru let out a giggle from her bond's protectiveness.


“So, this the place where Okumura’s palace is?” Ann asked as they stood outside of the tall building belonging to Okumura Foods. After taking a quick stop to Untouchable and making sure their medical supplies were good from Takemi, the twelve Phantom Thieves found themselves outside of the main corporation building. They were all looking up at it as Makoto pulled out her phone and opened the Metanav.

“That’s correct, Lady Ann.” Morgana responded as he sat on Haru’s shoulder.

“Do you happen to know the key word for the distortion?” Ren asked.

“Yeah. It’s a spaceport.”

“A spaceport?” Mishima looked confused. “Why would it be a spaceport?”

“Who cares!?” Ryuji stomped his foot in irritation. “Let’s get in there and secure the effing route!”

“We should remain cautious.” Hifumi warned with a serious expression. “We don’t know what this palace holds.”

“Agreed.” Yusuke nodded with her.

“Okumura is going to pay for wanting to harm our soulmate like this!” Shiho cracked her knuckles.

“Let’s go!” Ren ordered. Makoto began to type on her phone.

“Kunikazu Okumura… Okumura Foods Headquarters… Spaceport… Got it!”

Reality began to shift and change as the Phantom Thieves entered the palace. One by one, they kept their eyes forward as they crossed into the Metaverse.

No one noticed a confused Goro Akechi looking at them as reality shifted around them.


Haru swallowed as she stared at the Earth outside of the observational glass. If she hadn’t followed Morgana in here yesterday and he tried to tell her about Palaces, she would have called him crazy. But considering that her thief attire was on her body along with the black mask on her face. She dusted off her purple cavalier hat as she heard the other’s converse around her.

“What kind of outfit is that!?”

Haru yelped before she turned around to see her soulmates, each wearing different outfits that showed off their designs and codenames perfectly and… and…

Oh, sweet God above, thank you for this miracle.

As she looked at Ren and Makoto, the two people that she had crushed on before now, she had to restrain herself from jumping and tackling them to the floor as their designs looked so good on them. Ren, or Joker as she found out, looked every inch the master thief that would steal her away from her life and ravage her into the floor while Makoto, now Queen, looked every inch the empress that would take command and lead them in battle alongside Joker.

She couldn't resist the desire to pin the brunette to the bed and ravage her like a queen. She swallowed as she thought of Makoto’s rear against her face and –,

‘No! Haru! Bad! Not now!’ She thought to herself.

Haru shook her head frantically as Queen tilted her head in concern.

“Are you okay?”

“Y-yep! All good here!” Haru giggled to hide her embarrassment. Joker looked at Queen and said something quietly to her before he went to the elevator.

“Panther, Mona, Queen, you’re with me! Knight, Skull, Venus, you’re protecting the Beauty Thief. Fox, Violet and Admin, you protect Oracle. Let’s go!” He commanded as the others followed.


They reached the biometric door that Mona mentioned after they took a long look at the robotic employees within the spaceport. As the door opened with ease, the thieves crossed through.

That was when Skull chose to open his mouth.

“So… is The Beauty Thief actually your code name or have you still not figured one out for yourself?”

Haru looked so unsure when he asked that, that she began to rotate her foot clockwise sheepishly. “Um… I was trying to act like a hero of justice.”

There was a long pause as everyone processed what she was saying.

“…What?” Skull deadpanned.

“Skull!” Panther scolded as she slapped him on the shoulder.

“Ow!” He rubbed his shoulder.

“When I was young, people didn’t really care for how they saw me. They would only be kind to me just to please my father and would get money and presents in exchange. Adults, teachers… even friends before Joker and Queen… it only seemed like everyone would smile at me for their own personal gain.”

“Haru…” Violet whimpered.

“And that’s why you kept the details secret at school. Because you didn’t want anyone looking down on you…” Queen realized.

“Not that we would, who do you think we are? The late humpty dumpty named Kobayakawa? That fat*ss only cared not to crack himself on a rock.” Joker fired which got Skull, Admin, Knight, Panther and Haru laughing hard as the others just chuckled at Joker’s words.

“Oh!” Haru beamed as clapped her purple gloved hands together. “But the female superheroes I used to see on TV were so great! They always fought for others, and they were happy! Even though I knew it was a fantasy… I wanted to be just like them!”

“Nothing wrong with that.” Admin agreed with a smile.

“Everyone goes wild over heroes at some point.” Skull added as he looked at Joker. “Don’t you think so, leader?”

“Pretty much.” He smirked back at the blond. Haru giggled in response.

“What are you doing here?!”

The twelve intruders turned to see a blue skinned man in an black astronaut suit that made him look like a Zurg knockoff.

“Father!?” Haru looked alarmed.

“So that's the bastard, huh?” Knight growled as she readied her spear and rolled an arrow on her wrist. Violet readied her rapier next to her as she narrowed her eyes at the ruler.

“I thought I told you not to associate with vulgar people!” Shadow Okumura snarled at his daughter. As he turned to his left, an orange haired man in a white suit walked up to him.

“Huh… Huh!?” Haru looked so lost.

“I take it that’s your bastard of a fiance?” Joker asked. All he got from his newest soulmate was a timid nod.

“Haru. Don’t worry.” Queen reassured her. “It’s only a cognition.”

“What are you mumbling about?” Okumura looked bored.

“Remember how I said I would do my best for you? Well… this is my answer to that!” Haru swiped her hand to the side in declaration.

“Are those… the rumored Phantom Thieves?” Okumura raised a brow in surprise. He chuckled as he began to grin. “I see. So you intend to hand them over to me in forgiveness! “Overcome failure at any cost, even if it means betraying others”... how cold of you daughter. You truly embody the Okumura motto!”

“Why do you only think about gains and losses!” Haru sounded hurt. “That’s why the company has a bad reputation… All because you treat people like they're tools!”

“To gain, you must give. One must be resolved to give even more if they wish to stand above the rest. We are on vastly different levels… and soon, I will rise to a new stage: The Political World!” he grinned wickedly as he went, “The cold reality of kicking people down is a part of business! Virtue and sentiment are for losers!” a chuckle escaped his throat as he went, “Okumura Foods shall be the foundation of my victory!”

“His own company is a steppingstone?” Venus realized as she readied her naginata. “What a clown.”

“Mr. Okumura,” The cognitive Sugimura began. “We don’t need a worthless soulbond girl who has been soiled by thieves. At this rate, I can’t introduce her to my mother unless you make some compromises.”

Okumura huffed. “She doesn’t need to be your lawful wife anymore. Take her as your lover or whatever you see fit for her.”

Cognitive Sugimura chuckled. “Very well… I accept.”

“What!?” Haru looked disgusted and horrified. “I was raised under this company’s wealth… I even kept my head down and accepted a political marriage for you…” she raised her head as a tear escaped her eye. “Father! Why!? You want me to be that man’s plaything just to satisfy your own ambitions?”

Okumura looked bored again. “Why fret? You should be overjoyed to be fulfilling your role as an Okumura daughter. This is the only value you’ve had from the very beginning.”

Haru looked wounded as Joker let out a snarl.

“So… even his own daughter’s life is a commodity to him.” Fox shook his head in disappointment.

“You know what I think about sh*tty fathers, Okumura.” Joker snarled as he stepped forward. He went for his mask immediately. “ARSENE, MEGIDO!”

For the first time since they got there, Okumura looked extremely alarmed as the gentleman thief appeared with an evil smile and launched the Almighty spell at him. But the cognition jumped in front as the spell crashed into them.

When the dust cleared, a robot in a giant white and purple suit showed itself.

“Did it just…” Violet narrowed her eyes.


Haru kneeled as the tear hit the floor. “So vulgar…”

“No! Haru’s persona isn’t ready!” Mona exclaimed in mad panic.

“Don’t worry!” Oracle responded as she was swallowed into Necronomicon.

“TAKE THIS!” The robot yelled as it slammed both of his giant arms into the crouched thief. However a bright blue light exploded from Haru that made everyone cover their eyes.

“She just needed the push! That’s all!”

When everyone could see again, they could see a female in a black and pink rococo style dress with red and pink vertical striped puffs on the sleeves. The bottom had a gold trim around the dress as a golden lip remained on the front.The top showed no head, but in the persona’s right hand was a mask with two golden eyes.

Haru gasped as her eyes went yellow. She brought a hand to her head as she struggled under the pressure.

“I see that you finally made up your mind… my dear fated princess” The voice began happily.

“Freedom for you must stem from betrayal.

If you still yearn for it now… then you must not err.

Now, tell me… who shall you betray?”

Haru grinned wickedly. “You already know the answer to that, Milady!”

She raised her head to face the robot as Milady spoke again.

“Yes! That gaze… I can finally display my true strength!

I am thou… Thou art I…

Let us adorn your departure into freedom…

With a beautiful betrayal!”

As Milady finished speaking, her skirt opened to reveal two gatling guns, two bazookas and one missile launcher as Haru took hold of her hat again.

“Jesus Christ!” Admin yelled.

“Holy sh*t!” Skull jumped in shock.

“Farewell, Father… I am no longer your subordinate puppet!” Haru declared as she pointed at her father’s shadow.

Okumura scoffed in response. “So be it. You’re worthless.” He turned around and walked to the elevator as he waved his hand to the robot. “Deal with them as you see fit.”


Fox shook his head at the robot’s words. “I don’t expect you to come to reason at all.”

Queen snarled. “I think it’s time to take out the trash!”

Mona smirked. “We are the Phantom Thieves! Here to steal your bride!”

“Go!” Joker yelled as the eleven combat trained thieves leapt into battle to tear the robot into spare parts.

In the shadows, the Black Mask grinned wickedly as he watched this development. He took off from the palace as he chuckled. Soon, these fools would walk right into his trap. he just had to wait for the calling card now.


Hours later… Nighttime,

Haru smiled as she changed her name in the group chat from Beauty Thief to Noir.

“Man… I can’t decide if Kaneshiro’s palace was worse than Okumura’s…” Morgana pouted as he walked along the sidewalk with the group.

“At least we secured the route…” Sumire seemed to be looking for the positive side of things.

“Yeah. At the cost of our sanity…” Shiho grumbled as she laid her head on Mishima’s shoulder.

“How should we handle the card?” Makoto asked Ren.

“I don’t know.” he placed a hand to his chin. “The simplest thing would be to send it to the Okumura Foods building.”

“I can take it.” Haru offered.

“Are you sure, Haru?” Ann asked worriedly.

“It’s fine!” She brushed off as she held hands with Ryuji. “I can just put it in his study, and he won’t suspect a thing.

“With the rankings on the phansite, I would be surprised if Okumura didn’t think he was going to be targeted.” Futaba shrugged.

“Are you sure, Haru?” Hifumi asked. The newest thief only nodded in response.

“Alright then. Then we’ll do that.” Ren smiled as they turned into the alleyway to Central Street.


All eyes snapped forward and alert as they observed the real Sugimura walking towards them with a scowl.

“Huh?” Haru looked alarmed.

“This piece of sh*t.” Morgana growled in Ann’s arms.

Sugimura chuckled darkly. “So, you’ve been whoring yourself out to other people, haven’t you? Don’t you understand that you are mine to play with!”

His hand reached out and grabbed Haru’s wrist roughly. He tried to tug her away as Ryuji helped her keep her ground.

“Let go of me!” Haru yelled.

“Why?" Sugimura smirked cruelly. “Don’t want me to have a piece of what is rightfully mine!? You filthy whor*!”

He backhanded Haru, sending her to the ground.

“Haru!” Makoto exclaimed as she knelt down to her.

“You piece of sh*t!” Ryuji yelled. Sugimura just chuckled darkly in response.

Before he punched Ryuji in the face, causing him to hit the wall by Protein Lovers before he fell to the floor.

“RYUJI!” Shiho screamed as she and Mishima knelt down to his level.

Morgana hissed in Ann’s arms. “You would think that the rich would be better people than the common folk.”

“I can do whatever I want, you stupid bitch!” The orange haired boy rounded on Ann. She frowned in response.

“I didn’t say anything–,”

“Now you’re mocking me! You filthy slu*t!” Sugimura went to strike the blonde, but Ren got in the way and caught his hand with a dark scowl on his face.

“I’m going to advise you to back off and leave.” Ren growled out.

“Or what?” Sugimura looked amused. “You’re going to call the cops? News flash you stupid f*ck: The cops are my bitch!”

“What is going on here?!”

All eyes turned to see Goro Akechi approaching them in his detective attire. His briefcase in his right hand as he looked at everyone with narrowed eyes.

Sugimura withdrew his hand and readjusted his tie. “Ah. Perfect timing, Mr. Detective. These filthy hooligans,” He gestured to Ren and the soulbond. “Just tried to assault me.”

“Huh?!” Hifumi blinked.

“How dare you!” Sumire growled out.

“This is outrageous! You assaulted both Ryuji and Haru back-to-back! You even made a move to slap Ann if Ren hadn’t stopped you!” Yusuke denied as he spoke to the filthy brat.

Goro narrowed his eyes suspiciously as he observed Ryuji and Haru’s faces to see the forming red handprint on each of their faces.

“Self-defense.” Sugimura cackled. “You all tried to gang up on me. Now you’re going to suffer for it.”

“Now, now.” Akechi soothed with that ‘detective prince' tone as he tried to calm the situation with the ‘detective prince’ smile. “Let’s just back off and go about our days. Don’t we all have somewhere to be at this hour?”

Sugimura sneered as he turned to the detective prince. “Don’t be a f*cking puss* because these hooligans assaulted me, detective! I want this pompous jackass,” He pointed at Ren. “In a cell, right now! Or you so stupid and worthless that you want to act like a bitch and not slap some cuffs on this criminal like a man! No wonder you have no family, Detective, when you're such a puss*!”

At this, Akechi flinched violently before he directed his eyes at Sugimura when the boy turned his gaze back to the injured soulbond. For a moment, the brown haired boy looked hurt and alarmed as he observed the jackasses words.

And then, what happened next, sent a shiver down the spines of the Phantom Thieves.

They watched, as the detective prince mask melted off Akechi’s face as a dark, malicious, evil and psychotic grin formed on his face as he stared at the back of the unsuspecting Sugimura’s head with a fire in his eyes. Slowly he walked carefully forward as he reached inside his green coat to retrieve something.

“You might want to reevaluate the situation, sir.” He began calmly.

“Don’t tell me what to do peon!” Sugimura fired back. “Do your job and–,”


Everyone froze as Sugimura slowly turned his head over his shoulder with wide eyes. Akechi was keeping a smug look on the rich bastard as a pistol was aimed right at the back of his head.

“Let’s try this again, you pathetic weasel.” He snarled before he rushed forward. In a flash, he grabbed Sugimura by the back of his head and forced him into the wall away from Protein Lovers before he jammed his pistol into the back of his throat.

“What are you doing, detective!? You’re supposed to be arresting them! Not me!” Sugimura gritted out as the barrel pressed into his skin.

“Oh yes,” Akechi shook his head in amusem*nt. “Too bad your story is full of sh*t. Or would you rather that we all go inside Protein Lovers and have a look at that security camera?” He pointed at the top of the building to reveal a beeping camera. “I’m sure that will confirm your story, won’t it?”

At this, Sugimura swallowed as the Phantom Thieves sat there blinking at Akechi’s behavior, unsure if they were scared or turned on by his dominant behavior.

Akechi nodded as he observed his prey’s silence. “Thought so. Here’s what’s going to happen to you, you filthy f*ck. Two options. One: You walk away, I won’t have to use this on you, and we’ll all go about our separate ways for the evening,” He gestured to the pistol in his hand as the boy swallowed. “Or, Two: I shoot you in the foot, cuff you and take you down to the police station and shove you in a cell for multiple accounts of assault. And after I have you in a cell, I’m going to go around the entire police station and tell every officer present that you’re a child molester.”

He leaned close to Sugimura’s ear, but his next words were just loud enough for everyone to hear, “How long do you think you’ll last… before a cop comes to visit your cell?”

Makoto gasped and brought a hand to her mouth as she processed what Goro was saying. She knew this thanks to her late father, but officers in the police force hated anyone who would hurt or abuse a child in any way shape or form. If Goro went and told the whole station that Sugimura was a child molester… there would be alot of violence.

“Y-you…” Sugimura swallowed shakily. “You’re bluffing! You wouldn’t do that! You would have so much sh*t coming your way if you did that! Your life will be ruined!”

Akechi only chuckled, but the sound was almost cruel and sinister as he shook his head. “With the blood that runs in my veins?” he leaned forward again, “Oh, I know I’ve got a ticket to hell… so I sure as sh*t ain’t afraid to burn because of your slimy ass!” he snarled out maniacally.

“Oh my god…” Morgana breathed out quietly as he blinked in shock. He shook his head as he went, “That’s the most badass thing I’ve ever heard…”

Sugimura swallowed before he began to growl. “Fine. Have it your way.”

Akechi gave that ‘detective prince’ smile again, but his eyes were still primal. “I appreciate your cooperation. Thank you very much.” He removed the gun from his neck as he gestured to the main street. “Now scram!”

Sugimura snarled before he gave one last glare to the Phantom Thieves and walked away, muttering under his breath as he went. Akechi watched him go before he turned his attention to his gun and unloaded the bullet from the chamber before he put it back in the mag and tucked the pistol away again.

As he turned back to the group, he winced from their faces. “Um… I’m sorry that you had to see that.”

“You have a gun!?” Ann exclaimed.

“When you work on the force, you tend to find that you have a license to wield one.” Akechi responded.

“Well, despite what we just witnessed.” Makoto smiled. “Thanks for the help, Akechi-kun.”

The detective smiled in response. “Please, it’s nothing special. I just don’t condemn assault. Especially to people that I’ve come to know for the last few months.”

Ren chuckled. “Well regardless, thanks for the help, Goro.” He raised his hand to the detective.

For a second, Akechi looked alarmed before he calmed himself down. Slowly he smiled again and brought his gloved hand up to shake his hand. “You're welcome. Though I wouldn't call what I did badass in the future. It’s not something the public should know about otherwise it will spread like a wildfire.”

At this, the thieves looked confused.

“Uh… What are you talking about?” Ryuji questioned.

Now Akechi looked confused. “Oh, am I mistaken? I thought I heard one of you say something about what I said to Sugimura being badass.” he shrugged. “Anyway, just don’t go talking about what you witnessed here tonight. Now I’ve got to go. Have a good night and safe travels to all of you.”

They waved Akechi and said goodbye as the detective prince walked back out of the alleyway and down Central Street.

“Well, good thing that we avoided that.” Shiho relaxed against Ann.

“Let’s hurry up and get out of here.” Mishima encouraged them. “We don’t want to risk that slimy bastard coming back for round 2.”

“Agreed.” Ren looked over his bond. “Let’s hurry back to Leblanc.”

The thieves looked in agreement as Morgana gave a short laugh.

“Yeah, I mean… they both heard something I said so maybe we should exercise cau–,”

“They both heard something I said.” Rang out through even the ears of Morgana as all of the Phantom Thieves stopped in their tracks with wide eyes the size of dinner plates over their fellow soulmate's words.


See you all next time for our first two-part chapter: The fall of Okumura.

Chapter 29: The Spaceport of Greed Causes Conflict


The Phantom Thieves go to steal Okumura's Heart. But they are stopped by an Intruder.


Here we are with part 1. Sorry if you don't like how the boss was handled, I just don't like Okumura in either version of Persona 5.

Hope you enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Phantom Thieves sat in the attic of Leblanc as they continued to process what Morgana said.

“They… both heard him…” Ann sounded scared.

“Does this mean that one of them is…” Hifumi questioned aloud.

“I think it does.” Makoto sat by Ren on the bed as he looked lost in thought. “One of them is the Black Mask.”

“It’s got to be Sugimura then!” Ryuji immediately fired as he stood up from his chair. “The guy’s a complete asshole!”

“Yeah.” Futaba joined in with an angry look. “And based on what Kaneshiro said, he would fit the bill as the criminal! That means he’s the one who killed mom!”

“Hold on,” Yusuke said wearily. “I understand that we could easily accuse Sugimura, but what about Akechi?”

“He hasn’t heard me before now.” Morgana spoke up. “He and Ren have hung out several times and I’ve made comments that he has only brushed off as: That sure is a loud cat.”

“But remember your rule, Morgana.” Mishima spoke up. “If someone hears you inside the Metaverse, then they’ll hear you in the real world.”

“That means Akechi-kun has been inside the Metaverse.” Haru realized.

“But we weren’t anywhere he could hear us!”

“Yes, we were.” Ren lifted his head to face them.

“Right.” Makoto looked troubled. “We were right outside Okumura Food Headquarters. It is possible that Akechi-kun heard us and followed us into the Metaverse unknowingly.”

“But that doesn’t mean Akechi-senpai is the Black Mask criminal!” Sumire protested loudly before she looked sadly at the table. “...Right?”

All went quiet as they processed this. The possibility that Akechi was a villain after everything they went through hung heavy in the air. No one wanted to accept such a possibility.

Except one was willing to vocalize it.

“We can't hold ourselves up on this.” Ren took charge as he stood from the bed. “No matter what the truth, I put my faith in Akechi. I don’t think he is the Black Mask after everything we heard and saw from him.”

“Yeah!” Ryuji agreed with him.

“Then the only thing we can do is try to change Okumura’s heart.” Makoto stood up determined.

“But you all know what this means…” Yusuke looked uneasy. “The Black Mask knows what we are doing, whoever it is, they are going to try and stop us from changing Okumura’s heart.”

“We have to do this!” Ann yelled. “Haru’s future is on the line here!”

Sounds of agreement went around the room before all eyes locked on Haru.

“For my freedom… for my future…” Her gaze hardened. “We have to win this!”


Wednesday, September 14th, 20xx

The Phantom Thieves raced through the palace as they rushed to secure Okumura’s treasure.

“Oracle! Any signs of other people besides us!” Joker called out.

“Nothing! We’re the only ones here!”

“Then let us hurry!” Queen yelled as the thieves climbed up the stairs to reach the docking zone of the UFO.

“There he is!” Skull pointed out as Okumura was making his way to the ramp.

“Stop right there!” Knight yelled.

“You’re done, Okumura!” Joker yelled as the ruler turned around to face them.

“What? …I,” Okumura bowed to the floor. “I’m sorry!”

For a moment, the Phantom Thieves were confused as they approached. As they got within close range of him…

“Gotcha!” Okumura yelled as he stood up and pressed a remote.

Everyone but Noir and Mona was instantly trapped as a blue energy field surrounded them and kept them contained.

“What!?” Noir gasped.

“What the hell!?” Skull shouted in rage.

“Why the f*ck did we fall for that…” Admin shook his head in annoyance.

“Hahahaha! You should have known that I wouldn’t surrender! Not when I'm on the peak of victory!” Okumura boasted before he turned to Haru. “Haru! Come here like a good daughter and accept your fate! Now!”

“NO!” Noir yelled as she ripped off her mask. “MILADY! PSIO”

“Zorro! Garula!” Mona joined in.

The palace ruler grunted as the two attacks hit him hard, causing him to drop the remote and for the forcefield to fade.

“WHY!?” Okumura snarled. “You betray me after everything I did to raise you! Why are you so ungrateful to do your part as an Okumura!?”

“Don’t take me for such a fool…” Noir adjusted her hat. “Everything is just gains and losses for you father… I don’t feel anything for you now. I’ve been in your care for all of my life and you still don’t realize it.” She waved her hand to the side as Milady summoned her weapons. “In this world, there are too many things that money and fame can’t buy! If I do every disgusting thing that you want me to do, then you don’t know the meaning of living! I will live for my bond… and I will take your heart here and now!”

Okumura snarled as he summoned a hover chair and sat in it. “Try saying that after defeating my workers!”

Left and right, five columns of robots began to form as the Thieves all watched the rows of four march in command.

“What the…” Mona looked angry.

“Go! Strike down that pompous f*ckbag that almost shot me and tainted my daughter!” Okumura pointed at Joker as the robots marched on command.

“Guys! The robots all have the same affinities as before! Let them have it!” Oracle called out.

“Carmen! Maragion!”

“Takiysha-Hime! Maragion!”

The two fire attacks annihilated the first wave consisting of blue robots, now putting the yellow robots in the front.

“Seriously!?” Okumura snarled. “Haru come here!”

Suddenly a cognitive blue skinned Haru in an astronaut suit showed up and stood at Okumura’s side.

“What?” Noir looked shocked.

“There are no flaws in my father’s logic.” The cognition replied as she powered up Okumura.

“That’s how he sees me, isn’t it?” Noir looked heartbroken to see the evidence in front of her face.

“Not anymore!” Joker declared. “Everyone keep up the pressure!”

“Goemon! Mabufula!”

“Houdini! Mabufula!”

Fox and Admin teamed up and destroyed the yellow robots without minor struggle either.

“Grr! Kill them you idiots!” Okumura snarled as he buffed up the robots with Matarukaja and Marakukaja.

“Captain Kidd! Mazionga!”

“Johanna! Mafreila!”

The red robots yelled as they faded from sight under the double assault from Queen and Skull. The teal robots marched forward to destroy them.

“Zorro! Magarula!”

“Cendrillon! Makouga!”

The teal robots survived with just a smitch of healthy left, too bad for them Knight chose to take advantage of this.

“Joan! Aeon Rain!”

The gun attack finished the job as the only row of robots left was the bulky green row. They came charging as they went for Joker. Okumura grinned wickedly as they came in close.

“Here come the buffs!” Oracle shouted.

Joker only smirked as he got empowered by the Heat Riser effect. “Arsene! Maeiga!”

Okumura watched in shock as all the green robots fell to the floor before they melted under the power of the Curse attack.

“Grrrr, THAT’S IT! EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR! GET IN HERE!” Okumura roared as he casted Marakunda on all of the thieves.

Another shute came down to reveal a gigantic black robot. It stood at attention before it’s light activated.

“Group up everyone!” Joker shouted as the robot came marching at Noir. It launched an executive Punch right at her.

“Milady! Tetrakarn!”

She immensely applied the barrier to herself just as the punch landed. The robot recoiled as it lost a large chunk of its health from the collision.

“Executive Director! Do your job and wipe out the Phantom Thieves!”

FOR THE ETERNAL PROSPECT OF OUR COMPANY!” The robot echoed as it used Concentrate on itself.

“Everyone! Guard!” Joker called as everyone braced themselves for the attack.

“FOR OKUMURA FOODS!” The robot cried as it used Big Bang Challenge, causing a giant symbol of Big Bang Burger to come in and create an Almighty explosion, hurting everyone moderately before it casted Heat Riser on itself.

“Damn! That attack is messed up!” Skull exclaimed in frustration as Queen and Mona both used Mediarama.

“All-out assault on him now!” Joker ordered as they all rushed the gigantic robot.

“Carmen! Agilao!”

“Houdini! Bufula!”

“Johanna! Freila!”

“Zorro! Garula!”

“Arsene! Eiga!”

The five magic attacks crashed into the giant robot as he took a swing at Noir, who casted Tetrakarn on herself to waste his turn. The Physical attackers proceeded to open fire on him.

“Joan! Aeon Rain!”

“Captain Kidd! Assault Dive!”

“Goemon! Tempest Slash!”

“Takiyasha-Hime! Tempest Slash!”

“Cendrillon! Deadly Fury!”

“Milady! Triple Down!”

The robot howled as the six attacks landed and knocked it off its feet.

“All-out-attack!” Oracle yelled as the eleven combatants descended upon it, trapping it in brutal combo before they all separated and posed, causing the robot to fall to pieces.

“What!? Even him!?” Okumura was panicking. “Someone! Anyone!”

“Game over Okumura!” Joker pointed his pistol and fired at the chair, causing it to malfunction and flip Okumura out of it as he tried desperately to stay on.

“No… My utopia…” The shadow muttered as the treasure lowered.

“It’s over President Okumura.” Queen declared as the treasure rolled towards Okumura.

“No! It’s not over yet! I won’t let it end like this when I’m so close to my utopia!” He yelled as he grabbed the orb and kept it close.

“Come on! You’re acting pretty pathetic right now!” Skull gritted his teeth. “You’re out of troops and you have nothing left to defend you. You’re done!”

“Correct, you are… Phantom Thieves.”

All the thieves felt their eyes go wide before they turned around. Walking towards them was a male person closer cloaked in what appeared to be a greek toga in black with sickly green lines in an X across his chest. His arms and legs were coated in very dark green and black armor as the design showed a reptilian scale design like a snake. He had a black cloak that went above his head and down to his legs as a sniper rifle was attached to his back. Another weapon in the form of a long scythe with a gold blade and black handle was on the other side of his back. Attached to his face was a large black mask in the shape of a snake that hid his eyes as a gold filter kept them from identifying the color. Only his mouth showed the cruel smirk on his face as he clapped his hands together mockingly.

“You!” Okumura looked shocked. “What are you doing here!?”

“Is he…” Panther looked afraid.

“Yes, it is!” Oracle called out. “It’s the Black Mask!”

Said Black Mask gave more claps like he was praising a child before he gave a dark chuckle.

“Correct you are… once again…” He chuckled as he pulled the scythe from behind him.

“What the hell do you want?” Fox went for his katana as he glared at his foe. The Black Mask only scanned his targets like prey to be killed.

“I’m glad you asked…” He cackled as he twirled his long and deadly weapon. “My master has decided to get rid of Okumura for his betrayal.”

“W-W-What?” Okumura began to panic. “No! NO! I gave him my loyalty!”

“Yes you did.” The culprit acknowledged before he gave a dark psychotic grin. “Then you decided to run against him. Naturally, my master is going to get upset by your betrayal. Did you really think that we would save you if the thieves came knocking?”

“No… I don’t… I…” Okumura now looked lost as he stared at the floor.

“What do you mean?” Knight grabbed her spear.

“Oh? Is it not obvious? You Phantom Fools walked right into our trap! A glorious and well calculated plan as we guided Medjed and the rankings of your little site to the top so that we could rip you from your fame and glory.” He grinned wickedly. “Now… It’s time for me to do my job and frame you for my crimes!”

“Good luck with that buddy!” Skull taunted. “It’s eleven against one! You’re at a disadvantage.”

The Black Mask just laughed maniacally in response. “Bold of you to assume that.” He reached up and grabbed his mask before he ripped it off. “PERSONA!”

Suddenly, in a blaze of red fire, an angel in purple cloth and blue skin appeared as he held a sword in his right hand.

“URIEL, BLAZING HELL!” The Black Mask pointed at the Phantom Thieves. The persona obeyed as he blasted all of them with the severe Fire attack.

“Gah!” Fox screamed in pain as he fell. Panther and Venus grunted from their resistance before they charged.

“Carmen! Agilao!”

“Takiyasha-Hime! Tempest Slash!”

The Fire attack did nothing to the Black Mask and he dodged to the side out of the Physical attacks range before he grabbed his mask again.


His persona changed revealing a purple skinned angel with blue armor as he pointed at Venus. The archangel obeyed and blasted Venus right in her weakness, sending her flying away as Skull got caught in the radius of the Wind attack.

“What!? What is this!? Why did it change!?” Oracle exclaimed in fear as she tried to analyze the new shadow.

“He has the same power as Joker!?” Queen sounded scared.

“This is impossible!” Mona dreaded.

“Fight wisely! Don’t let him get to Okumura!” Joker commanded with a shaky but also firm tone as the rest of the thieves went on the offensive.

The Black Mask chuckled in a cruel tone as he reached for his mask again. “Gabriel! Psycho Blast!”

Once again, a new demon appeared before it blasted Knight and Queen off their feet. Leaving Joker, Panther, Admin, Noir, Mona and Violet left standing.

But the Black Mask pointed at Panther. “DIAMOND DUST!”

Gabriel obeyed and blasted Panther immediately, sending her flying as she hit the floor with a loud thud.

Noir came in and swung her ax, but the Black Mask immediately dodged her strike as he snapped his fingers.

“Uriel! Cosmic Flare!”

The first angel came back out and blasted everyone as Noir got knocked to the floor from her Nuclear weakness.

“Houdini! Bufula!”

Black Mask shook his head mockingly. “Micheal! Wild Thunder!”

Once again, a new demon appeared. This time being an orange angel with gold armor as he lifted his hand high. In a second, dozens of electrical bolts crossed the field as not only was Houdini’s Ice attack completely destroyed, but the electric spell hit Admin hard while Mona nearly dodged. Mona and Violet both tried to double team him, but the Black Mask brought his scythe up and slashed at them both, sending them flying back as his weapon drew blood from both.

He grabbed his mask as he yelled, “Raphael! Maeigaon!”

Both Mona and Violet were blasted out of the air as the heavy Curse attack hit home. Letting off loud screams as they rolled on the floor in pain.

Joker looked around and saw his teammates on the floor, unable to get up as they tried to push through the pain. A slow chuckle drew his attention back to the Black Mask as he dragged his scythe against the floor, drawing sparks as he stared the leader of the Phantom Thieves down.

“And then…” he began mockingly. “There was one… One little weakling that remained.”

“Joker! None of the angels resist Curse! Fire away!” Oracle spoke to Joker alone out of the Black Mask’s earrange.

Joker narrowed his eyes in rage before he ripped off his mask. “Arsene! Assault Shot!”

The Black Mask widened his eyes as he got blasted by the Gun attack. Joker wasted no time as he got in close and began slashing up his armor with his knife. The culprit made sounds of pain as he felt every last strike as Joker went for a kick to his chest.

“Arsene! Eiga!”

The Black Mask grinned mockingly as he snapped his fingers. As the curse attack hit him, it stuck before it melted into his skin, drawing wide eyes from Joker as the Black Mask stood up unharmed.

“Man… all of that work… and you had to go and f*ck up the ride…” He mocked before he grabbed his mask. “Micheal! Makougaon!”

Joker didn’t have enough time to change his mask before the heavy Bless attack hit him head on. Like everyone else that tried to fight, he got knocked down. Just as Fox and Venus were making moves to recover, The Black Mask chose to put an end to it.

“Michael! Megidolaon!”

The orange angel held out his hand as the Almighty orb charged up and flew at all of the downed thieves. Oracle let out a scream in horror as everyone got hit hard before they laid there on the floor with a silent and broken Okumura not even paying attention.

One by one, The Black Mask observed all of his downed foes with a dark smile before he let out a dark maniacal laugh. “Seriously! And my boss was concerned that any of you were threats!? Ha! You’re nothing but yesterday’s trash!” He boasted as he walked past each one of them and up to the terrified Okumura. Slowly, he sheathed his scythe and grabbed his rifle before he pointed the barrel right at the ruler's head.

Noir had just managed to push herself to her hands and knees as she reached out weakly. “Father… no…”

The Black Mask chuckled as he saw the lifeless look in Okumura’s eyes. “Game over, Okumura.”

With that, he reached for the trigger as he went for the kill to secure the latest victim of his mental shutdown’s…

“ROBIN HOOD! MEGATION RAID!” a new voice shouted.

“Wha!?” The Black Mask looked shocked as the kinetic arrow crashed into his chest. And because he was caught off guard, he got sent flying, going all the way back to the entrance as he slid on his feet to the very edge.

All eyes went up in shock. Okumura lifted his head in disbelief as a blue saber blocked his vision. He looked up the arm to see the man who saved his life.

To the eyes of everyone, a brown-haired figure in a black and silver regalia with silver tassels on his shoulders. On his face was a long burgundy mask as his red eyes remained locked on the target of his justice. Behind him stood a tall archer figure in a red-white-blue color scheme as he had a RH logo on his breastplate. The gold bow in his hand was almost as tall as him as he kept it trained on the Black Mask.

“Shoot him dead, Robin Hood!” The newcomer shouted.

Robin Hood, obeyed with a smirk as he fired arrow after arrow at the Black Mask, who could only guard as the archer openly fired on him.

But of course, his attack ran on Physical, and the newcomer had the archer stop before he casted Diarama on himself. Slowly, the Phantom Thieves began to recover as Joker, Mona and Queen went to work with their healing spells.

The Black Mask snarled as he stared his new foe down. “Who the hell are you!?”

The figure let out a triumphant smirk. “My name… is Crow! And I am here to save Okumura from you and your twisted master! You want Okumura, Black Mask?” he lifted his saber and pointed at the criminal. “Come and get him, bastard!”

Everyone blinked as they heard his declaration. The Black Mask began to chuckle.

“I see… If we’re going into this stupid codename bullsh*t…” he lifted a hand to his chin. “Then you can call me… Snake.” he put his rifle away and pulled back out his scythe. “If you're so insistent on getting in my way… then I’ll show you my true power!”

Slowly, a red pillar of fire began to build around him as he began to chuckle. “God… it’s been so long so I’ve cut loose… I must thank you for giving me something to kill with my true persona.” He threw his head back as his mask disappeared from his face.


In a burst of red light, a new persona appeared. The persona had charcoal gray skin as golden marks in the shape of cut marks like he had been chopped to pieces beforehand as the color danced around his arms and legs. He was dressed in a simple gold toga as he held a scythe of his own in his right hand. Two sickles were strapped to his hips as he wore greek sandals on his feet. From his malicious and evil mouth was the line of an intestine that he was chewing on, giving the picture that he just devoured someone as his yellow slitted eyes started down Crow with a bloodthirsty grin.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Snake howled in excitement as the Persona snapped his fingers and summoned a horde of shadows.

“What the…” Oracle began her scan on the new persona. “Guys! This is his true power! It’s miles above the other personas!”

Crow glared at his foe as Snake snapped his fingers, causing a red aura to rain down on the summoned shadows before they began to go black with a malicious growl.

“What did he just do!?” Panther yelled.

“What is that aura!?” Queen shouted to the Navi.

“I don’t know!” She responded to both of them. “Whatever it did though, it just made the shadows incredibly dangerous!”

“Now!” Snake cackled. “Let’s see what you can bring to the table, shall we!? Do you truly think your pathetic archer can stand a chance against me!?”

Crow chuckled as he brought his saber to his side.

“Perhaps you are right.” He nodded. “Maybe Robin Hood can’t take you…” He grinned as he went, “But I know what has a chance!”

Blue fire began to dance around him as Snake watched with suspicion. Crow’s grin went wider as he watched his foe. “You want my true power? Fine! I’ll show you… My true power!” The blue fire burned brighter as he threw his head back.

“Come… LOKI!”

The column exploded again, this time revealing a horned individual in a black and white striped color scheme and red braids blowing off the back of his head as he sat on top of a giant red sword with a look of boredom. His yellow slitted eyes continued the look of boredom before he got off his sword and began to spin it rapidly in front of him.

“What the… That’s not Robin Hood!” Oracle shouted.

“How is this possible!?” Mona looked so lost. "People aren't supposed to have more than one persona!"

Crow howled as Loki’s power began to flow through him. A sad*stic laughter began to echo from him before he turned his bloodthirsty grin on Snake.

“Now! Let’s watch you drop dead in front of the Phantom Thieves and your latest target, shall we!?”

Snake growled as he and Kronos readied themselves for a fight.

“DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEE!” Crow howled as he and Loki lunged at Snake and Kronos with murderous intent.

The battle for Okumura’s life had just begun.


Hope you all enjoyed.

See you all Saturday for the next chapter: Black Mask: Round 1!

Flames of Rebellion: Royal - BlazingMoon375 (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.